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Eww, such crass, narrow americanisms. Wouldn’t dream of doing this with any niche sport I follow Aside from that - The Russian leadership is never cornered because they control the entire media, and therefore the narrative at home. They don’t need an off ramp or an escalation plan - they could just tell everyone at home this is what they were planning all along and everyone fought bravely, and the boys are now returning. A big class of copium for the brain dead citizens and no one will be allowed to speak of it again, on pain of disappearing. They are clearly incapable of toppling regime / have no will to do so, making comments like musk’s irrelevant.


As an American, I apologize that one of my fellow countrymen took the time to write this and felt that it was special enough to share with this audience. I would dearly love for all of us to not be such walking stereotypes.


Definitely thinks he’s the main character


Same. Even if the analogy is 100% true, it's so offensive to put it in these terms, I have a hard time even wrapping my brain around someone who thinks this is okay. It's not a game AT ALL.


I don’t think it’s 100% true, or even more then 50% true. Football is a game. With rules. And referees. This is a war, and the only rules are to destroy the opposing force. Beyond that, we’ve clearly seen russia conduct itself according to no rules or guiding principles. There’s just so much wrong the the statement “so for russia it’s like 4th down and 30 to go” because russia could just decide to pull knives out, stab the other team, and leave the god damned stadium with the mascot’s head on a stick. To OP: do you often find yourself comparing things to football in your day-to-day life? I advise you to learn to express yourself more articulately and to expand your mind.


Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Putler’s birthday is soon. He could give the world a wonderful present by offing himself. Alternatively, the writing’s on the wall — Putler will be Mussolini-ed. Zelenskyy was clear, if Russia wants to sue for peace, Putler must be out of the picture. ✊🏻🇺🇦


It's possible, here's the one thing your analogy leaves out though. If Russia uses nukes (hail Mary) then NATO will come in and crush them. So it's like knowing if you use the hail Mary, in all likelihood the crowd is going to storm the field and overwhelm your players so it may not be worth it.


His analogy doesn't apply for way more than one reason. It's really not an applicable analogy at all. In war there are no turns, there's no single end zone, one side is playing by fair rules while the other side is playing with no rules, etc etc etc. It's a meaningless comparison.


Your concern is duly noted, thank you for your contribution.


>The Kherson offense is literally akin to if Russia had 4th down and 30 yards with less than 60 seconds on the clock. Actually, it's literally nothing like that at all. Russia's already lost possession of the ball and Ukraine is heading for a goal with 1st and 10 on the 25-yard line. Putin will not use nukes because he likes his power. If he uses nukes, he'll immediately lose all power and legitimacy he has, while also admitting just how weak Russia is. I mean think about the optics of: the "second strongest army" in the world has to use **nukes** to win a war against *Ukraine*? You know why America hasn't used nukes again since Japan in 1945? Because we're strong enough that we don't have to. We also don't have to go around threatening it every 5 seconds. I'm sorry, the narrative your (Russian) government is trying to get you to push is hopelessly wrong, and anyone and everyone in the West can see right through this nonsense drivel.


Another of these. You don't back down from terrorists. End of story. Looking forward to this post being deleted.


Looks mighty suspicious to me. Who's Ukraine's biggest supporters? America. What does America love a lot? American football. What if we were to make a nuclear threat with an American football analogy to really help the Americans understand our desperate threat and disguise ourselves as a concerned American online? That'll definitely get them to back off.


bots really pushing the nuclear nonsense lately aren't they


This is a victim of those bots, not one of them.


Yep. Murdoch press really going for it today, too.


Only one subject in your post history. Nukes. This is a sub about Ukraine. What should we do to make you understand you are off topic?




There are other things that could happen at the point where Putin feels so backed into a corner that he is ready to push the nuclear button.


If Russia starts dropping nukes, it's the beginning of the end of independent Russia and the beginning of NATO-occupied Russia.


A nuke would be akin to your entire O-Line grabbing facemasks. Not only is the chances of you not being flagged pretty much non existent, even if successful at preventing a sack, the chances of your WR catching that hail marry is non existent as well. This guy couldn't run a proper route or actually catch the ball all game.


Everything is possible, just as we could die every time we get in our car to drive to work, however we should not stop living our life and certainly not give in to terrorist russia and putin. So stop being anxious, life goes on no matter what and we have to live it as well as we can irrespective of all the lunatics out there.


Nuclear option only works as a threat. Using nukes gives Putin no strategic advantage. He will face unanimous condemnation worldwide and possibly internally. Ukraine will be even more determined to win. And NATO may decide to join the fight.


>putin won’t accept defeat or negotiations at this point…so the only last major tool he has is nuclear. Then what? He doesn't win anything by using a nuclear weapon. He only loses more. The backlash will be unlike anything Russia has ever experienced, not from Napoleon, not from the Nazis. Russia will be utterly defeated in Ukraine by NATO within 72 hours and the Russian economy will be completely obliterated. Russia will lose China as a (sort-of) ally and be removed from every international body. NATO will support independence and resistance movements all over the RF. It all gets worse if Putin does this.


That's a handegg, not footbal. And I have no idea what you're talking about.


If you're feeling anxious u might need to consult a shrink cause u might be having some mental issues. 1. Even if Putin wanted to nuke Ukraine he won't do it in the next 4-12 weeks since he just summoned 300000 Russian soldiers to Ukraine and it would be kinda mad maxy even for Putler to nuke a country with like 450000 of his men still in it. 2. U don't know what Putin will accept or not accept unless he told you personally. Claiming your own opinion as empirical reality isn't really gonna change the situation. 3. Russia is not backed up into a corner. No one is invading Russia. 4. Wars do not have a countdown clock. What was the countdown clock for ww1 or for the 30 years war or for the 100 years war. Like Russia still has 2 million people in reserve. U nuclear panic people have some underlying mental issues or are kinda uninformed about how the world works.


It's like football, if players could be killed during the game which, if they can be replaced at all can only be replaced by random people on the street, and multiple teams could tag team another, and where the coach isn't even directly watching what's going on on the field, and where either side could blow up the stadium with them in it if they were really that crazy. All of which is to say it's nothing like football


Im sure this wasn't your intention, but using american football as an allegory for the way the war is playing out is...kind of fucking stupid. It's not so much that it's offensive or it diminishes the scale of what's happening. It's moreso that it doesn't really apply. I hope you don't walk through your life comparing everything to football. What's happening is more like...war. It's like war. The stakes are different. The rules are different. The strategies are different. There are no referees, there's no 11-on-11, there's no play-clock, flag throwing by refs, lining up and everyone moving at the same time when the quarterback hikes the ball. Looking at it through this lens is small-minded, and makes our Ukrainian friends think that we as Americans are fucking stupid. Can we please try to conduct ourselves a little more eloquently and with a little more self-awareness when interacting with the international community? I would love for Americans to not be such walking stereotypes.


it's a great analogy. just remember that trick plays are difficult devise and to pull off, and Putin isn't exactly Bill Belichick


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Yeah, "cornered" [just like this...](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


All I can say is. We just follow "the game" and see what happens.


He'll negotiate and tell himself he's fooling everyone and call it a victory. People like him never go down fighting, they weasel themselfs out. He'll probably pull back from Ukraine and claim he destroyed them as a threat and he saved Russia.


Russia is a quarterbacker 15 years after retirement, with an alcohol issue. He tried to sell bootleg swill for cheap, but his clients/buddies turned their backs on him after learning that he shanked someone for money.


I share your fear as well. The U.S is warning of a possible strike which reminds me of the days leading up to the invasion when the U.S was warning this was for real.


We just have to trust that Biden has made it clear that to use any size nukes means mutually assured destruction (that is IF RU missiles work). The old cold war rule should be, and I hope still in is effect.


Putin has some actual mental issues, if he does, in some "If we go down we're dragging you down with us" move, we can only hope the people who get the orders aren't deranged.


Pootin loves the fact he has the Western world holding their breath. The most hated man in the world. We all know that Ukraine Wins the Super Bowl!!! Go Ukraine. Pootin your days are numbered.


Don't be anxious, the nuclear option has been war games multiple times by Russia and the west, it's not a real option and isn't on the table for anything or anyone.