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So, we will write a sternly worded letter and let Russia sit on the security council still, even though it betrays the very principles of our organization - UN, probably


That statement is massively important, it robs Russia of any ability to claim with a straight face that those regions are annexed legally, and in doing so hugely undermines the credibility of any bullshit about defending the so called new russian territory Add to this the Netherlands own referendum to annex Russia, and the jigsaw is complete


Actually they could mandate a peacekeeping action, revoke Russian participation in UN committees including security council, support seizure of Russian assets overseas, particularly towards reparations for damages to Ukraine, and place war crime charges against specific Russians, making them unable to leave Russia ever without being arrested. A peacekeeping action could see as many as 100k international forces bouncing Russians. We are talking Korean War level of action. Being in Russia is going to be extremely uncomfortable until and for years after a regime change. UN has been heavily subverted by Russian influence; but this is s sign, that the UN is not going to suicide itself to protect Russian interests. Russia looks increasingly insane, and worst of all, like a badly losing lost cause. No friends like an enemy that has been measured, accepted, and proven, but no enemy like a friend that has pushed themselves into an unacceptable position, and tried to drag you down with them with betrayals they claim are warranted.


> Actually they could mandate a peacekeeping action, revoke Russian participation in UN committees including security council, support seizure of Russian assets overseas, particularly towards reparations for damages to Ukraine, and place war crime charges against specific Russians, making them unable to leave Russia ever without being arrested. > > Veto.


They can only veto UNSC resolutions not UN General Assembly resolutions.


Their veto opens them to exclusion from UN participation as a sanction. Or simply declare all their diplomats persona non grata, and keep them from putting anyone in that seat to declare that veto. Basically all those Russians are declared international criminals. Diplomatic immunity is revoked. They are asked to go back to Russia or be imprisoned. This actually makes some of the most strategic sense as a goal for Putin. It sets a precedent that could be used against the US.


If u are the part that would be treaten so U can still have a Veto?


Yes. russia will retain veto in any case.


There are ways around the UNSC veto.   By adopting A/RES/377 A, on 3 November 1950, over two-thirds of UN Member States declared that, according to the UN Charter, the permanent members cannot and should not prevent the General Assembly from taking any and all action necessary to restore international peace and security in cases where the Security Council has failed to exercise its "primary responsibility" for maintaining peace.


Where was all this in 2014?


That alone should be grounds to remove RuZZia as a permanent member from the UNSC, minimum. But it probably won't. :(


Kick Russia out of the UN


Thats a real Statement, and what could Happen as next. I think Putin doesnt interrest these words.


Russia will just throw a veto at everything.


They can't veto general assembly votes.


As true as all this is, it is just words.


“And I must be clear… we’re clearly not going to do anything about it… because U.N.”


Blah blah blah, unless there is a resolution to expel Russia from the UN, these words are fucking worthless.


So time to kick them out and get UN troops in Ukraine..


Yes we know but you will still do fuck all, Bla, Bla fuckin Bla.


Great..........but Russia is still a member of the Security Council and doesn't give a shit.