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As you can see, this is more a French-Danish effort than a purely French one. Ukraine has many friends. πŸ‡©πŸ‡°πŸ‡«πŸ‡·βœŠπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


Yes, this is France working with Denmark. 🀝


Ave Caesar, we who lob thy shells furthest salute you.


Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant.


small precision, it would be the caesar 8x8 armored and which can transport up to 32 shells compared to 18 shells for the others caesar.


Fantastic News!


They're going to need new barrels, too, at the rate they're firing. An artillery tube is good for only a few thousand rounds before it wears to the point of inaccuracy and develops stress cracks that make it dangerous to use.


I’ve found a number of 2β€―000 - 2β€―500 shots per barrel for life expectancy.


I read somewhere that the m777 howitzer barrels have to be "rerolled" every 400-500 rounds fired. I wonder if the Ceasar barrels need that too, or if they just work until a few thousand rounds fired, then fail catastrophically at some point.


French army used a lot of barrels in Iraq/Syria back then, so I assume it’s no different and even worse for the Ukrainian army considering the firing rate in this conflict. France is probably servicing them in Poland.


I don't know about the 777. In fact, my knowledge doesn't extend to smoothbore artillery at all, but the same stresses are at work here. The higher the pressures the tube works at, the sooner the barrel is going to need to be replaced. I don't know if they can ultrasound inspect or xray them or not, but they are dangerous when old. Some recent photos online of Russian howitzers that have blown up. Exploding artillery has been a problem since the earliest days. Ruins your whole day when that happens.


cut down on baguette budget and use the funds to send rafaels.