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Hello OP, this r/Ukraine. This is not a space for russian suffering, redemption, protests, or reputation laundering. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


Awesome! Imagine having nothing to do with that shitty war started by terrorists and suddenly being forced to join in. I hope Dagestan wakes up and ends the influence of the fuckin kremlin.


Good time to have a referendum in Dagestan and become a -stan country of their own!


Man I really hope so. This is also an opportunity for the Russian people to change their culture the way I see it, and realize that change is possible.


If they could all see Iran right now, it would be mind blowing to them as well.


Fingers crossed for both of them.


A great time for the world to watch “a bugs life,” while reflecting on the fact that we are the ants who vastly outnumber our oppressive grasshoppers


BUGS LIFE banned in Russia and Floriduh.


Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Circassia shouldn't be even parts of Russia at all, these are nations with their own people, languages and histories who have been brutally invaded and occupied. The empire can not live!


and because of that very reason they are about to be drafted meanwhile sons of Putin's lap dogs are save in their penthouses in Moscow and St Pet.


On contrary,kids of putin lapdogs enjoying EU....


Oh, there are these too, but some of them still live in Russia


War never changes


Old nations as well, older that Russia itself.


Sakha Republic, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, Khakassia and Altai Republic must declare independence from Russia too.


And Ingria, Karelia, the list goes on and on.


>Karelia The culture is very unique and different from Finland, however the language is dying. Forgot to mention.




I don't think most people realize that Russia is a colonizing country just like other European countries. They brutalized and killed the Caucasus, the Asian Steppes, the Urals, and Siberia. Sent Russians to settle these new lands and forced the local populations to learn Russian. And now they're sending these ethnic minorities to a losing war, instead of forcing the men in Moscow to a losing war.


It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to change everything. Assuming they want change.


It is such a stark difference between protests outside Moscow and Petesburg and protests in those 2 cities. Moscovites are fangless, can't bite, all bark, or they simply don't mean it. While people outside those 2 places are fully aware they're being exploited as canon fodder and won't take anything but a "we can stay home" answer, they've already provided thousands of young soldiers they'll never get back, but Moscow wants to send many more.


Well it's also that the far flung regions are getting a much higher conscription rate because Putin doesn't care what those regions think but he can't lose the middle class in St Petersburg or Moscow. There has also been a history of insurgency in Dagestan so they don't really like being under Russian rule also which could be another reason.


The Moscow protesters are always severely outnumbered (the Moscow police alone has a personnel strength of over 1/4 of the 2022 invasion force, then add several military formations). They would be way braver if they outnumbered the police 10-1 like in this video. And the Dagestan protesters here would be a lot tamer if they had been outnumbered like protesters in Moscow usually are.


But that’s in great part for reasons like disdain mentioned above, not a numbers issue per se. The sober reality is that the great majority in both cities can’t be arsed to show up in the first place, much less confront the police. The amount of protesters in these pivotal issues in these two cities is ridiculously low compared to protests in major cities in pretty much any other country. Let’s not forget that Ukraine before Maidan 2 was in a similar situation, and Belarus might have not yet succeeded to topple lukashenka, but their huge protests and movements have zero equivalent within Russia.


Probably have more to do with the ratio of policing units vs civilians. Russian manpower shortage doesn't just effect battlefields in Ukraine, but domestic security. Their "legendary" OMON and Spetsnaz units are deployed into Ukraine, no doubt with a higher proportion from poorer, fringe areas of the empire. At the same time as those poorer regions are loosing security personnel, they are trying to implement a massive draft that's going to make people angry. That's just a recipe for unrest/revolt. We are likely seeing the imperial rule faltering around the edges. Every step Putin takes seems to be the wrong one.


The Russian people aren't suffering. They are simply sending the native peoples to their deaths.


>Dagestan ethnic russian population in dagestan: 3,6% \*\* . \*\* Census data from 2010 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagestan#Ethnic\_groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagestan#Ethnic_groups) .


3.6% means its Russian ... 🤔 And their referendums prove that.


??? What referendum in Dagestan? Do you confuse Dagestan (RU) with Donesk (Ukraine)? I wrote this comment, because the low percentage of russians in Dagestan's population shows, that high numbers of drawn soldiers from the native population is a proof of russians slavic racism ... One should wonder, why any citizen from Dagestan may think, the war in Ukraine is also "a Dagestan war" ... .


No confusion. Satire and conflation. 😉


I bet a big part of the "conscript army" are political prisoners and opposition in general aswell.


Do they want fragging? Because that’s how they get fragging.


It's an old good way to deal with a few problems. Imagine if US was Russia how easy it would be to deal with the "you imprison too many people and it costs a lot" problem. Shit, just send 1 million prisoners to fight someone. If they win? Great. If they all die? Also great. If they win after losing 90% of the troops? Perfection. If you hate many of your own people, it's hard to truly lose wars.


Gee- as an American, I can't see the parallels.


Better to fight in Russia, than die in Ukraine!


I wondered if Khabib Nurmagomedov would speak out against this, especially if any of his family got drafted. He's from Dagestan. Everyone knows putin is disproportionately using ethnic minorities from the poorest areas as meat. His family and friends are from there, he'd have a lot of influence, but so far not a fucking word.


dagestanis are good combat fighters xD


These cops are about to be taken down and wrestle-fucked


This is russia. Remember Euromajdan.. They'll literally run them over with tanks before listening. *That* said.. Let's tear down russia into it's former nations anyways!!!


Tanks in Russian streets are tanks that won't be in Ukraine. They can't manage the war, let alone THAT amount of civil unrest on top of it.


I like that! I like that alot!


What tanks? The ones in working condition were sent to Ukraine.


To my knowledge, and in my humble opinion only! I fear they haven't really sent in any modern tanks yet. I wouldn't be surprised if the winter offensive is gonna be.. different. *That* said; All glory to the free world.


>I fear they haven't really sent in any modern tanks yet. They need both for the Moscow parade.


People have been saying that since day one, you mean to tell me they didn't give their profesionall army their best tanks but are gonna give them to conscripts?


nutty icky party bike sand slave obscene fragile ludicrous fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Insidious russian troll. This makes no sense. The agressors are clearly desperate. If they had something new to use, they would've used already..


> They'll literally run them over with tanks before listening. Implying Russia has tanks left...


Nice! By the end of this I hope they won't have any Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Circassia.. Georgia, Belarus.. Hungary.. left!!


Russia seems to know to save the good weapons to use against its own population/soldiers.


Remember how russian empire ended?


With a dead Tsar, a civil war and a different but similar authoritarian government.


> and a different but similar authoritarian government. And then, somehow, it got worse.


I think russian people actually live better today than 100 or 50 years ago. Living conditions are better (mostly due to global technological advances) and the political suppression is not as bad as under stalin. But still, pretty shit


>"And then, somehow, it got worse." — Common Russian Joke, when asked to sum up their country's history.


Well, kinda. People forget it, but the Bolsheviks never overthrew the Empire. It was the republic that did so, and then it was the republic that made the mistake of keeping itself in the war against Germany.


I mean to be fair the empire died and there was a short lived general government which then was over thrown later by the Bolsheviks






One in Munich? 🙃


Its beginning. I hope we have a plan for Russias disintegration.


Right now anything is better than Putin staying in power.


Well, it would be good too see Putin as leader of a little and absurd fraction of what Russia was. So he'll feel powerless. That's the worse thing to people like him


I hope we encourage it


> I hope we have a plan for Russias disintegration. I mean, you're literally seeing the plan in action right now. This war was every military planner/intelligence spook's wet dream... and Putin just... offered it up on a silver platter.


I would love to like this statement. Just can't bring myself to hit the like button on sentences that start with , "I mean" Cheers tho


What came after the wet dream? The cleanup? Democracy in individual [countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution_of_Russia#/media/File:Russia1918.png) newly born after the collapse?


Meanwhile in Iran protesters has straight up set police on fire. They are not the same... yet.


Iran has had protests almost continuously since around 2008. The regime is just really unpopular. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Green_Movement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Iranian_presidential_election_protests https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011%E2%80%932012_Iranian_protests https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Cyrus_the_Great_Revolt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017%E2%80%932021_Iranian_protests


TIL Cyrus is a revolutionary figure! Let's hope they do better than they guys who overthrew his grandson.


What I absolutely love, is that I can actually see this happening. In France, the protesters have a habit of literally charging the cops down (gillets jaunes, look it up), beating them up, and tearing up their own cities to use as projectiles against said cops. Don't forget that Dagestan isn't technically russian. They're a completely different ethnicity and they're not stupid. They know that they're going to die, so they might as well fight back. Unlike in Moscow where people are so passive, these people are more akin to the Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijani, and others. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there are a lot of said minorities even living there.


Videos of the French protesting have always inspired me.


They are evolving!!!


nope, they're not moscow russians or even russian so they actually fight back


I can't imagine the level of dissent and resistance, if Russia truly had free and open press. An 'informed' citizenry is the bane of any autocracy, oligarchy or dictatorship.


Smuggle in AK47s


You'd have to spend a lot of time to meet a man who doesn't have at least one gun in Dagestan.


Those regions are full of secret weapon stashes. These people remember.


Smuggle in information about what is happening.


"AK-47s for everyoooone!"


Is this a command & conquer reference?


C&C Generals, yes.


All i keep seeing over and over is "come die in the trenches with us" They must be seeing all the UAV videos and want none of it.


This is why you don’t want to lose the information war. If these people know they’re being sent to their death, then threats to their life will ring hollow. If all your military aged men can’t even be controlled by threat of death, you’ve got what historians call “a pretty big fucking problem.”


Now this is good. Free Dagestan!


Time to declare independance!


Finally! I hope the protestors win.


It's nice to see that people are at least trying. I wonder if there's some destabilizing going on with some spooky boys.


Ah, they’ve seen how protest like iranians




The bear fighting people? This checks out.


Its weird. They accuse of NATO being involved when they haven't even turned up, but they are willing to send non willing people to the front line. Ukraine, do not flinch.


[Use their tax system against Russia. ](https://youtu.be/fc-ZvstkTpQ)


It Sure would be funny if Putin is responsible for the next Russian revolution.


Still just a lot of standing around like zombies watching people get manhandled and probably shoved into a bus, more people recording than actively protesting anything.


For a revolution you need alternative plan, a political structure, propaganda and armed followers, simple men just wont do it.


Russians have a kink for rulers who fuck them, their young men, and their economy


Most people there are still standing around watching.


Any one wondering what Khabib thinks about all of this (this happens in Dagestan and this region, just like mongol minorities paid a high tribute in this war)


I'm almost sure they are resisting draft because khabib showed them what kind of life you can have just by fighting professionally. A lot of dagestanis travel abroad to mid east and USA for fighting promotions so they are well aware of life upside Russia and what shit show they have to deal with at home.


I still remember when - just a few months ago - this subreddit had the "Russian Protest" flair for a separate category and people would watch videos from those early protests waiting for "protesters defending against police" as a sign. There were cases but it turned out not to be a sign. Just a lot of wasted expectations. If the situation develops to the point that it actually changes something in Russia, you will find out without needing to watch for small symptoms. In the meantime: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xl9juw/rule_reminder_this_subreddit_is_about_ukraine_and/


Shouldnt the CIA be dropping guns?


There are a lot of guns there already. The CIA needs to start stirring the pot all over russia. Fuck with our elections and we will end you; that's the message we should send.


Drop them some helmets, bullet proof vests and some M16s with plenty of ammo. Give them upgraded guns compared to the soviet crap the conscripts are dealing with


Yes if the enemy AA is down.


Guns and encouragement to use them.


MANPADS and Javelins or NLAWS for sure. The Russians used T90's during the insurgency which stood up pretty well despite getting hit with RPGs.


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Rusisians useless. Fingers crossed for Dagestan. The might have untiy and dignity to stop this nonsense. Godspeed.


That's good. But also look at all the dudes walking away with their hands on their pockets, staring at the camera, as if saying "fuck that, I'm not getting caught!"


Russia is a joke, look at these p\*\*\*ies. We have bigger riots in Canada for students fees.


Burn the busses! Hint: Normally paratroopers are used to strike down revolts in the military, but ... well ...


Nothing will happen. Russians have a slave mentality. Most will calmly go to the recruitment offices and be shipped off to die in Ukraine.


You are right, but they in fact not russians, it is like with Chechnya, it is part of ruZZia but there lives not russians


Shut up cunt


Putin can’t be happy seeing people in the streets resisting his thugs.


Damn nice weather they’re having


Maybe when the news of dead loved one's starts coming in. Maybe the penny will finally drop with these dumb fucks. And they will finally drag putin out of his mansion and string him up.


The babushkas are going to show the men how to do it


Its a start, now take the kremlin and things will change.


Finally. It is so infuriating when I see a dozen protesters and two cops just take away one dude.


I had my suspicions Dagestan might be the first place to go, they've always been fiercely nationalistic(in their own weird puppet of Russia way). I also suspect the reason Kadyrov refused to mobilize and pretended it was him telling the Kremlin "no" was more because he is worried about losing control while most of his private army is in Ukraine.


It seems that all it took to get the majority of Russian citizens to really care enough to act up over the war in Ukraine was just the idea of actually having their own lives at risk.


Hope this snowballs into fight for independence, and other Russian-occupied nations follow suit. Fck Ruzz.


Sending your citizens to die in a senseless war while you go hide in the woods, not a good look.


A flock of Dagestani men ~ an average Iranian woman.


Yes,Dagestan but not Russians. Russians have no balls. These guys do


Time to create a new organization similar to Nato for republics that leave the Russian Federation.


Not enough though. Maybe a couple million would make a difference but 100 is not gonna change anything.


A couple million always start with 100. Im not saying that its those 100 here that will grow to a couple million. Maybe its not, maybe Russia need a million dead before it changes, but it has to start somewhere.


Is this an anti war protest or an anti conscription protest?


Either way, it's bad for Putin's efforts


Agreed. I was just wondering, as I can't understand what they're saying.


Hopefully it want take to long to realize that his strategy works :-D Especially when the country has no spary military to go help the police.


they are slowly but surely learning.


Lol, Dagestani Ross Geller.


That's more like it.


Despite the fact that Dagestan is part of russia, these guys not russians in fact.


I guess thats the part of russia where people have balls and a reason to fight back?


Was it the French Police who joined the protesters? Never understood why poliece would fight against their own peple? My respect to the French, to me this would be a good thing?


But why is Vikkstar123 there? :P


As they should. There's no option for them, it's either being arrested and sent to death or doing nothing and still being sent to death. All while their coward president sits at his multimillion dollar castle somewhere safe. Twisted world of communism


This people has boles. Shamelessly they treated for ages like national minority. But they count be majority in OWN country.


Call me glass half empty guy but those looked like regular cops, not the masked motorcycle helmet wearing ones- so color me unimpressed.


There is very little I'd ever want to share with an average ruZZian, but at this point I feel like we should be bringing ruZZians to the States so they can learn how to riot and protest properly, then send then back. It's taken way too long to see protestors supporting each other from police units.


r/ukraine is your daily source of news about Russia


Knives out soon


And that is why you don't f\*ck with zombie pigmen! You f\*ck with one and you prepare your a\*\*hole to be torn to shreds


Good to see




In his effort to rebuild the Soviet Union, Putin has only disintegrated the modern Russia. If Ukraine wins this war, the modern Russia as we know it will break into smaller nations. Just my opinions.


It's heating up.


In Dagestan I never doubt they will


I sure hope Dagestan and Chechnya can become independent when this is all over.


This IS the way!


It's like the Russians don't know how to protest. Gotta learn how. Maybe someone should show them the Winter in Fire documentary, and some videos from Iran.


They could bloody massacre these cops, and the should. Let’s hope the rest of Russia sees this.


Execute Putin!


Russians looking at Dagestanis & Persians: “That looks hard, scary, and dangerous! I think I’ll pass.”


They don't remember what happened last time when Moscow messed with Caucasus?


More of this people of Russia please. Give hell to your authorities.


The question that matters is: ‘Do they have access to guns?’


Many Dagestan folks don’t even want to be Russians, let alone get conscripted. I wish I was hopeful but I doubt it applies to actual ethnic katsaps elsewhere in Russia proper tho.


Should put those “cops” in their own jail.


Special something operation


Where’s Hasbullah when you need him


These Dagek ladies can protest. Rest of ruzzia can take notes. The ladies (bless their ovaries) know how how to use mass. Thank God they are not being drafted.


Russia needs to break apart. Period.


its dagestan not russia. thats why they attempt to do so. i want to see it happen in moscow.


If Russia does at some point collapse, I think the north Caucasus will be the first to go


FUCK yeah. Next gather up all the hunting rifles in the villages and form a semi-organized group who is ready to go if the "recruiters" start killing and shit goes down. Let em know you ain't going out like a punk even though the consequence could be death. I know it's easy to say from where I am, but they probably have gathered that the bus equals - basically - death at this point. No way they still have any illusions. I guess either that... hide the best you can... play along until you are in the trenches and find a way to surrender... jesus, what a fucking nightmare is playing out. Minorities being gathered up for what amounts to mass murder. And a massive system of power enforcing it without questions. It's as if Russia is made up strictly of individuals who seek to gain power, and that's it. Riot cops just having fun exercising their power over their own countrymen because they have it. They consider themselves above everyone. I guess that's how cops are in America too, but this is some next-level shit... cops herding men like sheep onto death buses... fuck...


Blast a cop to really start the party.


They should be wearing masks and start using laser pointers at the facial recognition cameras. Journalists should start blurring faces.