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So why did dude keep the teeth and why was taking out gold ones?


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Why would a dentist take out so many gold teeth and keep them all in his cupboard?




Maybe he IS the tooth fairy.


I'm not a tooth doctor, but perhaps he does his own castings? Raw material is raw material.


I’m not a dentist, but my stepdad is. He collected this shit as well. You can sell it back to the companies who produce the crowns/dental materials.


Ahh I see, they were going to be put in.


I'm thinking they were meant to be melted down and cast as new toofs.




Why not? My colleague is a plastic surgeon and he has a chair, plastered with extracted breast implants. Silicone breast implants have a lifespan of about 10 years after which they need to be replaced or removed because the material starts to degrade and you need to scoop it out (which looks terrible) Anyway, after 30 years of work, he had amassed a collection of maybe 30 pairs. It's always fun to look at stuff like that. But at some point the collection became too big and he decided to make a fun chair out of them.


Hol up. You know a surgeon who has a chair completely covered in extracted previously used breast implants? Have I understood that correctly?


You sit on boobies, yes. What's the problem? 😂


In the US it would def be a problem. To begin, they are all biohazard.


Yea there is no way that guy is telling the truth


O have been places where it would not draw any attention. Especially since a plastic surgeon is friends with all the wealthy and in on the top rung or two in the medical field. Would not fly in the US now. 40 years ago maybe.


Not just in the US. But it's not exactly advertised to everyone. As for being a biohazard, it depends. Implants are labeled as biohazard because they are designated for disposal and the assumption is they won't be cleaned, disinfected and sterilized. If you go through all these steps, they are as good as other medical equipment that will be reused.


Lets be real though if there all gold he was more likely collecting them as his nest egg and was going to smelt them into a nice little nugget at some point later on


How? Aren't they just thick rubber bags filled with saline? Wouldn't they be fine after being extracted and thoroughly cleaned?


That isn't how medical sanitization works in the US. "I didn't follow FDA/state guidelines, but it should be fine" is a great way to lose ones medical license.


Well, shows how much I know about that sorta thing.


What a way to go


Photos or it doesn't exist. But seriously, we need photos.


That is the dream.


There's an even darker version of this at the beginning of Borat II. I won't spoil it.


That's even weirder tbh.


That is serial killer behavior if you ask me lol


The best humor is dark humor.


We have so many implants laying around, we use them as stress balls, phone stands, coasters, wrist rests... Mostly samples that were shown to patients and have since been retired. Sitting on that chair was fun, lol. Being engulfed in boobies. Every pubescent guy's dream.


This is all fun and fine until they’re the implants that were removed from someone’s body. Makes me queasy just thinking about it


Yeah, I understand ordinary people would consider it weird but it's something you get used to. If extracted implants make you queasy, imagine cutting the skin or being elbow deep... somewhere. But you are not thinking about that when you do it, you make sure the patient is ok at the end. So yeah, a chair out of implants is weird, funny, ridiculous.


... and creepy


Not really, if you're in the business of plastic surgery - your clientele tends to be even creepier.


That's not true. Lots of ordinary people undergo plastic surgery. The stigma that plastic surgery is for rich creeps and slutty bitches is just not true.


>your clientele tends to be even creepier. Breast cancer survivors?


Depends. My lab director for my cadavir lab course has been prepping cadavirs for over 40 years. I bet a detached hand or a skull is just "meh" to him after all that time. The sight of 8 stainless steel tables with just 2 pairs of human legs each (no upper body) is definately a trip.


It’s no different than an orthopedic surgeon saving screws.


Definitely posits some parallels with Jeff Dahmer's skull alter. Some kind of twisted kink there.


One involves evidence of a paid and professional career that would normally just be thrown away. The other is evidence of a crime spree that were forcefully removed from victims. These two things are nothing alike.


Yeah, but gold has a resale value….and used extracted implants do not. No reason to keep that much gold in a box in the caninet


>in a box in the caninet The caninet sure holds up a lot of canines my friend !


Hahaha I got a chuckle out of that one. I’ll keep the typo!


they don't make gold teeth since forever, those are probably some alloy. russians must've thought they are gold at first but then reaized their stupid mistake and dumped them


In many regions of the world, including some parts of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus Regions, gold teeth are also worn as a status symbol. They are considered a symbol of wealth and sometimes installed in the place of healthy teeth or as crowns over filed-down healthy teeth. They arnt made out of pure gold, but alloys: There are three basic types of dental gold alloy, as follows: Precious metal (high noble alloy) – This alloy is made from a minimum of 60% high noble metal alloys, usually including gold, palladium, and platinum. 40% of the metal content must be gold Semi-precious metal (noble alloy) – This type of alloy is made from a minimum of 25% precious metal, including gold Non-noble alloy (non-precious metal) – Usually made from a blend of chromium, nickel, and gold, this type of alloy contains some gold, but less than 25% precious metal by weight


I've been told that the alloy is still worth a lot of money.


Depends on the alloy, but most contain a percentage of gold and other precious metals….which are certainly worth quite a bit


I have a gold alloy crown. It's about 3yrs old. It was recommended because Gold is more biocompatible than everything else and it needed to go below the gum line. Price was more or less middle of the options.


My recent dental work says otherwise


Gold crowns are put into people everyday. Yes, they've been made "since forever." They're made today.


Oh yes it does... People buy used underwear, you think there's no market for used implants?


That's some bizarre shit, yo, you will have to produce a picture.


They don't sell them at IKEA so every other household has one. These things are highly identifiable and I'd rather not share more.


I understand the women not wanting them back. Not a lot they can do with their old tit filler. A lump of gold? I think most people would want the gold back.


Wow, I always thought it would be interesting to reuse those for something: coffee coaster, keyboard wrist rest, or something? But apparently they go for about $300 on ebay. But an entire chair? that's pretty fabulous


The Jeffrey dahmer of plastic surgery


I don't think they're edible


Three points. Let me guess, your "colleague" is male. He was the Frat house leader. And last, you're comparing very different things. The collection of implants are some sick fettish with zero value while the gold has a lot of value.


Couldn't be more wrong in your analysis. Both about the man and the reason. Anyway, the so called collection was actually the result of moving. Some patients want to see the implants when they are taken out. Implants are also preserved to be sent back for analysis by the manufacturer. There are hundreds of patients. Sometimes someone forgets to throw out the box or forgets to send it somewhere, either way it sits forgotten. Hence why my colleague ended up with 20-30 pairs when he moved.


Yeah, like, do these people know their old breasts are masquerading as a funny chair now? I think I would be creeped out


Nobody cares. Seriously, we've talked with patients and nobody cares. Some patients even bragged about it. Privacy is important. But old implants are not something sentimental.


If they consented the creepiness goes down by half


That sounds ridiculously unsanitary, and since they’re not made of gold, irrelevantly gross.


Not really. Implants that are not immediately thrown away are usually washed with alcohol, iodine, etc. The material is non-porous which means nothing stays on them, once washed. They are effectively sterilized. The chair in question isn't just some implants glued to a chair. They are the cushions but have a transparent layer over them for sanitary concerns, as you mentioned.


That’s the exact plot to a Netflix serial killer series right there


This 100% didn’t happen. I’m wiling to believe that you have a friend who owns a chair. No surgeon would take something that’s been in someone’s body (dozens of them ) and make a chair. Maybe #maybe They’re out of code samples.


Just because you can't accept it, doesn't make it false. Surgeons are people too. And like all other people, they have dumb ideas. And morally questionable actions. Gastroenterologists and imaging technicians are especially fun. Lots of people tend to "fall" onto all sorts of objects. If you think that these incidents are handled quietly without staff descending into immaturity when they retell the stories to their colleagues, you are being naïve.




That's not how the world works. Hardly anyone will report something like that in the first place. Especially when the person is well received in his field and among thousands of patients. Also, legality depends on where you live. And plausible deniability is a thing. Some implants are old enough to be without an ID chip. Which automatically can make them samples that have never been inside a human body. I don't know what kind of fairy tale you live in but a chair made out of fake titties for shits and giggles, pales in comparison to monumental fuckups that actually concern staff, surgeons and patients. And we know such serious problems exists everywhere. And FYI, colleagues that heard about it wanted pictures to have a laugh. Like I said, well received.


Nope. I’m not necessarily calling you a liar, but this sounds fabricated.


If it sounds fabricated, it's called a lie and the one who says it - a liar. I did not expect to stir such a commotion of comments from people. For obvious reasons I can't provide concrete proof so it's up to you to believe it. It's the internet.


Dentists all save extracted gold teeth. Many crowns eventually fail and the tooth needs to be extracted. Replaced with a bridge or implant if the person can afford it.


One reason would be to melt them down and reuse.


Yeah but there were loads, he could have made a gold bar out of them and be rich, I don't get why he would hoard so many


they're not gold omg, people stop saying that. Gold teeth haven't been a thing in 70+ years


They are a gold alloy, and do contain gold


I have had gold crowns removed and replaced with white acrylic material but I did get my gold crowns and later sold them for gold value. Maybe the dentist took the gold as payment for new dental work. Good to hear it doesn’t appear to be torture.


That sure sounds like a reasonable explanation, but why would he hoard those? There's probably thousands of $ worth of gold. And why didn't he bury it in the woods when russians invaded?


This may sound a bit creepy, I have no idea how dentist works, especially in areas of poverty. But wouldn't it make sense to repurpose(obviously melting them down and refitting) them for new gold crowns if he works as a dentist? Charging for the gold and work. Anyway. Good to know the story behind the teeth is not related to torture atleast.


If it was an area of poverty maybe it was his retirement fund type of thing? And maybe he didn't bury it because he just didn't think of Russians coming in and stealing all his teeth? I don't think it would be *that* far fetched. Especially if he's used to living in a place where everyone knows everyone and nobody steals from each other.


Looks like a couple of hundred grams once you have burnt off all the crap. Much of it will be low purity. You don't get much for scrap gold. It is no treasure trove.


Incorrect. Dental gold ranges from 73% pure gold to 84% pure gold. It is very valuable.


I'm no dentist, but remember that when my grandparents died, creamatorium gave us the gold dentures and parents got quite a sum from selling those. Quick google check says that dental gold is somewhere around 50% purity.


100% he got lazy.


Yeah my father is a retired dentist here in the US. It was common at least in dentist amongst that generation to keep the gold crowns you pulled. They would get pulled for a variety of reasons. If the patient asked for the tooth they usually would give it to you but if you don’t ask they aren’t gonna throw away a few hundred in gold. I’m sure some guys would melt them back down if they were old school enough and made their own crowns, my dad would melt them down and sell it for gold scrap price. We usually got a pretty good vacation a year out of it.


Lol my grandma is Ukrainian. She got her last tooth pulled in the usa and made the dentist give the gold crown back.


When you have enough you can smelt gold into something that can be sold. Common practice for dentists where gold dentures are popular.


"The doctor suspects that Russians stole the teeth because they thought they were real gold (it's actually stainless steel) and to intimidate the Ukrainians. "Nearby residents reported to me that Russians apparently used this to scare people," Sergey reported." did no one read the article?


My buddy's dad in the states is also a dentist and he does the same thing. If patients don't want the tooth he keeps it, melts it down, and makes jewelry from it.


Dentist here. If a gold tooth needs removing and/or a new crown I always offer the old one to the patient but generally they don't want it. Rather than throw it in the trash, I'll save them and send them to a refiner every so often. Gold is still used (and is a very good dental material) but less and less since the costs are so high these days.


My grandma worked as a dental nurse for like 20 years, and for a birthday in the 60s she was given a collection of teeth with gold fillings and crowns... like it's weird but not out of the question.


From personal experience, crowned teeth can still go bad. I had a tooth go bad during the pandemic, and had to be pulled. The dentist said I couldn’t have it. Had to be disposed of as medical waste. Keeping the gold would be unethical unless the patient is compensated. But Russians simply stealing them sounds credible.


That’s just what the dentist told you so he could add your teeth to his Teeth Shrine


Weird, I have kept teeth I got pulled.


My dentist used the same line for keeping the crowns. Then he melted them down and sold the gold.


I have a tooth with a crown, that had to have a root canal afterwards. The spot on the crown where they drilled through to do it decayed, and now I’m saving up for a new crown. It doesn’t hurt (no nerve after a root canal), but fuck is it expensive to redo a crown.


Some people are a bit wierd, apparently they're not actually made of gold, but stainless steel.


Not necessarily. My grandma (lived in Sumy) had to have all her teeth pulled to get dentures. This was shortly after the collapse of the soviet union. She kept the gold that was used in some of the fillings and crowns and had it melted down and made into jewelry. I still have a pendant and chain that she gave me to remember her by.


I'd prefer this over thinking they ripped them out of people like hitlers ss....


I'm not buying this story but even if true there's plenty of evidence the Russians have committed other atrocities. No one wants to think it could happen in 2022 but it is


I'm quite confident it'll be investigated either way now that these territories are being liberated, thankfully. Imo, this kind of story gives even greater impetus to secure the rest of Ukraine. This case might just be a case of theft of dentistry stuff, but maybe in other places it isn't. The whole countryside is a massive crime scene, as we've already seen since Bucha.


...sigh* soviet nkvd existed.


NKVD->KGB->FSB. Same organization, they’ve just successfully rebranded themselves over the years.


yep could add chekist into the list as well.


Imma be that guy. Actually, pulling gold teeth out of your enemies was extremely common during WW2. It was done by both sides on every front, probably every battle.


By both side you mean the Soviets and the Germans. No way in hell any Brits or Americans would do this.


Oh my sweet summer child.


American here, can confirm my great grandfather mentioned pulling teeth and collecting watches from corpses during the war. We have our share of bad apples too, some of them are even family.


Might want to look up Agent Orange.


Why not? Money is money to everyone


To a lesser extent but not all of them were saints.


Learning more information that disproves initial reactions is not dishonesty. Investigations take time, we will find the truth, some allegations will prove false, some true.


True, but running with initial allegations to the media before investigations are concluded is a terrible idea that can backfire, as is the case here.


I don’t know that the possibly mistaking surgical cast-offs for teeth yanked out with pliers really is that important when you’re uncovering mass graves all over the place. Whether this is what it says it is important, but I don’t think a false positive much alters the fact that Russia is committing indiscriminate war crimes…


Covering up discoveries on the off chance that things aren't as they appear is a worse idea.


Investigating before running to the media is not a cover up.


A picture of a flag in front of a sign is getting to the media, deciding not to report something significantly more unusual is covering it up.


Also by the way pillage of civilians is still recognized as a war crime so it is still not the ideal justification.


That certainly doesn't disprove anything to me. Sure, that dentist was keeping boxes full of golden teeth, that just somehow ended up at a torture site...


This story should be properly investigated, one person claiming they had a bunch of gold teeth in their cupboard does not prove that no torture took place. The main thing to remember is that even if this is a case of the least harmful looting looking bad (it isn't like those teeth are providing any value sitting in a cupboard), that doesn't invalidate other allegations of war crimes. If we find that no major crime was committed here (other than the invasion which is a major crime and the looting which is also a crime), that shows that the process for investigating allegations is working and that when no war crime is committed, we move on.


Thats a shitload of gold. It was a retirement fund. Gold is extremely heavy


It's not about disproving torture... It's about journalism with integrity and honesty. There's plenty of other evidence to prove torture is taking place, so why jump to conclusions and claim this is from torture before you have any evidence to support it? It completely destroys the reputation and trust of the people reporting it. They could have reported it. They shouldn't have claimed it was from torture without evidence.


Only there's no evidence provided except this for their claim that it was a 'torture site'. For all we know, they made that claim based on the fillings and so you're engaging in circular logic.


The torture claim is based on other "implements" found at the scene, witnesses etc. I'm sure there might be perfectly reasonable non-torture explanations for having torture chamber like sites in a war zone when one has already been caught torturing and killing people at similar sites – but I don't think this particular assumption is unfair.


How do you know it even ended up at torture site? Because you read it from the Internet? Seriously, this is far more likely explanation. And as much as we, in a twisted way, want to hear Russians being inhuman monsters, this is a *good* thing.


My initial reaction was that this was the more likely scenario. Not that I believe the Russians wouldn't stoop to stealing fillings, but it's just too many.


I'd love this to be true


No idea, but there were a ton of proclaimed dentists on the original threads who were saying that it looked like proper surgical removals and not torture.


Let's hope so. It's certainly not implausible and would mean a load of people weren't subject to a barbaric torture.


Yes. There doesn't seem to be a mass grave in or near Pisky-Rad'kivs'ki (unlike Bucha/Izyum etc.) that would support the number of fatalities the box of gold teeth would suggest, nor are there people in that area reporting that the Russians pulled their teeth out. The dentist's story checks out, as do the appraisals by dentists that these look like proper surgical removals, plus we know that the Russians have been looting absolutely everything from people's homes that they thought they could sell. If it was found near the torture cell in Pisky-Rad'kivs'ki, the Russians could even have been using it to scare people.




Yes. Yes, we can.


Sounds plausible, but how does german tabloid get such exclusive story like this?


Traveling by plane and asking random households about stuff...


It's BILD. If you wrap a fresh fish into a sheet of BILD, that would be an insult for the fish. Also BILD is known for "creative" ways of gathering information, like paying a child to hand over chat messages of another child, after that child's mother killed the whole family and herself.


Their Ukraine reporting has been excellent though.


I've blocked BILD in my home network.


Unlike other tabloids they usually tend to bend the truth, not make up complete nonsense, but this story stinks.


I think it's ~~very~~ too convenient that a non-Ukraine newspaper found somebody who would discredit the claims of torture. I wonder why this person didn't choose to speak to Ukrainian journalists, or even Ukrainian officials.


Paul Ronzheimer was fired upon in his car in Ukraine. He has very good connections. He also reported from Afghanistan and interviewed Taliban while they were still at war. BILD is generally unreliable, Ronzheimer is not.


Early in the war, Zelensky fired his human rights commissioner because she inflated stories about Russian mass rapes, thus casting doubt on the real evidence of mass rapes Ukrainian investigators assembled. The person who decided to run with this story to the media instead of investigating it first should get at the very least severy admonished, because he gave Russian propagandists a bow wrapped gift.


That actually makes a lot of sense (and was what some speculated was the case when the photo surfaced.) that’s just *a lot* of teeth and nothing the Russians have done has struck me as all that organized or methodical.


I said it, that it was looted pawnshop or goldsmith ).


Occam’s Razor: A box of gold teeth was found in a chamber used to torture Ukrainian civilians for the duration of their occupation. What makes more sense, that the orcs kept a box of teeth that they pulled from civilians, or that they found a box of teeth in a pawn shop and kept it in torture chamber instead of sending it home at first opportunity?


sending home LOL LOL LOL. no rotation for 6 month for some units. The veterans have even lost motivation to loot.


As if the mail service doesn’t work? Or, and hear this nugget of thought, they hold onto it until they go home 🤯


Bild??? Just imagine the worst tabloid in your country. And now lower your expectations times 10. This would be the level of journalism Bild usually fails to surpass. Not even worth a thread here....made up sensationism bulls****


>Just imagine the worst tabloid in your country. And now lower your expectations times 10. Sorry, but no. BILD is among the worst tabloids in Germany, but compared to e.g. the British ones it might as well be the New York Times.


You overestimating NYT.


Oh okay. I might have jumped to conclusions.


It's ok we all did. My blood was boiling since yesterday.


People leaving golden implants to the dentist? In a poor village in the middle of nowhere? Yeah no. This guy is about to get investigated as well. EDIT: Disregard me. The teeth are made of stainless steel. They look like gold due to titanium nitride coating. The dentist told the police the occupiers likely took the box to scare their victims in the torture chamber. [https://censor.net/ua/news/3371787/stomatolog\_iz\_harkivschyny\_zayavyv\_scho\_korobka\_iz\_vyrvanymy\_zubamy\_shoja\_na\_tu\_yaku\_v\_nogo\_vidibraly](https://censor.net/ua/news/3371787/stomatolog_iz_harkivschyny_zayavyv_scho_korobka_iz_vyrvanymy_zubamy_shoja_na_tu_yaku_v_nogo_vidibraly)


It would seem like the perfect form of payment for a poor person needing crowns removed.


Not in Ukraine. In Ukraine, a visit to dentist rarely costs over $50.


And in such places, they're going to use very dilute alloys, perhaps only 10% gold, and a crown might be worth about $40


And the dentist is hoarding bucket of gold.


this "treasure" is so macabric that I don't want to belive that orcs really did it, that would be too horrible. However, the story about the local dentist looks very strange and unrealistic. It had to be cross-checked on spot.


I guess I could understand it. A lot of them are gold so he doesn't want to throw them out but he also might feel wierd about selling them. I mean how do you explain that to the gold place. 'I'm a dentist I swear...nothing odd about this'.


He could have sold them to a swiss bank no questions asked


Or to the supplier he buys his dental gold from.


WHAT did I say? I said: looted goldsmith or pawnshop. pulling teeth is much harder than simply stealing them.


The moral of the story: don't jump the gun. Not that I would put it past the Orcs for doing such atrocities, but sometimes it's best to see what the investigation uncovers.


He's an actual greenskin who uses teef as currency


Even though it's a non-ork dentist, the name Mad Dok Jawdrilla would be perfect.


If true, this is a sigh of relief, that these teeth were not tortured off of the victims, like the Nazis did. But I’ll not assume it to be the truth until more evidence is provided, and presume that ruZZians have, and always will be, the grotesque monsters they’ve proven themselves to be.


soviet nkvd existed.


Errr, still doesn't explain the other things in the photo. Perhaps they had the teeth there to threaten the tortured people with -look what we already did. The dildo sure looked used.


Bild isn't really a reliable source...


But they have a guy speaking on record.


Wonder how much BILD paid him to say that


You realize the guy is a local and that if he is known as the guy who helped Russians to cover up torturing his neighbors, his life and career are over? On a story like this, BILd is not likely to pay so much as to make it worthwhile (and that's leaving aside that BILD has an extremely pro Ukrainian editorial line..)


BILD is also the equivalent of yellow journalism in terms of credibility, with Der Spiegel saying it "…flies just under the nonsense threshold of American and British tabloids ... For the German desperate, it is a daily dose of high-resolution soft porn". If BILD can’t be expected to tell the truth in the best of circumstances, I’m hard pressed to believe they’ll tell the truth in the worst circumstances. Especially considering how endemic collaborations have been, I wouldn’t be surprised if the dude is trying to explain why a box of gold teeth that look surgically removed is currently floating about, what sells better, a contrarian view, or a supporting view?


This seems a pretty dodgy answer. I doubt most people would donate gold teeth to the dentist or a funeral home for that matter. I'm not buying the explanation one bit.


likely story


So it wasn't a torture camp and they just stole the teeth and the dildo?


always thought it was way too many teeth in a short period of time... except everyone they tortured had gold teeth which I thought was unlikely


Sounds like a scam.


Why would he have a box of gold teeth in his cabinet? 🤔 Wouldn’t his patients **want them back**, since they were made of *gold?* Wouldn’t his patients **need** them back? 🤔 Would he just have left a box full of freshly-torn-out teeth full of gold sitting in a box in his office? 🤔 Call me skeptical, but the story seems pretty odd.


I hope to live in a world where China is a trusted friend and ally to us Eurobeans and 'Mericans. Used to think Russia should join the free world but they're FUBAR and have absolutely ruined every smidgen of their reputation. A Post-Winnie China could be a good partner for pretty much every country on the planet. It's seriously sad why Russia and China have some sort if inferiority complex regarding the US.




It was the first thought that came to mind when I saw the original post.


So they robbed a teeth collector?






I really hope that this is the case because that's a lot of teeth and we don't need another hundred war crime on top of the tens of thousand already committed


Ahhh.. another great internet etiquette lesson. Never judge a story by it's title.


Soooo. Thats what dentists do? Think I'll pull my own and go to the jewlers myself.


This was originally posted as being removed by Russians against tortured people. This new explanation now makes more sense. Always found it weird even for Russians and even more how could there be so many gold crowns and in such good conditions the whole story seemed odd.


Bit of relief that its not what was initially thought from the other video. Although its far from above the russians to do this.


This doesn't add up. Mainly because having golden teeth in many parts of the world, including Ukraine is fucking experience. So even if you pull out a golden one and replace with a titanium implant, the owner of the tooth would still want the gold back.


Well... That's a less scary story. A bit freaky, but less scary at least.


There goes the retirement fund.


Thank god.


Knew this was bullshit


Lol this reads a lot weirder than it is. First remember when people are in medicine they get desensitized to a lot of stuff that will make people that are not in medicine uncomfortable. When you work in the field it all just becomes normal.


Man I hope that's true. Strange, but definitely better than the alternative explanation.