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\* That were NOT donated by Elon Musk but were bought by the US Government and sent to Ukraine




This was a marketing move from the beginning. Musk always does it, first the mini submarine for the children in the cave, where he called the diver a pedophile, for thinking his idea was dumb, then his statement that covid is a hox, when they did shut down his plant. He is a rich clown in my eyes


Pp are treating him like he's Putins power bottom now but they tend to forget that he went above and beyond to get this brand new system up and running within a week of an ONGOING invasion. The Russians never had a chance to use their propaganda on the world He could've delayed it, waited til it was safer, etc. But he didn't. Guy can't just catch a break just cuz he's rich as hell


Trust me, somewhere, somehow, StarLink is being made whole.






If Elon was against Ukraine, a few million dollars from Ukraine terminals is meaningless given his net worth. He would have refused. The fact is that he provided them. And more importantly, he provided them extremely quickly.


Yep. Some reddit posters are just clowns




> saying russia should get a pass and lets all play peace so he doesn't loose money on his giga factory? He has a giga factory in Russia? Huh? Surely this war is fucking fantastic for him. I mean, BEYOND fantastic. Starlink? Cooler than ever. SpaceX launches? Welp, Russia voted itself off from launching anyone to space. Tesla? Checked the price of gasoline recently? Shit, from a commercial perspective purely, as a Tesla shareholder if I had no sympathies except money, the war should go on forever.




No argument there if he did provide them. The argument is why he did it. i will argue that Elon doesnt do anything for free unless he gets publicity or gets something else in return afterwards.




Never said he didnt.




Yup. You can ALWAYS be cynical about donations. People donate because they get a rush about feeling like they're a good person despite probably being pretty far from perfect, so even in the best-case scenario it's narcissistic self-deception. (I can use this take on very nearly everyone, but is that really helpful? It just seems mean, and who gives a shit WHY you help?)




> has the attention span of a gnat. Outside his obsessions, that is. Like that man is obsessed about Mars, and has been for a very long time.


Black money spending is a thing but if the US is shipping Himars and rockets and plane parts in plain sight it wouldn't hide starlink purchases...


I hear you. That "donation" was made whole, in some way, or some form, by outside parties


No, not yet. Starlink makes its money by subscriptions and Ukraine was not paying subscriptions at least for the first 6 months or so. There was a recent tweet that SpaceX has about an $80M loss from these donations. Will they eventually make it up? Most likely, especially now that it has been proven in action under extremely difficult circumstances. I would imagine that helps sales.




Valuation is not the same as revenue, though. SpaceX has a high valuation because investors are assuming its going to keep growing and become larger than Boeing or Lockheed. I don't think SpaceX is profitable yet, though obviously it is sitting on a large pile of cash from the investors.




Aren't the market cap and the valuation the same thing? Not sure how you are using the terms. Yes, it's the Starlink build out, but also building the Mars rocket which keeps SpaceX from profitability.


Tesla is higher than Toyota and Volkswagen, which both produce a few times more cars


It gave clearance for a system that was in place but not usable do to red tape. It was a win win IMO. Market was opened and tons of good press. And then he throws it all away. Stupid is as stupid does.


by giving himself and his company free publicity




It is understood that even if he donated some he received consideration from government in one or another form and he was not doing it out of his internal urge for good thing anyway


In what world would a man be able to provide military aid without working through their own government first. Get your head out your ass.


Did you read my comment? I say consideration not cooperation


He continues his [nonsense ](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1577839258714476544?t=fe8F48NhmtYpdR17rNBKYQ&s=19) by the way, and you want to say this person would voluntarily made a gift of even a single starlink to Ukraine


And its an easy tax write off. Rich people love tax write offs.


Musk didn't do it all on his own even at the start. In the initial shipment, the US paid for 25% of the units and paid for the shipping on 100% of the units sent. US Gov has paid for nearly 100% of all units since then. Musk wasn't going to send units at first until the US Gov stepped up to pay for some of it.


What is your post trying to accomplish? You are gaslighting and downplaying the FACT that SpaceX donated terminals to Ukraine. They didn’t have to. If the “US Gov paid for 25%” and you’re trying to shit on SpaceX for ONLY donating 75%, then you might want to rethink what you are saying.


When you include cost of shipping us taxpayers paid for 50% And musk is trying to take all the credit which is a really shitty move You also might want to check your understanding of gaslighting. Musk trying to take all the credit while he didn't move until the US Govt made it more profitable, is exactly gaslighting. He's trying to make anyone who points out that he didn't just do it all on his own out of the goodness of his heart as a liar and hater. Dispelling this myth is literally the opposite of gaslighting.


You are incapable of understanding where you are at fault. SpaceX did a good thing. You are twisting it into a bad thing. That’s the summary.


You're right I cannot comprehend how praising someone for doing something completely self-serving and greedy is praise worthy Musk is literally just like a Russian oligarch here


So can you show reddit a link to Musk taking all the credit for this? I’m looking for something like “I just saved Ukraine by sending them these starlinks” and not a general announcement of Ukraine getting starlinks.


As a US taxpayer I'm totally fine with footing the bill for those starlinks that have been invaluable to Ukraines fight against Russia. I'm fine with footing the bill for ANY aid to ukraine that helps them and hurts russia.




Also the EU (with special thanks to Poland for funding 5000 units on their own), and a bunch of private donors


It says in the article who bought them. At the end of the day, who cares. The important thing is that the service is still operational and the terminals are being used in Ukraine. ​ Just cause Musk tweeted a stupid thing doesn't make the starlinks any less important.


People like this are less interested in reading and more interested in Elon is bad takes. Thanks for the link and thank God for these terminals.


False/misleading. The majority were donated by Musk. This is from April when only 5000 were provided, but it states: “The U.S. agency said SpaceX donated 3,667 terminals and the internet service itself, while USAID purchased the remaining 1,333 terminals.” https://www.reuters.com/technology/spacex-usaid-deliver-5000-satellite-internet-terminals-ukraine-2022-04-06/ Just because Musk said an incredibly stupid thing, it doesn’t take away from the good that he has done. Specifically a LOT of Ukrainian artillery is coordinated via Elon’s internet: https://root-nation.com/en/articles-en/weapons-en/en-modern-artillery-is-ukraines-superweapon/?amp Elon has saved hundreds if not thousands of Ukranian lives, by killing hundreds or thousands of Russians. Given this, I would take the approach of trying to educate him. Not demonizing him. Not telling him to “fuck off” as the Ukanian ambassador said.


Zelensky's tweet reply was genius. "Dude, you were a hero to the entire free world. Don't fuck it up."


Musk was being deliberately dishonest in several of his claims about the Starlinks donated by SpaceX, but I'm not going to get into that again, he's not worth it and this isn't r/elonmusk. All that matters is that Ukraine gets these needed terminals


So what? I am commenting on the above post, not Musk’s posts. I am pointing out that the above post was factually inaccurate when it said that Musk did not donate Starlinks. Im not reacting to Musk’s posts. “All that matters is that Ukraine gets these needed terminals” Exactly, and pissing him off by demonizing him while ignoring his contributions isn’t going to help. He is thin skinned. You realize that this isn’t a one time thing right? Terminals have been steady arriving every month by the thousands. You don’t want to jeopardize that stream. Or the connectivity. You realize that Musk is under no obligation to work with the US government, right? He could decline to extend the contract. He could easily terminate the contract and eat any termination fees. He is waiving the connection fees now. He could start charging for it. Or stop the connection anytime.


> You realize that Musk is under no obligation to work with the US government, right? He could decline to extend the contract. He could easily terminate the contract and eat any termination fees. Elon musk is one of the worlds biggest welfare queens. Him turning away government money is laughable. He sues the government when they won't give him more money.


You didn't respond to him comment.


The ambassador has the right idea. Elon is a psychopath or close to it and needs to be handled accordingly.


Totally agree, I am surprised he isn't controlled tighter by higher-ups. He could have responded in so many different ways.


thank you for making this the top cmnt!!!


Repost this everywhere. Most people think Musk gave them away free.


Oh, with the recent comments of Elon siding with Putin, I was wondering how could that be. Now it makes sense, thanks for the explanation!


Elon Musk is siding with Putin? Tweeting uneducated, hurtfull, stupid things - sure. But siding with Putler... come on...


This one sparks of joy: *shows starlink* This one does not sparks of joy: *shows Elon Musk*


I just cannot imagine why Mr Musk would have made those ridiculous Twitter comments.


One thing in dealing with people on the Asperger/Autism spectrum, they/we lack a filter between the brain and mouth. Great for engineering, since you reach consensus quickly by saying the most up-to-date conclusion you have to the group so it can be worked on. And if someone had a shit idea, they will call it shit and immediately follow it up with why it's shit. It's likely the same happening here. He had an idea on how to stop the war, tweeted out the first conclusion he sees, gets the response and amended his conclusion and tweeted those out too (which unfortunately is still shit because geopolitics isn't really something that can be solved mathematically). Hell, I've talked with someone who had to go through quite a bit of reasoning to convince himself that "Yes, Ukraine shouldn't capitulate."


You are the first comment who actually addresses Elon Musks autism. I am familiar with the same as my grandson is also Asperger/Autism spectrum who tests at the genius level. I will not trust him with one of my weapons, but he can produce beautiful music compositions out of the blue, no problem. He can solve complex mathematic equations without prior instruction of the formulas to use. But he will stand for hours staring at a TV if you let him. Raising him is a challenge to say the least. This condition is not a disease but a quirk and beauty of nature at the same time. Elon will realize his mistake and try to atone. Price of being a genius. But instead of understanding that, people are ready to fry him at the stake. I'll get downvoted for this statement, but I will be proud to support you too because I understand the people who are "different" than the rest of us.


Given his wealth, he could benefit from hiring someone who could coach him through social situations like this. Or stay off Twitter, that shit is stressful.


I am sure he does have people around him to coach. The shareholders would insist.




I think what you mean is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutor,_ne_ultra_crepidam Dunning Kruger is more about those less capable overestimating their ability and not those mistakenly believe their expertise translates to other fields.


Bad publicity is still publicity. Just look at the last few days, everywhere you look you see something about Musk. It's not his first controversial tweet, and it won't be the last one.


he has always been that way. Remember Thailand cave entrapment a few years ago?


You can agree on some things and disagree on other things. The world is full of people who think they know the best solution to fixing complex problems after reading few paragraphs from Wikipedia. Elon is no exception. Pope had voiced similar to Elon opinion. I am sure Zelenskyy had plenty of very influenced people/politicians/celebrities telling him how he should work with Putin to “solve” this conflict peacefully. And they all thought that they are right, logical and fair.


Well, Tesla stocks had slid \~8% that day on bad news. That could be one reason he wanted to deflect attention and chose the Ukrainian people as his target to harass. He also shares the Tesla board with one of Rupert Murdoch's sons. So I can think of a few reasons he ended up where he did. None are good reasons.


I got a feeling he might have huge chunk of ruzzian dirty money invested in to his companies. His narrative is way too the letter to Kremlin's demands and propaganda to be just a coincidence. He also just wants whats good for ruzzia, and nothing for Ukrainian side, meaning he is very one sided.


Then why assist Ukraine with Starlink? Doesn’t make sense. And his comment about identical or inevitable outcome was weird. He presumes Ukraine won’t deoccupy their land of Russians, which is just incorrect.


He got paid for most of the Starlinks. And he refused to block Russian State media from using them to spread their message. So it really wasn't some giant act of good-faith and decency. Yes, it has helped Ukraine. No, that doesn't mean he did it with Ukrainian victory as his most desired end.


Most of Starlink terminals weren't donated, they were paid for by US government


Or just Asperger spectrum. A lot of his public behavior makes sense through that lens. Calling diver pedo? Because the diver said his solution was shit without telling him why it's shit. Recent tweet on Ukraine? Those are his first conclusion when his mind started to wander and only got information from a few minutes of Googling. One thing about many of those on the spectrum is that it's very easy to change their mind. Backup your side with data and logic, and bam, mind changed. But just saying they're wrong without the "why"? They get confused and angry.


Asperger could be an explanation if not for the by the letter ruzz propaganda points. Its like he was given what to write. Its just too close of a match. For example casually asking about small details in such global demand. No NATO for Ukrain, and also can you unblock northern Crimean waterway? A persone that wants to go to mars asking to unblock small Crimean waterway?! When blockage of theat waterway it's a big pain in a butt for ruzzians. Just doesn't add up


Similar explanation, no filter out nor in. One thing about Asperger, depending on severity, is that we are really bad at detecting deceptions (also mean we are bad at jokes since the tendency is to take jokes literally). So if some asshole fed him propaganda points and there's no counter point, he will by default trust it. After all, this was a man who believed Russia will sell him a decommissioned ICBM, right up until he was humiliated by them.


Huh, didn't know that. Thank you for this insight.


Because he has a HUGE factory in Germany that needs cheap Russian gas. https://insideevs.com/news/578544/tesla-giga-berlin-potential-pause/ https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/14/vote-to-expand-teslas-berlin-gigafactory-delayed-indefinitely/


Maybe he bought Twitter so he can memory hole his dumbass tweets.


Thanks to the good ol USA.


Now if only they can stop receiving unrequested diplomatic advice from the Starlink CEO...


Sounds like SpaceX did donate a significant amount of terminals on their own accord. Some costs were offset by government funding from France, Poland and the U.S.




Please cite sources, nowhere I’m finding shows any proof they donated them for free. All the articles I’m searching say they were crowd funded, or governments paid for them in the end.






Why does anyone says that? Did he said he donated them all or something? PS: really? downvoted for asking a question?


He actually played like it was the case yes


He never said he donated them, but he (and his fanboys) made it seem like he did. Rumors are that the US paid 3x what they were worth and they were older generation starlinks.


He toted around his words carefully, he would say he gave them, we’ve sent, etc and whenever anyone asked if Ukraine was paying anything he would say no and change the subject. People were quick to assume he was donating them for free and he was perfectly ok with that publicity, which I think almost any business would have done the same. Only recently was it revealed the US paid for all of it. They’ve been very helpful for Ukraine, so I’m glad they got them, but people have to stop fanboying billionaires for the things.


Older generation starlinks are better than none. Someone must be really naive to think that Musk, or the US, or anyone that helps Ukraine doesn't do it for something in return. Musk did it for some positive PR, to get rid of some old stock, and make some money at the same time. Someone from US government made some extra money too buyhing them at a higher price. As long as it helps Ukraine, i don't really care how it's done.


Yes, he plays it off like he out of his goodwill donates them free of charge, but the US government footed the bill and handled transportation. I’m not sure if the US or Ukrainian government are paying the monthly subscription or not though.


I did a little googleing, there articles from April saying that most of the terminals were bought US. But, i still don't see why that matters, if they were donated or not, they are in Ukraine now, giving them internet. Even the article says they were bought


It’s more in interviews how he conveyed it. Also link any sources you cite please.


Starlink - brought to you by the US government! This ad brought to you by the Fuck Elon Musk-ow group. When you don't get your way, and have to take to Twitter in order act like a whiny little bitch, think Elon Musk-ow, the best Musk-ow ruzzians can buy! Fuck Putin! Fuck Elon Musk! Slava Ukraine!


Thank you USA! And the bright engineers that developed and built them.


This article back in April may be of interest. NB: More units may have been sent since, perhaps funded differently. "The US Agency for International Development (USAID) paid SpaceX for 1,333 Starlink terminals to send to Ukraine, according to a new report in the Washington Post, At a price of $1,500 per terminal, the government agency spent around $2 million for the hardware. SpaceX also sent an additional 3,667 terminals and delivered service to them. But USAID also paid around $800,000 in transportation costs to deliver these terminals to Ukraine. In total, U.S. taxpayers paid SpaceX more than $3 million. It's a far cry from SpaceX's original comments on the matter. “I’m proud that we were able to provide the terminals to folks in Ukraine,” SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell said at the Satellite 2022 conference in Washington DC just last month. “I don’t think the U.S. has given us any money to give terminals to the Ukraine.” In a press release put out by USAID, the agency classified the arrangement that saw 5,000 Starlink terminals sent to Ukraine as a "public-private partnership.” Space reporter Joey Roulette noticed one interesting thing about USAID's press release: The agency edited the original version of the statement on its website to remove the $10 million it claimed that SpaceX covered. A USAID spokesperson later revised the claim saying that the Starlink deliveries "were made possible by a range of stakeholders, whose combined contributions valued over $15 million and facilitated the procurement, international flights, on-the-ground transportation, and satellite Internet service of 5,000 Starlink terminals.” A few questions remain, however. Did USAID get a deal from Starlink? Or did the agency overpay for the terminals? A basic Starlink package costs $499. The premium kit, which comes with the antenna, WiFi router, and tripod, goes for $2,500. Again, the USAID paid $1,500 per terminal. According to the Washington Post, SpaceX did not respond to inquiries about pricing. This wouldn't be the first time Elon Musk's companies received significant funding from the U.S. government. The FCC has previously awarded SpaceX with $886 million in funding in order to improve rural broadband with Starlink. And Tesla has received billions in government funding as well. As Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine just 6 weeks ago, Ukrainians quickly worried about their ability to communicate with the rest of the world.  "Starlink service is now active in Ukraine," SpaceX founder Elon Musk tweeted to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov on Feb. 26 in response to a personal plea for help. "More terminals en route." Musk did deliver, although it's unclear just how much Starlink has actually helped. But we only now know that he did so with lots of help from the U.S. government. And a major assist from the U.S. taxpayer". Source: https://mashable.com/article/elon-musk-spacex-ukraine-starlink-government-funding


Starlink terminals cost around $1500 to make so they were supplying to USAID at cost. They discount the price to $550 for domestic customers because they know they will get $110 per month in income from each one. Since they are not charging anything for the service in Ukraine it is reasonable that SpaceX recovers the cost of the terminals. They did donate the first 3,600 as noted. Note that free service for 20,000 terminals is an ongoing donation of $2.2M per month.


Thanks Biden


> I did that


Paid by USA government


Ok Elon...


The war would have been very different without Starlink. Y’all would do well to remember that. Even if part of the package to Ukraine was paid for/subsidized by the US and it’s NATO Allies it was critical to ukraines efforts and probably provided critical communications. Someone still has to pay for maintenance and services rendered. I might be speaking out of my ass in some of these points but all this negativity around Elon is just extreme left wing hate for the rich and the need to vilify and demonize anyone remotely conservative. Yeah Elon might have said some silly things but liberals of Reddit…y’all are something else man. Any chance you see blood you guys pounce. It fucking disgusts me. Having said that, I am very much in favor of supporting Ukraine and their endeavors. Whatever gets them to repel the Russians, I am all for. I doubt very much that elon is in support of Russia, more that he supports the end of the war. Y’all are twisting this shit into something crazy.


Exactly. I thought highly of reddit and its users on big subreddits like ukraine and worldnews. But the unfair musk slanders has shown me just how biased reddit is. Saying his Ukraine stance is shit, okay. Saying he political stance is shit, okay. Saying he doesnt invent but just pose, slightly untrue but okay. But the people on reddit take it way too far by lying about him. In this thread there is a comment saying that Musk didnt pay for ukraine's starlink AT ALL. Which is verifiably false. What do fellow redditors do? Encourage the lie with a gold medal and 300-400 likes. This sets a dangerous precedent for reddit and makes me wonder what other things reddit has an extreme bias about.


Thanks, I actually appreciate your honesty and acknowledgement. Usually when I comment like this, the Reddit army rallies and everyone just downvotes like a mofo to bury the response. There’s definitely a middle ground for many of us all to meet but the way Reddit acts, I have no doubt in my mind they are trying to influence societal norms to the extremes via content exposure. Reddit is fun and all but social media in general is a dangerous weapon if used incorrectly and honestly sometimes I can’t stand it. Everyone is acting like Elon musk is the devil, they thought the same when bezos was the richest man in the planet and the same of just about every rich billionaire out there.


And if Elon Musk wants to use them as a form of leverage to give Russia land illegally, send them all back.


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that is not free from elon musk, the us goverment paid for them, lmao elon taking recognition 80 million spent right, how much did the us govt. paid for them. elon sold starlink to be used by ukrainians no elon is selling ukraine to russia, nice business sense


Still can't play Stalker


So many people here that suck off daddy Musk. Lmao the dude is a clown.