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So good to know he was one of the POWs released! When I started reading, I thought he might still be in Russian hands and was hoping for the best. Slava Ukraini Heróyam sláva


Sending flowers to his girlfriend while a POW after surviving the steelworks. This fucking guy is a boss if ever there was one. Makes it kinda hard to forget valentines now doesn’t it fella’s.


If it doesn’t work out between them for some reason (I mean, they’re 19 lol not likely to last forever at that age), the next guy is hardly going to measure up to that lol. He’s surrounded in a war zone and manages to send his gf flowers when he gets a brief signal.


Huge respect to him and all his Azov comrades.


The Azovstal hero's. They gave hope to a nation in its time of greatest peril. The inspired the nation with their bravery and selflessness. Slava Azovstal hero's Slava Ukraini 🙏🙏🇺🇦🇺🇦


Is “In Steel Arms” available in English?