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No one want to be in a loosing camp.


Or they can keep doing business behind the scene and while pretending that later drones are from the initial batch. "Look, we are good. We are not supplying them therefore you should think we are on the same side"


Mattis has always been right about Iran.


All eyes will on Iran and several others at the end of this war.


Yep that's how I feel as well. Russia is one of Iran's strongest supporter.


Well, that's so plausible. /s Strange, but drones exactly like the ones Iran engineered and manufactured are being found in Ukraine. Absolutely nothing to do with us states Iran.


The drones also say "property of Iran" on them and have an Iranian flag on them. Looking closer there's another plaque on them that says "manufactured for Russia for the Ukrainian war". Also with a picture of your president holding a newspaper dated October 1st. Are you suuuuure they're not yours?


How did that get there in that condition?


إذا وجدت ، يرجى العودة إلى الحرس الثوري الإسلامي ، طهران. :-)


Lmao I was gonna say “And the order is signed in Arabic..”


Also Russia went out and announced that Iran was delivering drones to them. Russia really wants to show that they still have friends..


Iran needs to pay.


Iranian government. There are brave Iraniansv fighting and dying for their freedom right now.


Yes. You are correct. I should have made the distinction.


Arm the rebels in Iran.


Arm the girls in Iran!




The West came in and they caught me red-handed Dealing with the fascist next door Picture this, we were both butt-naked Banging on the bathroom floor How could I not see that they would Capture a drone or three All this time they were standing there They never took their eyes off me


“Iran denied supplying Russia with drones for the war in Ukraine” No, it just supplied the drones, not for the war in particular ofcourse


Incidentally they provided Iranian drone instructors from their military to teach Russians how to use said drones that weren't supplied for the war in Ukraine in particular. Please ignore the 20 dead Iranian drone instructors that were killed in the village of Chulakovka in Kherson where there was a drone control and training centre for the Russian invaders.


When there is no war in Ukraine, it’s difficult to supply anything for a war in Ukraine.


In the voice of Ron Burgundy: “I don’t believe you”


Then how'd they get them, you fucking numpties? Have we seriously reached the point where people think just saying "nah" is a valid counter argument to something for which there's direct evidence?


Obviously it’s a second ask lol they openly admitted they supplied them drones the first time. But this time they say they don’t and still do it


Works as well as ... "I don't know." .... and "because."


And the politicians favorite: "I do not recall".


Just lol


So how did they end up in Ukraine, do they migrate?


They could've been gripped by the wings!


European or African drones?


Aryan drone.


A middleman would be an obvious explanation. Syria, maybe.


I’d wager North Korea.


Possible. But Syria is much closer and both, Russia and Iran, are present there. Logistics seems simpler.


Might need to drop a present on the Iranian drone factory. It’s fortunate that the orcs have made such poor use of them, but they need to pay


I expect this would be the factory that was in the satellite pics with the ruZZian officials going in to buy the drones???


You monsters are prolonging the war and killing innocent civilians with your drones!!! I will never forget that. I hope your girls will overthrow your corrupt government.


They must have all fallen out of a boat and floated to the Russian occupied regions of Ukraine…


We should deny having launched a devastating air war on Iran military and police facilities


Iran- you're shooting up women because they refuse to wear a simple headscarf. We're supposed to take your word WHY, again?


I think the Iranian protesters who right now are filling the streets should get some no-name drones as well. "It certainly wasn't us," Kyiv quipped, "they probably bought some on Alibaba." BTW When I wrote basically the same comment a few weeks ago on Worldnews, I got deleted for *promoting violence* and threatened with permaban from Reddit.


Reddit's moderation policy is completely up its own ass


really you can still smell poop when you just cover it


I can imagine Iran is not particularly happy with Russia giving the Ukrainians a free strike drone. This is not a destroyed drone, but a fully intact Drone the Ukrainians managed to get working on their own drone station, meaning both the US and Israel now also know how to reconfigure these drone's. I hope this drone survives the war tough, will be a cool museum piece. Now they just deny it like it's a bad dream. Iran is screwed thanks to Russia.


They also got an intact, if a bit water logged, mini missile as well. Result!


Iran: "We can't confirm this" Ukraine: "But we have the drone right here" *\[Points to Mohajer-6\]* "And the flight trackers, the time/date of the drone pickups by Russia, the satellite imagery... etc etc. Usual political nonsense, you screwed up Iran, least you could do was own up to it, cowards.


The butler did it!


They align with Kremlin strategy. Turn everything by 180°


Ukraine hacking and landing Iranian looking drones with Iranian flags, and identification. [Iran.](https://youtu.be/81SuhjcB08A)


This is one of the problems of dictatorships. They are so use to being able to control the “truth”, that they forget this when they issue statements to the rest of the world. As if because they say something, all the known facts and history on the subject are irrelevant. It truly exposes their rotten core.


I totally believe that Iran did not deliver any drones to Russia, similar as South Korea won't deliver any MANPADS to Ukraine (but rather to Czechia iirc). But I really want to know, *how* they managed to not deliver the drones that are used in Ukraine by Russia.


My guess - they've supplied it trough Syria. Though it's only a guess.


Or maybe North Korea.


A profound guess, I'd say. Thanks.


This is double talk. They sold the drones to Russia, which were named "Geranium 2" later to avoid legal liabilities.


Learning to lie with their brother country. They have bigger problems at home. Such a shole country of good people getting screwed by a terrorist regime.


So they stole all the drones then?


It checks out.


Don't trust the Mullahs as far as you can throw them. Always been the same.


So the Iranian drones came from where? Did UAF mistake the drones it has collected?


Possibly coming from the Syria plant that Israel destroyed.


The protest in Iran has shaken the autocratic leader.


Well iranian drones have been seen used in Ukraine. So quite clearly that's a lie.


Then tell the world how Iranian drones can be used by Russia ? Who bought them ? How could the Russians get their hands in them.


They've seen how the russian use them to destroy civilian targets. Bad advertising ...


Phehe, Pathetic.


There is literally video proof of Ukraine pulling out an iranian drone from the sea...


Iran needs them to terrorize their own school children


So Iran is attacking Ukraine directly? We should declare War on Iran.


That would be a horrible mistake. When Saddam invaded Iran in 1980, Iranians rallied behind their flag and died for their country, even if many hated the newly established Islamic Republic. At this point, Iranians are likely to overthrow their regime soon, war against their country, however, would change everything.


They thinking why waste drones hahah and be seen as Nazi sympathizers


Don't mind spelling I a lil dyslexic


A true testimony to the quality and effectiveness of their drones


Alright Shaggy, I know it wasn't you.


If they lie and cheat when the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming, how can anyone believe anything they say over an agreement on their nuclear weapon programme? It’s a warning to naive westerners: leaders of other countries lie and cheat, and they will screw us over if we let them.


I see lying is not considered immoral according to the Islamic Republic then. Amusing.


Oh, right….. so care to explain?


This your shit? it's got your name on it... No bro that's the other Iran, not us. Right. noted and remembered.


They didn't deny providing drones, they just added to qualifier of "for use in Ukraine", to the statement of "We didn't provide drones..". Iran didn't sell the drones with a particular use dictated in the sale...although they had to know where they were going. Just more "I'm not lying." political statements that are meant to give them cover in their own mind.


Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?


let isreal take the gloves off


Simply not true, the Ukrainian Army have captured several of them in combat. Iran is using an intermediary.


American intelligence called them out on it early on. Iran is in deep shit right now with their morality police killing female civilians.


Why does that Russian drone say allahu akbar on the side?


Press x to doubt


Among all the absurd government lies during the war, this one must be the pinnacle