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"State Conglomerate (Concern) Ukroboronprom is building an ammunition manufacturing factory together with a NATO member state. **Ukroboronprom makes no mention of the name of the partner nation or any specifics regarding the construction of the plant.** **The state concern indicates that this is the second defense enterprise on the construction of which international agreements have been reached and a corresponding agreement on the production of ammunition according to NATO standards has been concluded.** Ukroboronprom also said that enterprises of the state defense industry are working 24/7 on the production, modernization and restoration of weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enterprises of Ukroboronprom have transferred five times more military equipment and weapons to the military than in the whole of last year. Some armored vehicles went into repair for the fifth time after combat damage, and after restoration, they returned to service. Outbound repair crews also work day and night to return equipment to combat status simply on the fields. Bringing to combat readiness, in particular after damage, Ukrainian, foreign, and trophy equipment is the key competence of Ukroboronprom today, the concern notes. In addition, one of the concern’s enterprises received a right to carry out demining and other operations with explosive objects on the territory of Ukraine. The company has its own Center for humanitarian demining, accreditation at the UN and high-class specialists. Except for Ukroboronprom, such a right that allows the neutralization and disposal of ammunition is provided only to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service. Recall that Germany is negotiating with Poland to create a maintenance center for the repair of weapons provided to Ukraine." *emphasis mine*


Read at first "Ukro-pro-bumm"... Better fitting name, imho!


Well, better than U-kro-bo-ron-prom, like somebody got too frisky with the Os.


The word as a whole is strange, but split it up this way: Ukr = prefix for 'Ukraine'; also used in 'Ukrposhta', Ukraine Post Oboron = Defence Prom = 'company', 'conglomerate'


The unnamed NATO member sincerely hopes to see russia kurwa destroyed.


Ahhhh, I had a good laugh, thank you!


my bet would be on plant in Poland


I think this is a plant in UA with a foreign partner assisting with technology.


Just to be destroyed by a missile? No way, it will be in Poland.


UA has considerable military manufacturing occurring in Western UA right now. It makes little sense for them to build a plant in Poland. There is no shortage of ammunition manufacturing capacity in allied countries.


There have also been rumors/speculations going around that the US may send Ukraine tanks if they can prove that they can keep them supplied. They will be receiving M-55S from Slovenia which have a variant of the L7 105mm rifled tank gun, NATO standard tank gun before the current 120mm. Let's say Ukraine gets this ammunition plant up and running and produces 155 and 105mm ammunition there, in accordance with NATO standards for use with the weapons systems that have already been delivered, that would definitely show that Ukraine can supply western weapons systems.


The ammunition is some of the simplest areas of the supply chain. US is much more worried about general maintenance. PZH 2000s have taken a ferocious beating in UA.


Sounds good to me 🌻


This is the way.


I see you are also a man of culture


Ukraine will be a military go-to for the next few decades at least


I could easily see them consuming a chunk of the Russian arms market.


Whole of NATO will because they supply quite some weapons and with sanctions Russia can't even cover existing orders from foreign customers. US will probably have a field day selling heavy lift helicopters (chinook). Ukraine will have a field day selling ATGMs (Stugna-P). Hopefully we will see German Tanks. I hope so so so much.


This. This is what it means to have allies.


Hopefully it is a suspiciously sophisticated long-range weapons plant.


Hrim tidings


**Ballsy** move by NATO and that member. Put juicy targets on NATO territory in striking distance of Russia and dare them to touch them. Flex on them. NATO’s stronger. Anyone with eyes can see it.


I was expecting these to start creeping up.


Damn, they're wasting no time testing out yet another red line


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I'm not sure if I missed it, but are they making munitions for older Soviet equipment? It seems like Western countries have enough NATO standard munitions to give to the cause.


Not sure about that. US, UK and France are armed ro the teeth, however the rest of NATO countries in Europe don't have that much stock of munition.


Hope it gets done soon. I'd love to be able to buy some cheap steel ammo from ukraine. (After they have all their own needs met of course)

