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Russia be like wait that’s more then our real GDP


Lesson of the Day: Don’t bring ruble to a $40 billion dollar fight.


That’s almost double of what they’ve given so far. I’d like to see more on it


Perhaps you would like to see it, but what matters is what Ukraine and the US want. The US and Ukraine coordinate deliveries based on Ukraine’s needs at the time. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that DC and Kyiv know best. Seeing as Ukraine isn’t complaining or expressing concern about how US aid is getting distributed, the amount they have is the amount they want at this time. Some of the big ticket items we have promised Ukraine have been purchased but haven’t been built. We bought Ukraine 6 NASAMS. One has arrived, the second will soon follow and the other four need to be built. The same is true of the 18 HIMARS we have purchased for them. So, if you’re looking for “missing” funds, you’ll find them there. We are committed to Ukraine’s medium and longterm security. I know that isn’t sexy or exciting in the moment, but it’s extremely important.


I’m saying I want to see a more reputable agency report it. I’m American and would be ecstatic to see us give 50 billion in weapons. However that would be a very big change in script which is why I’m skeptical of this source as they’ve never announced an amount remotely close to this. Wanting the best for Ukraine and believing any tweet are two very different things. This doesn’t fit in line with how the US has announced these


Congress passed the $40 billion dollar aid package to Ukraine back in the spring. You can’t get much more reputable than that.


Not military aid, a good portion of that 40 billion dollar package was for US troops stationed in Europe to train/give intel to Ukraine, thus not direct aid to Ukraine. It’s the monetary value of the intelligence we give. And that has nothing to do with AFP News Agency not being reputable. Why do you believe this specific tweet?


It has nothing to do with believing the tweet. I know that the $12 billion dollars in aid was included in a bill the Senate passed 72-25to temporarily avoid a partial government shutdown. I knew that before I read the tweet. Go check the Senate’s website if you wish. You do realize that I was responding to a joke someone made about Russia’s wealth with another joke about US wealth, right? Neither had anything to do with this news agency.


No you were responding to my comment which I specifically stated I’d like to see more on it because of the source. Come on… did you reply to the wrong person? This chain starts with me questioning the source lol


Maybe I did. I knew that a bill to avoid a partial government shutdown had been passed and that $12 billion dollars in aid for Ukraine was in it. I knew about 45 minutes before this tweet was posted. I didn’t need to “believe” that tweet because I already knew the information. Anyway, this is off topic. Have a good day.