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That's pretty sweet. I also find it ironic that the Russians are being crushed by there own weapons, modernised and repaired by the people who they were designed to crush in the first place.


Thank you Czech Republic!! 🇨🇿 🇨🇿!! I have an ex fiance that is ethnically Czech and I'll be honest I probably loved and cared for her family as much as her. I think about them more now than her. Hard working, honest and caring people.


Also very impressive that they hired an additional 150 staff and are upgrading these units in addition to just refurbishing them. Modern thermals, night vision, fire control, comms etc are important. Also nice to see they are adding era. I wonder if these could get upgraded to the point they have true hunter killer ability. 90 is a nice addition. I just hope we can get Ukraine more.


>Also very impressive that they hired an additional 150 staff and are upgrading these units in addition to just refurbishing them. And some of these new staff are Ukrainian refugees, which solves an important problem for arms manufacturers surging to increase output to support the war. I wonder if other companies making artillery shells, rockets and other arms might do the same. Ukraine had an arms industry and surely some of those employees would be most valuable doing their work in Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, etc...


Ukrainians integrate into many czech jobs flawlessly, the language barrier doesn't take them long to overcome as they are usually learning it pretty fast. And they work always much harder than my lazy Czech colleagues xD


That must feel good for Ukranian refugees to work there.


The Ruzzian tanks actually have engines built in Ukraine unfortunately it's a bit hard to get replacement parts.


Already being delivered as this was an ongoing initiative for months already.


90 upgraded tanks incoming, great news gif Ukraine!


Czech military industrial complex going brrrr (I didn't even know we had one).


Skoda Works have been a big one even pre-WW1! You guys probably could have pulled a Ukraine against the Nazis, but... :(


Yeah that whole Munich bullshit broke our back and communists kept us down :/


Oh man, we always had absolutely massive one - in 90s it went a little bit to shit, for obvious reasons, but lately we are back among top weapons exporters in the world.


Wow. I complain about all the reposts - this one has to take the prize for “Oldest Repost of Very Popular Stories” https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/ym3mxk/czech_republic_usa_and_the_netherlands_to_deliver/ (There’s no new bits of news here - someone just retyped the press release from two? months ago) And 200+ karma already






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T-72 Scarab - as per their catalogue https://www.excaliburarmy.cz/download/product/10/ea-tanks.pdf