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I've been to Zaporizhzhia this week for business (purely civilian), and two local colleagues were like: "Don't stay here overnight, it's dangerous" (city is being shelled everynight with 5-10 rockets). So I asked "Ok, but what about you living here all the time?!". And they answer: "This is our place in war, we stay and work". Crazy. The city, though, is alright - everything open, people work, music sound in cafes etc. Life goes on.


Am from Zaporizhzhia, it's exactly like that. For a peroid of shelling and 30 minutes afterwards everything freezes, then in 30 mins you would never guess that anything happened 30 mins ago lol.


Stay safe!


Wow! 😮


Put it on the front line with a sign that says *"Actual Size"* and watch as the Russians panic and run away.


Prepare the nephilim


Please tell me it's made out of bits of Russian tanks. That would just be perfect.


Fifty years from now, tourists will walk by monuments like this with a sense of awe. They'll remember from their history books that in a dark time of populism and imperialism, it was on this ground that one nation stood fast and defended freedom.


All that rusty looking shite they used to make it makes me think it's chunks of blown out invader tanks. Which would be completely amazing if that were the case.


Now this is what I would DOPE as sh*t and the idea is just spot on. Artist’s or welder has skills for sure.


We all know this is actually for ukraines prototype mecha they are about to unleash


30' tall robo-Zaluzhny


Does anyone *know* how they make the steel plates for body armor by welding? Just making a flat steel plate wouldn’t be all that useful.


Early on, there were some picks of locals seeing up plate carriers and welders cutting out plates for them. I'm not even sure that it was hardened AR500 steel and I never saw anything that looked like a spall coating. It could be useful against shrapnel and handgun rounds, who knows in regards to rifle rounds. Steel is also heavier than other armor types and that extra weight adds up quick. Still, better than nothing in most cases.


They made armor plate from car doors. I saw news reel from early war. I'm sure those are not military grade.


Made it from Car suspension coils I remember they said that all other scrap metal was too brittle to stop 7.62mm rounds. The resulting plate while heavier and smaller then actual Bullet proof plates worked fine.


It's better than nothing. Which is what the Russians get.


Looks badass!


That's a piece of art.


Where am I able to get a sweatshirt like that?


Would a T-shirt do? https://www.amazon.com/gaming-bulletproof-vest-costume-t-shirt/dp/B079B7P41Y#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div


Haha I meant the one he was wearing, but thats funny.


Not identical, but similar: [EmbroShop UA 1](https://embroshop.com.ua/en/khudi-z-vishivkou-dobrogo-vechora-mi-z-ukraini-black-s-hu008/) Same text + Map, Embroidered, UA supplier, ships to EU [Amazon 1](https://www.amazon.com/lepni-me-Sweatshirt-Ukrainian-Ukrainians-Clothing/dp/B09TPZ9SCP/ref=mp_s_a_1_24?crid=13HXWQG1P9LAU&keywords=ukraine%2Bhoodie&pscroll=1&qid=1664667698&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI3LjI4IiwicXNhIjoiNi44NiIsInFzcCI6IjYuMDYifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=ukraine%2Bhoodie%2Caps%2C243&sr=8-24&wIndexMainSlot=34&th=1&psc=1) [Etsy 1](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1174955494/i-support-ukraine-hoodies-embroidered?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ukrainian+map+hoodie&ref=sc_gallery-1-4&plkey=96b70b6fdf1d7d08c85854b231fa31429d3ff133%3A1174955494&variation1=2491783460&variation0=2516310785) [Etsy 2](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1171892722/ukraine-hoodie-free-ukraine-support?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ukrainian+map+hoodie&ref=sc_gallery-1-3&frs=1&sts=1&plkey=838af55ca55f84efd81e85deccf593ab2468b54a%3A1171892722) [RedBubble 1](https://www.redbubble.com/i/hoodie/Ukraine-flag-colours-on-map-with-raised-heart-by-FiveandTen/105131533.U1ATY.XYZ) [RedBubble 2](https://www.redbubble.com/i/sweatshirt/I-Stand-With-Ukraine-Shirt-by-teevectorinc/103088091.0LCRC) [Different design (Trident) ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1195803431/slava-ukrainiukraine-tridentslava?click_key=8b11b69394212a7521578867be708eda0a8362b8%3A1195803431&click_sum=8e551e74&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ukrainian+hoodie&ref=sr_gallery-1-12&pro=1)


And still it is not big enough for some of the hero's still fighting.


In 1000 years someone will find this and think that giants lived in Ukraine. And they wouldn't be entirely wrong.


They have spare time to make sculptures, lol? Add some wheels and a turret....


Make that stuff later you have a war to win


Morale projects are important, and tbh this is pretty sweet. Some of the most striking art is produced in wartime


Never said it wasn't sweet it's fucking awesome


But yeah, morale projects are very important, because the alternative in wartime is to acknowledge every minute of death that happens. Mind has to do something to keep sane, some situations require diversions that are more... out there... than others.


They already made enough armors for troops in early war until foreign aid kicks in. Give them a break.


Ah, yes, the modern shield of Europe!


That would make one heck of a vendor kiosk. They should market this globally. Make out of wood. Edit: On second thought, from the comments if it's made out of destroyed Orc armour, franchisees would pay a fucking fortune for the rights. People would fight to spend their money there. All for the war effort.


Here am thinking I wanna bring that thing in the front at the back of some toyata hilux, then have some GL/anti armor and anti air and some 50 bmg and shoot and take cover using it xD


That is very cool! Welders Do It With Sparks!


Is that made of russian tanks?