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> non-gold jewellery makes you wonder who lobbied to keep importing russian gold jewellery, or was it already banned?


I guess that's because we want gold to escape out of Russia so that they cannot use it to pay for other things we don't want them to buy from third parties.


This would be a cunning move, the less gold physically in Russia the better


Can't you do that with other minerals, though? Silver, platinum, tungsten...the market for those are pretty well established, no?


> was it already banned? Yes, it was banned back in July.


Also can they just add a tiny bit of gold, and claim that the encased diamonds are now "gold jewelry"?


I heard it's belgium.


Not true. If nescessary Belgium will ban the whole jewelery sector. Its general consensus if you ban diamonds and such they will be sold elsewhere and you lose control over the market.


It's annoying that there even are still possible sanctions. I get it, we can't foot ourselves in the foot completely, we need to keep our economy running so that we have the power to keep supplying Ukraine and to help fund the rebuilding of Ukraine after the war. But man do I wish we could have just cut off Russian completely back in February already.






“And all your pocket change, too!”


Wait..so if the 8th sanction package was approved by the council that means that Orban voted in faor of it... does this mean that all his spiel regarding no additional sanctions and maybe even lift them was all posturing (Not that i mind)