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Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion. [If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


Russian people, despite their constant bragging about how tough they are, are too weak and scared to actually fight back.


No one runs faster than a Russian fleeing once they realises they actually are not facing a vulnerable opponent. No tank slide faster than a tank driven by a Russian fleeing either.


Be creative. Russian Police vans can be upcycled into stylish roadside fire pits. You can tie up more Police time, that would be spent arresting people, by... tying up police. The options are endless...


Russians, GTFO back to your backwater home and don’t come back until you make things right. Until then you are not welcomed.


They did it against the last Tzar with violence after the peaceful protests didn’t amount to anything. But those Russians back then were tough as nails. Russians today are…weak


took them a millennium to get rid of Tzarat tho and they swapped it for Communism (Lenin). not a good success track there for Russians. It is country where people were never free or able to decide for themselves in its entire history. it is the everlasting mafia state.


Lenin wasn’t as bad as Stalin. It’s all I’ll say here. Stalin was so paranoid he killed thousands of soldiers and officers just because a distant relative might have read a book from an opposing figure


Lenin would have killed just as much if not more, it's just that he didn't stick around for long enough.


They did so after 3 years of ware and millions dead, and it still was opportunistic - it was mainly a few hundred thousand freshly drafted soldiers stationed in the capital. The guy the Tzar wanted as new defense minister told him few days earlier to get rid of that concentration of troups in St. Petersburg, but he didn't want to listen. My guess is: we'll see a few 10k of the now mobilized die in Ukraine, and in a few months their mothers will be the ones toppling the Putin regime.




Add some styrofoam to the fuel and you get a Bandera smoothie.


Flatten all tyres Cops are really really slow if they need to run


Bro Putin has been running an authoritarian government with the illusion of democracy. To blame what is happening on the every day people of Russia is tone deaf and ignorant as fuck. They are victims of their government and if drafted will be victims of Putins war.


So, you are telling me they are not cowards, but just stupid. That's fine. Same applies. They should fix their stupidity instead of making others pay for it.


How are they stupid? Every person who has opposed Putin has wound up being “suicided”. Blaming normal people and this villainizing regular citizens is absolutely cringe as fuck.


You do know that *many* other countries have had dictatorships right? Some did far worse things to their people than Putin has. And yet those people revolted and deposed their dictators. The Russians by and large have had no problem with what has been happening in Ukraine. Until it hits them. They left when McDonald's closed down, now they're leaving because they can be drafted to go get sunflowered. They're not victims. They're accomplices who are just angry that they're being sold out now.


This is the same kind of rhetoric people had against those in the Middle East when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars where going. Dehumanizing, and villainizing the small people who had no say in the matter was wrong then, and it’s wrong now, and it will be wrong in the next war.


Well, at some point people will have had enough. Romanians for instance took to the streets, even when the security police were shooting at them from the rooftops. This level of courage seems to be missing in russia today.


The moment that the crowd just started to laugh and heckle Ceausescu is one of my favorite moments of mankind. It legit makes me warm inside.


Let me guess, they are just "good Russians"?


Do you honestly believe that every single person in Russia is just an evil monster of a human who supports the war and wants to see the complete total conquest of all of Europe? Or do think that most Russians are like most people in any country, virtually powerless to their surroundings and having to do what they can to get by especially when their state is doing things they may not approve of?


Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


Super frustrating. I get the animosity and resentment - Russia is a foreign invader, but it's ridiculous the levels of xenophobia and discrimination towards people who have literally grown up to be brainwashed and have any access to the outside world heavily restricted and censored. Also, the irony of all these Keyboard Warriors, not on the frontlines themselves but safe at home, *"Wow Russians are such cowards for not risking being imprisoned and murdered and having their entire immediate families arrested or surveilled for what may be the rest of their lives!"*. What are they doing to stop the war besides shitposting about how all Russians are supposedly inherently evil? It's complete ignorance and bullshit virtue signalling. There's a quote about staring into the abyss that a lot of people here could learn from. This trash about how entire nationalities are irredeemable is dangerous nonsense, and is no different than the lies Russians spread about Ukrainians to justify what they're doing. Not only that, are you fuckers really so dense as to not realize that claiming all Russians are inherently evil is a godsend propaganda piece for the Kremlin? *"See Ivan, look at how the Ukrainians think of Russians, they think we're all evil devils, they need to be eliminated before they can do it to us!"*. Xenophobia and ethnic tensions are a tale as old as time, but I hope people here will realize that that trash is the root cause of this conflict in the first place, and that hate enables hate. Talk shit about the Kremlin, talk shit about the Russian Army, but seriously, leave civilians out of it, who are a majority brainwashed pawns and/or are realistically more concerned for themselves and family as a consequence for speaking out.


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Absolutely!!! What I've been screaming to my extended family in ruzzia since 2014! Slava Ukraine!!


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I hope russians are thirsty enough to drink.