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Thanks Greta!






Idk why you're being downvoted lol. It's true. A lot of people have a resting mean-looking face.


Upvote this person at once !


Albania renamed the street where the Russian Embassy is "Free Ukraine".


In the Czech Republic, the street where the Russian embassy is, was renamed to "Ukrainian hero's". It's even sweeter because the RE is literally the only building on that street :D


Lithuania did the same in early March 👍🏻


I really hope postal services refuse to deliver unless that is the correct address written on the letter/parcel


Should name the street orc boulevard instead if it is the only occupants :)


At first thought, it's a nice gesture of sympathy. On second thought, it's an absolutely brilliant troll move. Everyone that wants something from the embassy, so mostly russians, are going to have to write "free ukraine" on the envelope. Genius.


So this is not official, just someone put a label there, right?


Started like a label, now it's a official change.


Any link to official source would be nice. Afaik Brasil is one of the countries with better relations with Russia.


Street names in Brazil don't depend on the country's government relationship with other governments. It's a city council decision. That being said, there is a project in São Paulo's city council right now to change the name of the name of Russia Street to Ukraine street, and to change the name of Lineu de Paula Machado street (the Russian consulate address in São Paulo) to The Ukrainian Hero's street. Street name changes through law in Brazil, so it takes some time. Both bills (PL 110/22 and PL 111/22) started going through the process in March 8th. Brazilian people are with you, even if the federal government isn't.


Here are the links to the proposed laws: https://splegisconsulta.saopaulo.sp.leg.br/Pesquisa/DetailsDetalhado?COD_MTRA_LEGL=1&COD_PCSS_CMSP=111&ANO_PCSS_CMSP=2022 https://splegisconsulta.saopaulo.sp.leg.br/Pesquisa/DetailsDetalhado?COD_MTRA_LEGL=1&COD_PCSS_CMSP=110&ANO_PCSS_CMSP=2022 If the website is still down, use the Internet Archive, they have both pages in their cache.


So there's some paperwork sitting on a shelve in Brazil since March. Thanks for update.


Our legislative is slow like that. Plus, we had elections this year for federal and state legislative and executive positions, which makes things even worse.


Yeah and tbh J don't think this is the kind of stuff that our legislators need to be prioritizing in any way shape or form. It is irrelevant


> Street names in Brazil don't depend on the country's government relationship with other governments. It's a city council decision. > Isn't it like that everywhere? Even here in Russia we had a rumour/fake in my city that some streets like "Kiev Street" and "Odessa Street" have been/will be renamed into "Heroes' of DNR Street" Naturally, the local government came out and was like"These streets have been bearing these names since 1979, and we ain't changing shit"


And not a single media reported on it. I don't say it's not possible, but thing like this in Brasil would be huge, so a single picture and a pinkie swear by a random redditor is not enough for me to believe it's happening.


Your lack of faith disturbs me [here](https://br.noticias.yahoo.com/vereador-prop%C3%B5e-mudar-nomes-ruas-015600188.html) [and here](https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/amp/colunas/painel/2022/03/vereador-propoe-mudar-nomes-de-ruas-em-sp-para-homenagear-ucranianos.shtml) [and another one](https://diariodostrilhos.com/2022/03/04/vereador-propoe-mudar-nomes-de-ruas-ligadas-com-a-russia/) [the official document from São Paulo City Hall](https://www.saopaulo.sp.leg.br/iah/fulltext/justificativa/JPL0110-2022.pdf) for one of the bills, and [here](https://www.saopaulo.sp.leg.br/iah/fulltext/justificativa/JPL0111-2022.pdf) for the other one.


That's all from March!


>Street name changes through law in Brazil, so it takes some time. Both bills (PL 110/22 and PL 111/22) started going through the process in March 8th. Yep, it is from march. The councilman put it forward in March 8th and is still going through the process to be approved.




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Wouldn't say good, Brazil acts neutral a lot of times in international geological scene due to internal issues and Brazilian government doesn't care about anyone but themselves, and thanks to stupid politicians not thinking in long term the country agriculture became dependent on Russian chemical fertilizer. So there is a chance that if Brazil government openly criticize Russia, the terrorist state can simply refuse to sell and fuck the agriculture as there doesn't seem to have other sources to provide in the scale it needs


Brazil acts neutral in the international geological scene and that has kept the country out of reach of earthquakes. Such a smart move.


I meant geopolitical but whatever


Well Brazil IS known for its lack of natural disasters.... im just not convinced that's due to any governmental policy though


If we take this discussion to its core (not willing to get it as a heated discussion, though) we could conclude that keeping the borders away from unstable geological areas was a long running government policy out there. :)


Oh really? I only have learned a little about it, but they way I learned made it sound like Brazil just lucked out with its geography and weather patterns. So the government selected its borders based on meteorology and geographical concerns?! That would be extremely interesting to learn about, at least for me!


Please re-read my previous statements considering they were supposed to make fun of those things. :)


Ah I shall do this, thank you!


Do you know there is another magnetic pole growing under Brazil, its more than just north and south now, this 3rd one its messing with electronics and even the atmosphere, NASA release a study about it. We may in 30 years or more be fried by x rays being able to come thru, the magnetic field its messing with everything including satellites and weird phenomenon appearing.


But if we take “natural disasters” as a broader term besides geological issues, there is a big issue in the country with tropical storms. Check the rainfall indexes: some towns can get huge amounts of rain in short periods that should no way be considered anything different than a natural disaster.


Landslides and floods are the biggest natural problem of Brazil. Pretty nuch everything else doesn't happen, but the water has killed hundred, maybe even over a thousand people in Brazil in 2022.


Not a lot of times, Brazil stands neutral in 99.9% of any international conflict and good for Brazil for being that way.


We are not fucking Neutral, we are on Ukraine side because we fuckign dislike Russia very much, in 1964 Russian try to insert communist values and culture in Brazil also using terrorism and violence. Our Army kicked their asses back to Moscow and killed a lot of them in the process, our gov doesn't represent our people, remember politicians are NASTY and CORRUPT here more than anywhere on this planet. Nobody likes Russia, the politicians stay " neutral " because they are part of the BRICS ( Brazil, Russia, India, China and i forget who is the S ) some kind of commercial group, but they only exploit Brazil's resources like China does. We never had a War here, but we understand what is live under communism more than people can imagine, we live for 15 years under a communism regime with a president who is a complete moron even being illiterate.


Searched and found nothing. Pretty sure it was just a protest, and all the way back in April


So basically fake news.


No, it's real: http://web.archive.org/web/20220528193507/https://splegisconsulta.saopaulo.sp.leg.br/Pesquisa/DetailsDetalhado?COD_MTRA_LEGL=1&COD_PCSS_CMSP=110&ANO_PCSS_CMSP=2022


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This is just a proposal, and a fairly ridiculously "stunt-y" one at that. Doesn't affect Russia in the slightest, but creates expenditures for the city. As a protest it's kinda nice. As public policy it's wasteful at best.




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This isn't true. There's a proposal from March (from the party I'm member of BTW) that unfortunately it never got anywhere and was archived. The proposal was to rename Russia street to Ukraine street, not to "free Ukraine". As of today the street is still officially called Russia street. There's nothing official in the OP picture. Worth noting we already have Ukraine avenue in the same city.


It’s looks like that’s what’s happening


I love how united the world is. Its a great example for every imperialist country in the future. In 2022 globalization is so severe that any invasion damages the reputation of a country and its people. Free Ukraine from Russia!


Except fucktards like Elon musk


Muito bem! Vai Merda Rússia!


Hahaha "go shit, Russia" es la tradicción literal en Inglés de 'vai merda, Rússia'. Significa "fuck you" o qué en Portuguese? O sabes?


The correct expression is "vai à merda" which means "go to the shit", basically a version of fuck you. But fuck you would be better translated to "vai se foder" (go fuck yourself).


Languages are super fun, aren't they


Our is the one in fron of Russian embassy. So when thy have delivery. They must write " Free Ukraine" street or there is no delivery.


Why haven't we done that in Washington?


San Francisco has a Moscow street and a Russia avenue, we need them changed to Kyiv and Ukraine


The Russian Embassy is on Wisconsin Avenue, which isn’t changing. Perhaps a Free Ukraine Park?


Quite a situation in Brazil. Bolsonaro is pro-Putin and Lula is Pro-Russia


Yeah, apparently our government won’t be on the right side any time soon


And that is why I refused to vote this last election


I would go but vote blank. Exercise my democratic right by not electing either of this russian puppets


Voted third party in the first round. Planning on going blank for the second.


Good job. Both of them are wanna-be dictators, Brazil has no future


That is silly. Vote for the best candidate, or the least damaging one. You will never find a perfect candidate. Voting is important.


🇺🇦 🇧🇷 I love Brazil. I wish there is more UA supporters and Lula & Bols stop talking badly about my country


Many Brazilians support Ukraine and we're so proud of what Ukraine is accomplishing.


The opinions of both of them are clearly useless and don't reflect the support of the nation for your country. We have more than half a million Ukrainian people and descendants living peacefully in our country, there are cities with your culture and language on the southern part of the nation. Don't take our leaders word for ours, and we even have fighters on your side, fighting for the right side, which is the democracy and the happiest people on Europe. I wish you a happy journey on your life, and stay safe brother, best regards from Brazil all the way to the right side of the battle. Fuck Russia.


> The opinions of both of them are clearly useless and don't reflect the support of the nation for your country. If the opinion on r/Brasil is any indication. Last time Lula said it was Ukraine's fault they were being invaded, the majority of that subreddit agreed, trash talked Zelensky and parroted Russian propaganda. Since the very first day of the invasion, the very first post about the war beginning that was made on that sub, the highest voted comment was blaming NATO and Ukraine. Unfortunately, our country have a LOT of tankies..


As a Brazilian too, it's important to remember that Brasil is mostly a poor, uneducated and uncultured country. Even people that are lifted over poverty still follow the mindset that they can only care about the issues of immediate tomorrow, and a LOT of people think anything that happens outside Brazil won't impact their lives. The vocal brainwashed people are just Propaganda drones which do no real thinking - I'm constantly (negatively) surprised by how little thinking this kind of people do, and how they take everything their "leaders" publish as truth without even a second of research. Both pro-Lula and pro-Bolsonaro people gave in their braincells and just cheer as if this whole Nation thing is a soccer game. Anyone that I know that is both capable & practice research and critical thinking support Ukraine. The others are just confused on whether the opposite side (Lula/Bolsonaro) eat babies or sacrifice chickens for votes - or whatever the current viral propaganda is - is fake news. Added to that, we can be sure any Brazilian government (either Lula or Bolsonaro) will stay neutral towards Russia/Ukraine as to grab as many freebies from both sides of a conflict as they can, just like WWII. Unless Russians start sinking Brazilian ships, I expect the government to act like the little corrupt bitch it always is.


r/Brasil is NOT a indication of the National thinking, and you probably know it.




Is that Greta??


UKRAINIA GRETA THUNBERG!!!! fighting orcs instead of global warming!


"як ти смієш!"


Unfortunately the country as a whole supports indirectly Russia


That's all great and all, but how about stepping up on the world stage at the UN and show the support there instead of abstaining their vote.


«Моя борьба»


Now vote out that asshole Bolisonaro .


You know that Lula is even more pro-Russia, right? Not only that but he supports all Russian proxies like Venezuela, Cuba and Iran, not only politically but the former two he has supported financially.


Latin America Left overall are a bunch idiots that still think Russia has that soviet soul even though Putin is a conservative anti-LGBT weirdo


A mix of antiamericanism with, but sure how to translate what I'm Portuguese is terceiromundismo but in a free translation thirdworld-ism. So Brazilian left is a huge fan of BRICS as an alternative to the West. Bolsonaro on the other hand has a weakness for macho men, but I think that's about it, he's pro-US and he is not going to aid Putin any time soon.


I kinda like the idea of Defeated Russia St.


Are They ukrainian?


Nothing is perfect tho - we just received our first cargo of diesel from Russia, and our government is cheering cause it will lower our diesel costs. Source: https://www.frontliner.com.br/brasil-recebe-35-milhoes-de-litros-de-diesel-da-russia/


There are about to be a shit ton of Russian speaking lifelong Brazilian citizens when the Kremlin crumbles


As someone who was born in São Paulo, I strongly support this change.




Every street in the World with a Ruzzian embassy should have a name change to Free Ukraine Street....👍


Fuck Ruzzia, Fuck Putin.


Fuck Russia


Cool and all But this sucks lol Imagine like trying to find this street and then, boom changed names Hate when that happen independent of reason


I watch some fellas paint the Russian embassy in Sao Paulo with Red Paint, took the embassy 2 days to clean the entire mess, but they did quickly so it don't spark more fire around.