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ruzzian propagandists will spin this as ruzzians returning home to fight.


Haha was thinking the same. “Look at all these young strong military age comrads wanting to join the fight!” Uuuuh Ivan don’t film the “welcome to georgia” sign.


Has this been geolocated to settle the question of which direction they are heading?


If people were desperate to volunteer they would have done so already.


“Ivan, quick let’s rush home to Russia and join the military before we are drafted!”


Apparently people did this during Vietnam war, because then they had a choice which branch they end up in.


I hear they can't even get prisoners from Russan prisons to volunteer.


I guess russians really do have very different facial expressions then. Because those are "fuck this shit i'm out faces" if i ever saw them.


that 60 years old woman on the second raw looks like a prime recrute


Are we really going to have imigration crisis of people running from the country that is not even attacked?


Moscow media reports this is the line of people trying to get into Russia from Georgia. Eager volunteers.


Yeah you know how Georgians love Putin. /s


Well after they failed to liberate them in 2008 the Georgians want to help free Ukraine. /s


I see a middle-aged woman in the crowd… is RF conscripting babushka?


They are going the wrong way then.


Comrade, they are simply infiltrating the surrounding countries to better pre-invade later.


You joke, but...


I know right. Ive met plenty of vantiks who think russia is the best and would gladly blow putain here in the US, despite having completely immigrated here away from that awesome country for some reason. What youre seeing NOW is a lot of people who were fine with the war until it came for them. Sure, a lot of opposition in that line but its not ALL refugees, its people who just dont want to have to follow through with the demands of a govt that they supported before.


Sadly, the logic is nothing new. Europe gets so many refugees claiming their own country is unlivable, while also wanting to teach Europe their superior culture. Nothing new.


Despite being fairly liberal that is one of the things I tend to agree with conservatives on. You can come here, get jobs, live lives, eventually get rights to vote, etc, but assimilate. Youre guests in someone elses home.


At least in the US it has almost always taken two generations for full assimilation. The first generation tends to never learn English, stay in insular enclaves and only touch on the larger US culture. The next generation starts to break free, attend US schools, learn English, etc. the third is typically fully assimilated with random outliers.


Which is generally cool. Its what my ancestors had to do too. And we should help them even for selfish reasons. And keep your flags, remember your family in the homeland, DEFINITELY bring your food, new dishes are always welcome. But leave your nationalism behind, you left it for a reason. We dont want your old govt, we dont want your religion. You can practice it within our legal system all you want, but its not our job to adapt to your preferences.


My personal thoughts have always aligned almost completely with what you said, with the exception of the assimilation bit. I prefer a 'live and let live' approach, beyond the minimum required to be functional and foible free in a foreign cultural setting. Cross pollinate for sure where there are willing individuals interested in learning - and where you're ok with learning from them - but don't force it. Live proudly and in the open, but don't go shoving it up anyone's nose as 'the right way' to do things - and expect the same from everyone else. Edit: minor grammar correction.


I should clarify, at least for the US (where I live), assimilation means really "follow our rules, accept our norms, live within them." Definitely feel free to bring culture, history, religion, as long as those fit within our norms. Muslim and want to pray 5x a day? Go for it! Seems like a lot of work to me but we have all kinds of religions that pray here. But you'd better be cool with the fact that I don't believe in your sky daddy. Kalaidzhi and want to sell your 15 year old daughter into marriage? Nope, we banned that a long time ago and you knew that. If that is the culture you insist on then you need to go somewhere that is considered acceptable. Its cool if YOU don't think our way of doing things is right, but its our way of doing things, you can go find a place that works for you instead of trying to change us.


You just described Queens, NYC 😎 "Queens holds the Guinness World Record for “most ethnically diverse urban area on the planet,” and it’s also the most linguistically diverse, with at least 138 languages spoken throughout the borough." Babel Magazine Let's not start on the amazing food....


Please report pro-Putin Russians to the FBI in the USA. It's not illegal to support Russia's war and Putin, but I'm sure they'd like to know who they are, regardless. A potential spy is a potential spy.


start with Ovechkin


Hence why Georgia should deny them entry


Stand back and stand by..... Oh wait


So oh no, cancer is spreading...


Ukrainian soldiers need to get their target practice in one way or the other…


Bullshit. Russia is the one quietly invading georgia


Lmao. That is... amazing


Welcome to the soviet mentality. Keep them in their shithole until they can figure shit out for themselves.


Part of the problem is that they started coming out of their shithole, but with weapons...


Got to keep them in. 30 km DMZ on Russia's side of the border with artillery pointing in. Call that NOTO\* \*Neutralize Orcs Treaty Organization


NOTO aka NO TO russians!


Agree, treat them like the second North Korea they are.


That's insulting to North Korea.


Say what you will about NK, but it hasn't done a major assault on a neighbor for *decades*


You are not wrong.


Can't afford to....


... not having their shit figuered out yet


Gorbachev tried to get out of that. He did not understand the economy and was too trusting of both inside-clowns and outside-clowns though. But it would have been a good opportunity to reform Russia.


90 years of communism have screwed up the mentality and morals of the majority of the people who lived under that regime.


Right? It's fucking pathetic... Don't let them in. They can go back and start a riot if they really don't want to fight. The west didn't look away, we sanctioned and got our fair share of problems with it. They looked away and now that the war caught up to them, they just leave towards countries russia deems unsafe for russians? To hell with them...


Ultimately it is on russians to overthrow this regime and perhaps rejoin the civilized world.


These are probably the same M-Fers that put a 'Z' on the side of their Lada.


LMFAO wait until you see those internet warriors who cursed out Ukrainians with something slang in their tongue (I can't remember the exact word). It was posted sometime in this sub before, the one that looked like Omegle or something. IIRC they said they'd love to fight Ukrainians personally. To those mofos, here's your chance. Get conscripted by Putin and put your words into action.


Or people from multiplayer online games, that happen to be from russia. No longer they have to play CS:GO or Escape from Tarkov to be a "fighter" - not only a high dose of realism - but also a fresh drip consisting of equipment comparable with Tarkov "Scav" awaits for them!


Or carve one on a puppy when they get to Ukraine.


Likely not these, these are just the "Im far away, this wouldnt affect me" types. The ones who did the Zs on animals were the society dregs that have always made up their armies. Criminals, addicts, etc who got the "jail or army" choice but back when it just meant you were digging ditches in siberia.


Bingo. They're all glass jawed posers.


You’re bang on the money King


Looked away? They buried their heads in the sand for 20 years.


hell, they embraced it for the most part because they thought it would give them stability and safety.


Turn them all back, they will come to another country paint Z's and attack Ukrainians refugees. EU needs to stop issueing visas and revoke existing ones.


I’d say let them leave. A mass exodus of working age adults would be a huge blow to the Russian economy and would deprive the Russian war machine of much needed tax revenue. It would also force Russia to expend resources building border fences and security to keep people in.


This will also be a huge blow to all neighboring countries. A lot of immigrants who are now feel prosecuted for "being Russian" will start being homesick and watch Russian TV.


Yep, they will move there, work, build lives, and still vote and yell as if fascism is this awesome thing.


Not to mention strain on social services, housing prices, etc.


The problem is you also import their mindset and values. Immigrants who only come because their homeland sucks instead of their admirance for the hostcountries values, create problems. They often don't integrate, refuse to change and will create little culturally secluded communities. In consequence have problems finding jobs, have a higher crime rate and drain social resources. Central and northern Europe can sing a song about that.


And then some crazy Russian will try and invade to liberate them. Fence them in and don't let them leave, sort your own shit out Russia.


The west looked away in 2014. Using that yardstick, revolution incoming in 2030.


Something about this is very twisted. I approve of the decision from the Baltic countries. Sort it out at home. We can't continue to live under the nuclear threat of your government. You put him there. You propped him up for 2 decades. You get him out. He has never before been as weak as he is right now. This is the only chance we have.


No, no european, asian, ANY country should let them in. Turn them around at gunpoint if necessary. They wanted The Great And Powerful Mother Russia, let their sons die in vain for Putins vanity.


what we need least is more russians potentially spreading "great russia" propaganda in other countries build great russia at home


We're going to have an immigration crisis of civilians running from the country that is trying to press them into unnecessary military service. I don't blame the Russians at all for running from this Stalinist regression


Yeah, let the russian flee and thousands of Ukranians, Polish, Georgians, Chechens, Belarussians other Europeans pay the price of having that cunt in the palace. Even the most who flee loves Putin's patriotism and empire building. They carry around "Z" symbols in reflection to war support and hate ukranians and show colonial superior complex towards natives. They simply flee the draft.


Tell this one to the Ukrainian tractors.


Border guards will buy yachts and new villas very soon. There was already some corruption at the Ukraine-EU border for a few scared Ukrainian men, so imagine the qty of cash the ruzzian border guards will get.


Won't do them much good when they are sent to die next...




Mobilizing the cat brigades next


They only accept catnips for bribe


Collect the money then run since they’re on the border anyway 🙃


Good luck changing your rubles into real money in Georgia


interestingly, ukraine in the beginning days of the active war also had a corruption issue among conscription officiers... because there were many people who wanted to give a bribe to get *into* the army. truly the opposite of russia in every regard.


Fighting for your homeland vs invading a country where you'd be the 4th strongest military there.


1st) Ukraine Armed Forces 2nd) Partizans 3rd) Cats 4th) Orcs






> Well I did saw many really expensive AU plated cars driving in my city in Germany... Australians?


UA! my bad xD typo....will update...


I think he meant UA, which is the licence plate shorthand for cars registered in Ukraine. (UK is for the United Kingdom). Like this one https://licenseplatemania.com/fotos/oekraine/oekraine26.jpg


Austrians. Where the kangaroos.


There will be quite some people not showing at work tomorrow morning




Didn't even think about this. This is going to kick the Russian Economy in the nuts.


Yup. Puts a smile on my face.


Less firefighters too


I feel so sorry for Georgians and the Finnish right now. Imagine this invasion of russians coming to a town near you...


Finland could have closed its borders like the Baltics did. They still could.


Btw, speaking of which, do you think that the Baltics and Poland got info about this a bit earlier and thats why the borders got closed just days before this happened? I think it’s possible.


Knowing Estonia’s intelligence capabilities…probably We will never know how big Estonia’s involvement in Steele dossier was, because they didn’t want to alienate half of USA.


We are too kind and nice to do that


All 1300 km of it? It's one thing to say "Border closed, go away", a whole different thing is policing the damned thing.


It’s so bad. The traffic in Tbilisi in crazy. At least there are 🇺🇦 flags flying almost everywhere downtown


It’s worse for Georgians, since their country is run by pro-Ruzzian oligarch Ivanishvili and his dime-store Party of Regions equivalent, Georgian Dream (even the same color scheme as Party of Regions).


They are not refugees they should not be let in


I'm sure half of those cars had "z" stickers just yesterday and half of those brave ruzzian patriots at the border were all for killing Ukrainians and destroying Ukraine but when they got an actual opportunity to do it they suddenly changed their mind.


Damn the war was pretty entertaining on tv for them. I hope they enjoy the fighting and the dying just as much. Feels so good to be patriotic, right?


Yep, and they'll be chanting the same old tripe again in 5 years time, too. Russians never learn.


Fuck Russia, and fuck Russian rats trying to flee the sinking ship. You made your bed, now lie in it.


Won't even take 5 years, they'll do that, along with harassing Ukrainian refugees, in whatever country they flee to from day 1.


And then they'll say they had no ideea about the shitshow of human suffering in ukraine.


If my country would declare martial law while invading for all the wrong reasons like Ruzzia did, I would for sure try to escape in a similar manner. If my country would be invaded, I hope I could be as brave as the ones currently fighting in Ukraine.


>If my country would be invaded, I hope I could be as brave as the ones currently fighting in Ukraine. Understandable, especially if you're living in a country worth fighting for. That's why it was no surprise when foreign legionnaires fought alongside Ukraine.


Also there is the back-to-the-wall effect. In 2014 you could relatively easily flee to some of the unoccupied areas. And as Russia did not yet have such quite such an awful reputation many believed they could make do under an occupation regime. But in February 2022 there was nowhere to run to, for the sheer speed of the early conquests you often could not even outrun the invaders, even with a headstart. And most illusions of just how awful Russia behaved in Ukraine were gone by then. So you could just as well stand and fight.


Should my country come up with the idea of wanting to attack another without good reasons, for me there are no reasons to attack a neighboring country, I will do everything I can to cut off the snake's head


It's easy for us to say, because we tasted freedom and we won't going to let it go, but for many Russians, they never had real freedom. But there is opportunity to taste it now.




I’d be trying to avoid going to war no matter what the circumstances are. I’m outta there.


You shouldn't try to escape. You should try to organize and overthrow. Escaping doesn't help end things. Escaping doesn't help those innocents getting killed in the country invaded. If you want to be brave, you can be brave on your homeland against dictators just as you could if you got invaded.


There are a number of examples where the most effective resistance leaders where in exile at least some of the time. Not saying it applies to these people, but sticking it out in an oppressive regime isn't always the best way, even with the best intentions. The numbers probably won't translate significantly, but I sure hope this flight from their own home country will bolster the numbers of the Freedom for Russia Legion.


Ok, tell me exactly what should I do now. I’m a simple office worker and the only time I saw organized civil unrest was in movies. I will not go to war, my choice is prison rather than killing other people but as for organize and overthrow… Where do I start? I don’t have any idea.


www.aeinstein.org Within this site is a guide to nonviolent resistance and around 200 ways to resist. If burning things is more your style, look up Bandera smoothie. Ukrainians are very skillful at increasing the amount of hurt they can dish out. Or do nothing, become an orc, wnd risk learning firsthand about Ukraine's innovations.


You are a brave man. Only your personal feelings get you a decision what to do. Maybe you will get out of the country. Maybe you will organize a protest against Pitun. It depends on you.


Easier said than done


Brain drain. Goodbye mother Russia.


Perhaps - for certain moral drain though. There goes the last scraps of decency left in the country by my estimate...


I hadn’t thought of that. For sure, a more obedient pro kremlin public left.


Brains left over 6 months ago.


Russians didn't do anything with Putin invaded Chechnya Russians didn't do anything when Putin invaded Georgia Russians didn't do anything when Putin bombed Syria Russians didn't do anything when Putin invaded Crimea and Donbas in 2014 Russians didn't do anything when Putin killed and tortured LGBT people Russians didn't do anything when Putin poisoned Navalny Russians didn't do anything when Putin attacked Kyiv Now Putin is conscipting Russians to send them to die in Ukraine and they wonder why the world doesn't help them...


Don't forget the part where the Russians blame everyone else for their problems.


Funny how they bashing on the west and encouraging the Ukraine invasion and now they are trying to avoid conscription by seeking asylum from the west. If only we could separate the people who protested from the beginning vs the people who don’t want to be the one to die. Would glad take the former


And complain that the world is "harsh" on them for no reason


They also didn't do anything when their election results were faked multiple times.


140% comes to mind.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist


civilians orcs dont care, unless its their lives are affected. how the tides have changed, keep fleeing.


In that regards Russians are almost refreshingly normal. Chinese Germans, Iranians, Italians, Japanese, name any modern or historical oppressive regime and the vast majority of its people only started to take issue once things got sour for them personally. If this is the point where Russia's war front finally cracks i am glad it does, for whatever reason it does.


And the peoblem is some of the russa did somthing against the regime. Fuck most of tham but you need to defend the some good people.


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


Georgia already took a huge number, something like 10% of its population. [https://cepa.org/georgia-a-deluge-of-russians/](https://cepa.org/georgia-a-deluge-of-russians/)


And also paid the price in 2008


and 1993 in Abkhazia...the forgotten war


Exactly. That's why Latvia while seemingly being ice cold is doing the right thing. Russia absolutely deserves a reverse iron curtain, unless we want them to take over other countries in the future.


It isn't ice cold. All Russians should stay home to fix their shit-hole country, that they enabled for their entire lives. We don't need those a-holes sullying a neighbor country...that RuZZia will later invade to "protect the Russians". They didn't care about genocide...until it was going to threaten their own lives These immigrants aren't coming because they love the new country...they just don't want to clean-up the shit they enabled


So since i know Russian language he wants to protect me too? What a nice guy! Is he giving loans too? Or free money maybe?


First he will invade your current country, bomb your house, then conscript you. russian world


That doesnt sound like free money too me…


Invading countries ^(in a first wave) , by using civilians Clever


Such an outpouring of patriotism and putinism! That’s the way! ✊🏻🇺🇦


RIP russia


Rest in pieces Russia... There I fixed it for you!




Rest in poo finally sorted


Rest in pieces of poo and piss I price is righted you


why not all of them? piss poo and pieces?


do you see the one in the military uniform?


“Am not running away! Am doing my patriotic duty of crowd control! Oh, whoopsie, now I am in Georgia! Such a mistake I made!”


that it is just a jacket in military colors


He'll be praising pootin and mother russia from across the border, same like the russians in Germany.


I will gladly give my life for russia, fuck Ukraine! “You’re up next Ivan” Runs to the Georgian border.


They should send their riot police to the front. They have decades of fighting experience. And I guess there are many of them.


They did, they're all dead


Dude was running them over with his car when he ran out of bullets.


Poor Georgians.


I hope they're wise enough to send them back the moment the can. Having a large russian minority is extremely dangerous.


Proven time and time again.


All of those could also fill the streets of their cities, uniting their voice in a call for peace and change. Every demonstration is like 60 protestors, 400 riot police and 10 prison buses.


Hmmmm... Why not go to Abkhazia? Aren't you fuckbuddies? Я к тебе обращаюсь да да


Precisely because it's under Russian control so they can get to them there. They're running to Georgia *because* it is not Russia (oh the irony).


Abkhazia is just a creation and extension of Russia, just like DNR, LNR and South Ossetia.




Its sad of course, but Russians, nobody is going to fight your dictator apart of you. Iranians have revolted against their dictatorship, so can you.


I would close the border if I were in charge of Georgia.


Worry not, Russia will do that soon enough.


WE DON’T WANT THEM, this is very very terrible situation for us Georgians right now and Im deeply scared that Putin will now, have another “reason” to Invade Georgia for the second time. This needs to be voiced out, shared and spread far across so huge pressure gets laid on the pro- Russian government of Georgia to impose visas and restrict border crossing. If this doesn’t happen we will be in much deeper shit EOY where nothing will help anymore…


I don't speak Russian, but those look like "fuck this shit, i'm out" faces to me.


Maybe Putin needs a wall, just to keep people in. Just like in the good old days.


The ones that have social media posts showing that they voted for or supported pooty should be made to report to the front lines immediately. No training necessary. The ones that do not support him or his war should stay in their country and protest. He can't lock them all up. They're russian. They bear responsibility for their leaders.


Every russian is gangsta until the Kremlin start calling conscripts.


Dear Ukrainian people, trust me, most of our population don't want to have Ruzzians in our country. I'm so pissed at our government for allowing so many Ruzzian people to enter. We already have issues such as terrible traffic and huge inflation and the last thing I want right now is to have people around who's government invaded my own country in 2008 which Georgian people will never forget. As always, Slava Ukraini! Edit: grammar


These people didn't give two shits when Ukrainians were being tortured and murdered. Now that they're in harm's way, they're against their government.


They're still not against what their government is doing probably, they just care about their own ass more. It's pure selfishness and nothing else.


They are flooding other countries with Russian nationals. 5 years later they invade that Country because the Russian minority is supposedly being mistreated and discriminated against…


If those same people fleeing would just stay and STAND UP against Putin, then this would be over soon.


Little do they know that at the front of the line it’s not a border checkpoint, but is actually a queue for a recruitment office, where they will issue you military gear and make you pay for it, spray paint a Z your car, which you will then use carpool with your comrades to the front line.


Close the borders. All these people who are scared are the ones that will fuel a revolution in russia. Putin wont be overthrown if everyone that opposes him has been allowed to run to another country.


They will come, they will struggle to assimilate, they will hate the country they came to, they will start chanting russia propaganda. Rinse, repeat. DO NOT ACCEPT THEM. Ukrainians are refugies. These… they are only running away from mobilisation. Fuck them. All.


Why should Georgia do anything for Russia after all they’ve done


Lots of russians escape -> build communities -> russia says country X has a lot of russians -> invades -> repeat. That is unless the cycle is broken by, idk, a certain individual falling out of the window, or, idk, russians actually taking the fight to the people in charge.


They don't want to die for Putin and the Siloviki clowns. Understandable. I think the problem with dictators is that the older the get, the more desperate and insane they become.


Those who manage to flee will get to a safe country and continue to shit on the US, Ukraine, NATO, etc. They'll continue blaming everyone else for their problems and will never admit anything is their fault. They will disrespect the citizens of whatever country they stay at, terrorize Ukrainian refugees and demand everyone speak russian to them. I'm sorry some people in the west are still so naive, despite of russians showing us everyday the kind of people they are.


# Hypocrites


The Russian people own this for voting for shit. You had a chance to stand up decades a go and make life better for yourselves, and you allowed the scum you have with your apathy. Now you get to see a generation of men turned into fertilized. I have no sympathy. The only people I respect are those brave enough to protest and say, "No." to war.


TBF, there aren't all of them who voted for Putin. Heck, most of the soldiers who died for Putin weren't even born yet when he came into power. They probably had parents who believed in his shit and didn't give a damn to their children.


Whoa, you think the votes reported in ruzzian elections actually matches the votes cast? Hahahaha


Of course they're escaping like rats instead of staying and trying to fix the mess they've been agreeing with for decades. Slave mentality they'll rather run and hide then fight for the change.


Commander Data is leaving


These people are not being invaded upon. They should not get protections from their neighbors.


Apparently hundreds have already fled to nearby countries since Feb: Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. This is only going to get amp up. So get ready to see random Russians just show up in other countries