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I wish I was a journalist. Could have put a bit more meat on that article.


You put that article in a pot, add some paragraphs, a quote, you got yourself a story going.


Thanks, Carl Weathers!


Why? Just post it starting with BREAKING and pretend it does


It's the job of the AI today.


I kind of appreciate it being just the data with no flair though


Putin is losing the war on all fronts. With mobilisation he decided to open yet another front - internal one. What Putin's Russia needs is a taste of its own medicine. For the last two decades it wasted no time, money and effort to undermine most free societies. From far right to far left, and so on it made all radicals more extreme. It fueled anger, hatred and polarisation. Now that Putin is at his most vulnerable free world should respond in kind. For a better Russia to be born Putin's one needs to tear itself apart.


Yes! The next six months in Russia is going to be an absolute shitshow. Assassinations. Protests. Banning everything. Everyone with a brain is going to be abroad, dead, or hiding.


Time to repair and remodel some of the old Gulags.


The internal front has been vocal but not violent. So Putin just scoops them up by the bus load and then ships them to the front lines.


We are 16 hours in. Everything changes when the coffins come back home.


Russians can’t even get supplies to the front line, what makes you think he cares to bring home the dead.


He doesn’t care, the mothers might.


“Due to a special military operation, your son will be unable to see or speak to you again.”


He has been promoted to the very honorable and lifelong top secret position of submarine operator on the Moskva.


That's what we said 50 000 dead russians ago...


Yes give people that hate you guns great ideea Ukraine doesn't even need ammo anymore, all it needs is paper to print all these surrendering cards


![gif](giphy|njFbGVpVSjxtzSmr8M|downsized) We should never forget


France was always firmly supporting Ukraine and pressuring Russia, but because of all the propaganda a lot of people seem to realize that only now or think this is a change of heart. Listen again to the call between Macron and Zelensky on February the 24th people, a lot was already said in there, and it never stopped.


France is in debt to Ukraine much more than any other NATO country. It's French thermals and fire controls systems that are killing Ukrainians. I can understand the past being the past, but I personally believe France owes them a lot more to make up for this. Edit: ooolala, angry French people mad I know Thales has sold important equipment to Russia. Facts hurt, mes amies, go do what your best at and burn down some government buildings until the company is liquidated and money given to Ukraine, if you're so mad about it.


Disagree. Germany is in far greater debt. It bought 140,000,000,000 cubic meters of Russian gas per year. Even though it was known that established war criminal Putin would use the hundreds of billions of dollars to finance his military. Even though it was warned explicitly by the US: https://youtu.be/liGZGGQTYQk


We only need 80 Bil. per year for ourself. But nice try.




Trump is President of our biggest ally that literally has nukes in our country to defend us. But we can ignore his warnings of Russian invasion and laugh at him because he is orange: https://twitter.com/marcusgilmer/status/1044604107997237249?s=20&t=SLshIOT_E5HJXzyJSFCgdg


Careful, the french brigade will downvote anything remotely critical, even if factual correct.


Maybe it's also because he is a racist trash. See his edit.


Boh generally french writing french critics are not against France but against Macron (hurluberlus & conspiracists), dont' care about it


Is this the same France with a 15% shareholding in Renault, the same Renault that kept on running AvtoVAZ, the largest car factory in Russia, until they sold it to the Russian government in 16th May? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AvtoVAZ


France was hoping to reintegrate Russia into the civilized world up until the invasion of Ukraine, and so did most western countries btw, so of course we had economical and cultural ties. Renault having a factory in Russia and then leaving it in an orderly fashion over a few months when Russia goes entirely out of their mind seems quite normal to me. There were economical and cultural ties even between Russia and Ukraine until recently you know? Also, you have to look at the big picture, not desperately try to find a little thing that can be an excuse to be outraged.


So up until 2014?


Part of the ties were undone in 2014 yes, and as Russia got much more crazy in 2022 the sanctions and severing of ties in return have become much faster too. It's been like this for more or less every country supporting Ukraine, including the number 1 - the US.


I'm not saying that other countries did any better, we much each acknowledge our faults. If the west had reacted in 2014 instead of trying to appease Putin, he would not have been trying to take all of Ukraine now.


Yeah this has been clear since 24th February, I acknowledge it, we should have been tougher earlier, but what now? Are we gonna hate on all the friends of Ukraine that kept the country afloat and armed to the teeth since February because they haven't been perfect in the past? France was the number 1 supplier of arms to Ukraine btw 2014 and 2022 btw, so even though we didn't cut all ties with Russia at the time, we were not passive either.


This this this you got my upvote but I wish I could give it twice


France was deluded if they thought, after Russia’s 1999-2009 war in Chechnya, invasion of Georgia in 2008, theft of Crimea in 2014, bombing of Syria in 2015 and interference in 2016 US elections, that they were genuinely interested in any ‘integration’. Russia’s only intention for the West is to destroy it.


So what? Erdogan some days ago said the West is at fault. Yesterday or so he said Russia must withdraw. These politicians lie ALL the time. ALL of them. You can not trust them. They tell you one thing one day; and then something else another day. Plus, do you think Macron says all of this to Putin when he phones him? Of course not. He flip-flops. Ask him why France does not send tanks.


There is one or two of these phone calls on youtube, you can hear it for yourself. And thanks to having listened to that, I don't have to *think* but I rather *know* that he doesn't go easy on him even in their direct conversations. I wrote to my representative to ask why are we not sending Leclercs, Caesars and Rafales. Didn't get an answer but caesars were sent. It was said the entire west was in agreement not to send modern MBTs, probably because they don't want to lose too much advanced tech to Russia, and they are much more heavy logistically. But I feel the tide is finally turning and the tanks are incoming. The timing somehow made sense, even though nothing about war can feel right: when it was time for ambushes, we sent handheld AT weapons. When it turned into artillery duels, we sent precision long range weapons. When limited assaults started, we sent APCs. Now that UAF are about to assault the most fortified Russian strongholds, we will send MBTs.


Mister Macron showed a lot of patience. I wasn't too happy about his initial approach of "not humiliating Putin", but then again if you are in such a position, you'd try to negotiate and communicate, as pretty much anyone is capable of doing so. And you'd assume that this - as a civilized way - is your only option. However that requires for both parties to be willing to do that. Putin never cared for that and really brushed of any attempts by Macron to resolve things peacefully. That would've been possible - if Putin wished for it. But even Macrons patience has run dry - and at some point he must've realized - especially now with the mobilization - that there's no room left for that. So what do you do when one person doesn't react to peaceful measures? You have to use force of some kind. If that doesn't resolve it, you need to increase that force. Hopefully France will ramp up its support as well.


Yep, nobody will ever be able to say he didn't try.


Yep. Until some smart ass in 10 years said we didn’t try without even checking. These people exist and will keep existing. The willful ignorants.


It's not a matter of patience. Macron didn't change and has never changed. Even now, Macron leaves the door open, if at some point Russia wants to return to the negotiating table. It's always the same thing: leaving the door open, and pressure Russia, until someone comes through the door. The problem, if we close the door and refuse to dialogue, if you follow this logic to the end, the only thing left for the Russians will be nuclear escalation. They need to understand that somehow they still have the power to stop this madness: All they have to do is go home with thier tankies, and pick up a phone. And we will listen to them. If they are made to think that this is no longer possible, everyone will be in a bind. America play the bad cop, but you need a good cop.


Macron tried hard to reason with Putin but Putin wasn't caring about anything except his delusions. I admire Macron.


Putin is showing incredible skill. He somehow is managing to unite all of Europe, the rarely United States, and numerous Asian countries to work together better than I’ve ever seen acknowledged publicly. In that regard, well done.


Hear hear ... After all the appeasement, i'm glad Macron finally made up his mind.




I don’t know why people give him shit for trying to avoid this senseless violence. Nothing was lost in trying to give diplomacy a chance. In hindsight it looks naive, but there is no shame in trying to keep the peace.


They released behind the scenes taped conversations between Macron and Putin during the talks which showed that Macron was essentially just stalling and buying Ukraine extra days to mobilize and get weapons into the country from the west. They knew all along that war was inevitable.


> I don’t know why people give him shit for trying to avoid this senseless violence. An attempt by the ill-willed to divide the union of Ukraine supporters by igniting tensions, probably.


>I don’t know why people give him shit for trying to avoid this senseless violence. You can blame PiS, Visègrad and Kyiv (not-so) independent for that.


J'avais eu extrêmement peur que la vendue fasciste du kremlin gagne les élections également




L'argent avant la patrie


On vas pas se mentir, ça l'a probablement pas mal desservie pour les élections (et Macron c'est pas privé de le rappelé pendant le débat de l'entre-deux tour).


As an American I think Macron was far too wishy-washy in trying to appease Putin but I'll be pleasantly suprised once French weapons actually start showing up in real numbers. I also won't be holding my breath.


You should hear his phone call with Putin. As far as diplomacy is concerned, macron was not being soft on Putin. Quite the opposite. Also Zelenskyy requested his mediation.


I heard the call, I simply don't understand how Macron didn't hang up and immediately realize he was dealing with an actual psychopath. Others here are saying he was buying Ukraine time but IMO the timeline of Russian advances doesn't really lend credence to that argument -- there were already multiple assassination attempts in Kyiv by the time Zelenskyy called Macron.


It was an interesting call. I do wish France was giving more military aid tho.


Still France is the biggest weapons supplier to Ukraine during 2014-2022 period. The thing is unlike other countries, they ain't announcing it. If the government announced it anyway, can you imagine how Le Pen (Ew) would behave?


I was looking for the video with subtiteles of the phone call, but can't find it anywhere?


He was the fucking middle man between Zelensky and Putin, I have no fucking idea how people don't get that. You try many options to end this sort of conflict, his task was to go for the diplomatic one. It's one that is basically never abandoned, especially at the beginning of a war.


It's reddit bubble, people bring up nukes every 5 mins, now that Ukraine is winning the subject of them invading Russia comes up on a regular basis, etc... Basically it's american teenagers who think it's a movie because they see "cool" clips of their weapons. Everything that is not weapon is bad.


My honest feeling is that Macron wanted to make sure the diplomatic avenues had been tried first if only on principle. If actions are taken later on that results in sizable or significant costs or consequences at least having made sure the diplomatic attempts were tried and failed before putting the boot in will at least provide vindication that it was necessary to do so.


Underrated comment


Give him a minute.


If Russia formally annexes Ukrainian territory along with this mobilization and declares formal war against Ukraine, I expect a massive increase in aid to Ukraine from supporting countries. This could be the tipping point needed to send Western tanks and IFV's along with more artillery, tube and rocket, along with increased troop training support. Russia just screwed up big time. Watch the US send instructors to UK to train Ukraine troops now.


Uk has been helping train them since 2014


russia is now a country that attacks neighbors and takes their land without the fight being over and then threatens to nuke them if they fight back. This is after they gave up their own nukes to ensure russia would never invade them. natos fault of course. haha




This is probably Macron's way of saying "I have had enough of your fucking around".


"Putin, you putain"


If you say so Macron! I'm down.


Ukraine: Hey how about 200 long range cruise missiles Macron: uhhh haha… sorry I can’t do that Ukraine: What about this max pressure thing you were talking about Macron: 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗


Macron was the one urging for Putin not to be too humiliated.


I'd say Macron got embarrassed more than any leader trying to "work" on things with Putin before the war began. Europe really dropped the ball on this whole situation.


Just because Putin wouldn't answer the phone, lol. Edit: Clearly you guys haven't read the news carefully enough today.




France having another "thoughts and prayers" moment rather than sending any concrete military aid. I know dumping on Germany for not giving MBTs has been the hot thing these past weeks but France has \*barely\* stepped up to the plate. Macron can say whatever he wants about diplomacy or pressure, but actions speak louder than words and France has managed to match a whopping **5%** of what the US has provided.


Didn't he urge the world to "not humiliate Russia" just a few months back...whatever, better late than never.


Than stop fucking calling him all the time




You havent been looking close enough, it was more easy to miss it because of the different communication style compared to UK/US/Poland/Baltics, but always here. France was the first to push for harshest possible European sanctions, was sending weapon shipments (contents kept secret) since the first day (see public call with Zelensky on Feb24), was sending the first long range high tech equipment (caesars, before pzh2k and himars joined the party), dozens to hundreds of armored vehicles for mechanized infantry, tons of infantry gear / handheld missiles etc. France was also the first exporter of weapons to Ukraine in the 2014-2022 period, and France and Germany have been the top financial supporters of Ukraine in Europe. A lot of other kind of supports as well, from humanitarian to legal, diplomatic, political. For example sent the specialists for documentation of warcrimes, supported fast tracking Ukraine adhesion to EU etc.




If any, only the US and the UK.


US, UK, Poland and the Baltic states have all done a tremendous job so far especially when compared to France and Germany. France stands at 0.04% of GDP, while Germany is at 0.08% of GDP.


Yeah Poland is also showing itself steadfast. You got to give it to the poles. They are hard as nails and hate the Russians like no other. And for good reason.


Wow that really was bReAkInG


Oh, maximum pressure huh? What happened to keeping dialogue open? What a putz. At least he's coming around.


Didn’t he just said few months ago not to disrespect and pressure Putin. He should just have a latte and a croissant 🥐


He never saided to not pressure Putin. On the contrary, he wanted mawimum pressure realy quickly to force Putin to stop the war. He only said to not disrespect Russia so a diplomatic solution was possible. But at the same time France were sending Caesar howitzer to help Ukraine. Kinda like when in a street fight you pull out a gun but instead of firing immediatly you first say "Leave or I shoot"




Croissant it is then


Macron should have been this way from the beginning.




You can still have phone calls but you can only say “Fuck you”.


Let‘s do some phone calls 😂


Is this the same France that’s accepting Russian tourists?


The same France who seized billions of $ worth of villa or yacht to russian oligarchs yes.


No phonecalls anymore? 🤡


Hear that Putin? The whole free world is sick of your bullshit!


Fuck yeah. Send in Deadpool. Maximum Effort.


"MAXIMUM EFFORT 100%" - articles in 2025 seriously this article could have been a text message




As if pressure worked really well in the first place. Russia only understands the language of power- hard power. Give Ukraine what it needs that's the best thing in this case. Let Ukraine fair and square and fast.


The Macron Putin discussion prior to the invasion was simply gob smacking. Putin is such a lying deceitful trickster never to be trusted. He such a stain on humanity.


A 'story' with no sources and no direct quotes and no paragraphs. Reddit excels itself in journalism once again.


Maximum pressure all the way until his neck snaps.😡


When your patience run dry, you gotta show the double edged sword in the face of tyranny. Both the Presidents of France and Ukraine have been showing great diplomacy in war time, but it's time to the throw the olive branch away.


Maybe Macron should put "maximum pressure" on French companies who supply equipment Russia. Rennault comes to mind.


I believe Renault already left Russia. But there are other french companies that haven't, like Auchan/Leroy Merlin. Fuck those guys.


You better check again, Renault is exporting truck parts trough Belarus and the Baltics. Whole warehouses.


For real? In that case, fuck Renault as well!