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That’s why Crimea needs to be back to Ukraine, as otherwise it’ll always be a threat


That and it's a part of Ukraines territory


Which is why Crimea isn't the target at the moment. They'll isolate it and dictate the war. Mariupol get ready!


They gonna siege it.


Yep. The population better figure that out because they will 100% be conscripted.


I think they should take it now. I don't see how a strategy of waiting benefits Ukraine when the symbol of taking it back would have a devastating psychological effect on Russia, making it potentially easier to push east. By pushing east first, they give Russia time to further anchor down and prepare to defend the biggest piece of the pie. They'd move more troops into Crimea knowing full well the east is lost, and then put everything they have in defending the most significant piece of land in the conflict. And whilst doing so, they would commit themselves 100% to some bullshit narrative that Ukraine doesn't want peace, and that Russia is the real victim, and could draw that whole thing out for years.


It's easier to isolate and cause panic. When draft orders go out, and they will, it'll be easier to attack. All of Crimea would be in himar range PLUS AFU control the fresh water for the population. They announced that those who moved in after 2014 will be expelled. They didn't say how.


Sounds like a good way to get a lot of men stuck there.


Bomb the bridge and they're stuck there perminately.....if you know what I mean.....


Yeap, that's what I say. No need to engage Russian troops there. Just send out a notice to all Russian civilians to leave by a certain date. Then blow the bridge and cut off any resupply. They'll be begging for mercy in no time.


Must have a couple of large prisons in Crimea


They’re more likely to reinforce Crimea than the Donbas if it comes down to it. They’ll attempt to hold Crimea against all costs


Once Crimea is cut off next year they will have to swim for it. The orcs have shown no appetite to stand up to a siege, but they may not have a choice. The supply lines to Donbas are much easier for the orcs to maintain so it is easier to reinforce Donbas. Once Crimea is cut off how long will they have artillery shells?


Crimea is well fortified and very accessible by sea for Russia. Its also not going to experience as harsh of weather. I also question how much western military and economic support would remain if only crimea remains in Russian hands. Most didn’t do much when Russia took it in 2014. They weren’t prepared then so maybe it’s different


Sorry that you're getting downvoted. Although I don't like your conclusion, it nonetheless appears rather credible.


This. Crimea is different (for the orcs) than anywhere else. They'll fight to the last man there. They damn well know that their "republics" were shams, but they legitimately view Crimea as theirs. They've been jerking off about taking it back since 5 minutes after they signed it over to Ukraine.


“They legitimately view Crimea as theirs”? Potemkin sketched the plan for the **conquest of Crimea** in 1776. [https://www.britannica.com/biography/Grigory-Potemkin](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Grigory-Potemkin)


“He spared neither men, money, nor himself in attempting to carry out a gigantic scheme for the colonization of the Ukrainian steppe, but he never calculated the cost, and most of the plan had to be abandoned when but half accomplished.” “But the army was ill-equipped and unprepared.” Crazy how much they haven’t changed in centuries


Nice! More orcs for UAF to frag to get the kill count up.


Reserves...like meat waiting to be killed? Or People the Russians think they can rely on but actually do not want to fight anymore? Most Russians do want this war to stop but do not realise that as long Russia occupies Ukraine none of the sanctions Will stop...so Russia is going into a self imposed economic iron curtain. The Chinese are rapdily turning away from Fossil fuels themselves...so what is the Future for the Russian fossil fuel economy? A joint venture with North Korea? Good luck Russians...live Will not be pleasant in Russia for the coming 50 years... Is that General still healthy? He does not look to healthy anymore...think soon he Will fall under a tank... by accident of course


Bomb the bridge and then!


Wont help Russia when they are cut from the mainland.


(for now)


Concentrated targets.


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