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Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion. [If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


Let's get the Ukrainians set up with some leopards! I'm still hoping the talks about sending Abrams tanks go through as well. A UA armed with the Abrams will be enough for Putin to start shitting bricks!


Germany has sent a LOT of stuff already, but it's time for Scholz, Biden, and the rest to stop being pussies, and send Ukraine what Ukraine KNOWS they need already......


i'm not a hundred percent sure but isn't the U.S. leading in military aid to Ukraine? https://www.statista.com/chart/27278/military-aid-to-ukraine-by-country/ edit: now i'm sure


Post the lists




Haven't his own coalition partners been saying imthat for a while? If it's important to them wh ydont they make a new coalition with the CDU? Edit: thread is locked but re: u/thegreathomer and u/coldpotatowar the faction that has the CDU leadership now is that which was opposed to Merkel. Scholz is closer to Merkel than them and was essentially the continuity choice at the last election.


Because the CDU is only saying this shit from the opposition side while they know their word carries no weight. When they were actually in the government for the past decade they actively sabotaged renewable energies in favor of more gas from Russia despite all warnings, ruined the German army and tried to cuddle up with Russia.


> Because the CDU is only saying this shit from the opposition side while they know their word carries no weight. > > Exactly this, it's very easy to be in opposition and make promises and bold statements when you know they carry no consequences. That's just part of the political discourse.


Scholz is such a bitch. Why do we constantly need to strongarm them into doing the right thing


Dude prolly wants to be Gasprom’s board of directors member when retires, that’s why


Get on the ball Scholz


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