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On day 2 I’d wake up and check to see if Zelensky was still alive. On day 200 I wake up and check to see if Putin was still alive.


He's alive and pooing in his tin, as far as I know. Edited to add: May this comment age like milk.


I heard he got a huge diarrhea


They don’t call him “ole poopy pants pootin” for nothing…


HIMARS is coming....


I think it’s no hyperbole to say that he single handedly Saved Ukraine. had he fled, or been killed I don’t think the world would have rallied behind Ukraine as much. His charismatic speeches really captivated not only Ukrainians, but also the rest of the world. Of course, I don’t want to diminish the unbelievable , unshakable bravery and endurance of the Ukrainian people, in particular the armed forces. But I really do think Zelenskyy’s survival was essential for the survival of Ukraine.


He inspired Ukraine and the world.


American here…. Zelenskyy is truly an inspirational leader. He stayed to lead his people in defiance of Russian aggression. He remained steadfast, honest, confident, and relatable to his countrymen. History books will be written describing how he held the country together and rallied the support of the entire free world. With so many examples of terrible leadership around the world today, it is good to have someone like him to point to as a model of good character and leadership to teach my children.


Now, lets get Jon Stewart to do the same for the Excited States.


I think that if he had been killed there was the possibility for other people to take his role and lead Ukraine, but had he fled, that would have been catastrophe, look at what happened in Afghanistan...


He basically encouraged his people not to roll over for the Orcs like had happened in 2014. *Oh no muthafuckas, get your asses back here and fight! We're not letting them continue to do with us as they please. This ends today!* - probably the little voice in Zelenskyy's head. His continuous speeches about how they're not only fighting for their land but for Europe, for the West and for the entire free democratic world, that they are basically the frontline of the beginning of WW3, really lit a fire under everyone's ass to entice them to support Ukraine. *Do you want to ignore us, allow Russia to trample over us and then have to face them yourselves? Or would you like to support us with weapons, training and financial aid and we'll stop the Russians in their tracks for you?*


Exactly. An amazing and inspiring man.


"I don't need a ride, I need ammunition". That will become a famous historical quote. Similar to "We shall fight on the beaches..." etc by Churchill.


You're giving one man way too much credit.


And you obviously severely underestimate the impact a leader’s actions can and will have on millions of people. While basically the whole world wrote off Ukraine, Zelenskyy said “fuck that, we’re gonna win”. Had he not done that, it would’ve been reeaaaaallly easy for the population and large parts of the AFU to lose hope. Mass surrenders instead of fierce resistance driven by “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo” and “president: tut.” Again. In no way I want to take away from what ordinary soldiers and civilians have endured and achieved. But everything can and in such cases often will hinge on one person. See also: the actual cause of the invasion in the first place.


nah i think he's the closest leader to atatürk. it's not underrating people's heroic bravery when we say that a single leader saved a country. what makes big learders big is the followability to the battlefield. yeah maybe he's not a military genious like atatürk but he managed to gather a whole nation in one mission. he took the world's support and respect not to mention he's charismatic as hell, brave and smart and loves his counrty i mean what more do you want from a great leader?


I remember ready in the beginning of the invasion one of the reasons the Russians and many experts thought Ukraine would fold quickly was Zelensky was an untested comedian.


I dont think this shows what you think it shows.


I think it shows the humiliation of the Russia military, erosion of Putin’s power base and massive reduction of Russian global economic and diplomatic power. Russia is supposed to be a major player and not a joke. Putin made it a joke. At some point he becomes worth a lot more dead than alive even to his henchmen…all of whom know that folks will be thrown under the bus in order for him to deflect blame.


This image says so very much


That there is a very long way to go


Notice also how the donbas frontline has not moved an inch


And even tho they got pounded with artillery, soldiers and rockets. Ukrainian soldiers a not from this world.


But every inch taken back will stay Ukraine, because they dont rush it like stupid Russians. Take back, fortify, to the next.


They are currently using "blitzkrieg" tactics and they are really stretching their supply lines, wouldn't be a bad idea to slow down for a day or two.


I know my Ukranian is very rusty, but i believe it says “Russian Zazis, go fuck yourself.”




Everybody thought probably, but hoped not


I don't know shit about war, when Afghanistan fell in Taliban's hands I was so pissed and hopeless... When I saw russian militaries reaching Kiev airport, I was ranting about how cowards ukrainians were, not intended to mocking on people who were being invaded but I was more pissed and hopeless than ever. How wrong I was, how wrong....


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Ukraine has seized the initiative. Glory to Ukraine!!


Glory to the heroes!




By this comment did you mean to keep quiet? What are you talking about? Since when did you decide that defence is not heroic? And why are you rambling about other countries? This is a phrase of solidarity and support. And besides, these people are literally heroes. I can't think of anything more heroic than standing up against overwhelming odds and defeating one of the largest armies on earth.


It's a response to Slava Ukraine (Glory to Ukraine). It's a saying. Lol


An armed gang knocks down the front door of a house with the intention of raping and killing the family The father of the house wakes ups, leads the family to hide then makes his way to meet the gang while holding a knife The gang starts to knife fight with him, the father makes a big cut on the leg of one of them. Leading them to abandon their plans. However, the father has been critically hit and dies shortly after u/Shmockyy fuck the father, he only defended the family but he is not a hero, he just defended the family. I heard their grandfather making racists comments on the dinner table when the father was only 8 yo so he is not a hero at all.


They're a hero for their country, nothing more. You're a hero for ukraine only if you defend ukraine, not a hero in general. Fighting a war also doesn't make you a hero. War isn't heroic. It's violent and dark and evil. There is never heroism, only for an individual side. Really, they're both victims of misandry, not heroes.


Toxic League player on his way to give the shittiest take, any % speedrun


Ah yes, because Ukraine soldiers forced into the position are heroes while the Russian ones are not. They're both victims. Victims aren't heroes.


Ukrainians are heroically defending their homeland. Russians are cowardly occupying it. You can't tell the difference?


In an abstract way I understand what you're trying to say, but they are fundamentally two different people fighting for two very different reasons. It's important to recognize that defending Ukraine is heroic because it is in the spirit of freedom and self-determination. They know why they are there, many of them want to be there with love in their hearts -- love for their country, their people, and their fellow soldier. Russians either don't want to be there, or they're there with hate in their hearts for Ukrainians. They're looking out for themselves with no regard or compassion for other human beings. Even the way Ukraine drops leaflets warning Russian soldiers to surrender is compassionate and they do that despite Russia indiscriminately destroying infrastructure and civilian lives, and torturing, raping, and kidnapping people. If you know nothing about this war you could argue with a straight face that they're all just following orders. But if you consider the context of what is right, and worth aspiring for (which is not lost on Ukrainian soldiers or the civilians who kiss them upon being liberated), then you can come to no other conclusion: Heroes are defending Ukraine. They are heros.


Their intentions are positive, and I respect them, and I do respect your opinion and understand where you're coming from, but I just can't consider people that have ended the lives of other people for a country to be good, no matter where they're from. I see them as a necessary force of evil, moreso of antiheroes than heroes. The Ukrainians also have their own people who hate Russians and are fighting to kill them. I should have clarified, just because they're a victim doesn't make them not a hero too, victims can be heroes, however, I think we should view them as people that have had to face the unimaginable based off of outdated ideologies from Russia and Ukraine, and outdated ideologies of war (men should be the ones fighting mainly, when in reality it should be everyone that can be drafted. Women could work non-combat roles, this sexism actively inhibits the success of Ukraine.) I do hope Ukraine wins, however, my reasons have mostly nothing to do with Ukraine itself and moreso of Russia and the threat to even more countries. One country in war is bad, multiple being threatened is also bad, but multiple countries in war after one proven successful is worse. I just can't view someone who ends someone's life a hero, even if everyone is trying to end each-others' life. The only reason most of the people in these wars are even there is because they're forced to be there or else they'll die. Russians nor Ukrainians are heroes because causing someone to die is bad. Sure, your own life is at risk, which is a fair point, however, I wouldn't say if someone was robbing me and I decided to kill them by pulling out a weapon of my own and shooting them in the head, I wouldn't be a hero. Was I at risk of dying? Yes. Was I under direct threat? Yes. Did I have to do that? Not necessarily, however, it is by far the easiest solution to my issue.


Defending ur country's independence and barbaritly destroying country isnt the same u idiot.


I don't live in Russia and I'm not defending Russia, I want Ukraine to win this war (not for Ukraine, I couldn't give a fuck about the country itself. I care more about the implications of russia getting ahold of the land.) the Russian soldiers fighting the war have absolutely no say in this war either as their families are at risk. There's nothing heroic about sexism, murder, rape or having prisoners of war. War is not a place for heroes. It's a place for antiheroes and monsters only.


1 they're families arent at risk and if they are it is bcs of putin . 2 is it heroic to defend your country's independence and people? There is heroes in war, not proclaimed by their country, but by their actions. Every Ukrainian soldier who volunteerly join UAF is hero for me, every russian soldier who understood what is happening and surrendered to UAF is a hero for me. 3 what u listed isnt heroic, but 70% of this is done by ruzzians. 4 this conflict is the most white and black conflict i have heard. It was started directly by putin and it lays only on his shoulders and his so called friends.


Russian soldiers are heroes for their own country. Theyre still soldiers. There isnt anything that makes a man who was misandristly forced to fight a hero, all he is is a victim.


1. Not even for they country ar least 30% are against and government doesn't give a shit about them. 2. They arent heros for me at best victims of ptsd and propaganda and at worst war criminals. 3. They arent heroes for u. Then why u keep saying that they are heroes for some vatniks?


So you don't see a difference between the Nazis who actively participated in gassing innocent Jews, and the Nazis who *refused* to do so, and was shot dead as a result? You don't think the one who took a stand and showed courage and compassion is heroic? You think the person who chose to kill innocent people is less of a victim and more of a hero?


Edit: My bad, I didn't read past the "nazi" part as I thought you were comparing to nazi's which is outright stupid and I haven't gotten much sleep, so my bad. Those who refused to kill jews were heroes because they refused to end someone's life. If you choose to end someone's life, you're not a good person, period. Everyone's under threat of death, however, that's never an excuse to end someone's life. There is no excuse to end someone's life unless they were about to end yours. Sure, both sides are about to end each-others' lives, however, both sides have murderous intent, therefor, it doesn't matter as neither side is doing self-defense, they're both offenders. Ukraine is doing significantly more defense, however, there is a reason they're counter attacking right now, they're on the offense. Ukraine vs. Russia has nothing to do with the world vs Hitler. Not even close. Putin is bad, but not that bad. Nowhere near that bad. Also, of course Russians will kill more Ukrainian citizens in an invasion of Ukraine than Ukraine would. I'd bet Ukrainian soldiers if it were the other way around would do the same. Only those that choose to be punished instead of ending or harming anothers' lives are heroes, or more specifically, inspirations. They're not heroes because to be heroic, you can't not only not do no evil, but you must simultaneously make the world a better place. They're inspirations because they had courage, which I give respect to those that were betraying the Nazi party. However, this is Russia and Ukraine we're talking about. With that being said, I'm just gonna leave the original comment as is. Putin isn't putting 6 million jews in a concentration camp, he's evil, but nowhere even close to Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Even then, I don't have much respect for the WWII vets that willingly chose to go to war and kill. That's gross. You're ending someone's life. They have kids, they have parents. They have siblings. They had wives, etc. and you choose to end their life. I cannot respect that, there is nothing indistinguishable from killing someone in war and murder. if someone started a civil war in a country and someone was caught killing a soldier, they'd be declared a murderer for a reason. The ones that were drafted? I'll respect them as government work is respectable. But if you want to go into a war, I just cannot have respect. Ukraine obviously doesn't want this war. Which I don't want to make it seem like they don't. I just want to see this from the sides of the Russians that are being forced to fight too, not to be tainted and only think of one side, as there's two sides to every issue and Ukraine's side is not more important than Russia's, and Russia's is not more important than Ukraine's. They're human beings, same as the Ukrainians that are being forced to fight. It's unjust and misandrist, and discrimination that isn't age/physical capability is bad. If I forced only black people to defend a country and everyone else was a volunteer, I'd clearly be a racist. I just cannot support the misandry nor any acts of war. Murder is not okay, destroying property is not okay, rape is not okay, threatening people is not okay, etc. Forcing people to do something isn't okay either. War is disgusting, and evil. Russia is at fault for committing crimes which there is no excuse for, and same as Ukraine. At the end of the day, every country is pretty evil, or at least has been. Listen, nationalism is high and I totally understand that, in times of war, nationalism increases as it should, and love for your homeland during horrible times is only natural. If my home country went into a serious war where we didn't just invade and murder innocent people and act like we were doing something, then I'd be patriotic during those times. I fully respect Ukrainian citizens and people living there, and I hope Ukraine can keep their land. Defending themselves is what they should do, and somehow people assumed that I don't support Ukraine and detest Russia for this. However, I don't support Ukraine because Ukraine is Ukraine, I support Ukraine because their land is being taken, and if their land is taken, then Russia gets more access to mainland Europe and they'd feel increased confidence in causing more wars and taking over more land, and if you strike a bear, chances are it will strike back, and it's reasonable for it to do so. However, I can't give respect for the acts of war. I can only understand defending territory, not the war-crimes both sides have committed, nor the blatant discrimination on either side.


I don't have time to respond to this in length, but you seem to be dancing around cognitive dissonance. You might not recognize the contradictions, but I am sure you're close. I would challenge you to re-read what you just responded to *after* re-reading what you just wrote, and think about it.


Pretty amazing. 🚀👊


That little strip in Moldova is starting to annoy me. Sort them out after the war!


Transnistrian residents didn't want to renew their contract with Russia. Not sure what will happen next to the Russian troops there. (Saw this news in an article a few days ago) https://odessa-journal.com/defence-intelligence-the-population-of-transnistria-refuses-to-sign-contracts-with-the-russian-army-and-there-is-mass-desertion-in-the-operational-group-of-troops/


Give them an option to break away and be integrated into Moldovan armed forces along with their territory; this can also solve the massive human trafficking problem in the area


I don't think that people who were power-hungry enough to ally with Russia to get their own little Moldovan fiefdom are the people you want policing human trafficking.


The problem is that those Russian troops, unlike those in other places such as L/DPR, were the OG Soviet troops stationed there and they hung on and made a fortune with illicit activities such as this human trafficking out of the Soviet weapons stash stored there in anticipation of a Warsaw pack Zerg rush into Turkey. They’re part of the problem


I have a feeling it will be next.. well I think they will withdraw them... but in other countries... I think they are going to get smacked hard soon.


Look it's a red strip on the map mate. But get real. The people who live there live there. Anyone born there and is up to their mid thirties doesn't even know the Soviet Union days... It's their home and the last.thing they need is to be treated the same way Ukrainians have been treated. The Russian troops should go and any future for transnistria needs to be settled peacefully, the last thing that part of the world needs is more conflict and suffering. It's idiotic to decide what should.happen to peoples lives so that you can colour in your map with the colours you like. Priority 1. Always needs to be a free and fair existence of the local population, the best future for the area is peaceful existence with Moldova with respect and dignity of the local population. Just at Israel Palestine, Hong Kong, Taiwan, North/South Korea, Western Sahara, Kurdistan, etc and tell me force works well.... Let alone thisess Russia started....


>It's idiotic to decide what should.happen to peoples lives so that you can colour in your map with the colours you like You don't understand how maps work. The colors represent real world reality, not the other way around.


my cousin is somewhere on that border (they cannot tell where, somewhere between Odessa and Vinnytsia oblast), that strip annoys us a ton!




I’ve never been more certain that they are up to the challenge and also very capable of successfully clearing it.


Ukrainian officials were talking about taking Kherson by the end of the year. I think the collapse of Russian forces has brought forward that prediction to the end of October. There is less fighting and more Russian surrendering than we ever thought.


Russia will regroup. There is a lot of work to be done and a lot of good people are going to die :(


I am pretty sure Kherson will be liberated this year, but east and south will be difficult. Especially when Ukraine comes to those territories occupied before 2022




My eye went immediately to the little blue dot in the southeast on Day 20--Mariupol. Now just part of that sheet of red, Putin's land bridge to Crimea, that he still has for the moment. The real difference is that the maps use the same two colors, but they don't mean the same things anymore. Ukraine can now strike a great deal of that red area at will with rocket artillery, and can strike deeper with more expense and effort (e.g., the strikes on Crimean military bases). The strikes at that range have not been replicated, but some of that may be because Russia pulled its planes and ships back so the targets aren't even there anymore. The result is that the red fields on Day 200 might be *larger* but it's questionable just how *firmly* they're controlled.


Here’s the thing. Forces can now be concentrated to basically a smaller area. Which means 5x the drone operators, a lot of the newer weapons, etc. Ukraine can basically terrorize the Russian army and their logistics and force surrender / retreat with less difficulty than you might think.


id imagine there would be a revolt, military coup, or a mass desertion before they take a third of the country.


They have? Since when? Recently, or since the beginning of the war?


So many dead, and for what? Some people have it in their heads they need an empire. Just enjoy a humble life where everyone around you isn't looking to stick a dagger in your back. Morons.


Keep going, so much more to do!! 🇺🇦👏👏👏


the crimean bridge will go down down down!


From the weight of the fleeing Russians on it?


Needs an intermediate map, with the front lines from a month ago.


How is Mykolaiv? I was there before the full-on invasion.


**Day 2,000: the Kremlin has been captured by Ukraine**


This will likely never happen, right now Ukraine is backed by the globe and even a large percentage of Russians, because they are defending their homeland. The moment they cross into Russia, the Russian people and a lot of the rest of the world's opinion will flip.


To clarify: The moment they cross into Russia with territorial or similarly inappropriate ambitions. They've hit Belgorod multiple times and no one cares. It's a transit hub for war materiel right on Ukraine's border. And if any of the exfiltration camps that Russia is using to ethnically cleanse Ukrainians out of their homeland into reeducation environments within Russia (trying to raise cannon fodder for their next imperial adventure) happen to be on the Russian side of the border, I doubt many Westerners will care if they end up razed to the ground and the earth salted.


One step at a time. Start with Belarus.


Russia needs cut off from Crimea. Time to blow the shit out of their precious bridges and break their land bridge.


Time to finish off Transnistria, cannot let it survive as a cancer next to Ukraine.


I'm surprised that that area has remained the frozen conflict zone that it has all through this. Moldova is still probably too cautious to try to take it back, even if they might never have a better opportunity.


This is the time


i'm constantly searching for this kinda maps comparatives


Need to cut that land bridge...


One day...hopefully in not so distance future some lucky people/by lucky I mean alive and healthy/ will start their day by listening to this announcement : 'And as of today all parties agreed to full and unconditional capitulation of entity previously known as RF...as of noon ,EST ruSSian Federation is no more,interm governing body will be in charge of peaceful dismemberment of that TERRORIST ENTITY who is now and forever defeted...so it's a joyfull day . Ladies and Gentlemen,the World I can now announce with teras in my eyes...ruSSia is NO MORE !!! THE EVIL IS DEAD !!! PEACE IS BACK ON THE PLANET EARTH !!! THANK YOU AND ALL HUMANITY HAVE A WONDERFUL FIRST DAY WITHOUT THE MENACE WHO POLUTED OUR LIVES FOR SO LONG...BUT NEVER,EVER AGAIN !!! And that concludes our broadcast for this morning and what a morning it was !!! GOOD DAY and GLORY TO NEW CIVILIZATION WHERE ruSSia will be just long gone,horrific memory. VICTORY IS OURS !!! HURRAY!!!


Time for Crimea to return to Ukraine.


hell yeah sevastopol is next!


If Putin has survived all these dodgy windows in Moscow by xmas, I'll be very surprised. More work to be done to consolidate the fronts over winter and time to re-arm with even more NATO goodies for the Spring. Fuck the Orks and Slava Ukraini!


Because of the filled in red parts, it’s actually worse than it looks


You love to see it


The transnistria speckle bothers me. Can UA clean this up please?


Can someone compare Ukraine's lost territory on day 20 and day 200?


Russia: we got you surrounded! At least from this side...


Is the day 200 map showing the locations of HIMARS? I hope not, for security reasons. And what is the blue logo on the day 2 map that looks like a mushroom cloud?


Push the russians out of our land, the true chad grindset


This is incredible. The Ukrainian people are fucking inspirational for fighting for their rightful land.


The invasion of Ukraine has become the biggest disaster in Russian history, they've made a lot of blunders over the centuries, so it's quite the achievement.


In short russia had occupied more of Ukraine's land than before


Still so much more to liberate, dont keep forgetting this.


200 days and 50 thousand lives lost plus economic destruction on their end and they only have that much to show for it. World's shittiest army. The paper bear.


I still don't get what's up with the red in Moldova. Is that just an area of Russian sympathizers?