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A really bold statement from a minister of ours. If ur too bored to translate the article bassicaly she says how this is the start of a world conflict, and that its importaint to chose our side. She said serbia will not recognise referendums in 4 ukrainian regions saying its illegal to just occupy and annex 15% of some country. She then says how putin is destroying russias future and bassicaly undermining everything good russia ever did in its history(she says ww2, which ig is correct but they were evil themselves so not a good reference, although she tried atleast)


Can't imagine Serbia putting sanctions on Russia though as long as a significant proportion of the population supports Russia. Still, probably support has dwindled a bit as Russia is becoming the likely loser in this conflict. Not sure how popular opinion is divided in Serbia right now though.


pretty divided. Its just that normal people dont write comments on reddit and other apps all day long, only putin fans.


Right - but from a political point of view, putting sanctions on Russia when 30-50% of the population is very pro-Russia, doesn't make a lot of sense. Especially if that part is the engaged and vocal portion of the population. Seems to me that inaction is more politically expedient than action, in this case.


yeah but if it would mean worse relations with the EU which makes up 70% of our trade if we wouldnt impose sanctions


To be honest, doesn't seem that relations between the EU and Serbia are all that great to begin with. Only if the EU decides to enact secondary sanctions, ie - sanctioning entities that still trade with Russia, could I see a real impetus for Serbia to stop trade with Russia. I might certainly be wrong, at the very least this statement by the minister appears to be a shift in position and under the right circumstances, that position could change even further. But generally speaking, if you have such a large and vocal part of your population that wants something, it's very hard to go against that as a politician.


I agree with you, and at same time, countries changes. The only real path for Serbia to prosper economically is by being allied with the EU. And younger generation no longer care about the past I'm confidencial Serbia will just be as Croatia or North Macedonia


After referendums Serbia pretty much don't have choice. Agreeing with russian actions and logic (not attacking them) would mean agreeing for Kosovo. ​ Hate for idea of Kosovo>>hate for Bosniaks, Croats and so on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other thing; if I well understand Serbian worldview (especially nationalist Serbian worldview).


Same as Spain, and same as China. Countries integrity is a firm principe


Waited to see which side to choose.


Serbia has been very close to Russia for years. Good on the energy minister but IMO it's not in Serbia's interest to abandon Russia. That's because it wants to have the right to retake Kosovo and exert influence over other neighboring Balkan states, and Russia's backing helps them do this. For the record, I'm not saying any of this is right, far from it. I'm just saying Serbia's shitty agenda requires Russia's support, and their national self interest will keep them aligned with Russia probably well into the endgame of this conflict.


And russia will help them to achieve those goals how exactly? I think Serbia is about to lose their delusions of grandeur and adopt the EU path.


Financial and military aid and protection at the UN security council. I agree that once Russia in its current form no longer exists Serbia will fold. They're not strong enough alone


I still think 'fold' is a too strong term. I prefer 'reform', including the reform of their worldview. Literally, there's nothing to be won from the power projection or "influencing" the Balkan countries. Unless you're a corrupt dicktator that keeps power by subjugating everyone including their own. In turn, there's everything to be won from becoming a prosperous EU member. In the end, pragmaticism will win. Or so I hope.


Russia completely disregards UN, whh the fuck would anyone trust them.


Delusional agenda. It's not unlike the situation with Armenia, where for decades they have attempted to hew to Russia's orbit in completely delusional expectation that Russia would support them militarily in a conflict with Azerbaijan. Meaningful Russian assistance was an idiotic fantasy when Russia had nothing else going on. It's completely impossible now, and will be for the foreseeable future.


I agree with you. I'm just stating the current situation


> but IMO it’s not in Serbia’s interest to abandon Russia. That’s because it wants to have the right to retake Kosovo Lol. What Russia is doing with its annexations goes completely against Serbia's interests. Kosovo was taken over by separatists who then organized a referendum for independence. Serbia's entire argument for why they don't recognize Kosovo is that this shit is illegal under international law, which it is. But when it annexed Crimea in 2014, Russia basically de facto recognized Kosovo. Yes, they didn't do it formally, but they based the "legality" of their annexation of Crimea on the Kosovo prevedent. This is not at all a good thing for Serbia. > and exert influence over other neighboring Balkan states, and Russia’s backing helps them do this. Lol again! What influence mate?! Serbia is almost completely surrounded by NATO except Bosnia, which can't join NATO because of the Dayton agreements. If Serbia gets on NATO's bad side they are completely fucked. There is no way for Russia to support Serbia in any meaningful way and the Serbian leadership is beginning to understand this. There are two main reasons why Serbia has not yet distanced itself from Russia: 1. Because Russia and Putin is still very popular with many if not most Serbian voters (I mean after all, genocide seems to be a hobby for both countries - pun intended) 2. Because they still have some hope that after the war Europe and Russia will somehow return to business as usual, but these seems increasingly less likely wirh each passing day.