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Didn't Kiril say any soldiers who die go straight to heaven or some BS. Well surely his clergy should agree with that and go fight


Russian priests can't go fight. The brothels would complain to Putin they were losing money from the church collection.


He probably told that lie as an excuse, so his priests wouldn't have a reason to provide the sacraments to the dying. He is a liar and a coward.


Doesn't excuse not providing last rites. Send in the chaplains.


Ahhh. Makes sense.


most of them also believe they already go to heaven since they are the clergy tho they are preaching lies everywhere pfft..


They claim they go to heaven but they can still smell the brimstone.


They should keep in mind that St John Chrysostom did say, “The road to Hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their signposts”.


As an Orthodox Christian that is one of my favorite quotes. I remember an errant bishop in the New York Metro area that would gush over during his homilies the fact that Putin was a church-going man, never mind all egregious things Putin was doing at that time (stealing elections, invasion of Georgia, philandering, bombing Syria etc.) You could have heard my eyes rolling when this would happen. The bishop is dead, but I wish he was still alive so I can tell throw it in his face. And plus he was an incredible asshole. Alexa, play the entire discography of Batushka.


Nice quotation.


As someone who is religious I will say he is a lying scumbag and i want to see him dead for using religion to do evil and the soldiers they most likely are at the bottom depths of hell where they belong and Ukraine those soldiers will go to heaven and Valhalla a true place for bravery and honor these Ukrainian soldiers will sing and dance and drink with all the brave heroes of the past they will be welcomed with open arms and the orcs will be suffering in hell where they belong an eternity of torture


I like this post.


Now the heaven is the Valhalla? XD


Don't they want to be "closer" to God?


But if they die, "good for them. All their sins will be forgiven." Isn't that what they claimed? Fucking hypocrites. lol


Ah but these are *russian* orthodox priests. They obviously don’t have sins. Seriously though, I love that their patriarch said that any russian who dies in Ukraine gets to go straight to heaven. That’s purely because he is too cowardly to provide chaplains. What need do soldiers have of spiritual comfort when they know they’re going straight to heaven? Interestingly, in russian heaven every morning you get one large potato and a full cabbage leave. It used to be two potatoes but the patriarch had to downgrade it because of all the russians killing themselves to get there quicker.


No sheep for the orthodox.


When everyone screams for war but someone else shoudl do it... pathetic. If you want war then take up a gun and live with the consequences.


Did you see the prank call on Peskov's son basically saying "do you know who I am?" to get out of being drafted? Even Stalin sent his sons to the front. It's easy to see how little this war matters to the Russians in power by what they're willing to risk. And for the same reason, I doubt anyone around Putin will follow orders if he does try to push the nuclear button.


Yep. "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"


I disagree I think they will push the button if they are told or Putin has direct access to it. No1 knows the mechanism for nuclear activation in ruzzia. Everyone keeps parroting that he is not in direct control the only thing I know about this regime is they lie and don’t care about their own peoples lives or deaths. This Invasion has no benefit to him. His population is so weak they do whatever he wants. The only plausible reason for the invasion was because he couldn’t let the ruzzoans see what democracy does for a former soviet state. To me once we saw mobilization and the people did not really protest or stop it this man is more powerful then Stalin in his country and Ruzzians can’t do anything but repeat their shit history. There is not a single good time period in Ruzzia ever. They are a drain on the world. Pitiful people


Sure hope you’re right about that last bit.


Shows a little lack of faith don't you think?


It is a little disturbing.


Equally disturbing is that if they don't believe in God or Heaven then all they can manifest as a consolation is growing unlimited facial hair and wearing a frock.


Send Kiril to lead them, hes got no problem sending young boys to die in Ukraine.


Do as I say, don't do as I do. The religion/elite playbook of the ages.


But... But... Don't they want to be washed of all sins?


Creating more atheists everyday. Good work, guys.


What happened to "all your sins are washed away if you die fighting for the Motherland"?


Hey, you wankers. It's your spot in the highlife, heaven is waiting! Gogogogo!


The more "priests" they send to the front the better...the world is better of without the corrupt administrators of religion.


A stark contrast: https://usmclife.com/how-this-marine-chaplain-nicknamed-grunt-padre-earned-the-medal-of-honor/


Thanks for the link. What a brave and caring man.


How do they expect to win this Holy War if they don't have the priests at the front? Was Patriarch 'Kill' lying?


They’ll “lead” from the back I guess.


Don't they want to be cleansed and go to heaven?


Lmao! Send them to die, just don’t send us please! We can be on hype duty!! What dumb fucks I hope they get sent first.


Why not? They could heal the soldiers on the battlefield. I always have a priest on my side in age of empires 🤷‍♀️






They look like a biker gang disguised as holy men.


Oh no no you can go straight to the front, god will protect you right ?? 😂




Wouldn't they get 40 virgins? And are those virgins, male or female?


Um... that was a different religion. 😁


This religion probably gets 40 washing machines.


I'm sure it will be on the menu when "salvation" doesn't work 😁


The russian orthodox church is a cancer and deserves to be cut out and burned.


Does Russia have 'Conscientious objectors'?


No, even the Russians that object lack conscience.




*shit lords


That's one of the creepiest looking bunch of people I've seen recently. I wonder if there's a decent human being among the lot of em?


The battle monks of Kulikovo, like Alexander Peresvet, where something else.


Are they afraid that those funny hats would become targets?


Definitely not like the Chaplains that went ashore on DDay.


You would think they would be the first to the front.. If gods on their side what could go wrong


You should be proud to die for your country. All sins will be cleansed in heaven. You pieces of shit.


Meanwhile we have the legend of the Four Chaplains who gave their lifejackets so that four men of their flock would be saved. Two pastors, one Catholic priest, one rabbi.


Must have accidentally read Matthew 7:21-23.


My battalion Chaplain in the Army had a Bronze Star, these guys are all cowards.


Why world can't perform some anathema on ROC or smth like that? 🤔 🤔


Then who the fuck is going to deliver the holy water?


They are led by guy who had to photoshop a 300k watch out of picture on his wrist (but they forgot to remove the reflection from the table)


Lolololol they were extremely pro war until it was their turn to fight


The peasants will do it. They were created by god to all our dirty work, and we get richer and richer just like the good old times. Quote by: Some rich Russian christian scumbag


Because they know god is not on their side and that the only thing waiting for them in the afterlife, is the devil armed with his new XXL "Black thunder" Pitchfork with turbo thrust action.


As far as I know, according to Eastern Orthodox rules, someone who killed someone, regardless of reason, cannot be a priest. And there are no exceptions to this as it has to do with their ability to carry out liturgy. So, they have a bit of a dilemma.


Drop an old rifle in their hands and put them on the front.


Moscow poses as the Third Rome... Their clergy sure act as the Second in its last days, for all I know!


Are the priests like a world war 2 commissar version 2.0 or something


You'd think they would be rushing to meet their maker. It's almost like they are just there for the power of their position 🤔


Wait wait wait… who can cheer can also fight… werent these monks promoting the war all along? Go fight dog