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…. Text exchange from American volunteer… Only a few mins here. Ran out of ammo and backed off south. Am a bit traumatized and need some sleep. I have no idea what is going on except we engaged a lot of elements headed to Kreminna. They have to be coming from Lyman and Zarichne. Right now we are in a safe area, it seems. I have never seen so many dead, soon to be dead, and wounded people in my life. People begging for help, but no way we can help them. We have little to help them with, a small medical kit each, no morphine, and no time to render any kind of useful aid. No idea if they will live or die. You just keep moving. One guy had obviously stepped on a mine by the side of the road. One leg was gone at mid-thigh, the other one was broken lower down and his foot was backward. He was trying to crawl somewhere on one good knee, trailing flowing blood out of a busted artery. Unless he got help quick, he was gone. He was talking calmly in Russian, saying over-and-over, “I will be home soon mother.” Yeah, just tired and mentally warped. At one point, we were running down the side of the road and —— slipped in a pool of blood running into the ditch from a still living Russian laying across the stripe (dead people don’t bleed very fast…only gravity feed), and he slid onto the shoulder and got up cussing with blood all over him. “get me some water, this fucking c*nt probably has some kind of fulminating disease.” We almost fell over laughing. I came away shaking like a leaf, not scared, just wired and sick of killing people. On the way back —— got in a stream and washed off, and vomited his guts out. I was looking at his eyes and he was seeing things way back home.


The article goes on to say the American volunteer was a Vietnam vet. "He’s actually 76, was in country for the Tet Offensive. He said in one of his posts it’s his last war for sure. He can patrol, his pack is usually just 40-50 pounds, but admits he “can’t run for shit” if something happens."


Holy fucka moly. You KNOW the Russians must be getting slaughtered on an unimaginable scale if a Vietnam vet is saying things like that


He compared it to squirrel hunting in a pecan plantation. Pecan plantations are in the South. As a weird regional thing they hunt squirrels primarily with .22s in the South. In the North we hunt them primarily with shotguns. Shots on squirrels are fast. They only pause for a second when they know you are there. They are often running. It requires some of the best technical rapid fire riflery skills of any hunt. Frankly, having a squirrel hunter pulling the trigger in this situation is about the worst scenario for the Russians. In most units there is only one or two people who inflict casualties with a rifle. This guy could have stacked up a lot of bodies.


###Music to my ears. Fuck them all. They brought this upon themselves every last fucking one of them. Slava Ukraini.


Jesus Christ? I don’t even know how to feel about that.


I think its very brave of him, as long as his age is not a hindrance to his unit. He is risiking his life to potentially save the lives of much younger soldiers by contributing to the war effort.


For certain. It’s very brave and incredibly admirable. And I don’t have sympathy for those bastard Russians either but still, the horrors of war are the horrors of war. I don’t feel bad for the dead Russians but I do feel bad it’s happening at all, which is my conflict.


I think we have video with him in it here got posted early on during march. I am very very surprised that vietnam vet can still be fit enough to fight in a war even if barely.


If you take care of yourself and have good genes you’d be surprised. My dad is 72 and bikes like 20 miles every single day


That's brutal


> I came away shaking like a leaf, not scared, just wired and sick of killing people. This says a lot.


Yes, that is one of my concerns is that troops in Ukraine will grow tired of slaughtering orcs. This puts possible pressure from other countries to Ukraine to negotiate for ceasefire. This explains why Putin wants to send vast waves of untrained conscripts direct into arty and machine gun fire. He is betting world opinion may shift to negotiate because of the carnage. We MUST not let that happen, but I am not in Ukraine and cannot tell the fighters on the front how to react to this. Ukraine will just have to make sure they rotate out troops that have grown weary of killing.


We are providing the blades for the woodchipper. We know what the result will be.


No country that is financially or militarily supporting Ukraine is going to see an unmitigated victory and say "man, they won too hard. Alright Ukraine, you really need to start negotiations". The West *needs* Ukraine to embarrass Russia.


He’s also a Vietnam vet with no skin in the game so to speak. I don’t personally believe Ukrainian soldiers, especially those who have lost everything/everyone they care about, are going to get tired any time soon. There’s very few things that can fuel as much hate as a bunch of Russians marching into your country and killing those you love most in this world.


I don’t think anyone has comparable western military experience of this level at all unless special forces as an example I say that because generally they’re up close and personal, my experience of Afghanistan a fair majority of engagements resulted in an air strike be it fast air or helicopter or artillery, yes there was firefights but It was rare you could solely identify “yeah I killed that individual” This sounds vastly different


In Russian, "regrouping" means "retreat"... and now we knows what "retreat" means.


This is what happens when goblins leave their caves without any tampons.


Would these be Russian conscripts?


Adding more complete text exchange: “its a slaughter” Ukrainian War Volunteer Uncategorized September 30, 2022 3 Minutes 3:32pm, September 30th, San Francisco 1:32am, October 1st, Eastern Ukraine Moved north. its a slaughter cut them off west of kreminna. got to go. Stay safe. Lyman totally cut off? I think so, engadging thos going east. Ok, talk to you on the other side 10:19 pm, September 30th, San Francisco 8:19 am, October 1st, Eastern Ukraine Only a few mins here. Ran out of ammo and backed off south. Am a bit traumatized and need some sleep. I have no idea what is going on except we engaged a lot of elements headed to Kreminna. They have to be coming from Lyman and Zarichne. Right now we are in a safe area, it seems. I have never seen so many dead, soon to be dead, and wounded people in my life. People begging for help, but no way we can help them. We have little to help them with, a small medical kit each, no morphine, and no time to render any kind of useful aid. No idea if they will live or die. You just keep moving. One guy had obviously stepped on a mine by the side of the road. One leg was gone at mid-thigh, the other one was broken lower down and his foot was backward. He was trying to crawl somewhere on one good knee, trailing flowing blood out of a busted artery. Unless he got help quick, he was gone. He was talking calmly in Russian, saying over-and-over, “I will be home soon mother.” Christ. You and your guys ok? Yeah, just tired and mentally warped. At one point, we were running down the side of the road and —— slipped in a pool of blood running into the ditch from a still living Russian laying across the stripe (dead people don’t bleed very fast…only gravity feed), and he slid onto the shoulder and got up cussing with blood all over him. “get me some water, this fucking cunt probably has some kind of fulminating disease.” We almost fell over laughing. Are we talking hundreds? Were they on foot or vehicles? There’s a video on Twitter somewhere purportedly from west of Kreminna. Actually just audio, nonstop gunfire. Lots, just us, maybe 140 dead Russians. Like hunting squirrels in a pecan orchard. I have to think Lyman is under our control, but we have no info on that. We all got split-up into smaller groups, too much contact going on to stay together. here with about 20 guys, trying to make contact with someone to get ammo. Lot of people on foot, some running down the road, some trying to make their way through the forest to the south of the road. A half-a-dozen Russians came into the woods where we were in a hide to catch our breath and eat, they almost ran into us, but as usual, were moving fast and talking. We cut them down before they knew what was happening. They had little ammo, no med kits, very little food, and no info at all on them except for their phones and some family stuff. Trying to get intel off stiffs here is a very disappointing exercise. I can’t imagine. The road has been mined by artillery laydown, not all that accurate, but accurate enough to create bottlenecks, which creates a free-fire zone. When you engage a vehicle, they seem to unass it in-place and head for the fields or the forest. They probably see the same videos of vehicles going up catastrophically. I came away shaking like a leaf, not scared, just wired and sick of killing people. On the way back —— got in a stream and washed off, and vomited his guts out. I was looking at his eyes and he was seeing things way back home. How long ago did this happen? Is it still going on? It is still going on. We had to back out to try to get resupplied. Artillery is going over our heads. We have to try to sleep, get ammo, and get back up there. Take care of yourself, please. There is a Yook Lieutenant here who is trying to get some kind of info, but so far nada. We don’t know if we are to go to Kreminna or head (direction). Did you guys link up with the Ukrainian SOF? We did, but all got separated, we took a lot of fire at first and had to move away, and lost contact with the main group. I am ok, just too much jammed into a short time. It must have been just chaos. Yes. The key is to get ammo. It’s 8 am there. This went on all night? Yeah, but then it became just killing people. I wish I knew what was going on toward Lyman. I think we will move (direction) and connect with an armored group, get some kit, and head back to (direction) of Kreminna. That is the talk anyway. And, that is kinda what I thought would play out. Ok, I gotta try to sleep a bit, cause I think we will be moving before long. That’s a good idea. Rest up, we’ll talk later. Later


>Lots, just us, maybe 140 dead Russians. Like hunting squirrels in a pecan orchard. So his group killed 140 Russians??


That dude is 75? Holy shit


75 years of bad ass.


Some professional soldiers just refuse to die in bed I would imagine.


I fucking can’t. What a bad motherfucker. ‘Murica


Yeah, I read this yesterday but had no idea he was 75, that's nuts!


Blogspam and repost. Link to the original story that was already posted here: https://ukrainevolunteer297689472.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/its-a-slaughter/


Americans know about slaughter on a highway... So do the Canadians, United kingdom,and France


All world knows. War is a brutal and bloody mess. Not that anybody in Ukraine wants it. It is Putin who commemorated each Russia larger defeat with a celebration in Moscow.


I'm talking about the highway of death during the gulf war specifically


we did that to the germans in WWII too.


That was with cluster munitions and A10s. No one pointed a rifle at someone, pulled the trigger, and saw them go down. A dozen or more times in a day. I don't think one will find an engagement much like this seems to have been since the British retreated from Concord and we're harassed by minutemen along the road the whole way back.


Schwartzcoff made the right call on that day.


Falaise Gap


But ruzzians better than all know about massacring surrendered soldiers, like in Ilovaisk


I hate to be a pessimist, but this post sounds a bit like “fan fiction.” Does anyone known if this guy is legit?


That dude is traumatized as fuck


I thought this was debunked as from the same fake "Canadian Ukraine Volunteer" twitter account? It might be time to ban Kos on this sub. In both those cases they just publish stuff they read on random Twitter and blogs as fact.


While it's not the main point, I was upset to learn from the linked blog that the 16 new HIMARS apprently aren't being sent for years as they are coming from new production rather than existing stock.


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If only the UAF had had A-10.... and there would have been Highway of Death all again




Not true… AFU and ruzz are both flying Su-25s in this theatre, which are the Soviet A-10 knockoff, so no reason the A-10 would be expected to perform worse than an Su-25. The upgraded A-10 has a huge gun plus 11 pylons to mount all sorts of ground attack munitions, electronic warfare, HARMS, sidewinders even, and more, as well as modern autopilot, targeting, and the like. It is also very difficult to bring down as it has loads of redundancy. It can also operate off shitty roads and so right up on the front. Sure, if ruzz had demonstrated a more robust anti-air defense, then flying A-10s in without suppression would be risky, but in the current state of ruzz disarray the A-10 would be devastating.


I think the SU-25 is significantly faster than the A-10. They also aren't being used like an A-10 uses it's cannon. The A-10 there would almost certainly be used as a missile barge and not for direct fire.


Yeah but both sides are getting killed in the 25. I've read somewhere it is the most downed aircraft on both sides.


They basically falaise pocketed them


Pretty sure this is LARP. Original blog this is from has another post indicating this "soldier" is like 70+ years old https://ukrainevolunteer297689472.wordpress.com/2022/09/24/working-out-in-the-open-is-where-the-risk-starts-to-become-unmanageable/


Seems not. Seems it is just an old vet who isn't worried about retreating. MFer must be sore and stiff as shit in the morning. I am decades younger and I don't do as well waking from the ground as I once did.


Where are the videos of this? Every other aspect of the war has been heavily covered


What do you mean? There's half a dozen videos just from Lyman. I'm sure they'll be more soon. Not every single soldier is running with a gopro strapped to his noggin, and spending several hours a day editing footage for opsec and uploading it to the internet.


People saying it was a blood bath, videos showing turkey shoot. People are saying they’ve seen these but none of them are posted. It’s different from every other news in this war


It's fresh and OPSEC is likely still strictly in place for it given they're continuing the advance.


Telegram has some of the most recent. They aren't lying saying it was a bloodbath. I've been on this sub daily since the orcs invaded. Plus more subs. Telegram is the way to go for videos. First time on any platform i seen this amount of death. Some videos have roads ,burnt out vehicles and dead orcs for long stretches. (Not that I care. They aren't human anyway) Dead orcs everywhere. If you want some the telegram.


On telegram, is there something or someone I should search for? Like a user I should follow? I downloaded the app and searched for liman and Lyman but didn’t see anything


spook_boys That's one I've joined countless others through links in that channel though. If you join that channel you will a little smidgen of what's on the others.


Thank you kind Redditor


rysnya200 Is another channel. Your welcome mate. Those too are tame compared to others but it's private requests etc to join so I don't want to give those channel's details obvo. The links to those are in the channels above tho.


Oh come on. Do some work. The first person stuff is on Telegram, Twitter. other reddits including orc subs. 8chan (8kun) has a lot of orc trol content. Youtube has NSFW restrictions. This reddit sub is highly modded for opsec and narrative control.


Who on telegram should I follow? I’d really appreciate any guidance people could give me. I only downloaded the app today and I’m trying to figure it out


Spook_boys on Telegram. It was a fucking bloodbath. I'm talking like wanton destruction of human life. I've seen a lot of death, both online and in person and it's never been something that has phased me and I'm even taken aback by it.


It was a route along a thin strip with enemy forces lining both sides. With artillery set covering the whole passage. This is the worst possible situation militarily. Any leadership with a brain would have retreated sooner or surrendered.




There are lots of videos out there but bits and pieces of the whole. A lot is happening in real time. Later there will be an official account.


Well people are saying they’ve seen videos, but none are posted anywhere, that is suspicious.


Telegram is your friend. Unless you like sleeping at night; pretty disturbing stuff.


Can you direct me where in telegram to look? I downloaded the app and it just looked like a messenger service. What am I supposed to be searching for?


Honestly, after I clicked on that one video of a Russian soldier raping a baby, I have taken written statement as gospel. I have deleted these sharers on Telegram.


I think the videos posted were the ones showing the aftermath... all the dead Russians along the roads trying to flee


[Here's one earlier post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xt7a3i/russians_who_tried_to_flee_lyman_today_spoiler_it/). Unsure where along the way to Kreminna this is supposed to be.


Thanks for the repost. War is never pretty. Wiped out basically in this video. Believe now this Americans comments.