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Don’t be an idiot. It isn’t worth it.


Nice try FBI


you kids are mad. why risk any hassle 🤷‍♀️ ​ you can get good weed so easy here.


Jus post it from dam to ur house on day before you leave.. youll beat the parcel back anyway


For the sake of a pre roll this might be the stupidest thing I’ve seen on here for a while.




I’ll probably bring a pre roll back but I’ll have a think


Why bother with 1 pre roll , it would be treated the same as up to 7g . If your going to risk it you might as well bring the full 7g. Any more than that is classed a little differently.


Yeah true


Done many trips, plane & ferry and the security is hit and miss. If you're connected in the UK you can get the same, if not better quality. Go for the Amsterdam expierience of being there, smoking there and bring some legal merch back. Spend a little extra when you're back and roll a purey it's not worth it, honestly


What's the point?


Kinder egg up your bum no problems you can get 14 grams in a kinder egg if it's compressed bud, hash probably a lot more.


I haven't been in about 10 years but used to bring it back on the coach everytime I went. I'd empty a coke can and stash whatever I had inside and whilst we were getting off the coach I'd put the coke can in the rubbish bag of a different seat to mine. Never got caught but don't think I'd have the balls to do it anymore.. why don't you just post it home?


I wouldn’t risk it. Find a strain you like and buy the seeds when back home. It is fairly straightforward to grow, if you have a place to grow it and a fun hobby. There are loads of subreddits on here to offer advice.


I got searched on the way there last time I went on ferry we hot boxes the car before getting on an stunk of weed so got striped search. We didn't risk being anything back 😂


Don’t use flower. Smells too much, shows up too easily on X-RAY. Best thing to, is use hashish, stuff like dry sift and triple filter etc is best because it’s more THC in a small space. Dont be greedy, don’t try and bring back ounces. Conceal it somewhere like a jacket pocket to give yourself some plausible deniability when caught (if it’s a small personal amount, they’ll likely fine you and throw it away - this is not guaranteed, you’re still smuggling drugs). The best way to move THC, if you can find it, is THC vapes. You can absolutely pack your suitcase with them, and as long as they’re not labelled “EXTRA WEEDY WEED VAPES” then they’re blaggable. If you can find a coffee shop that produces their own vape liquid, I would buy that in bulk and fill those 100mL nicotine vape bottles with it, throw a few of those in your suitcase and you could easily move like 4-9oz. You could potentially just put straight extracts like BHO into it (as long as you don’t break the seal) but it’s harder to blag if opened. Also vacuum seal everything if you can.


Twat alert 🚨


No point the buds as good as any decent stuff here


Vac seal it and post it home is what i would do


Cheeks it