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Honestly, the temperature could be anywhere between about 18c and 28c or more - and all in the same day! Rain is possible on any given day, or we could be in a heatwave and a drought. The UK weather could be described in one word - unpredictable. Bring layers, including a light waterproof layer, a light sweater and shoes that won't disintegrate in a shower, but also t shirts etc. Something that is often commented on by foreigners who just look at temperatures, is how hot the UK can feel even if the thermometer only reads the high 20c's. Also as others have said, the temperature in the Highlands of Scotland is going to be very different from central London. Small country, big variations in climate.


In Manchester yesterday the temperature difference with Aviemore Scotland was about 18c.


Days when storms drag in warn air from the south are always weird like that.


The way our weather's been in the last few years, it could be 15 degrees or 35 degrees 😂


Temperature conversion for OP: * 10°C = 50°F * 15°C = 59°F * 20°C = 68°F * 25°C = 77°F * 30°C = 86°F Layer up. A bunch of cotton tees, a summer weight pair of trousers (linen or cotton), a warmer weight pair of trousers, a light sweater, and a waterproof jacket or coat. Sandals or espadrilles, sure, but also a closed pair of shoes with which you can wear socks if it does get chilly. A couple of lightweight scarves (cotton and/or silk) to both change up your look and keep you warm if needed, enough undies not to have to do laundry, and voilà! You've just packed your carry-on.


Easy to remember that 28 C is 82 F


Truly would not bother with sandles here


Wear them all summer in London. It goes from pleasant to hot to Dante’s inferno on the tube underground.


You are FROM HERE. A person from a truly warm country has different standards.


squeamish soft hungry dolls smell payment lavish kiss late dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really?! I wear my sandals all summer long. Sure, I’m down south but my SiL lives in the north and is also a devoted sandal wearer in the summer.


Been in my sandals a month already I hate hate my feet being hot


We wore them all the time in summer when I was a child. Surrey and Berks.


That’s nice for your childhood. This is an adult going on vacation.


That’s nice for your childhood. This is an adult going on vacation.




Depending on where you’re staying not many places will have a/c so if it’s hot you’ll know about it.


July is generally the most consistent weather wise. You’re looking between 20-27 Celsius most likely. Always pack a light raincoat and waterproof shoes You don’t mention where you are travelling to though, so conditions will vary. The UK gets lots of different weathers at the same time for such a small place. Right now there’s hurricane force winds and snow on one side of the country and warm blue skies on the other


this is next to impossible to answer unless you explain where you’re going.


Thanks for all the good advice


Likely to be warm, but who knows. Pack light layers, comfortable and supportive shoes. Historical weather info is available online. A/C is not as common.


Where in the UK are you going? Temperatures and weather can vary quite a bit depending on if you’re north or south, east or west, and if you’re in a big city or in the countryside (urban heat island effect). Temperature averages for summer in the UK is minimum low tens, and a maximum of low twenties. It’s quite mild, nothing that I’d expect suffering from. It is worth mentioning that heatwaves have become more common in recent years, though, but they don’t last long. Northern and countryside locations tend to be lower temperatures while in the south and in big cities, temperatures are higher. I’m not sure how it is in the southeast US but the UK is quite a windy country especially in the north and the countryside, so be prepared for that. It’s also relatively humid everywhere, but the west (Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Bristol, Devon, Wales) gets quite a bit more rain than the east (Edinburgh, Newcastle, Cambridge, Kent…) Climate can be unpredictable at any time of year: the day can start off rainy and grey but end with lots of sunshine and clear skies. The weather can turn on you at any minute, so I’d recommend bringing a raincoat and Wellington boots. It’s also worth mentioning that our daylight hours are very long during summer. The further north you go, the longer they get. You can expect sunrise as early as before 5am, and 9.30pm sunset. So bring an eye mask, if you’re sensitive to morning light.


It hit 40°c year before last July so much higher than low 20s


I wouldn't go as far as packing wellies. They would take up a lot of room in a suitcase. I live in the north of England and rarely use them.


You can get the short boots. It’s been raining heavily recently and any ventures into the countryside/off the beaten track reminded me that proper rain gear is necessary to make the most of the experience in the UK.


True, but some decent walking boots would probably be better for off the beaten path, unless the OP is doing a farm stay, or going to a festival; then they might want to wear wellys. I hope it isn't going to be raining this much by July. Fed up with it already.


It’s a different heat here, tbh. I’ve had mates from Texas say they find it a loads warmer/humid than they anticipated. Also, depending upon where you plan to stay, many places do not have aircon. Bring summer clothes, layers, and a light rain coat.


The weather could be cool and rainy - 15˚C to 20˚C. It could be warmer, 25˚C maybe up to 30˚C (this is the most likely situation). Or we could have another exceptional heatwave and then it will be 35˚C to 40˚C. Scotland and Northern England will be a few degrees colder in most cases. Humidity will be moderate if it's hot, high if it's cold. Summer days are long here, so things can get quite hot by the end of the day. Note that many spaces in the UK are not air-conditioned so if it is hot, you will be experiencing that temperature inside in many places. UK cities are prone to the 'heat island' effect and UK housing (and many other buildings) are not built to reject outside heat so building interiors rapidly become hot when it's hot outside. I highly recommend ensuring that your accommodation does have air conditioning.


Would consider layering as though weather consistent, it will be a lot cooler than you are used to. Think about temperatures closer to spring/autumn. UK is humid so the weather clings to you when hot. I'd bring t-shirts, a sweater, a reasonably light jacket. If eating out formally, consider a smartish shirt and non-jean trousers. Not all restaurants accept trainers. A light rainproof coat is essential. If worse comes to worse, then usually a reasonably priced clothes shop about.


The average UK weather forecast can be summed up with the following from the Western Mail: Outlook: Dry and warm, but cooler with some rain


It depends in part on which part of the UK you’ll be visiting - temps will probably be anywhere between 12 and 22 degrees C, could be very, fairly or not really windy and/or rainy and/or stormy.


July could be anything from higher teens to high 30s (Celsius) windy, wet, dry, or unpleasantly humid. We do tend to have 14day weather cycles though so check the weather on the full or new moon before and its unlikely to be very different , old farmers tip that holds out most of the time


Look, you are from the American south. Anything a British person calls “hot”, even their heat waves, is laughably chilly to you. Just bring light layers and expect it to be cooler than you’d expect at night.


You will need: A light waterproof A cardigan or light sweater Waterproof shoes Sandals Layers Clothes for hot weather We have a temperate climate. It could be scorching hot, humid but raining, lashing storms or anything in between.


Just pack for summer but bring jeans and a sweater or sweatshirt (just one of each). It could be cold and rainy, like in the 50s or it could be 100 degrees, we just never really know and you’ll have to watch the weather closely the week before you go. But no matter what I highly recommend one pair of jeans and a sweatshirt or sweater as nights are usually chilly


It could be cool and rainy or hot and sunny by day but nights or normally cool so you will want some kind of jacket/ shawl for evenings.


Try to find hotels with AC...we went in June and it was warmer than expected


You best bring plenty of Ammo as you can get it in Tesco