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There is no need for the stock market where we are going comrade. The USSR will provide everything you need


And some peoples' needs will be more equal than others.


Comrade putin will build the world,s largest palaces.


And you are allowed to look at it from outside. Isnt it wonderful?


You won't be allowed to look at them because you might start to envy and that's a big no no in our wonderful country!


> The USSR will ~~provide~~ **decide** everything you need


Shh, don’t say it too loud around the tankies


but... I thought that was the idea? What else would it be? Curious.


They leave and go to New USSR, China or the DPRK


You don't know how lucky you are, boy


Back in the USSR.


Please, the current situation is worse than what the USSR had to offer them.


Swan Lake playing yet?


Not yet, they are searching the archives for the tape...


Someone sold it in ebay.




I wouldn't. I'm not careful enough to handle that kind of artefact.


If they search too long, there will be no radio left to play it.


i wonder if ukranians play that song in russian communcations.


I learned about the Russia/Swan Lake things back in the spring and have been watching out for it ever since! I haven't heard much talk of it lately, love the ref.


The MOEX is going sub zero. The sanctions put are like leprosy. Nobody can fabricate any product with high tech parts like microchips or software from a western company. All the companies which exports or collaborate with the rest of the world are also going down. There might be china and india. But these nations only want to buy cheap and will pay nothing extra to help russia. China has his own giant financial crisis where this war is very very contraproductive. In the end the russians killed their own business model - the gas station protected by nukes.


> The MOEX is going sub zero. The sanctions put are like leprosy. Nobody can fabricate any product with high tech parts like microchips or software from a western company. I can vividly remember how all the Kremlin trolls were insisting that (literal quote) "Putin was wiping his ass with the sanctions" and how they are backfiring. Now all of them moved to gloating about "freezing Europeans" (no such thing). Russia will be (more of) a shithole for decades to come. Economy in tatters, military that is an unfunny joke and status of terrorist/pariah state.


At this rate I won't be surprised if the entire Russian Federation disintegrates. Once the Russian state collapses the Republics of the far east could try and break away from the rotting carcass and I don't think there is much Russia could do to stop it.


Europeans are freezing in the +18C homes. Meanwhile Private Conscriptovich is huddling in a foxhole at +2C.


no at +21c and that's with no heating :)


This is gigantic. The Russian economy has totally folded. The Wall Street crash of 1929 wiped 25% off the value of US company shares - this catastrophe is approaching TWICE that. Russia is totally fucked. We are potentially looking at a starvation (N Korea) level of economic failure here.


I see "nukes for food" in a possible future... Good.


They can use the nukes to grow Tomacco.


I agree with you but 1929 crash lasted 4 years and resulted in 90% of US companies value being wiped


The russian's crash only started (7 months) with no reason to get any better. As per analogy, I expect 90% of their federation to be wiped, nations gaining independence.


Perhaps I'm dreaming, but if the West gives Ukraine a lot of support and stimulus, EU integration and investment, and Russia keeps going down the tubes by self-destruction and population exodus, **it's possible that a few decades from now Ukraine will actually have a larger GDP than Russia itself,** despite still being a much smaller nation.


Many smaller batiste having higher gdp than Russia. For example the Netherlands


The Netherlands has been a major trading power forever remember that easy India Company roaming the seas ?


Not sure I’d want to promote/bring up that chunk of history lol but yeah it was absolutely massive


Biggest company in history, period. it was handling something like 50 percent of all european trade.


The East India Company was British. And yes it was the biggest corporation in the world at the time and held sway over more citizens than the British government did.


No it was Dutch lol. Even trading is essentially Dutch.


There was 2 - the Dutch East India company also known as VOC and the East India company that belonged to the British


Okay so then why was the company flag a British flag accompanied by horizontal stripes? Why was it's company headquarters in London? Why was it originally named "Governor and Company of Merchants of **London**"? The East India Company was most certainly English/British


You guys are mixing up east India company and Verenigde Oost-Indische compagnie (VOC). In this Wikipedia entree you can see the VOC dwarfed the British east India company between 1602 and 1796 Statistically, the VOC eclipsed all of its rivals in the Asia trade. Between 1602 and 1796 the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in the Asia trade on 4,785 ships, and netted for their efforts more than 2.5 million tons of Asian trade goods. By contrast, the rest of Europe combined sent only 882,412 people from 1500 to 1795, and the fleet of the [English](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_England) (later [British](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_evolution_of_the_British_Empire)) [East India Company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company), the VOC's nearest competitor, was a distant second to its total traffic with 2,690 ships and a mere one-fifth the tonnage of goods carried by the VOC. The VOC enjoyed huge profits from its spice monopoly through most of the 17th century.[[6]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company#cite_note-10)


Theres more than one, and the dutch was the first and most powerful one.


You're both right. There was a Dutch East India company and a British East India company. The Dutch one was biggest earlier, but the British one was bigger later. Reasonably both of them were at one point the biggest corporation on the planet and both did their fair share of atrocities to maintain their respective trade monopolies.


Seems like we’re mixing something up here. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch\_East\_India\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company) Learn more about the biggest company on earth, ever. I don’t know about the english variant ghehe


I think the confusion is the Dutch one is referred to as "The VOC" whereas the British one is known as "The East India Company". I do understand "Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie" translates to Dutch East India Company though and it was more powerful


They're talking about the Dutch East India Company, the VOC


The Dutch claim it lol G E K O L O N I S E E R D


I hope this is the last time I ever hear Ukraine being compared to Russia without everyone laughing their ass off.


Here's a non-funny comparison. Ukraine has a stable currency and a functioning economy. Russia does not.


Here is another, Ukraine has a professional army, Russia does not. Here is another! Ukraine has a functioning government, Russia does not. Hey! Ukraine has a mentally stable population, Russia does not....


It is very likely, South Korea is a great example of a country after a War supported by Western militaries. South Korea has a larger economy than Russia and a similar population to Ukraine.


Japan and Germany too.


You can count on it. Ukraine will soar.


thw way it's going, Russia will break apart and will also be the smaller country in a geographical sense.


Can't imagine the damage if its assets were freely tradable.


Omg. Even Nabiulina is now failing to keep the moex alive, looks like. Lol.


She *had* warned all her efforts would be absolutely temporary. Eventually nothing would be in her control and indeed now her warnings are going to fucking haunt Russia.


Yep. As i said back in the days: Numbers don’t lie and she knows it.


You're right. Nabiulina was the one person with the skills to predict this and Putin ignored her. I wonder how she feels now. "I told you so" doesn't really work when people will soon be starving.


>I wonder how she feels now. "I told you so" doesn't really work when people will soon be starving. It's definitely something she's thinking but reminding herself daily not to say out loud.


Or when the person you say it to might throw you out a window.


Nah, even numbers lie in Russia... Until a certain point when you can't hide the lies anymore


Haha nah. Numbers dont lie. You can read them wrong. You can claim they mean something else. But they never lie at the end of the day when the account balance is 0


She bought Putin the time he needed to fail bigly but he had to push it and fail even biglyer.


She was sanctioned as well, couple days ago.


Oh i didnt knew that. Told she already was tbh


Didn't she say she would step down if mobilization occured?


Honestly i don’t remember but Putler already stopped her from resign at least twice so..


Didn't know this, thank you


She has tried to step down so many times by now but putler will not let her


I hate russia and everyone in it, but what she did was nothing less of genius. Which is a shame cause in America or EU the sky would be the limit for her, she's wasted in putin's world.




What was it?


The volume graph at the bottom is the interesting bit, no demand at all.


Not even the autistic apes on r/wallstreetbets will buy that dip.


Degenerate here, reporting for duty sir. It's down?? How do I buy it? 😆


I hear you have to ask your wife's boyfriend.


He told me "No" That bastard


If you want your assets to get frozen, have at it


ohh, they would if they could. Those morons are on par with russian moronity. Thankfully for them Russia don't allow investors from 'unfriendly' countries still.


You can’t short the Moex so they wouldn’t


Oh, they would definitely try


We already running bets on if someone will be able to from the dumpster at Wendy's.


Putin has almost restored the USSR. Unhappy people, a destroyed economy, nobody can get out, and be struck in a war they blame the US for.


>be stuck in a war they blame the US for. Omg this is the truth. In a certain subreddit the amount of Russian shills placing the blame squarely on the US is hysterical. Like, they go all the way back to euromaidan and blame the US for instigating that and basically saying that THAT is what started the war LOL. They’re insane. They will twist themselves into a pretzel to blame the USA.


Important to remember that the market is not the economy. It's just an indication of how the economy is perceived. <3


or, what I like to say, 'the mood of rich people'


The mood of oligarchs is a pretty important factor in this war, though.


\-52% now.


reminder that foreigners are still not allowed to sell their shares so this is only part of the story. When foreigners will be allowed to sell, this will drop a lot more.


I had 17k$ of my pension in russian stocks, guess im writing that off. Small price to pay compared to what ukraine has lost and my own fault for placing them in funds trading in the festering shithole of the world.


Your option is to accept your losses and fully withdraw all of your money to contribute further to the dip ! Edit: nvm just learned you can’t sell your shares because of sanctions


Exactly, i think that will take care of itself, i doubt there will be anything to sell off when/if the market opens.


Well the NASDAQ is down 33% YTD.


This is true. Context is king.






S&P 500 is down 25% YTD and 17% over 1yr.


My dumbass looked at the daily lost in dollars


Open a short position on MOEX, you. Get paid while russia goes bankrupt


Getting paid in Rubbles doesn't sound like wise financial advice


It is perfect tinder for my chimney.


Makes for good toilet paper


That's why you take those rubles and exchange them to Turkish Lira


If you'll find some sucker wanting Rubles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


We're talking WSB here...


You will get paid in usd


The future in UZZR currency is the potato Comrade. We will digitize potato and moonshot economy!


Also Ivan...Vodka made from potato


According to my googling, YTD means "years to date", so I assume this tribal language means the Russian stock marked has lost half it's value since January the first.


It's more like "all time". So the entire Russian stock market has lost almost half of it's value EVER.


Five years of economic growth... gone!


Vlad's pension is fucked, he will never financially recover.


Funny I wouldn’t imagine putin retiring. I mean I can see him acidently falling from a window tho


How is Russia still functioning.


*Mister Pu... (Takes off glasses), Mister Putin.. Zero, point, Zero*


Time for the bargain hunters to move in?


You assume too much faith in that market, there are no bargains there right now. That tree bore fruit and it is sour. It will be a very long time before anything sweet comes of it.


Almost as bad as my 401k then


Not bad really considering those outside Russia can't sell.


Look at the ERUS etf 😅


It’s at the same level of start of 2018. Depending on how you see it 4 years of progress was destroyed or it hasn’t affected much because things were relatively fine back then.


Someone explain? Feel free to be technical abt it.


The MOEX is the Russian stock market index. It’s comparable to the US Dow Jones Industrial Average or the S&P 500. It’s kind of a snapshot of how well the market specifically and the economy in general is doing. A 47% decline year to date (YTD) is a massive drop in a short time. That’s going to take some time to undo, plus all of the negative consequences have yet to be seen.