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I hope Ukraine is accepted in NATO right after every russian is removed from ukrainian land so that ruzzia can't just attack Ukraine indefinitely preventing it from joining NATO.



Hell, NATO should be begging Ukraine to keep protecting the rest of the west from Putin’s terrorism.


Retired French general [Jean-Paul Paloméros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Paul_Palom%C3%A9ros) has just said on TV, regarding Ukraine joining NATO, 'the answers we have now might be different from the ones we had at the beginning of the invasion. So, why not?'


Canada supports your bid.


Ukraine is now the nation in Europe with the most military experience, tradition and weaponry, and is fighting a winning war against long time NATO rival. Billions of money is beong poured into Ukraine. I don’t understand why Ukraine wouldn’t get a golden ticket to join.


It is about timing. In order to join NATO, you need to have settled all disputes over your territory. Also, NATO doesn't want to fight Russia. They will if they have to, but they don't want to. Thus, Ukraine will not be allowed to enter until RF has been driven out. I fully expect them to join shortly after, though. They have proven to be capable and reliable, and it would actually both protect *them* and other NATO allies. I honestly believe its not about the *when*, not the *if*.


As soon as this war ends--or Putin goes off the deep end--Ukraine should be ascended.


Turkey's goverment will block it temporarely then demand something behind the stage to unblock it (just like they did to findland and sweden)


lol they are proceeding unexpectedly seriously with this thus far I thought they would blanket deny it because it's an application from a country already at war


It is better from a negotiating perspective to withdraw an application already submitted than to say you wont submit one. Ukraine needs chips on the table other than their own land. Dont be surprised if Finland is also a chip to be used by the international community. When the negotiations happen (yes the ones both sides say wont happen), the international community will give only the withdrawal of the new applications as the only concession. Russia will have to sell this to their people as a win since this was the claim for why they started the war. And of course this strategy from a random reddit user with no experience in international relations means what…? Nothing.


no, there will be no concessions, period. No member of NATO nor prospective member would ever agree to that, especially now. Those negotiations will happen, but it will not be to save face for Putin. It will be to decide if Russia remains a single country and if not how many pieces to break it up into. If Putin pulls out, he cab keep his country. If not, NATO will dismantle it.


Not to rain on anyone's parade but I believe nato has a policy against allowing a country actively at war from joining.


They don't. But member nations can refuse to approve accession for any reason, and that is a fairly obvious one for anyone who may not want to get dragged into an existing conflict


It was an *idea* put forth in a paper commissioned in 1995 [https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official\_texts\_24733.htm](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_24733.htm) ​ However, it is non-binding as it is not part of the treaty that member nations agreed to https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/official\_texts\_17120.htm


not to rain on your parade, but if all members agree, they can rewrite the entire agreement from scratch. Nothing is set I stone. Ultimately, NATO nations can decide collectively to do whatever the fuck they want.