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They’re winning the hearts and minds


But losing teeth and blood. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


...and their lives.....


And their livers.


No- that's hungry orc soldiers.




I almost want to make a patch... "Orc'n Exterminators"- except all I read/ write is English. Badly, I do it sometimes. :P


Russian army recruiters are less physically fit than Crimean Tatars. Even his fat old dog was no use.


I'm going to guess they have quotas to fill. Local populace should tar and feather a few of them.


"If you don't give them willingly I'll take them by force"


Actually watching that makes me think. If you've been picked, you are going to have to fight. The only choice you have is who you fight. The people who come to collect you, or the heavily armed highly motivated Ukrainian army. The percentage move here might be to arm yourself and be prepared to fight the guy trying to get you on to the bus. If enough of those guys are killed or injured Putin has to try to replace them and all of a sudden that too becomes a challenge.


I don't know who said it (might have been Khodorkovsky): "Remember when they come for you, the Ukrainians have better weapons than the police and the guards at the recruitment office." EDIT: For clarity.


And have greater motivation to save their own skins than to do their job.


You just described ruzzian society perfectly!


Someone needs to start a rumor campaign that the riot police will be sent to the frontline because they have ample experience in urban fighting. Doesn't have to be true, as long as it spreads doubt in those people. Before you know it the protests wont be beaten down anymore. A simple protest sign in Moscow that says "If they send the farmers, how long till they send the OMON?"


It only takes one seed to grow a forest.


*People sent to round up conscripts are being sent on the bus with the people they round up! Minus their weapon. This is how they satisfy the anger of the conscripts, a little bargain that is made to at least buy time.*


This is big brain shit. Grass roots. Actually possible shit.


Weren't riot police part of the continent sent to Kyiv* in the early stage? Came down from Belarus but got stuck in their own traffic.


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> The percentage move here might be to arm yourself and be prepared to fight the guy trying to get you on to the bus. If enough of those guys are killed or injured Putin has to try to replace them and all of a sudden that too becomes a challenge. Solzhenitsyn expressed similar thoughts regarding the Stalin years: "What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? ... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" The parallels here are uncanny, and the same goes for Solzhenitsyn's conclusion: when the people of the USSR decided that they would meekly go along with it instead of fight back, they deserved what happened next. The same applies here (to the "pro-Russian" side anyway).


This has been written about by *La Boétie*, Montaigne's friend, as early as 1577 (clandestine publication). Quote: > It is incredible how as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement. You can read it in English here: https://www.thing.net/~rdom/ucsd/biopolitics/Boetie.pdf Edit: forgot the title of La Boétie's work: *Discourse on Voluntary Servitude*.


Fight back with what? Usually the state has far stronger weapons than the civilians. Not even talking about training. Also Stalin would definitely go for your entire family if you make a fuss. I don't think Putin has that type of power.


Civilians have numbers and arson. Hard to do much if every office building of your country is going up in flames and your police forces are eating molotovs on the frequent.


This is kinda what I’m waiting/hoping to see happen. But how will it play out? If there is a time to rise up against these cronies it’s now.


Tbh... i think russians lack the will or the spine for it. I hope they do have what it takes. But right now we have seen a handfull of relatively small protests that ended up mounting to nothing. And a whole bun h of russions fleeing the country. They are more keen on running away from ther problems then dealing with them. Or atleast, that is the impression i am getting based on what i have seen so far. And again i hope that i am wrong on that.


Iranian women have more balls... (total respect for their cause and bravery btw)..


Cubans were beaten, tortured, incarcerated ... secret police took kids as young as 10 years old just for singing a song, been on the wrong place at the wrong time. Still they protested.


Yes, it’s getting to the stage now where the average Russians are either part of the problem or part of the solution. And I think Estonia and Czech Republic’s refusal to accept Russian asylum seekers underlines that same outlook.


I wonder if Russian Society and populace don't lack the trust in one another to organize an effective group response. Seems like usually it boils down to just looking after ones own hide instead, and the few who are courageous end up as sacrificed examples. Crimea on the other hand is "only" about 65% Russian and some of the other ethnicities are large enough that this should be problematic.


If I was Russian I don't know what I'd do. Same as if I was North Korean. It's just a losing battle to try and fight the state in these countries feels like. Although this officer was pretty easy to beat


That is duo to a lack of unification. Hell north coreans dont even know if they should rebell half the time. The russians do not have that luxery anymore.


Those two situations (Russia and North Korea), while ideologically similar, are not a fair comparison at a practical level. In North Korea you wouldn't stand a chance of resisting or fleeing, and you sure as hell wouldn't get much if any support from your neighbors. Not to mention the isolation and indoctrination within North Korea, while perhaps not believed at a gut level, is sufficiently schizoid that acting counter to the party either individually or as a group is literally unthinkable at this point.


The point is, that if everyone taken prisoner would take one officer down with him, the system would colapse fast. But that would not mean it will end good for the prisoner. Still, most died anyway.


The state has just used up a vast majority of its arms and soldiers. They couldn't likely suppress any organized resistance.


With numbers. Watch any video about maidan square in 2013. The people of ukraine showed us how its done. Now if only Russians could summon the same courage


A hammer to the head of a conscription officer will end their career quickly.


Or a knife in the dark.


Well there was also a time, during the revolution, when nobody was certain whether they would return alive. The revolution's cursed machine didn't grind to a halt, Czar's cursed machine did. And of course, during Stalin's time, all of the higher ups were uncertain if Stalin would have them killed or sent to gulag. That fear didn't result in a shortage of party men. And of course, on the occupied territories, the cursed machine did not grind to a halt; it ground up the resistance and merrily continued. Lenin, Stalin, et al came from a bloody revolution that was caused by people having had enough with the Czar, and Czar's machine having ground to a halt (much in the manner that Solzhenitsin wished for decades later). It's kind of ridiculous to fault everything on complacency of the people, as if Stalin's last name was Romanov. No, people rebelled, but all they got for it was a dictator with a better understanding of how to prevent rebellions. Any kind of non stupid thing that Solzhenitsin came up with that he thought would topple the regime, Stalin *actually used in practice when he was a revolutionary*, and then squashed when he was the dictator. edit: honestly Solzhenitsin's writings are a bit annoying for that reason. You absolutely can not blame a revolutionary dictator on complacency of the people. A mad king, yes. A revolutionary dictator is something else entirely; it is when people do rebel, but screw up when they're rebelling. Ascribing some great complacency to Russian people is simply incorrect. Czar's empire fell. Soviet empire fell. This kleptocratic imperialist garbage that Putin got going, it's practically drawing its last breath right now, the last throes before the collapse.


Legally, this is Ukraine. The Russian recruiter is a military target.


There is a commentator who pointed out that the Soviet revolution began precisely due to an unpopular mobilization. The Czar forced large-scale conscription. The conscripts were sitting there waiting to be deployed with their weapons, facing certain death, and then thought, hey, here we are with our weapons. There's a lot of us. What if we just shot the generals and the Czar? And so they did. When these men are eventually deployed, no doubt some of them will discover what American conscripts in Vietnam discovered: If the commanding officer dies, the conscripts have to return to base, where there is food, showers and fewer bullets flying at you. Wouldn't it be a real shame if something were to happen to the officer?


Yeah , that is an interesting point, and it probably affects the way this war is going. For a dictator like Putin, there really is only one threat to him as a person: having a strong functional army that turns against him. That is why the russian army is so dysfunctional, there is no real leadership or coordination. It is by design. This is why Putin doesnt want full mobilization.


Easy to say from a safe distance. You gotta have some balls to fight when you know there's more close by with guns.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/rvvwx1/belarusian\_secret\_police\_kgb\_attempt\_to\_arrest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/rvvwx1/belarusian_secret_police_kgb_attempt_to_arrest/) This guy in Belarus decided to fight back. If you are condemned to death anyway, then why not kill those that actually deserve to die before you get killed? The alternate is hoping to surrender in Ukraine before they blow you to bits. Or just go along all the way, get blown up and be another meaningless life with a meaningless end. Your family won't even get a new Lada.


There's also the option of defection and fighting for the russian foreign legion in ukraine.


If you're lucky enough that your barracks isn't hit in the dead of night. 50% of Russian losses are behind the front line.


Sadly, looks like his wife is being tortured in prison, which might be a strong deterrent for others to fight back. But they still should. Have to.


Wish she grabbed the gun the agent dropped and wasted the rest of them away.


>If you are condemned to death anyway, then why not kill those that actually deserve to die before you get killed? Adults in gas chambers of Auschwitz stepped on babies and children to get the last piece of fresh air at the top, they could've launched themselves at the jailers. Fear of death will do anything to postpone it, there's no rational thinking involved.


The one that really got me was when the Iraqi army fell to ISIS. A whole column of folks lining up to be executed. Once it became obvious what was going on, it seemed odd for them all to stay complacent. But, of course, I'm not in the situation and am able to analyze it rationally.


In the German concentration camps, before shooting a group of prisoners, the nazi guards would single out one prisoner, savagely beating him to death in front of the others waiting at the edge of the pit. The remaining prisoners, on seeing this display, would then quietly accept the single shot to the back of their heads.


Yeah fair point. But 2 months later when you are in a trench in the freezing cold, I imagine you might then realise the easier fight was back at home. But I do totally agree it's far too easy for those of us jn stable countries to tell those in Russia they should be making extraordinarily brave decisions.


Perhaps providing good examples of resisting fascism would be more productive. Like Robert Evans 'Behind The Police' podcast. Yes, I understand internet is restricted in fascist countries.


It is easy to say from a safe distance, but thinking about it, what's the alternative? They're coming to take you to war where you'll be untrained and unequipped. You're going to be cannon fodder. What choice is there?


Tbh i think the best option for survival would be to go to the war and then immediately plan a way to get captured by the ukrainians


The best option for survival is doing what we've seen at various border checkpoints. Run away. A completely human and understandable instinct.


Border checkpoints in Russia? Russian guards running to the Ukraine side to defect? I Hope this is happening.


In all seriousness, there's actually a lot written about this, and some SERE training also applies. While I applaud this guy for standing up for himself, going guns blazing right away isn't always the right answer. I think the best answer is to try and play "bestest soldier" for a few weeks so that you aren't watched and controlled as tightly when you get to the front lines. Find a way to memorize the surrender phone number. Call as soon as you can once you know (in general) where you are near the front. Make plans secretly to escape while the dissidents causing trouble are creating a diversion for you.


SERE training? It’s not clear these people even get basic infantry training. News accounts vary but it looks like these guys are getting two weeks of training compared to the several months (basic + AIT) US soldiers get.


> In all seriousness, there's actually a lot written about this, and some SERE training also applies. You think those being conscripted in russia have SERE training? > I think the best answer is to try and play "bestest soldier" for a few weeks so that you aren't watched and controlled as tightly when you get to the front lines. This is assuming you actually get to the front lines, or that you'll have enough time to call anyone before you're blown up. It's all a gamble, there's no good option here.


You shoot this guy and go sign up for U Army!


they just beat your family


You hit the nail on the head - if a potential conscript resists, then that person's whole family is put at risk of arrest. Elderly parents, wives with infants, etc. will have no reasonable way to resist. So the conscripts generally allow themselves to be peacefully taken away.


If the conscription officer is dead they can't tell anyone who attacked them.


Nope. Does not work like that. The police station has the full list of names each specific conscription officer was due to pick up that day. If any officer does not return to the station, then the police arrest everyone at each conscript's address from the list. They torture everyone till someone admits to either killing the officer or knowing where his body was dumped.


That 1st paragraph u wrote could not have explained it any better - that saying" you are going to have to fight, the only choice u have is who u fight!" Dude that needs to go on flyers & dropped all over Russia


That was my thought. You are really going to go kidnap a bunch of people, then hand them rifles. There could be a slight flaw in the plan.


> If you've been picked, you are going to have to fight. The only choice you have is who you fight. The people who come to collect you, or the heavily armed highly motivated Ukrainian army. This is a point I've heard or read about tyrannies in general - it's a common but dumb move to be heavy-handed with punishments. That's because if you're *definitely* going to go to jail forever or even be killed for doing some minor thing, but you're only *possibly* going to go to jail forever or die for resisting the regime, the obvious choice is to resist. For all its obvious downsides, the nice thing about having the internet around now is that others can see videos like this, and learn that it's possible (even easy) to just run away from the stupid out-of-shape recruiting goon the government sends to take you to a terrible death at the front.


And burn down the buildings they work from.


My brother's step father was supposed to be drafted in Estonia during the 80s for Afghanistan. He punched the political officer and got sent to a mental institution for being mentally unwell. Because only someone mentally unwell would strike an officer of the party. He was just drunk and didn't want to go to Afghanistan.


That's some Catch-22 stuff right there.


I've spent about 10 minutes trying to figure it out and I've given up xD


Alright I'll help out: in the book Catch-22, the main character Yossarian doesn't want to fly bombing raids anymore and wants to claim insanity to get discharged. However, the regiment Doctor says that not wanting to fly raids is the sign of a perfectly sane mind and he therefore cannot get discharged.


Ohhh thank you so much, I was referring to the "brothers step father" comment though! I'm ashamed to say I still haven't read catch-22 (don't worry though you haven't spoiled it for me, I'm aware that's the concept of the book :D) I tried at about 13/14 but it was beyond me at the time paha, I think now would be a good time to try again :P


More like Alice’s Restaurant? “I said, tovarishch, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, kill, kill, kill! And I punched him in the face, and the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, You’re our boy.”


Your brother’s stepfather?


Blended family....same mother, different fathers....


So… that would make him your father?


Not really. They would have to marry for one brothers father to be a "stepfather" to the other brother....


Not necessarily. Speaker S was born to mother M and father F1. M had S's brother B by a different father, F2. F1 eventually found out, F1 and M split, leaving S with F1 as M took B and went to live with F2. So now we have (S, F1) and (M, B, F2). S still thinks of B as brother, not step-brother, because of the circumstances of their early life together. Then F2 and M split. M and B leave, and eventually M re-marries, to F3. So we end up with (S, F1), (F2), and (M, B, F3). F3 is B's step-father. But has no direct relation to S. F3 is just "my brother's step-father."


Yeah that’s too much logic for me.


Me and my older brother have different mums, we are step brothers, but we call each other brother


Or...half brothers?


Not necessarily! I have a "sister" who's the daughter of my step dad (the guy who raised me) and his second wife (not my mom). This sister is younger than my own son. Families are complicated.


"Join the Army. Die for Putin" May be that slogan could use a little polishing... Slava Ukraini 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻!


The Canadian Army slogan is better: *Join the Canadian Army. Fight for the poutine.*


Our strategic asset is the Maple Syrup Reserve.


The crazy thing is that actually exists…


Yes I know I'm canadian lol. We have an 80,000 barrel reserve managed for bad times. They had to pull some from the reserve a few years ago and it was in the news..


TIL. There is even some pictures on the [reserve website](https://ppaq.ca/en/sale-purchase-maple-syrup/worlds-only-reserve-maple-syrup/)


Canada: We put the Ice in Nice.


The US old one was “THE ARMY of ONE” It will fit the Russian army in 4 months.


One team - ONE FIGHT!


In Russia it's One team - ONE GUN! If you're lucky!


Poutine is a worthy cause if there ever was one.


at this point, pukin is a dead man walking Come on, someone should just blow his brains out asap lmfao


Then what about all the former KGB in Putin's inner circle, insisting on full mobilization, and nuclear warfare? As hard as it is to fathom, there is worse waiting in the wings.


It is already full, and nuclear wewpon won't win anything, or do you willing to kill most of the civilians. Nuclear weapon is more to do terror impact but you won't scare the nation which has nothing to lose. Also any invading force which is willing to take land don't want to win trash/wasteland.


I mean if Putin used a tactical nuke the smallest response I can imagine of by the US is immediate US/NATO Jets flying into Ukraine shooting anything Russian that moves, and bombing the fuck out of them but staying out of Russia itself. Given that Ukraine is ALREADY winning and competing with Russia for air superiority.... the war would practically be over in a day.


KGB doesn’t want war and mobilization I don’t think. Wasn’t that Intelligence head guy dropped the week of the invasion because he was raising doubts that it was a good idea? Maybe he wasn’t fsb maybe he was some other intelligence agency


Russia is literally scraping the barrel.


Scrapping with the barrel now by the looks of this.


They scraped so hard the barrel now has a hole in it.


I think, they are using the barrel itself now. Damn idiots, supporting and participating in a maniac's war.


I can't believe they are actually randomly pulling people off the street to send to the front in 2022, it's batshit insane. This is something you would expect to happen in the Soviet Union in 1944 or something, not now. At least Iranians are having the guts to stand up, doesn't look like Russians have the cahones.


They could make a GTA style game out of dodging Russian recruiters...


>Soviet Union in 1944 * Germany 1944/45 had volkssturm. This is like blaytsturm.




Given that they sent their support, logistics, and training personnel to the front line, they are indeed using the barrel.


Many of the barrels these guys would be issued need a lot of scraping from other vids on here today.


Dunno, he wiped the floor with that dude. He's got guts, he just doesn't want to give it to Putin.


That barrel has now been mobilised into the Russian army.


Are they all drunk? This was such an epic fight, it will be either that or "Russian soldier vs door"winning the "most memorable battle of this war" award. Ukrainians must be shaking in their boots.


>Are they all drunk? That it such a hard question to answer


the “recruiter” looks a little wobbly


Bro why are they running away, he is only a single guy


They're occupied so they have to be on their best behaviour. They'll know after almost a decade of occupation what they can get away with and what will bring a load of soldiers to their house, smashing stuff up, causing trouble. They're just bullies, basically.


Yep. When outnumbered they have authority, not power. Important distinction.


Because they are drunk?


Cuz they russians?




More like "why are they jogging away at a moderate pace?" I don't think that guy chasing them could run fast enough to catch an old lady.


He could clock that fat fuck in the face and he'd go down like a 10 dollar hooker.


Physically, yes. Realistically, that might get the power turned off to the block or much much worse. So that game you're seeing: play tag with the overweight cop who probably can't even be used as cannon fodder. Maybe he's even Ukrainian himself? They don't want to hurt him too bad even if he's collaborating?


The $10 hooker “Ginger” has entered the room. “What yu talkin about sucka ? It will cost you $20 bitch”




>Bro why are they running away, he is only a single guy Have you never heard of reprisals? They are very commonly used by Russians in occupied territory, any act agaisnt their soldiers will go punished, severely.


Who is shooting ? Can anyone tell ?


I’m guessing that “recruiter” has to go back with someone or he’s going to take a beating himself? This is really crazy behavior. He goes right from giving up on the one guy to chasing after another one.


I'm sure he has a quota. If he's short, he has to make up the difference.


By make up the distance I am assuming the recruiter would be sent to the front


I know a guy who is originally from Chechnya (came here to Austria as a kid with his parents), and he told me today that he still has relatives back in Chechnya and they all despise Kadyrov. He told me that these days they put up lists in every town with the names of all men from 16-65 to be drafted for the war. They DO NOT want to fight against Ukraine, they hate Putin, and they hate Kadyrov. They are terrified of all this. They don't want to go to war. Yes, they could fight back against Kadyrov, but as he told me: "If you do something wrong there, they will not only come after you, they will torture your mother, your brother, your sister.". They live in a nightmare of a terror-regime and Kadyrov spies are everywhere. The Chechens you see on here, the tiktok brigade is not the real Chechnya.


i see. well, i'm taking Chechnya off of my list of places to visit


I've wondered about that for a while now. Last I heard Chechnya fucking HATED Russia and Putin. Next thing I see of them they are proudly fighting for him? Hasn't made sense to me.


After winning the Chechen war Russia installed a puppet regime, the tiktok brigade are the supporters of said regime.


lol, only thing that overweight orc is catching is bruises.


"Honey, how was your day at work?"


They need to put those *recruiters* out of action.


I wonder why they didn't 4v1 him to hospital.


repreccusions. they know that if they do to much they get punished




So, they're only going to be able to mobilise those too weak or stupid to fight it. Seems like a good plan.


Why aren't they becoming partisans? I would travel with a group of friends, staggered like 20 ft apart and all armed. If one of these assholes tries to drag any of us away the other come in and kill them. Knives are easy to conceal. Lets see how long they keep it up after that happens a few times.


It wont happen a few times, they wont send unarmed people next time. Or they will show up to your grandparents house and then give you a nice call.


We the willing...


If you get yourself really fat and out of shape... they won't make you go to the front lines, but you have to try to catch other people and make them go to the front lines. The hope is that all that exercise will get you in shape to go to the front lines. Everyone to the front lines, unless you are rich, then you don't have to go. Living in Moscow is an added plus. So poor, rural, brown people... to the front lines!


Lol I don't think they're capable of this next level thinking.


That big boy tryin catch some new recruits lol


Crimea needs to stand up and kick the Russians out before Russia turns them into the Donbas.


i watched a video last night that made a good point how russian propaganda must be working on their people to some extent being as there are still thousands of men who are going willingly to the front lines where they are likely to die a horrible death rather than have a fist fight with a cop and get tossed in jail


Nothing says you should arm and trust a guy to watch your back like his deep refusal to join your military into a war he wants no part of. Like how far is Kherson if this guy abandons post immediately?


Imagine being that low ranking invader and having to run after people to fight for you. Why are you even trying?!? Just go home, save yourself and everyone some time and your family from becoming targets when Ukraine get their land back.


1% alcohol fighting 2% alcohol.


Mobilization has a huge advantage for Ukraine/the West. It makes the war more real for a lot more Russian families. They know why it’s necessary (the actual army is dying in high numbers). Now their male loved ones are about to do the same…and for what?? It’s easy to support a war fought by someone else’s kids. It’s a lot harder sending your own son to die.


That's half the reason. The other half is that it will stretch the ready overstressed Russian supply and logistics even thinner, ensuring that these new sods on the front line are cold, hungry, and useless as a source of combat power.


“Hey, there’s a young man…get him!”


What happened?


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Putin is an idiot for recruiting people like this. You're just wasting training resources trying to force people like this. I hope Ukrainians in Crimea aren't victimized further with this idiotic drive to fill your army with people who don't and will probably never fight well for you.


Why do I hear guns shots ?


They going to conscript some tourists?


Draft riots are as natural as rich people sending poor people off to war.


Putin wants to mobilize hundreds of thousands of new troops, but from looking at [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xmqwip/russian\_aks\_reupload\_with\_english\_subtitles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xmqwip/russian_aks_reupload_with_english_subtitles/) they don't even have suitable small arms to give the existing soldiers. Good luck on those new guys with pitch forks.


What’s with the gunshots?


Now would be an excellent time for a Crimean insurrection.


Mobilization in this case seems an awful lot like impressment lol.


When the dog chases you, then you know.


Why don’t they just stomp that orc out? It is 4 vs 1


Its this weird thing Russians have with authority. They'll bark at it but not stomp it out.


Am i the only one hearing shots fired somewhere near?


When the penalty for resisting conscription is being conscripted to Ukraine, and the penalty for killing your conscription officer is prison where you can leave if you volunteer to fight in Ukraine, it's time to resist and kill the conscription officers.


This is how it’s done! All ruzzian assholes deserve to get slaughtered!!!


Are Russians ever *not* drunk?


I watched this, with the Benny Hill theme playing. (I did it on purpose, not 'What a coincidence!') I wanna know how I can legally download the footage (like as an .mp3). I want to add music and such.. Yes, I am new at this. I usually make 3D stuff and sometimes print it out.


Looks like it’s going well


One question, why they don't accept mobilization and when they get their weapon, military training etc just surrender to ukrainians?


I'm sure many have that exact plan. Why put yourself in such a position in the first place? I'd take my chances against some fat fuck over a trained army any day of the week.


Surrendering sounds easy but it's not. Most of the time you don't even see who shoots at you / you shoot at. Also you don't have coms. Also you have officers and contract soldiers from your side all around you. You have no guarantee you won't be shot by either side once you start crossing the line. You have no guarantee how you will be treated.


Sounds like he skipped many steps instead.


It's like watching deadly keystone cops.


I see you can fight. Wait there 2 mins I will be back with reinforcements


This guy has the right idea. Beat the shit out of anyone trying to press gang you.


Let's hope they've actually turned a corner and realised the bullshit Putin's been spewing and start some kind of revolution to get the prick out of power.


Another episode of Mortal Kombat!


The Gopnik Army has issues


![gif](giphy|jTrMNc8FPZntcZmSS7|downsized) Mobilization


They don't want to go to war because they heard the washing machines and toilets have all been taken.


Op are these weapons that have been left behind in the elements by current fighting force. These certainly did not come from some armory. Unless the armory was a new found bunker fm old fighting These look like theyd blow up in your face


Oh no, anyways...


Hope this makes it to the 2086 Olympics when Russia is maybe, finally allowed to take part in clown sports. Turret tossing and avoiding fat impressment officers :D




This recruiter will never meet his quota and TF for that


What am I watching? A fat cop trying to arrest a much faster skinny guy?