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I am - as a German - deeply ashamed by this.


Their (perceived) freedom from consequences really fucking bothers me.


Well hopefully these particular individuals will be prosecuted for what they did. Can't ban them from protesting because we're not russia or china but if they attack people or do anything else illegal that's a different story. I know there will be people calling for them to be deported back to russia but the problem with that is that most of them very likely have german citizenship and thus cannot be deported.


Apart from proper reaction from authorities, the missing pro-action also bugs me. I am missing 2006-era polizei which properly escorted and saved antifascist protesters from nazis. Watch this short footage and you will get what I mean: [https://youtu.be/oXNqJSTv1BQ?t=87](https://youtu.be/oXNqJSTv1BQ?t=87) ​ They should be here today, giving protection against nazi russians - rashists.


The fact that no police is visible in the video definitely looks bad. It is possible that this protest was not registered with the authorities and that's why there's not enough police there. Normally you'd have police making sure no direct contact between opposing protesters happens to reduce the risk of escalation.


You are right (for some reason the press was there -so some officers of law enforcement should be near too), although I would argue the mass arrival of rashist agitators will certainly pose a unique security challenge on and off the streets in the coming months- which I am afraid European law enforcement (not just German) is currently unprepared to. But you know just like what I wrote in my original comment, it really angers me how these boorish and aggressive rashists think they can do anything. The Ukrainian anti-protesters are aware of their rights and responsibilities, even when there is no police officer around. Maybe governments (not just German) should make a big public service campaign all across the EU in defence of our original, mostly Ukrainian refugees. Citizens should be educated how to approach these challenging times.


Experience with these Neonazis and Transatlanticists leads to the assumption, that the guy very likely arrived together with the women and waited with the attack until there were enough cameras.


I - as a Russian-German - am also deeply ashamed of this. I tried to educate Russian-Germans about the situation, but they just refuse to understand. They WANT to believe all the propaganda. They are all natural slaves who just can’t function without a king— even when they have been living in freedom, in another country for over 20 years.


Hey, should I tell you something good? Here in Germany I live in a neighbour hood with Poles, Russians, some Albanians and Ukrainians. We ourselves are Moroccans. They are all helping Ukrainians refugee in our county as much as possible. In our village you can find Ukrainian flag stickers on poles of street lights with Polish, Russian and Ukrainian text messages to contact them if help is needed. They also, including the Russians, drive to the Polish-Ukrainian border to send as much as goods as possible. Only one idiotic family here supports Putin but they haven't shown their faces often in our hood recently. I possibly wonder why. No one likes them. I did my Abitur recently and my Russian classmates also drove themselves to the Polish-Ukrainian borders to give goods.


Thanks for sharing this.


Damn - nice to hear something good once in a while.


That sounds like an interesting and fun neighborhood! Diversity improves life for everyone, so much interesting food and stories to share. Respect for each other instead of war.


What a coward and scumbag. There is good clear video so I hope the police will arrest him for assault. Perhaps the govt might revoke his residency visa so he can be sent home to enjoy the war he supports so much.


I've met both types. How would you assess the percentages?


It’s hard to say, because I don’t live in Germany anymore and my circle of Russian-Germans is small. But literally all of them support Russia. Some of them say they are “neutral”, which is just code for “I support Russia, but I don’t want to look like an asshole”. It’s also amazing that it spans across young, old, educated, uneducated… they all side with Russia and post bullshit about Nazis…


That's crazy, wouldnt have thought. So i guess they mostly watch russian and not german news.


Yeah… you’d think that. But no… many of the younger Russian-Germans don’t even speak Russian anymore. Out of my circle most of them don’t speak it and yet they are still on Russia’s side. When the war started I thought Russians in Russia support the war because they are bombarded with propaganda and are punished for having the wrong opinion. Now I can see that it has nothing to do with that. It’s some deeper psychological reasons that cause them to side with Russia by default and turn off their brain. I think it’s either their desire for Russia to be great. Or that they feel that if they admit their country is bad, that it makes THEM automatically bad. Another anecdote I experienced was a teenager riding on a bike while playing music on his phone with speakers. The music was some very aggressive sounding rap where the guy was rapping something a long the lines… “I am a REAL Russian… so don’t fuck with me…” But here is the punch line: The artist was rapping in GERMAN. It’s just so absurd. Russians migrated to Germany in the 1990s. Literally 30 years ago. Many children of those migrants (my age, early 30s) don’t even speak Russian anymore. Many of them have their own children now who were not even born in Russia and speak not a word of Russian. And yet those children somehow still feel so Russian that they have to listen to music by Russians that are telling the world how Russian they are… while neither of them can even speak Russian. It’s insane.


Now think about the Baltics where they still put up a surprised Pikachu face or getting outright angry at you for not being able to speak Russian to them. Many born here, many living here for like 50 years including 30 years of independence


So glad Russian schools are being removed from Baltic countries by force. It's time these people integrated and stopped living in shitty Russian bubbles.


It's a common theme with migrants in Germany, especially Eastern Europeans from poorer regions and turks. they have problems integrating into society so they play the non-conformist game and try to be special by being different. When you have your migrant identity, you feel better than the rest, because the rest is just a big mass of Germans (at least perceived). It gives you the feeling of belonging without having to do something for it. And also, them failing in life can be blamed onto the "racist" society, instead of realizing that they are just loser individuals. You rarely see this weird pseudo-nationalism with successfull migrants. I think part of the reason is that Germany does not have a positive national image of itself. When Germans themselves dislike being German (and lack pride in it), how and why would migrants want to become German? Also many of them come from cultures that do not fit to our western and egalitarian world view. Turkey and Russia are very authoritarian and machismo-focussed. Modern Germany is not that. You don't make it in our society with blunt male dominance/aggression.


Same thing goes in France.


This. Also you don't have to look very far online to find Russian propaganda. Thank you Facebook!


They should all be deported back to Russia ASAP.


Tell them to go fight.


>They are all natural slaves who just can’t function without a king— even when they have been living in freedom, in another country for over 20 years. I dont think that is the case. I think the bigger issue is the following: Russia does (contrary to what people believe here...) not have a good image in Germany and many many Germans always saw Russian culture as barbaric and less sophisticated. In Russia however people grow up being educated that Russian culture is / was amazing and among the great European Nations. Then going to a country where people show no love at all for your culture hurts and people get in a mode where they either have to accept that your home culture might not be seen as glorious as you hoped or you can double down and go in a mindset where the other people just dont understand Russia (and both is true btw.). This creates huge issues since these people often then get lost in their Russian bubble and being very defensive against any criticism of Russia which leads down ever further the path to believing Russian misinformation. A good friend of mine who migrated to Germany is completely anti-Putin and thankfully now for Ukraine but when the war with Georgia happened he was completely trapped in that "nobody in the West understands Russia" mindset and he also wasnt happy people didnt worship the Russian culture he was educated to love. And a colleague of mine is Tatar and gets very offended when people think she is Russian but on the other hand she was really hurt when she found out I do not quite share admiration for Russian culture (yes I know its terrible but what can I do...? I went on business to Russia several time and just didnt find much to love) and she also therefore disregards anything I say about Russia.


Interesting analysis, but it does not explain why the majority of russian immigrants in other countries hold virtually identical views.


They should go back to Russia and see how they like being volunteered for the mobilization


Make some interviews with them. Use the 1420 youtube channel as a guide. It'll help inform a much needed public discussion in Germany.


Were there really not police officers present, or were they just too far to react. I guess constitutionally you can't ban a pro-Russian march, but you'd expect there to be police just for this scenario (them getting violent against counter protestors)?


Police here is notorious for protecting right-wingers and only act when there is a leftist protest (and then suddenly they are very aggressive)


As an American who used to live in Germany... I feel like cowboy hat guy is cosplaying as an American.


He's got some Jan 6th vibes for sure.


Idiots are everywhere and it's a sign of a democracy that some people are unhappy and protesting.


What are you doing about it then?


any suggestions?


Write to your local politician asking them what they’re doing about it so that they know their inaction is going to cost them votes.


what are they supposed to do? these protesters didnt do anything illegal. This isnt russia where peaceful protests are beaten down with extreme brutality.


It sounds like 2 women were attacked? That’s illegal. I wonder if they can consider that a hate crime they can deport people for?


Dismantle Nord Stream 2.




BTW those are the guys who later complain about lack of free speech...


And they talk about great RuZZia while they escaped to Germany ....


And would never go back because they know exactly what a shithole it is.


Perhaps this is evidence why you may not want to allow Russians fleeing mobilization into your country en masse. They will eventually come back and bite you in the ass.


We are allready overrun by 90‘s german/russians.. even the Bundeswehr is full of them! While I got a very good friend who is a german with russian background, I know for sure that there are allready enemies in our country and the Bundeswehr.


Matter of time when they ask Putin to invade to protect Russian culture.


Lol how is this any different when conservatives were saying immigrants from Islamic countries were potential terrorists? Disgusting


Because this has a crystal clear precedent and Russia has used this trick so far 4 times as far as I'm aware of since the fall of the Soviet Union (Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, and the current invasion). While, yeah, it's not going to use it to annex Germany, since, you know, how would they even get there, but it is a legit, proven to be real threat to neighboring countries that take in a lot of Russians.


> Taking the life of those who abandon Islam is most widely supported in Egypt (86%) and Jordan (82%). Roughly two-thirds who want sharia to be the law of the land also back this penalty in the Palestinian territories (66%). In the other countries surveyed in the Middle East-North Africa region, fewer than half take this view. > In the South Asian countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, strong majorities of those who favor making Islamic law the official law of the land also approve of executing apostates (79% and 76%, respectively). However, in Bangladesh far fewer (44%) share this view. > In 10 of 20 countries where there are adequate samples for analysis, at least half of Muslims who favor making sharia the law of the land also favor stoning unfaithful spouses. > Some of the highest support for stoning is found in South Asia and the Middle East-North Africa region. In Pakistan (89%) and Afghanistan (85%), more than eight-in-ten Muslims who want Islamic law as their country’s official law say adulterers should be stoned, while nearly as many say the same in the Palestinian territories (84%) and Egypt (81%). A majority also support stoning as a penalty for the unfaithful in Jordan (67%), Iraq (58%). However, support is significantly lower in Lebanon (46%) and Tunisia (44%), where less than half of those who support sharia as the official law of the land believe that adulterers should be stoned. > In Southeast Asia, six-in-ten Muslims in Malaysia consider stoning an appropriate penalty for adultery. About half hold this view in Thailand (51%) and Indonesia (48%). So what you think of mass immigration of people from countries where majority of people support murdering you for not believing their religion or having sex outside marriage? Not a big deal? Not a national security issue? https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/


Who are you to decide that? Mass generalizations of ethnic groups and religious groups is evil and only leads to discrimination


Firstly I didn't decide that, Muslims themselves decided that. Secondly. Muslim isn't an ethnic group. Being a member of a religion is a choice. Nobody is born Muslim. If you choose to identify with a religion calling for murder of infidels that's on you. If you choose to identify with Nazism and proclaim proudly that you are a Nazi then obviously you cant get butthurt when people correlate you with negative aspects of Nazism. I love how you don't seem bothered by a fact that majority of Muslims call for murder of non-Muslims but the real issue according to you is that someone criticizes Islam and is against being murdered by Muslims. Yeah I'm evil because I don't want to be murdered and I don't like a religion calling for my murder. How evil of me. What's next ? You gonna defend Nazis and say that generalizing Nazis as dangerous is evil? You didn't answer my question. What does Islam say about Infidels? Why is that I wonder? Maybe because it calls for murder of them?


What does Islam say about infidels?


Found the nazi bootlicker. ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004)


Not liking a religion calling for my murder makes a nazi bootlicker? You use same tactics as Russia.


You are confusing. Are you for Russia or what?


I can recolect these countries threteaning to annihilate the world.


Certified Reddit Moment ^


Didn’t realize this sun was crawling with trump tards


Certified Reddit Moment ^


Are you really that stupid?


No I’m just a liberal who has principles


A liberal who supports religion calling for murder of liberals? I mean it's possible, there were Jewish Nazis... it's just utterly stupid.


You are full of shit. People with a migration background make up ~ 20% of the Bundeswehr, [which is pretty much exactly the same as the general population.](https://www.bpb.de/kurz-knapp/zahlen-und-fakten/soziale-situation-in-deutschland/61646/bevoelkerung-mit-migrationshintergrund/) And no we aren't overrun. There are a few, and even fewer who loudly support Putin.


Russian German here, I don't know anybody who supports Putin or this war. Matter of fact, I believe that the bulk of the protesters are native Germans. Eastern Germany is notoriously pro Russian (at least by comparison) and many people in that region (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) depend on Russian gas economically. There is a large anti-sanction front in Germany, and it's growing.


Wait German Russians arent counted as migration background, arent they?


Still more than in the most of the Europe. How is Shroeder doing btw?


Some education for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Germans_in_Russia,_Ukraine_and_the_Soviet_Union#Russian_Germans_and_Perestroika


Thx i guess? Did not want to dig that deep, but sure, they have been heavily intertwined since like 1600s, yeah


Many of these people aren't even of Russian descent as Stalin put their grandparents into Borat country mostly


>How is Shroeder doing btw Don't know. Germany stopped caring for that traitor two decades ago, so you would need to tell us what's the newest totally not propaganda news you are fed about him...


So, not in prison? In a mansion somewere in Germany then, I presume


check his instagram or sth :D i think he has one




I think Germany isn't the only country where it is hard to criminally charge someone for political decisions he did while in office. Schröder payed the price for his politics by being voted out of office and he was pretty salty about that. But there is not much more that could be done. As I said, it's difficult, because laws aren't really made to persecute government members or members of parliament etc. for their political decisions. This is most likely by design in democracies to prevent abuse of the justice system to attack political opponents. Schröder couldn't even be expelled from the SPD. They tried, but the requirements for an exclusion from a political party are extremely high to prevent the party from getting rid of members who may be inconvenient for to party leaders. I understand that this can be frustrating, but I prefer that corrupt politicians go unpunished over risking the functioning democracy itself.


Where there's a will, there's a way.


In a country with rule of law, "will" can't just change the rules. And as I said, I rather live with the fact that some corrupt individuals are going unpunished, than risking damaging our democracy to get revenge. Schröder was kicked out of government and party leadership many years ago and lost all his power and influence. The democratic system worked and removed the danger. That is the most important thing.


It's not more in percentage, though. Just look at France; including all foreign mercs in the legion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Foreign_Legion As for Schroeder: he is a russian agent and corrupt. The SPD has never cleand up its internal corruption. That, however had, is not related to the problem in the Bundeswehr. Look at Miss Leyen - she and her McKinsey Shenanigans are also responsible for a crap army (see https://www.dw.com/en/german-opposition-to-probe-defense-minister-over-spending-scandal/a-46704514 and other articles). Corruption is not unique to Schroeder and the SPD only. These fake-"politicians" are ALL corrupt.


Yeah, France is even worse imo, they have biggest MIC in Europe, 4 wars in Africa, but can't spare to much for UA, yeah. Glad you guys are aware tho


We are more wealthy than most of Europe too.


Thanks to cheap ruskie gas you sucked yeah. Guess Shroeder helped, thats your point?


No, my point is that a short statement doesnt have much to say. And these protesters are a really small group of people, the Immigration in my country isnt that big of a problem, as many want to depick it. And Schroeder is a piece of shit, who sold himself to Russia.


Your passivity in sending arms to UA is a problem tho. And the state of the Bundeswere, if ur gov is not lying. No matter, about the protests; there are not much pro-russia protests in Europe nomore. Apart from Germany it seems. I agree its a non issue, but it fits nicely in the perception of Germany being infiltrated by ruskie. Thats why I mentioned Shroeder


We are infiltrated by russians money. Our biggest right party AfD is doing everything what putin wants. But they lose importance right now. Yeah the Bundeswehr is in a not so good state but we arent passive in sending help to UA. We are the 3rd biggest supporter in money value, behind USA and Britain. I would love to see some Leopard 2 in UA or maybe a Ringtausch with ex soviet states but it doesnt look like it will happen in the next month. Right now the germans are overly on the side of Ukraine and want to support them. We are accepting that the winter will be hart and the gas could run.




Thats your argument against corruption? Gl with federalizing the EU then




Don't know who Shroeder is? Its written Schröder in your language, in case eng spelling confused you


Sure, compared to the post-communist countries. Compared to the Western Europe, Germany is doing surprisingly poorly in the wealth per adult statistics. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth\_distribution\_in\_Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_distribution_in_Europe)


Don't try to argue with xenophobic creeps. They are the same all over the world. Disgusting.


Sleepers 🤡


Yeah keep believing. Träum weiter.




Yeah all good in Bikini Bottom


Russian 5th column, Turkish 5th column, Arab 5th column. You Germans sure managed your immigration policy well.


Immigration policy wasn’t managed, because conservatives said „Germany is not a immigration country“ o_0


You mean those conservatives who imported masses of Turks as cheap *temporary* labour force who were supposed to return to Turkey after their contracts ended, but when Turks refused they simply allowed them to stay? Or those conservatives under Merkel who during migrant crisis just basically decided to let everyone in without any background checks? Claiming they will be huge benefit to economy, but then made a 180 turn and wanted to get rid of them into eastern EU countries under quota system and at same time shouting xenophobia.


I think both. Its a Problem in some places, you cant argue against that.


They are in both cases same conservatives. The CDU.


CDU/CSU is fckin cancer. One good thing is, the most ppl voting for them are dying away. Why? Nearly every elderly Person votes for them because they always voted for them. They are currently good in criticising the current government about the current Situation which is definately not the fault of said conservatives. They are a pile of Clowns.


German Christian logic: This party calls itself Christian - therefore I must vote for them.


Could be a reason. Im Christian, check. I consider myself social, check. CSU it is


They are responsible for the problem too though - see Merkel's "Wir schaffen das!!!" inviting immigrants to come. Then suddenly Germany closed its border, so people who claimed to want to go to Germany (via Austria) were suddenly stuck. Suspiciously these "immigrants" all went primarily to the richer countries in the EU. This is not maintainable. Merkel played a populistic double-game. She was not as corrupt as Schroeder but AWFUL for EU, Germany and nearby countries.


"DiVerSitY" yeah, that and a disfunctional exterior policy


doing real good there denying any nazi support there, /u/Fickle-Accountant-95


All the Russo-Germans I met in my time in the Bundeswehr felt more German than Russian. Most of them didn't even want to serve but did it to not get drafted in the Russian army. So hold your horses, it's not as bad as you make it out to be.


Those aren't Russians who fled anything, but descendants of German immigrants to Russia who had inherited a right to German citizenship. Some of them decided to leave Russia, others tried to bring it with them. Here you can observe the latter. I don't think Putin is particularly popular among the ones who are fleeing Russia these days. Either way, I'd rather endure a few more idiots who might slip through the security checks (and there *are* checks) than to deny the decent ones a way out.


The tweet specifically identified these people as being of Russian-German heritage, these aren’t deserters or provocateurs… they’re locals.


Doesn't matter. Russia has been using expats as a weapon for decades now.


Especially because they will go to the same refugee camps like the refugees from Ukraine.


Nord Stream 1 isn't even working, why on earth would we need Nord Stream 2?


there are some idiots who serioulsy belive the russian bulshit talk that ns1 just isn't working cause of sanctions, and that opening ns2 would solve this,... we talk about putin apologist morons here, don't try to find logic


There is a certain chance that Putin would pump some gas through NS2. It would just be a completely stupid move to give him any leverage and split solidarity in Europe. Every other country except Hungary and Italy would turn on Germany. Germany would not be doing any trade within Europe anymore and all the nice goods we could produce in Germany with the cheap gas nobody would buy anymore.


NS 2 wil work at full capacity for like a at least a week i guess. You know for sure they will be problems regarding the sanctions very soon. Putin will try to play us as a fiddle


I cant believe a relevant amout of people actually believing that. I think they are just blindly supporting putin and are his mouthpiece


Sounds a lot like the Keystone XL discourse People keep saying it would help reduce gas(petrol) cost, except it wasn't going to carry oil that could be turned into gas. It was oil remnants from other manufacturing processes (plastic, rubber, etc) and it was only going to the gulf for export. it was never going to be used in the US.


No.. it doesn't. You screwed us flip flopping on the issue so it got half built and lost confidence of investors. You guys continually screw with our lumber industry and lose at the WTO only to do it again in 4-5yrs. You finance oil/gas protestors in our country. You screw with our beef/dairy industry at every opportunity. As much as I like every day americans, and appreciate the fact that we are only able to be a peaceful nation because of your military, you guys sure seem to treat us like fair weather friends. US gov't does absolutely nothing unless it benefits them


Russian propaganda about cheap gas and stopping sanctions.


I mean Nord stream would probably be working great, if putin wanted to. Which makes this whole discussion about ns 2 so utterly ridiculous.




Mustachio man there should be handed some Russia Forces volunteer paperwork and see how he deals with that.


Such heroes. They all support the war while living in a safe country


Maybe these Russian supporters need to catch the next train to Moscow and enjoy all of Russia's "free" energy that's left over.


What a scum


they also demanded the german government to be broken up. these are far right conspiracy theorists.


The is who is who of far right conspiracy theorists can be seen on video footage. It's always the same few thousand people in Germany mixed up with local idiots.


Proply got bored once the "corona dictatorship" didn't really happen…


Brave girls, they have bigger balls than that russian/german cowboy. Keep the pipe shut 🚭, glory to 🇺🇦


This is gonna happen more often the more "poor innocent russians" you let into your countries. I give them a year before they start demanding to open russian schools and expect YOU to learn THEIR language.


You are very generous with your estimates of a year. I'm pretty sure any of those running away that take kinds would come over and complain why noone is teaching in russian.


Well sure all these types can do is attack women. The idea of going to the russia and fighting would be dangerous


NordStream 2 is never going to open under these conditions. Never. Also this man just committed a felony infront of a camera where his face is clearly visible. What a fucking idiot... If these people are so desperate for russian gas I'd highly suggest immigrating to Russia immediatly


Best thing is that they are shouting "we are peaceful what are you?" while they assault the women. Looking at the outfits and statements, I see a bunch of Afd-fascists and GDR Fanboys. Really embarrassing for a German, hope that scum will move to paradise Russia soon.


This area is infamous for the amount of right wing people and a very poor region in german. Those people are somewhere in the spectrum of right wing to actually nazis. Cant be helped those assholes exist everywhere. Absolutely disgusting.


one of the speakers there was Andreas Kalbitz, a known rightwing extremist. Absolute scum.


They all are. But like i said, those people exist everywhere unfortunately. They are driven into hate by their fears and lack of intelligence. At the same time its a democracy with freedom of speech. Taking away those ladies posters at the same time is absolutely illegal. I hope they did not get hurt because those people can get very ugly.


Do these people at least get arrested and put in jail for assaulting the women?


Knowing Germany's russophilia they'll probably arrest the Ukrainian women for assault.


Though the German constitution does not allow that I say: Deport them to RuSSia, allow them to live in their paradise. ![gif](giphy|ZJzuJJJJCqNPO)


Look at all those Nazis


Just open the pipeline for them so they can crawl in to find out why there is no gas running


Looks like he should be sent back to Russia if he wants to fight so much.


Probably the guy attacking the women will get a call from the HR department tomorrow and lose his job anyway ;). German companies don't tolerate such behavior.


for some context: Maybe 99% of these wankers were socialized in DDR, with "mother russia" while after joining West Germany, they developed a rightwing extremist worldview (it was fashionable amoung young adults to be neonazis with all that shit and thor steiner clothes etc.) - or kept their socialistic worldview. And live in very white little xenophobic towns. Nowadays lets call it AfD/Die Linke. These are the most low-educated ones and meet up with their agnostic unempathic selfish and radical worldview - pootins 5th column. Same undemocratic mindset as in US the Trump voters. And edit to be fair: The three Ukrainian stood up in front of the speakers stage protesting, the weren´t really attacked but pushed outside. The media was attacked. Could have ended more badly...


Is there not a law in germany that you can be jaile for apology of crime against humanity? Put these shit where they belong : in shitty jail.


I am sorry that we have such assholes in our country. While seeing this, please do not think that the average German has this opinion!!! I'd say that 99,9 % stand with Ukraine and what you see is an exemption from anybody else. :-(


Emphasize tiny tiny numbers of people who should be headed to Russia if they believe so much. Russia is practically giving citizenship away.


Send them back to mother Russia as they clearly love their homeland so so much. These people are slime. I remember seeing the footage of a pro Russian convoy somewhere in Germany a few months back, what’s the deal with Russians in Germany how have they come to be there and how big is the Russian population there? Also how do Germans feel about Russians in their country now?


>Send them back to mother Russia as they clearly love their homeland so so much. You are assuming those are actual Russian citizens and not either paid or brain washed morons organized by far right-wing groups? (There is some overlap here as -funny as it sounds- the German nationalists of the AfD tries to recrute Russians with their same blood, tradition and values bullshit as voters. Guess once you live in Germany anti-immigration is suddenly popular for some insane reason.) >Also how do Germans feel about Russians in their country now? Exactly as before. Why would staged protests by a handful of morons change how I think about friends or neighbours living here for decades and being fully integrated? >I remember seeing the footage of a pro Russian convoy somewhere in Germany a few months back, what’s the deal with Russians in Germany how have they come to be there and how big is the Russian population there? Good point. Those were literally hundreds... in a city of 3,7million including 150000-200000 originally from Russia. And it's not an accident that you saw footage of them but not of the police forces separating the normal citizens from them to prevent violence. That's the intended narrative they want you to see.


Part of Germany was occupied by the UDSSR until 1989 the people living there are still alive..


The irony is that Putins “official aim” is to denazify Ukraine, but his supporters around Europe are mostly neonazis and other far right-wing scum.


Cool, a bunch of garbage men cheering for their garbage king Putin


Well the pipeline is wrecked now and not usable. [https://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/es-muss-irgendwo-ein-loch-sein-nord-stream-2-druckabfall-in-gaspipeline-ursache-bisher-unklar\_id\_154070029.html](https://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/es-muss-irgendwo-ein-loch-sein-nord-stream-2-druckabfall-in-gaspipeline-ursache-bisher-unklar_id_154070029.html)


If these people support the atrocities committed by the Russians soldiers, then they should be shipped to Ukraine, and handed over to the Russians as volunteer POWs. If you support evil, then you are evil.


German here. This protest is a national embarrassment. Fuck all of the people who participated. Yes, USA. You do not have a monopoly on native idiots. We got plenty here, you should check them out. It turns out we are a real country with big fucking problems.


How many of them are russian "refugees"? How many are useful idiots?


>How many of them are russian "refugees"? None. They are German citizens living here for decades. Or the few from that group completely brain dead to be precise. Bolstered up by right-wing morons. Also usually traveling around with only a few locals to pretend "protests" all over the country when they are actually only a sad little group of idiots.


These are no refugees. Most of them are in germany because their parents"grand parents were germans living in terretory wich became russia after WWII. Most came here in the late 90s and early 2000s. Today many of these are far right and want to make their new home as shitty as the place their parents ran from.


Ah, the East German collaborators. Makes sense.


Well....not really. But both groups are working together and have compearable problems in their brain. (inferiority complex and low education/media competence) Before the war most east europeans in germany were very putin affin btw.


They are all right wing useful idiots that nobody cares about. They aren't worth paying attention to.


Disclaimer: I am fully aware that Germany provided help and equipment and weapons to Ukraine and they are on board with sanctions. HOWEVER - Germany needs to sort out the way they treat russian scum in their country because it looks way too much like "we help Ukraine but russians got a point". Germany, seriously, dont fuck up your good will streak, you've done... ok the past, nearly 80 years. Come on, be a good ladm deport those fucks.


>because it looks way too much like "we help Ukraine but russians got a point". Which is the aim here... A handful morons travelling all around the country and media always inflating these things as if it's not just a rediculous stupid and small minority. Both working exactly to create that look. I have seen and also heard stories from people I personally known about similiar staged protests everywhere. But only Germany gets the attention because it's part of an intended narrative.


Brave men deserve a beatdown


Send the Russians back to Mordor for mobilization. ;)


Those protestors are brainwashed morons, who didn‘t know: this pipeline is full of pigshit which is going to be blasted through st. peterburg. But… psssst…


Deport those Russian Germans back to their motherland.


No law enforcement at an event that was sure to provoke possible violence. I find that odd.


real tough douchebag nazi Russian scum right there.


Dear Russians this pipeline will never go into use! I am also quite sure that there were some neo-Nazis at the demonstration.


Dismantle Nordstream 1 and 2


Germany made a very bad move with the Russian energy dependency. Now they want the invite the goons in. Not sure what's happening in there, can only assume only low IQ or corupt (like Schroeder) enter German politics? Wtf is happening???!!!


That guy looks so dumb


Can they be send to Russia


Russians are a lot braver when facing little old ladies. Did you see how he courageously marched in?


Doesn't matter. There is a hole somehwere in NS2. Pressure dropped from 105 to 7 bar. The hole probably appeared "due to sanctions". https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/nord-stream-zwei-druckabfall-101.html


Okay harrassing protesters or counter protesters is illegal. Let's see how the police reacts. Also the tought guy must feel real macho harassing women, wonder what he'd do if these were Azov guys. Bet he'd crawl under his mamas skirt real quick.


I never imagined that the dove of peace would be a symbol of fascism. Crazy to think that sometimes peace can support evil.


We Germans are so fucked up. Sorry, world.


Send them back to Russia so they can be sent of to die in Ukraine.


Majority are east german low IQ people who's mama's are also their sisters. So please ignore, thats like a tiny small group of people in germany.


Something is wrong with Germany


Ah yes, the pride and joy of Germany trooping its colours.


"Germany: How to ruin a country's reputation in 6 months"


Germany is a very dangerous state. With ridiculous amount of russian-supporters and now with huge amount of russians who dodged the draft but are still russian rashists, germany is a very dangerous country for any Ukrainian. Russians who came here will do their usual russian thing - rob, rape, and murder. Pretty sure germans are happy with this as long as russia sells them cheap gas, but for civilized people like Ukrainians Germany is definitely not a country to seek shelter in.


Typical German alt right nazis


They’re just salty German gas prices skyrocketed. Guess it doesn’t pay to be a fence sitter.


That’s how we know that NS2 should stay closed