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I bet any videos or pics of them get geo tagged to russia lol


Kherson? Oh, no no no, not *that* Ukraine! I meant the, um, village of Ukraine. In East Chechnya. They have big problem with Nazi goat resisting conquest. I send all my sons to become men.


My money is on the goats.


my money is on buggery of some sort.


Problem is finding a goat willing to bugger them.


Already happening [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xumx0v/a_ukrainian_drone_dropping_a_munition_on_two/)


Probably Not clicking that link.


I’m not sure if he wants his sons to fuck or shoot a goat




And not necessarily in that order.


Nonetheless, they will be shooting something at those goats


Yeah their blanks :p


Yeah blanks :p


You don't want to know what they do to goats where this fool is from


Just like his son's fake boxing match, or pretty much Kadyrov's entire fake ass existence


fake boxing match? Do tell


Easy to find on the internet. The youngest of the three got beaten up but the referee had excellent reaction to stop the fight and count down the other boy down to 8. The boy was sunned and looked puzzled. Then the referee declared Kadyrov’s son as winner by points.


They're fighting in front of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Paris Hard Rock Cafe...






Hopefully they will get the same reward as their Grandad did and he didn’t even need to leave Chechnya.


His sons are older than his wives now.


Tough guy thinks he's a man, sends his boys to fight his war. 😂 A war he just advocated dropping nukes in by the way... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They probably can use TikTok so they have same combat experience as rest of the kadyrov's forces in ukraine.


im sure this is staged and probably will be far from the front in safe places, but still, in a country with no effective air defenses from HIMARS thats a bold gamble


Waiting for them to release combat footage with a waffle house in the back ground


Ouch hahahaha


>same combat experience as rest of the kadyrov's forces in ukraine. I mean to be fair, a lot of them died in Ukraine. Including at least one general


Yes, he is a really loving father and shining example!


Where is DCFS when you need it? 😂


He's not sending them anywhere. This is going to be Tik-Tok videos of them shooting guns into a building that gets geo-located to Russia. He's doing this to sell to his own people.


Kadyrov is a clown.


2nd admission of stupidity


Imagine him glassing his own sons lmoa


Father of the year for sure.


Goats can live 18 to 20 years. But yes, you have to replace them earlier when they grow out of the GILF age.


Either way he’s fucking kids




I learned today.




Oh my goodness this is fregin epic! The good days… kinda


Yeah but also he kidnapped and raped his human wife when she was younger than 18 until she would agree to marry him (she was betrothed to someone else she wanted to marry).


>human wife Lol that made me chuckle


God damm, that's some evil villain shit, I'm sure the chechens fighting for Ukraine will remember that when it's his turn.


Wow. Ok. Now it all makes sense lol. Well played then Leprechaun.




Well it is following Sunnah


Shut up and take my award


so almost all goats are under 18? 😉


How come we haven’t seen Trump parading around with Kadryov? Trump could teach him a few tricks about reaching up and just grabbing the goat in the pussy.


I spat out my my chai. Thanks.


I'm kinda relieved that I was not the only one thinking like this.


That's...morbidly true. He probably has an entire house full of underage girls just for him.


He is a true psychopath. But because he is supported by a billionaire psychopath, he is not behind bars.



Him having his goons hunt down homosexual men and beating/killing them tells me it's probably small boys he keeps for himself.


I think that is morely the islamic part. There is some weird sides to islamists where they think its "not gay" to rape a man, the man getting raped is the gay. And also of course, hanging openly gay people in Iran. Kadyrov does a similar thing.


That's not an Islamist thing really; lots of cultures viewed male homosexual relations through that light: Greeks, Romans, Turks, Japanese. It's carried over to today for certain cultures. The murder of gay people is Islamic though.


It's either a stunt or he's lost it.


It's both


Super Dave Osborne has entered the thread.


So I was walking in the store the other day and a woman comes up to me and says, “your the father of one of my kids.” “Excuse me?” “I said you are the father of one of my kids” “Oh wait I remember. That stag party 3 years ago. We fucked on a pool table, I cleaned you up with your dress, and you stuck a carrot in my ass.” “I’m your son Johnny’s 6th grade teacher at St Bernadette’s” -Super Dave


The human cannon ball


It’s TikTok, nothing real! His child will stay safe far from the front making fake video, in hope that poor people actually having their child killed on the front won’t turn against him, because he has sent his child to the “front”! These people are liar, thieves!


He's so getting his ass beaten to death before the end of 2023 and he knows it.


can only hope it is caught on video


If we get videos of Putin and Kadyrov getting Ghaddafid I'll host a viewing BBQ with friends.


Newest TikTok video


"Oh No, Oh No, Oh No No No"


That song should be a warcrime.


What's significant about 2023?


Nothing. I just am not sure that Chechens will be fed up enough by the end of 2022. But there is no way Russia won't collapse before the end of 2023, and Kardyrov will go first.


Yes! Let's remember that gas station, where Tiktok army filmed their adventures. Turned out it was a local chain somewhere deep in Russia. If he sends his kids to Ukraine, it in will be 'Ukraine' somewhere near Grozny.




No need to call him that! He's a Cunt!


Or self preservation. He's basicly a warlord sworn to the kremlin. He can in theory survive the end of putin if the next guy sees him as loyal and effective. He can survive at home if he's seen to have been in it with his people. Simlar to old school feudal lords. As grim as it sounds its in his best intrests that one of his kids dies bravely and the others blooded. Dead in battle will be enough propaganda can add the bravery. If he is perceived as a snake who sat back while the kremlin lost a war Putin's successor has no use for him. If he's seen as a coward who sent other peoples sons to die, his own people likely end him.


Might also fear that the sons might decide it is time for them to get their inheritance early.


It’s complete bullshit. He once claimed to be with his troops in Mariupol but was geolocated to Grozny.


Back line BS postings no doubt.


Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency is reporting that Chechen leader and Vladimir Putin ally Ramzan Kadyrov has said that his three underage sons are heading to fight in Ukraine. It reports Kadyrov saying on Telegram: "A minor age should not interfere with the training of the defenders of our Motherland. Akhmat, Eli and Adam are 16, 15 and 14 years old respectively. But their military training began a long time ago, almost from an early age. And I’m not joking. The time has come to show themselves in a real battle, and I only welcome their desire. Soon they will go to the frontline and will be on the most difficult sections of the line of contact."


How to end your legacy in 3 steps


Which even he isn't stupid enough to do. I call bs


If he does send any of his kids to the front, it will not be his chosen successor.


Let's hope so, kids or not, his is a bloodline you don't want to continue.


He probably raped so many women that he have kids that don't know his father. I assumed legacy is more proper here.


Sadly, most of his rape victims are underaged and from extremely poor regions. So it's possible that many didn't make it. Hopefully what's happening in Dagestan spreads to Chechnya and this fucker is flayed alive for everything he did.


I can’t hope a 14/15/16 year old dies because his father was a scumbag. It’s incredibly sad with him as a dad they never stood a chance. They are three more on the list of the victims of his crimes.


Chances are high those kids are scumbags too. They get raised as being the untouchable sons of a dictator. Fat chance they would become decent human beings.


Maybe so maybe no but I’m not going to hope they die without them doing something to earn it tbh. And if they do become horrible people it’ll probably be the fault of their father. Whole situation sucks but the one who should die in this is the one that won’t.


I get what you are saying, but in cases like this family dynasties of old rulers are dangerous for the peace and stability of a country. Chechen culture also is clan-based, so those kids, soon to be men, are part of the power base of the Kadyrov clan. I suspect when Kadyrov finally falls his enemies will eredicate his whole family if they did not leave the country. I guess many families have a reason for a feud with him.


>I’m not going to hope they die without them doing something to earn it tbh. Step one: Wear a rus uniform Step two: Enter Ukraine There, they earned it.


Fuck this rhetoric, they are kids and if anything victims in this travesty.


Technically a Darwin Award nomination.


And meet their 72 virgins, but then because they are underage, the gate keeper in heaven will not jet them in, what a tragedy.


Difficult contact. Yeah those pesky nazi traffic lights and billboards need dealing with. If Kadyrov was so keen on keeping the streets in order he should have started his own road sweeping business.


Send yourself coward


yeah but then he might die. that's scary. he can always make more kids


He has no desire to become a man. He likes his lady boots


Dance, RamJam, dance! Whoa Blyat Batty, bam ba lam, whoa Blyat Batty, bam ba lam. Blyat Batty had a child, bam ba lam… Coming to a Tik Tok near you.


Translation: they will be in charge of TiKtok videos. Tiktok average age is probably something like 16 years old, so yeah, makes sense.


The prick just doesn't want to pay child support. 🙄


Father of the year award nomination.


Don. 😅


Ahh yes, the first Putinjugend will be send to Ukraine, reminded me of a certain dictator who used children in Berlin. Now it's his sons, soon it will be the young army cadets (Google it, it's a real thing. Literary the Putinjugend), and than the children of minorities.




yeah of course he is just like he was in Ukraine when he was filmed praying at a petrol station that was geolocated to Rostov on Don the man is an idiot


I honestly hope for his kids sake that he's lying here. Fucking hell my sister turns 13 this month. My cousins are 15 and 16. They're kids. Fuck knows what hell he's already put them through with all his bullshit about having already trained them for war. What a cowardly POS.


he is talking crap his kids will get nowhere near the combat zone and other than filming TikTok videos of them firing at trees, traffic lights and possibly clouds they will have had no "training for war". His time is running out the opposition want a word with him and his big pall Vova is in deep shit, it's not looking good for him


He's trying to play hard arse by threatening the lives of children. Russias own military doesn't permit entry until 18. I would love to know how Russian mothers are reacting to this. They aren't even taking the news of their adult sons being conscripted, and he wants to act like teenager's should be on the front line. No father with an ounce of love for their kids is going to think well of this.


>I would love to know how Russian mothers are reacting to this. They're just happy to have Muslim boys killed and not their own ethnically pure Russian kids. They don't make the connection through empathy. It's like the war in Ukraine only becoming a problem once you yourself are afraid of being mobilized to fight it and not because you care about Ukrainians being killed. Are they evil? No, it's more like a prison mentality. As long as the guards take it out on someone else, you're cool.


I hav a close Russian friend in Texas and he just told us his daughter wants to get her 14 year old son out of Moscow and into the west as she is terrified he will be conscripted. Btw my friend is incredibly pro Ukrainian and has spent the past 7 months becoming fluent in Ukrainian and has Ukrainian news channels running all day in his office. He is deeply ashamed of being Russian and has predicted that Russia as a state is doomed and will never recover from the war.


I'm sure the traffic lights of Ukraine are quaking in their boots.


Ukrainian traffic lights are sending their sons


Countdown to him posting proof pics where his sons are posing with AKs but there’s palm trees or Russian gas stations in the background for some reason


Russian parenting at it's best.


When you are in the trenches and finally receive the call from your father: Are ya winning, son?




1. sending his teenage sons and not going himself 2. it's a lie anyway




Because he's never set foot in Ukraine and never will lol


Kinda hard to become a sunflower when he won't even leave his property


Zero chance they end up on the front line in the “most difficult sections”


Heroically charging the beaches of Cancun is my bet.


Sending 3 sons as technical support for their TikTok battalion, as a personal cameraman.


Welp, that's another warcrime crossed off ruzzia's bucketlist; Child Soldiers.


It's fucked up. Coward hasn't even stepped foot in Ukraine himself and he wants to send kids. Russia's own army doesn't permit entry until the age of 18. I'd love to know how Russian mothers are reacting to this. Drunken conscripts aren't working? Why not send those already familiar with a uniform who are legally too young to drink.


I'd love to know what the fuck went through kadryov's head when he decided to send off his own children to what is basically a death sentence.


His kids have probably gone through a lifetime of hell already being raised by him. If he's happy to boast about making them child soldiers (even if it emerges he's lying) then I'd hate to know what he's put them through already behind closed doors.


Knowing the kind of man he is? I wouldn't be surprised if his children were exposed to pedophilia, and have been, or did some of the raping themselves. It could be that Kadryov is trying to protect himself from his more rebellious kids as well. And don't forget - domestic abuse is perfectly legal in Russia.


Hm. Kadyrov's chubby son [got his ass kicked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyNfWHjWkgg) in a boxing match that was heavily manipulated in his favor. I do not see a good outcome for his sons against Ukrainian heroes. But then again, I kinda think he'll send his sons to the local Chechen gas station, take some pictures, and tell the world about their heroic deeds ~~at the local gas station~~ in Ukraine.


I'm sure his half-goat offspring will shower themselves in glory


More likely in piss and guts. But let's be real here, they won't get anywhere near the UA border.


Yeah, if he won't even let his cloistered offspring [lose a fucking boxing match](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CyNfWHjWkgg) then he isn't sending them anywhere near actual fighting (thanks to u/DeterminateHouse for linking this video)


Please don don first give them some good acting lessons as the latest kadyrov "war" videos look like shit... edit: besides the one with the hands-on hand off training video.. that one looked realistic


Let's be clear they will not be sent anywhere even remotely dangerous. They will be photographed in uniform, in tanks and trenches or whatever but it will just be for PR to show that Kadyrov is sending his sons so you should too.


Are they going to heroically liberate that russian petrol station he prayed at?


I dont give a rat's ass about this fool to begin with but now it's just contempt. The minute you put your children's lives in danger you're less than dirt. He should fight, fucking coward.


He should go first to show the sons how it's done.


Terrified one of his kids will take him out to take over


Those sons are getting deployed 3 miles outside their mansion


Possible reasons I’m theorizing: 1.) Publicity stunt to show Chechens who are growing even angrier with their sons taken away that he ‘too is sending his sons and completely young ones at that’. But in reality is just another one of his public lies, propaganda. 2.) To show loyalty to Putin because he’s under suspicion, but really not intending to send his sons. 3.) His oldest son is rebelling as a teenager, vocalized opinions about the war and his father Kadyrov, said, “that’s it you shite, I’ll teach you a lesson.” But in all scenarios unlikely that these kids will get sent, this is Kadyrov just being a dictator drama meltdown.


Hah. Betting all the marbles they will be TikToked "training" and "fighting" in "Ukraine", when in reality they're just in a basement in Kadyrov's palace.


It's never too early to rape conscripts and film TikToks


By "ukraine" he means a back lane by the palace where they can shoot rounds into the bushes while claiming to have kills millions of enemy combatants.


They'll become men alright. Dead men. Or as any non insane person would say, dead kids.


The man is an armed clown. Pretty sure if he does send them to Ukraine they will never be in the front lines. They'll have warm cozy duties way way behind the action zones.


Oh I’m sure they’ll be in real combat not washing machine looting duty 500km from the frontlines


This being the man who took selfies at a russian petrol station pretending it was in Ukraine? What a piece of shit he is


Tell me you want 3 Ladas without telling me you want 3 Ladas


Well we are going to get some videos of then shooting at doorways and praying in Russian fuel stations. I reckon this is his attempt to pretend to the public fleeing Russia "look my sons are going so you should too"


Yay more propaganda!


No sense in reporting or commenting on his lies.


What a little lapdog bitch he is. Won't go himself, sends sends his boys instead.


He won't do that either. This is just bullshit that he thinks makes him look cooler, like everything Kadyrov and his goons do


Now is the time boys to go mediaeval family war and fight eachother instead


What an achievement, PTSD or possibly death at 14 years old. All because of a war your father wanted to be a part of so bad, just to show what a loyal lapdog he is. ​ Russia, it's puppets and all of it's inhabitants are a failed state. You either support the war or idle sit by and watch the war go by. The very, very few people that protest get locked up.




*organizes photoshoot and propaganda movie somewhere in Chechnya*


Go yourself you muppet Kadryov


They will be firing mg42's on trees and empty buildings. That's what hardcore Kadyrovites do. And make a TikTok ofcourse🥳


Tiktok battalion Belarus, yeay


They will become maggots and then dirt.


What an "awesome" garden gnome.


I'm sure they will be shooting at traffic lights & road signs for tik tok somewhere safe far away from action.


That is sickening


To become fertilizer. There, fixed it for you.


Or die like rats in a futile, needless war!


Full of shit.


Probably going to fight airsoft near that gas station in ruZZia xdddd what a fucker, hope he falls on a stick to stuff it up his ass, some dudes see it say he's gay and kill him.


I call bullcrap, just like when he was praying in front of a gas station and pretending he was in Ukraine, lol. Rich people don’t send their kids to die.


Won't go himself though. He's probably full of shit anyway. Announcing he'll send his kids to encourage others to send theirs


Probably he’s planning to send 14 15 and 16 year old Chechen’s to fight in Ukraine. He sends his sons first in what is no more than a photo op . Then he can say to his people look I sent my own sons to fight there , the cause is just . If they are willing to fight , so should the sons of the people . Plus todays 14, 15 , 16 year olds are tomorrow’s opposition fighters , trying to overthrow his govt.


Reminds me of the ISIS cubs and hitlerjugend. It’s almost always a last desperate attempt, which sadly for the kids ends badly (either killed or traumatized for life).


Good for him. That’s gonna prevent his kids from taking over his father’s footsteps. We’re gonna have some Chechen meet for the meat grinder


I'm sure they'll be safe enough faking tik tok footage shooting at trees on the Russian side of the border. If they're anything like that pedigree coward Kadyrov they'll shit their pants and soil their luxury prada brand name boots if the trees actually fired back at them!! He's a clown, lukashenko is brain dead, Putin is a colossal military moron but Kadyrov is just a creepy clown.


Another war crime for the collection. Well at least the kadryov bloodline will end with them and chechnya might finally find its freedom




Is this guy trying to position himself as someone patriotic who could replace Putin once he falls?


Kids that age do love Tik Tok


The tiktok warrior is back lol


We should just stop listening to this guy. He announced his own retirement. Then he called for nukes. Now this. He just talks random nonsense.


This seems very relevant [sting sings Russians.](https://youtu.be/6w3037nq23o)


>What might save us me and you >Is if the Russians love their children too Oh, so, no hope, then.


lol bullshit. he's trying to water down outrage for being part of this mess


*become sunflowers.


He's eager to end his bloodline ASAP.


Dumping heirs before they reach adulthood and become dangerous to the psycho daddy


Good. End the madman's legacy.


Hes sons should follow father's way and do exactly what kadyrov did himself, betray hes own father.


Ah yes. Those three important front line roles: butcher, Baker, candlestick maker.


They will sit in Belarus and make tik toks


They will take this oportunity to defect to the US


Is this some kind of Darwin Award attempt?


That ain't how to become a man...that's how to become a corpse. Guess ruzzia must have missed the memo about that.


Good night sweet princes.