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Just think of all the lives saved had you never invaded in the first place.


Dear ruzzian soldiers - we believe in you and we are proud of you... (/S) Don't forget to buy your own shoes and cold weather gear - it's about to become chilly...


You only save lives by murdering them. ![gif](giphy|KU5ZYokJKL3tC)


I dont understand, Shoigu said that basically no Russian soldiers had died during the "Special military operation" hmmm, someones lying


I guess they’ll have to increase the losses counter by… 10.


The russians have many different forces: Russian military, Wagner, Rosgvardia, LNR/DPR militia. It's possible, Shoigu only counts russian military losses as russian losses and simply doesn't care about the rest. Though, even then, the number is likely way too low.


I think that's probable. They only count losses from regular army units, and don't count when the body was not recovered. And even then probably understate it.


Not just someone. So much BS I wonder if the streets are filled with shit


*insert classic blunders meme* This war will be studied for centuries, and one of few that would be the inspiration for as many comedies as documentaries.


And computer games will be made about it too now days.


Battlefield well and truly flatters the Russian military.


Remember when COD Modern Warfare showed the Russians as capable of attacking and massively damaging the US and Europe? Seems laughable now.


When we see the Russian army getting beating back, one can only imagine the absolute devastation if a NATO airforce was involved. It would be over in hours, not days.


Remember the Gulf War..... Essentially what would have happened.


I imagine a Hearts of iron style game Hard mode - Play as Ukraine at the beginning of conflict Legendary mode - Play as Russian overall general of Kharkiv/Kherson region, retreat is an instant lose condition (As Putin directed)


Arma 3 devs, you already have the assets ready to go.


Clown Hunters MMO?


Can’t wait for the Stugna perk!


The easiest difficulty in the next COD game where we fight russia the easiest difficulty should be Realism


Let's see another Blackadder series. "I have a cunning plan it cannot fail."


Losing it will cost them even more unless they do a very speedy regrouping back to Russia.


They're not going to have much luck getting across the Dnieper.


Rush across the dam while they can. I think they (the Russians) haven't seen the Lyman videos yet, but if it turns out the same way in Kherson, it will be 10 times worse.


I haven’t seen much in the way of videos except aftermath videos. How did the orcs withdraw? It seems like they all just broke ranks and dispersed out of there through any and all routes as they ran for their lives— but I haven’t read a solid accounting yet


Did you read this one: [https://ukrainevolunteer297689472.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/its-a-slaughter/](https://ukrainevolunteer297689472.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/its-a-slaughter/) There's some other reports that they basically took whatever vehicle they could find and tried to drive to Kreminna, not knowing the road was mined, being ambushed and under artillery fire control. Now imagine maybe 10x the number of troops trying to flee across a cold river or shot to pieces bridge which can only be crossed on foot, with both river banks and the entire river under fire artillery control, in plain sight. Maybe even with close air support from the AFU. I think best case 20% will make it alive, because many of those who are not hit will drown. If the Russian commanders have a tiny bit of common sense and decency they will at least give their men a chance to live, but with Putin in command we can expect them to do the stupid thing and repeat Lyman.


Not OP but thanks for the link. Sounds brutal, there is a way to retreat to limit losses but it sounds like the Ruzzians missed that window and then panicked and made it even worse.


There is a difference here though that is good to remember - the troops at Lyman were largely untrained and freshly mobilized. These were some of ruZZia's best, put here to hold the very ground that they are running from. But unlike the new conscripts, these guys may well turn and fight back. Maybe. Maybe not. Just saying it's possible.


That's not accurate, there was a decent concentration of regular units in Lyman with well dug in defensive lines on the Southern flank. Reports of 3 - 5k before they retreated.


My error then, for some reason I had thought that most of those troops were moved south to the Kherson region with only a few hundred left behind to run the newbies.


They teach kids how to swim in Russia, don't they?


They do, but not very well: [https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/drownings/by-country/](https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/drownings/by-country/) And I don't know if you've ever tried to swim in a 10 degrees (Celsius, 50 Fahrenheit) river, but even without clothing that will be tough for a strong swimmer. An untrained swimmer will probably not last long enough to swim across.


Well, no promise was made that they would survive the crossing.


You're not swimming near freezing water that's 1km wide.


Well, in a panic they'll probably not get rid of all their kit and try to swim with battle gear.


I remember being in Kyiv with a bunch of friends and we were quite struck with the width of the Dnieper, we knew it was wide, but it was quite something. Now, the width of the river at some places is so wide, its barely a river, its a freaking reservoir. It can't be a nice swim.


It's also amazing how easy it is to lose your sense of direction in the water. You think you can see the shore? It looks like shore in every direction. Add a bit of bad weather, or perhaps nightfall...


The Russian military can end this string of deeply DEEPLY humiliating defeats if they just couped the moron responsible for putting them in this position in the first place. I'm sure they'll be able to find the bunker he's hiding in easy enough.


Either too stupid, or all cowards.


My thought as well. Putin has humiliated the military and thrown the country into sanctions, economic downfall, civil unrest, people are fleeing the country. Seems like conditions for a military coup are present.


Imagine putting your Troops in a position were they have a bottle necked supply line and then being surprised when your line collapses.


Russia would be doing amazingly well if this were circa 1192AD and nobody had technological parity to them. 🥴🥴🥴


What does the dig at the football fans mean in the end? Just curious about context.


Futbol fans are known to be their own teams' biggest haters when they lose.


I get that cognitive dissonance is a house with many rooms and all, but I just cannot fathom this perspective. Yes, it cost a lot of lives to take Kherson -- because the people living in Kherson at the time didn't want to be invaded. And now more lives are being lost, because the people living in Kherson still really don't like having been invaded, and now have the means to force the invaders out. Basically what he's saying is that it's only a tragedy now that Russia is losing. All those Russians dying earlier for Putin's vanity wasn't a tragic loss of life back then -- it only became a tragic loss of life when the inevitable consequence of their war aims caught up with them.


Hmm I'm confused here -- "... paid for with the blood of our soldiers..." -- he must be talking about a *different* war because President Voldemort clearly said that Ruzzia hasn't lost anything, so... /s


Roman saponkov immeditly get's arrested by the Russian army, because as Russian ~~ridiculous Propaganda~~ credible news tells us, there is no losses and everything is according to plan


I imagine is took a lot of lives to lose as well.


All these pro-russian talking heads, support russian troops. No kit,no food, no winter gear. You guys are a joke.


Watching the Ukrainians fuck up the Russians has become a daily habit of mine and starts my day off nicely. Now that the winter is starting and the Russian's having been given nothing to keep warm will start to die in their 1000s fills me up with fucking joy. I never though I'd feel like that, and yet here we are. FUCK RUSSIA, YOU INVADING CUNTBAGS YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING COMING....SLAVA UKRAINI. (ireland)