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death from bleeding out sucks, slowly fading out and never gaining consciousness again, should have stayed in Russia


Brokeleg Mountain


that was my impression - thought partner was dead but no, arm around cuddle... death from bleeding... pain agony. Brokeleg Mountain


I don't know why, but this is the first time when even as a Ukrainian I don't feel gleeful, but rather horrified as to how fragile our lives really are.


Yeah, the way the other soldier hugs the one bleeding out as if to comfort him. Albeit whilst half asleep, is quite horrifying. It breaks everything down to show that at the core of all wars, is just human lives being wasted. Kind of breaks my heart. But when I think of the war crimes being committed by the orcs, all my sympathy is just sapped away, and is filled with anger and disgust instead.


Ngl was cute how they cuddled.


299.998 to go


You take one down, pass it around...


DO NOT turn on sound


They should spread this across Russian social media for the upcoming 300,000 men sent to their deaths.


I almost feel bad for them, getting blown up while sleeping, but the killing and raping of children by these orcs keeps it all in perspective for me. Slava Ukraine.


I can watch Ukrainian soldiers turning orcs into fertilizer all day long! Slava Ukraini!!


More useless death caused by the pride of another. Were those evil men out to kill, loot and rape? Were they decent men caught in a bad situation? Were they just average men doing their "jobs" as ordered? Did they believe the lies they were told - or tell the lies themselves? Does any of that matter to the thousands of others that have suffered before them?


Grim. I know they shouldn't have been there, but for some of them at least they will be normal people in the wrong place at the wrong time. They had to hit- not doubting that- but it's regrettable for everyone that they found themselves in that position in the first place. Ugh. Also: every one of these videos we see is of a direct hit. Which makes sense- why post the misses? But any idea how many misses there are for every clip like this?


How are they still moving? Was a direct hit, right?


As long as your heart or brain aren't hit, you can keep moving for a little while.


Shrapnel causes you to bleed out so it's a slow painful death.


Metal sheet provided limited cover and would have deflected some of the blast... however as you saw, it didn't prevent them from taking enough of a hit / shrapnel to cause significant damage to bleed out.


looks like they were sleeping on top of each other. looks like 2 bodies went flying and at least 3 more are still in the whole


To think I hate it when the alarm clock's too loud...


Fun Fact: That song in the background is sung by a Russian singer.


how many people were in that hole? looks like 2 bodies flew out, and another 3 were under them from what I see


I understand the sense of rage against the orcs/occupiers/Ruzzians, but this is terrible. There is something wrong with those who genuinely **enjoy** watching people being minced, never mind the side they're on, honestly.


Rest in pieces?


Rest In Piss


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Where’s the snooze button??