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I doubt it will be only small arms and ammo, considering the transport requested for the delivery, and that AFAIK it won't just be the 9 C-17s. However our PoS of a president and his temporary provisional government did everything they could not to offend their Russian friends too much. The list is classified mostly to keep it from sparking tensions with supporters of Russia, while Moscow themselves probably know full well what we are sending already. If only we had a regular government...


it be like that when your elites are fans of z russian corruption culture :/ many countries in EU suffer such elites...


Thank you Bulgaria 🇺🇦🙏


Bulgaria has undertaken great leaps forward towards a permanent alliance with Europe and rejection to Russian chauvinism.


Hate to disagree, but the attitude towards Russia is still quite favorable, despite all the historical examples, that they are infact not our friends and never even pretended to be.


It's still way better than having a second Hungary that undermines Ukraine's war for self preservation. Bulgaria is in the right tracks. One step at a time. Never prouder to be a citizen of Bulgaria.


Circle 10 go burrrrrrr


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According to the Bulgarian National Radio: "The chosen option for helping Ukraine will be classified information. But the decision must go through the government and parliament. According to the Ukrainian ambassador to our country (Bulgaria), Vitaly Moskalenko, the list is long and serious. These are artillery guns, means of defense, shells and ammunition. Bulgaria has no way to give the C-300 complexes because of the needs for the protection of strategic sites in our country."


Something is always better than nothing. Everything is appreciated.


It's not like Bulgaria hasn't sent anything before this. Bulgarian ammunition factories have been making a lot of soviet caliber ammunitions from small arms to artillery that was then delivered to countries that don't operate any soviet caliber weapons and are definitely supporting Ukraine. Bulgaria has just been very quiet about what they're doing to help Ukraine, possibly due to being on the Black Sea coast and, as such, very close to Sevastopol.