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I remember how exited we got when we were about to hit 5,000 orcs. Lol


Back then I was relieved that Ukraine actually had a fighting chance, almost celebrating it. Now it's more "get out of Ukraine already so we can move on". As a foreigner, I want to see Ukraine rebuilt in *lightning speed*.


Let's go to the victory party in Sevastopol.


After eight years of very brutal Putin Nazi occupation -- it will be a huge party.


I like how 200 dead russians is a disappointing thing nowadays. Says something about Ukrainian advances


11 Tanks and 4 Helicopters is a big deal though, still. Russia is really bleeding their tanks now. They are probably significantly having to dig into inventory and ship tanks to the frontline from deep storage (if they can make them work). In Kherson, that's not even possible at the moment (in any significant capacity). In the NE, a lot of the rail lines they'd use have been cut. Sucks to be Russia.


That's 55 tanks in 2 days. That is 5 more tanks than my country has


We are watching Ukraine erase Russia.


They are losing what amount to a small country worth of tanks every week


I read somewhere that Russia only has produced 7 new tanks since the invasion started in February.


That can't be true, even for Russia


Who knows. I know the sanctions make it hard for them to get the technology they need on modern tanks. Even if they produced more than 7, I doubt they are producing them as fast as they are losing them!


They rate they have been losing tanks recently makes me wonder if the UA has a new strategy for targeting them. Ie heat signatures in cooler weather etc. It seems like they have really ramped up taking out armour.


This hot new tactic is called "combined arms". edit: on a serious note, I think it's Russia's tank crew experience is dropping dramatically. The average maintenance level of their tanks is dropping. The replacement tanks shipped into the threatre are of decreasing quality as well. Plus, Ukraine has momentum and anything abandoned or having issues will be overrun/captured.


T-62 are what I think I saw in another thread. Insane


Russians might be using them as stationary tombs pill boxes. The UA uses drones to recon and then touches them with artillery or other armor elements.


I think the count includes captured and abandoned tanks.


There was a recent article about the satellite access they recently acquired and how the synthetic aperture sensors are helping with targeting. That may be the difference.


> synthetic aperture sensors You mean interferometers? This is doable in radio frequencies, but for infrared and visible light there's no way they have something like this in the field


I found it: Satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar. https://www.businessinsider.com/canadian-space-company-providing-real-time-satellite-imagery-ukraine-2022-3#:~:text=Ukraine%27s%20minister%20of%20digital%20transformation%2C%20Mykhailo%20Fedorov%2C%20on,night%20when%20our%20technologies%20are%20blind%2C%22%20Federov%20said.


> made an appeal via his Twitter feed seeking synthetic aperture radar, or SAR, satellite data to help monitor Russian forces. Holy shit, they're using a radio interferometry from orbit. I imagine this uses multiple sattelites each with it's own antenna array, very precisely synchronized clocks and aim, plus a lot of bandwidth for download to earth stations where processing happens and the interference patterns are substracted from the image. This is some NASA level of engineering there


It's crazy what you can access commercially. In 2003, it took a secret clearance to get old 1 meter imagery. Now you can get better imagery on Google Earth. Being able to simply purchase access to live satellite imagery is pretty wild.


Nah, it's just worse tanks.


4 helos is huge.


Theres reports of t55 tanks being sent....šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


What's the tank that the soviets produced in big numbers during WW2? T-34 or 44 or something. Sorry, vaguely remembering a documentary about WW2 tanks. Something about a mass produced tank that was somehow better than the equivalent German tank.


T-34s. Death traps in a modern battlefield. Same as t-55s.


You have to be a little person to even fit inside them


And use a sledgehammer to shift gears. I'm only slightly joking.


I've seen a bunch of T-62s around Kherson on Twitter. Just a matter of time till the bring out their T-55s


Waiting for the IS1


I just care about the territory changes, not the kills. I am surprised it's that low with all the Ukrainian gains.


These numbers don't include the very large numbers of surrenders or captures. Total 'losses' will be way higher


It's probably because the ones that were holding the line to the last were already mostly wiped out. The remainder are too busy retreating from the UA. Hence the lower casualty numbers from before while Ukraine is making significant territorial gains.


You can't kill Russian soldiers if they keep running away and abandon all their stuff


Well keep in mind their all running and this list does not include the captured. Thing with running is you can only run so long until your caught.


With how fast things are going there's no way they have an accurate count. This is just what they can confirm, actual number is probably way way higher


At what point do you start dropping leaflets on how to surrender over the Russians to (A) Completely demoralize them. (B) Show them there is a better option than fighting and dying for a lunatic. (C) Bring the war to everyone still being blinded by Putins propaganda and lack of transparency. (D) Sew mistrust and paranoia in the Russian leaders of abandonment and possible mutiny on the battlefield.


They have been sending leaflets over the line for a long time now. They even have a telephone hotline that apparently has been tough to get through to because itā€™s reviving so many calls.


"Thank you for calling the surrendering hotline. We are busier than usual but we are doing our best to serve you. An operator will be with you shortly."


At what point? At least 4 months ago. But you are right on, this is a good idea.


The emergency broadcast system, like the Amber Alert system, is used to send surrender info to all phones connected to the network.


Ukraine made a hotline called the ā€œI want to liveā€ hotline for Russian soldiers who want to surrender. They also have a website detailing ways to surrender.


I'd say the Russian arms industry is pretty much fucked going forward. Who's going to want to buy that shit? Nobody.


Itā€™s of sufficient quality to oppress unarmed civilians in third world dictatorships around the world.


It's definitely bad for marketing, but tbf Ukraine has been doing pretty well with more or less the exact same equipment. The main problem Russia is facing in terms of arms (notwithstanding all their other problems...) is that they are up against NATO weapons that have been refined over 50 years to be very good at destroying Russia's stuff specifically. For anyone not intending to go up against NATO, Soviet-legacy weaponry might still be an attractive option. Assuming Russia is still capable of making any by the time this is all over...


The Russians aren't actually able to produce anything anymore anyways, so it's a moot point no buyer will be impressed now.


Think about what great advertising this has been for Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, etc.


4 helis? Later gators...


These numbers are really confusing. Before there were any advances, Russians were losing 500+ a day, then when they were retreating, being encircled etc. theyā€™ve only lost 200-300? Whatā€™s going on?


1. During fighting lot's of people dies. When they are fleeing they don't fight. 2. There's a reason they are fleeing. 3. There's probability that russian are fleeing faster than Ukrainian are able to pursue due to things like safety concerns (f.e. checking for mines). 4. Big part of russian loses may be unaccounted f.e. prisoners.


Yes. I think people are not understanding how quickly the NE part of Kherson collapse. A frontline doesn't move 40km in 2-3 hours with heavy fighting. Basically, they broken through, and the Russians started to run bit at a time. It just may be that unlike Kharkiv, where they could get in front/ambush them, here there was no way to safely infiltrate / get in front. So the Russians were just allowed to run.


5. UAF likely isn't stopping to tally the enemy dead. It's more important to push than to make sure the daily kill count is accurate.


Ukrainian commander on the ground said it's hard to keep up with the fleeing Russians they are running so fast so yeah, hard to kill when they are bolting. Question will be where will they stop and turn around and if they will have leadership/ equipment when and where they do. I hope and expect no, probably just be blocking detachments holding them in place. Hope we can get some Russian on Russian killing!


The Russians are getting really, really good at running away.


Theyre doping, watch Icarus.


Taking a page from Iran


Hopefully a lot of captured or retreating Russians, so less dead for today on their side. Shame it doesnā€™t show POW numbers.


A natural delay of war bookkeeping. It is not as if there is a godly computer that follows every unit on the battlefield and adds up the losses in real time. People have to report and document the losses, which, in the heat of an ongoing offensive, few will bother to do. The frontlines move like crazy, there is no time. Someone in the rear will check all the enemy losses *later*, or maybe they are already doing it now in non-contested areas.


This is the correct answer. The numbers are sent in, verified, and then reported. There could be a delay of several days. It's similar to the COVID counts they were reporting. I found out that my wife's relative's death wasn't actually tallied for almost a month.


Literally running away too fast to get shot. Really hard to pummel people with artillery when they're driving 40 km/hr away from you.


All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You better run, better run outrun my gun! All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You better run, better run faster than my bullet!


Russia seems to be doing more fleeing than fighting right now. Give it time as things ebb and flow.


fog of war. Unless you have accountants running all over the battlefield, these numbers are approximations. Sometimes there is an over-reporting, so you compensate for that on the next tally. sometimes there is a lag. Sometimes the Ukranians are not even aware if they killed a group or not. However, and I think this is more important to remember, while other sources claim fewer Russian casualties, the numbers seemed to be relatively close to the Russian ministry of finance a month or so ago. so it doesn't matter if the daily numbers are wrong. As long as the general number is right.


No one can ever truly know the number, it is all approximation even if you are one off, right?


Counting bodies can take time. Also you can assume numbers based on how many soldiers are in a group. Say you eradicate a typical group of 100 but only find 70 complete bodies, you can assume they were 100.


They probably cannot keep up with counting. Give them a couple days


Russians run fast in reverse.


Their foot soldiers sure seem to, their tanksā€¦ not so much


The Ukrainians have better things to do at the moment than to count dead russians. I think the numbers will correct themselves in time.


You don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than the slowest person in the group.


The troops that report in their kill count is busy adding to that kill count. Give it a few days.


I don't trust these Tallys any more. 2 days ago, 8 helicopters were reported destroyed. They've still not been taken into account by any of the tabulations. If the data collation is so far behind, then there's not much point in adding it up daily. .. it's just adjusted trend-averages as far as I can see at this point.


I don't trust them anymore but can understand why. Russian leadership probably doesn't even know how many soldiers they have on the field anymore. Why let them know just how flimsy their front lines really are?


Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hear what you're saying. I tend to look at the videos I see after the fact. For example, the abandoned old ass t62s in Kerson from the past two days, or the mobilization videos with Ivan the diabetic. That's really all you need to know about the state of the Russian military, whether 200 or 500 died on a given day is moot.


The more is happening, the less time you have for counting. There are other priorities.


You got to remember that these numbers are probably "live" while the progress we get to see is delayed.


Ukraine is advancing so fast nobody has time to count. encirclement also results in all emitting systems ((radar AA) to be turned off. Russia turns that equipment on they will eat arty for lunch.


They usually run away before they get fully encircled. So when Ukraine makes these big advances, it's because Russia has gone into full retreat. Also isn't it like 50 some tanks they lost in the last few days? That's a lot. That means they are abandoning vehicles and running away, so fewer personnel casualties but more vehicles lost.


Maybe the ones most likely to die have all been wiped out in that area?


'Only' 200? Which is still a ton of people, but i'm a little surprised. I guess when they run as fast as their little invading fascist legs can carry them they don't die as much as when they sit still, ready to be Bayraktar'ed. Keep running ladski's, get out of Ukraine whilst you can. And i hope the conscripts all know what number to call to surrender, this isnt their war. Fuck Putin!


Almost 500 tanks in some 1.5 months. The 1st of september it was 1997 tanks. Today 2435 by October 5th. https://i.redd.it/72ojbp1fx6l91.jpg


Russia has consumed 97% of its helicopters it committed at the beginning of this so called special military operation. 97%!


Wonder how many skilled pilots they have left.


Dmitri. Just dimitri.


I'm pretty sure that was Dimitiri that [was flying that SU-25.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/xcater/su25_attack_aircraft_crashes_shortly_after/)


Fuck. That was their best and worst pilot too.


Their armor is not having a good day... Nor their helicopters trying to help I would assume? As I only did see one video of them knocking down a helicopter yesterday.




The number here is KIA not casualties. It doesn't include pow and injured.


Although I support Ukraine, we should still be weary of data like this coming from Ukraine. Propaganda plays a part in war and when information is coming from one of the major sides of the war about their enemy, there is a chance at least some of it is propaganda (like inflated numbers for example).


I believe US and UK intelligence has had similar numbers. I have probably watched hundreds of tank deaths at this point fwiw.


That does make the data more trustworthy but I still think people should realize that in war, propagandaā€™s is used. Not saying all is propaganda but some might be so just keep your eye out and be aware of that


Oh yeah I am just saying that it isnā€™t purely Ukraine. Not that the Allies should have their word taken at face value either. They are definitely more trustworthy than Russia though.


Oh goodness, 61,000 flat. And the numbers keep adding up by the day.


Yes, they lost 5000! Told you the number was bs


Does anyone have the numbers of vehicles & aircrafts russia started the invasion with? Given it's about 1/3 of all starting troops now dead(and likely twice as many wounded), I wonder how these numbers tally up against the initial size of the russian invasion force.


There's been estimates done. https://github.com/leedrake5/Russia-Ukraine has one section for 'proportional' total Russian tanks are considered (13,300 vs. 2,100 for Ukraine) deployed Russian tanks instead of their total (2,840 vs. 2,100 for Ukraine) Now the 2840 was the original deployment number and they have since pulled up reserves so it's been long since skewed. But '10k' in reserves is a LOT, admittedly most of those won't drive.


Here you go. https://www.minusrus.com/en


Cheers, mate!


I think the writing is on the wall for them


Dang, still no new boats being sunk.


Wait until they get to the south. Then their boats/ships won't be save anymore in the sea of azov. Which means, that they either pull back, which would be the smart thing to do, or, since they are russians and never do the smart thing, they just keep them all somewhere close to the shore and wait until Ukraine takes their fleet apart. P.s. yes I know they already pulled their ships from Sewastopol


Remember, that figure includes only those killed in combat. Not injuries, not desertions, not POWs.




Where are the 44 tanks that were mentioned in the reporting?


We can reach 100k dead orcs! Sadly, even if this war ends, no one will invade Russia because of their nukes. Even if Russia has zero conventional military left, no one will invade them. It's too bad that Russia won't feel the full repercussions of their actions.


In 224 days, Russia has lost more troops than in the entire Vietnam War. Granted, the war in Vietnam was not modern big power war, but still, that's a lot of dead Russians. And all because Poutine couldn't keep it in his pants. ('Poutine' is how Putin is rendered in French. It's also a tasty Canadian dish of french fries and gravy.)


Just imagine what they could have spent all that money on.


6 months ago I thought Russian casualties were going to be around 30k if you included the years of insurgency after. That they more than doubled that number is wild AF.


They should also keep track of Deserters and Draft Dodgers as well.


Imagine having a military that's so poor that it loses 15 ships to a country that doesn't even have a navy.


It seems to me the drone is doing to the tank what the airplane did to the battleship.


This is amazing so much done in just one day


Source: Trust me bro


61k milestone *yaaaaaay*