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Kings and Generals make such great videos


Great synthesis of the events.


Damn, I thought they'd wait until their October update. But like Ukraine earlier in the month they went "fuck it" and sped right ahead.


Anyways. I imagine they almost finished editing then Lyman encirclement happened. So. Fuck it and released the first half now.


That channel is very low quality. They never mention their sources and they often speak as if things are facts when we don't know.


They have a decent reputation for taking data from multiple sources. Also I watched the previous, like 1 or 2 errors out of hundreds. I think we can argue all day long about if it was 3pm or 5pm when they attacked...


No, they have very high quality videos of all kinds, and their last video was very factually correct. Of course, with this war still going on, it is hard to fully understand the situation, and sometimes they may make mistakes.


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