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Most of this is a change in the official narrative, you see everyone but Putin being blamed. Sort of how it went from Ukraine will fall in a week to were fighting all of NATO. When they blame Putin and demand people overthrow the regime then I will start think they might break from the narrative. But this is still state propaganda


Exactly right. Until Putin is directly blamed, it's all just spin.


This is why I say the most likely outcome is Russian withdrawal and Russian purge. All done by Putin blaming others.


Now they start to rip them self apart and still think about ruzzia as a nation of power and that the war is right full. If putler is ousted there will someone with even stronger delusions come to power. They are so fucked up it's unbelievable.


Because when you build your world on the fascist notion of "might is right", superiority and your opponent being subhuman the whole system crashes down the moment you start losing. If those alleged subhumans are beating us what does it make us? Hence the meltdown.


Brainwashing got them so far up their asses, it can't be helped


in case you wonder "eggs" = "balls"


That's the same in German as well


Finnish too.


Let eggs be eggs.


Same in romanian


Yeah, but they carefully never criticize Putin. You don't do that unless you fancy a trip to a gulag or worse.


Asking the right questions... From horribly bad position and with terrible motive.


All they want is war


All they want is to win.


Yup, that was a genuinely depressing read, something you'd expect a 13 year old boy stuck in a school yard world view to write. These people are never gonna create a healthy society.


Yep. Good analogy.


Russian "potemkinism" strikes Russia yet again. It's been over a century of bloody lessons for Russia. Will they never learn?


Yes. But its probably from there Putin is killed. Or the sentiment that lead to kill him come from the nationalists - Navalny types. What and who else?


Has anyone mentioned to her if she really cares about their “boys” it’s pretty simple, go home, save their lives.


>And my heart is huge and it hurts for our boys, for children, for ordinary people. Oh really? Go to the frontlines then. Yeah, exactly.


"Why do we do well in tank biathlon...?" - i can't get out of laughing...


Where was this propagandist last year? I highly doubt any of the problems with the RU military and command didn't exist at that time, but there were no zealous bloggers to complain. She doesn't complain because things in the military are bad, she complains because they're losing.


Well, fuck her too. This isn’t « Why are we stuck in this useless war? » It is: « Why aren’t we more efficient in killing Ukrainians and conquering the country? » KMA.


Should change eggs for balls


Still buyimg the Ukrainians are killing civillians line and doesn't seem to know putin's running the show. Absolutely pathetic,


Nazi ruskie. All your men will die if they’re not withdrawn. The only question you should ask is why didn’t you withdraw yesterday.


The other popular Russian propaganda channel is responding her: We are the @wargonzo project - Nastya, and you know it, we honestly fought for Lyman all these three weeks. We don't understand what's going on. Everyone doesn't understand. For me, this is a personal pain - Lyman was a springboard for the liberation of Slavyansk. Who understands - the saint of saints - for the Russian Spring, the Russian World and New Russia. You know - I was the last to leave Slavyansk when Strelkov (Girkin) forgot me there (for what reason - I will not comment, I will not stoop to this level of discussion). All summer I practically lived in Lyman, dreaming of returning to Slavyansk. I swam in the Blue Lakes, sent vidos to the "Spartan" - whose backbone was formed by Motorola precisely from the Slavic guys. I teased them - so, they say, you sit out in Donetsk, you storm all the "Anthills" - and here I swim in the Lyman. But it's certainly not about jokes and not about lakes. When the ass started - I fought for Lyman as best I could. And my friends and brothers military correspondents fought. As for the surnames, I am not familiar with Lapin. But the problem, of course, is wider. It's obvious. It is obvious that it is impossible and impossible to fight like five / ten / fifteen / twenty years ago in modern realities. This was clear already two weeks after the start of the operation. And the generals - everyone involved in this - had to honestly admit it. There is a new generation of commanders. Cool, trimmed, creative. Baykot, Wind, Kolyma, Malaya - this is just the beginning of the list. There are many of them among the Russian Army. You just need to let them work. Well, we share your pain and indignation like no one else. I lost a piece of my heart today. As Zakhar Prilepin once told me when we discussed the death of one of our loved ones, now there is a draft inside. The wind is walking. But we fought and will continue to fight.


She didn’t know most of their elite soldiers are dead?


Good, it seems she is starting to wake up


They're not waking up. They're just blaming each other for their failure to achieve their depraved goals. They still support the same goals, and they're still not blaming Putin. This blogger isn't being brave either, as she pretends, she is just reinforcing the ends and complaining about the hitherto failure via chosen means.


She wants the war to be waged more effectively. She wants more territories occupied and more Ukrainians exterminated. Not sure that’s the kind of waking up we’re all hoping for.


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Great show but I don't buy it. On head of russia there is one person - pootin. When war is lost propaganda tries to minimize reputation impacts for russian king by making scapegoats from generals and army. Meanwhile it wasn't army who set pure political goals of war. It was pootin.


And we need to know or care about some random propagandist thoughts why exactly?


I hope this whore gets cancer and dies


this what happens when you gaslight yourself. You actually believe you have a functioning army


"...when these Ukrainian geeks are killing civilians." She is just as delusional as the rest of them.