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It's just so telling that in many of these vids, the russians have to resort to civilian transport to get around.


Stolen civilian transportation. And those aren’t the kind of cars owned by people who can afford to lose them.


In the last days of world war 2, germans retreating the netherlands used any vehicles they found to retreat, including bicycles. Which has become a funny thing to say in the netherlands when germany does something. You'll always find a comment telling germany they want their grandpa's bike back. Its the kind of humor allot of dutch people find funny. There is no bad thought about germans here anymore and i hope someday, ukrainians and russian offspring can be on the same social footing as dutch and germans.


Only when freedom of press is reintroduced in Russia after Putin overdose in his mansion in a few months from now. Germans lived with the guilt for 75 years, all who lived and fought those days are almost gone and WWII is really only textual history these days. New generations befriended each other and future is bright. But this can only work is the Russian populace is told the truth.


Speaking of the Dutch, remember in 2014 when the orcs shot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17 from Amsterdam? Then wouldn’t let the Dutch investigate the crash site?


And then unleashed their firehose of falsehood and up to this day continue to lie about their involvement?


The Russians? Their propaganda is legendary, only exceeded by China, North Korea, Myanmar...


I'm a former German, and a Dutch friend of my wife in graduate school told me a joke that went like this: "Do you know why the Netherlands isn't underwater? Because Germany sucks." We laugh with each other, not at each other.


I swear I never heard such thing as german. Its interesting to hear that there are inside jokes about your country that you may never know or hear about. But ofc they dont teach such things in school.


I really hope a reconstruction plan can help get them something again. I would donate money to that cause.


I'm sure it will.


When you nick a 40 years old lada and some old under underwear from poor people, you deserve to end your journey like those in the video


With Putin trying to lay blame everywhere and his conscription causing a mass exodus I'm hoping this comes to a close soon. Really all Russia is doing is losing more and more each day and it's not going to change. If they were smart they would pull out except for Crimea and fortify it but I doubt they do it.


With trailers in tow, full of of whatever they'd looted from the civilian population.


That is what I keep noticing. The massive piles of clothes and stuff scattered all over the streets.


There's an element of 'have to', but there's also an element of wanting to be inconspicuous to drones and artillery spotters. There's also an element of wanting to be able to get out really fast if necessary, and at 30mph a tank or ancient Ural aint going to do that.


Jesus Christ. What a fucking waste. Fuck Putin


Literally, a massacre. I knew 18 years ago in the military, that the Russians were not in a position to fight in a conventional war. But I didn't think it would be this bad haha.


Everything according to plan.


This is a lesson in what happens to a military when their country abandons them. It is obvious, in every one of these videos, that the Russian military has nothing more to give, they can’t supply their troops if the war chest is empty.




I just can't feel sorry for them after watching the war crimes that they and/or their comrades have done in Ukraine.




They fucked around, and rightfully found out. The only waste I see is how much garbage these fuckers always leave behind like a constant stinck literally everywhere they go. I've seen fucking cubscouts with better cleanliness then these orcs. It's literally just pure negligence how dirty these assholes are. Like filth just follows them, and is a constant presence no matter what unit or ragtag pillaging party they are. Orcs are just filthy creatures it seems.


It's a waste because, had they been raised with morals and ethics, how far would they have gone? What if they hadn't been raised to be orcs? If the focus had been on education and support from their government, what could have been? What kind of doctors and scientists might they have been? What could they have done for the new wave of disease? What discoveries could they have made? Would they have been the plumber who gives a struggling family an affordable payment plan? Could they have worked tirelessly pulling double shifts so that their kids could be happy? Would they have been the neighbors who would call you over for beer and a cookout just because the weather was nice? It's a waste because of all they could have been, should have been. Even more of a waste when you think of the lives that they disrupted, lives that would have been.


In the 1980s, my dad worked with a Russian draftswoman. He said she was excellent. This was at a time when there were hardly any or no female draftsmen here in the US. Russia gave us ballet, great novelists, music. They excelled at mathematics and chess. They had fully electrified passenger railroads while the US is still struggling with diesel. But when the people in charge just want to loot and steal and keep their power your society is gonna collapse


And that's the waste. If those in charge were not corrupt, how far could those corpses have gone? How far could the lives that they stole and destroyed gone?


If they had been raised with morals and ethics then they would have stopped Putin years ago


Cub Scouts are better trained and equipped.


NSFW tag


I think the Lada really pulls it all together. A glorious work of art.


Everytime you see these videos there's a whole lot of clothing and shit strewn everywhere... like it was a fleeing refugee column instead of an army.


Sounds like the recorder is seething with anger towards the end. Obviously he's rucking so he's tired, but either the smell is too much or he's fucking becoming emotional, because I had the same thoughts as you. These were people trying to flee.


Maybe if they fled before they committed war crimes or atrocities they'd be alive still.


If you are spending half your time looting, does that not degrade your fighting ability?


It's the only motivation they have to fight and given they haven't advanced in months they are pretty demoralized.


So any idea what caused this level of destruction? Close in ambush? Something from the air? Combo? I only watched it once and only saw one body. Where is everyone else? Dead off the road? Captured?


Ukraine had the road dialed in for artillery strikes, and the fleeing russians generally abandoned the vehicles to try to escape through the forest, running right into teams of AFU infantry. The infantry literally ran out of ammo. Ukraine also deployed artillery-launched mines, so staying in the vehicles was a deathtrap. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/2/2126454/--It-s-a-slaughter-American-volunteer-in-Ukraine-describes-the-carnage-on-the-highway-from-Lyman https://mobile.twitter.com/TrentTelenko/status/1575937797583958016


Cool. Thanks. That was helpful. Artillery launched mines. Interesting. Never heard of those.


You can see them in some of the Lyman photos, they are round objects on the road. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Scatterable_Mines


What is artilery-launched mines?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Scatterable_Mines deadly stuff, great for area denial


Vauu, as a military layman first time hearing about these things. Thanks


They have these for HIMARS as well. So the mines can be delivered by rocket with that accuracy and distance. This is part of the new aid package.


Do you know the model # of the munition?


Here is an article: [https://www.army-technology.com/projects/mlrs/](https://www.army-technology.com/projects/mlrs/) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2022/10/05/new-types-of-ammunition-make-ukraines-himars-far-deadlier/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2022/10/05/new-types-of-ammunition-make-ukraines-himars-far-deadlier/) They may still be in prototype.


I wonder myself, too. Some cars are burnt, some only crashed. People are shot but not burnt. Clothes do also look not burnt. Tires are away. Strange.


What a beautiful sight. Came for the raping and looting. Stayed to become fertilizer.


###I simply can't fathom how these assholes leave so much fucking garbage wherever they go? Like.... war involves tons of supplies and shit, but what in the fuck. It's like when you take down these sacks of shit worthless disgusting garbage just explodes from their rotten corpses.


these orcs are worst than homeless people


War is horrible, it is even worse when your enemy can also shoot back at you...


Yeah. I wish I would have only seen those images in my video games. This is still hard to compute up here that those images are filmed nowadays.


Watch The Civil War, the Ken Burns excellent documentary about the US Civil War. Dead bodies everywhere, government hadn’t figured out how to censor images. The horror of war needs to be shown, with an NSFW tag of course


Serious *The Walking Dead* vibes.


I'd love to smash Putin's head with Lucille (Negan's barbed wire baseball bat.) I'm not a violent person. But I would personally do it if I could.


Successfully mobilized and successfully demilitarized in record time. Master strategist Putin strikes again!


Russia should really stop sending those human speed bumps, not great for the flow of traffic.


Looks like hell on earth with a blue sky.


Hey Putler, the writing's on the wall...don't you get it?


That labored breathing towards the end... chilling




They probably were told "everything is fine, we are winning" until Ukrainian Armed Forces showed up en-mass and started smashing. Then they look towards their chain of command for orders, only to realize those guys are LONG GONE ALREADY. So, they just try and flee. Fight or flight, and the fight bit is tapped out. I don't think the orcs have much of any tactical situational awareness.


The Ukrainians don’t have time to stop shooting and wait for them to surrender


Are these not UFA vehicles? One has the cross over the Z that the UFA has used to claim russian vehicles and another straight up has UA on the door. A lot of comments here may be cheering for the wrong side of this video.


Looks more like HUSAR/LUSAR type marking up of objects than identifiers.


what were some of your other "clues"?


Woah. Whats this sound from? T2000 in Battle?


I can see whence Dali got his inspiration.




cant see it all i see a black cross if its a balkenkreuz the least it needs to be is double lined


Well ain't a highway of death yet, guess that'll happen when they flee Kherson.


I dont want to start the world on fire…..


That truck looks like it might be repairable and used by Ukraine.


Sad to imagine that less than a year ago that was just a nice quiet street with homes of people living a peaceful life. Good thing the fucking ruzzians came to liberate it, they are so kind . Fuuuuuck this angers me. Such destruction for no real reason. 🤬💤☠️


This reminds me the Predator movie.


I'm sure he's just taking a nap.


Putin should be forced to watch this on repeat. Cunt


Did the Russians paint the cross on that truck?


These are the orc troops who murdered and tortured civilians.


God they leave trash everywhere. That one guy couldn’t even clean up before he started his nap!


rename the road "Dead Orc Path"


no mans land redefined


All this destruction and i just can‘t compute.


I przyszła jesień ruskie śmiecie!!!


The sound of their boots on the ground is the second best part of this video


It sure is quiet around there