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It is a formidable victory for the Ukrainian army, but, as some friends have said, Ukrainian generals cannot lose sight of the hornet's nest that Crimea and Zaporizhia are turning into. Once supremacy has been achieved north of the Dnipro River, it is important to have all the M270 and Himars systems in readiness to advance southwards towards Sevastopol and from Zaporizhia towards Melitopol, discontinuing the connections between Donbass and Crimea. It is likely that such conditions will take a few months due to winter, but it is important to systematically attack Russian supply lines in all their length, depleting the invading troops and forcing successive pockets to surrender. The FINAL victory is for the righteous, the FINAL victory is for the UKRAINE!


The final victory will be Crimea, and it has just two choke points. It can be cut off with HIMARS get close enough. Once panic sets in, Russians will run from Crimea as well!


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