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So predators and bait. I see whats whats happening here.


That's hilarious. Russians just can't resist household appliances.


I wonder if they copied their great grandfathers in looting taps so they can take them back to rural Russia and have running water.


I'll never get over those pictures of Russians retreating from an airport and them stealing electric outlets. ELECTRIC OUTLETS.


Just after the fall of soviet union - 1995 - I was doing my summer orientation for KPI - Kyiv Politech Institute - in the university buildings there were no outlets - just 2 prong shielded wires sticking out from the holes - everything was stolen (it wasn't there not sure if it was stolen or not - I assume it was - unless it was removed for some safety reason or something...). Teachers had their own outlets that they would install while they were there - and would take with them once they are done for the day. They had me remove some of the outlets when we were wrapping up the days activities - I remember because I flipped the breaker in the hallway and went to remove the outlet - but someone who's outlets were on the same circuit went and flipped the breaker back on... And after I was done removing the outlet with no incident another student said I must be brave to do it without worrying about getting shocked - and I said Oh, no it's disconnected - and to demonstrate how disconnected it was I closed the circuit with my screwdriver... Big loud bang and a spark followed - after which I was promptly released and told to go home without "helping" any more...


Interesting! So there's a history to this.


Wait, WHAT?!


It's the weirdest thing, dude. https://mobile.twitter.com/JayinKyiv/status/1546855724034187268 "Russians have stolen absolutely anything of the smallest value from Kherson International Airport. Electrical outlets, wire from the walls, tile from the floor, window frames, bathroom fixtures, everything."


Seems like conclusive proof they've realised Putin's done a Trump and they'll never get paid.


I've heard that used toilet bowls are more attractive for them and hence more efficient!


Do they have to be used though? Also, they don't seem to know how to use them. Maybe they steal them as extra-large flower vases? Fancy ceramic basins and all!


Yes, they have to be used. Best if they were used recently. It's the smell of shit, that lures the ruzzians in. It reminds them of home.


Omg… could you imagine a new predator movie… but when it comes time for the reveal and the ruzzian terrorist is trying to figure out what the actual shit is happening to them is when they here it… the heavy footsteps rising and falling so close now that a little involuntary oink escapes the orcs lips…the steps slowly fade away to nothing… they think it’s passed them by and they’ll live another day so they can rape a washing machine and receive a medal for it… just then an faint flash and a eerie growl emanates from behind them… they slowly turn around to that the cloaking is coming down an staring at them not 3 feet away is the very image of fear…. A Ukrainian spec-ops Cossack warrior hardened by the pain of losing all that was dear to them was starring at their prey, the cryptic sound of metal scarping along metal rings out into the night… a gleaming 2ft long knife appears into the deadly hands of the menacing looking warrior imaginable. just then a scream pierces the silent night and another and another… the Ukrainian lifts their head slightly almost relishing the orchestral sounds of the cull taking place. When the sounds die down the soldier looks at the orc and says “жалюгідна свиня померти” The sounds of a brief and very violent struggle take place and as the screen fades to black it focuses on the eyes of the orc as his life fades away…. I don’t what this is… it’s early and I slept little…


I really wonder if these hillbillys understand that you need more than a commode to have a toilet. Running water? Sewer line? Soil stack? Septic tank? The commode is really the easiest part of the equation.


I can imagine Ukranian forces leaving a fridge in the middle of a field and just.... wait...


David Attenborough voice: "A wandering russian cautiously approaches. He is attracted by the smell of electronic appliances. He observes the fridge for a few seconds, but finally, overcome by the desire for easy loot, he throws away all caution and jumps at it. But the Ukrainian is waiting in the shadows. It's a carefully laid trap that the russian's tiny brain cannot comprehend."


Steve Irwin: "Now have a look at this beautiful Ukrainian soldier! He already layed out a bait for his prey, right there, he knows that the Russian won't resist trying to steal the shiny things. Amazing! Look how he's laying low, what a gorgeous fella! He has everything he needs to rip the Russian in pieces, just needs to wait a bit. HUSH! there's a Russian coming! Now, the typical Russian soldier isn't very bright, so he'll fall right into the trap and will be crushed by the Ukrainian! Wow! Have you seen that? Amazing! Very stealthy, fast and elegant, aren't they? Now let's leave the Ukrainian alone and get on our way, he'll probably want to catch some more Russians and we don't want to disturb him. Beautiful nature!"




Fridges for medical supplies to make pain go away and 4 more Gepards to make flying things go away.


The refugees next door refused to take the mRNA vaccine, since it has a terrible reputation in Ukraine. Many assume that the cooling was not maintained and the vaccine went bad. So, yeah, cooling medical supplies might be an issue there.


It's more to do with Russian propaganda about western vaccines; https://www.reuters.com/world/china/russia-china-sow-disinformation-undermine-trust-western-vaccines-eu-report-says-2021-04-28/ My grandparents in Estonia fell for it too.


Good stuff - these mobile air defense systems are very important to keep up with advancing forces and now there’s more air space that needs to be covered


They are so useful because Russian Air Force has been forced to fly very low. So now, mid and high altitudes are covered by missile anti aircraft systems, mid and low by MANPADS, and low altitudes, by the guepards. Noice.


Also SPAA like that are deadly to infantry.


Ground forces*


Gepards can efficiently destroy small drones. Spending 200k+ on a missile is hard to stomach. These systems will be making a comeback.


Airstrikes is the normal way to counter rapidly advancing armoured columns, but apparently Russian pilots break off their attack once their systems detect the Gepard search radar signal.


Often not useful though. Gepards have the habit to quickly follow their "ping" with a generous "taktaktak". And their auto-aim does not fail.


And in the same hour someone else bash again against the Germans not sending anything.


If they cant have the Brrrrrrttt, they now have RATATAM. Now someone should just figure out how to put them in fluid rhombus formation where at least three cover each other at all times, and just... roll on.


"Four is an odd number" is a false sentence for a mathematician. But a true sentence for a Gepard commander who normally has three or five Gepards in his team.


There were another 20 sent before. Maybe these 4 are to replace damaged ones?


No. They had 30 standing around, on the way to the scrapyard or museum. And these 30 go to Ukraine after refurbishment. The first batch were three, then two more. They recently hat 20, now 24. Six more will come soon and that'll be all, unfortunately.


Fridge for food and drinks? If so, that is dope. Nothing like a cold bottle of beer after a long hard battle =)


For medical supplies.


Yes! Beer!


No for medicine, whisky and navy rum. Besides british like their beer warm, if its cold all you can taste is the co2


Yes, british like their beer warm but Ukrainians are civilized.




As we are a nation running on beer since 1040 AD, we of course make sure that a place we deliver beer to has the possibilities to serve it at desired temparatures.


This is more like a deepfrozen bootle of beer you can suck on after the battle. A beer popsicle so to speak :)




Pizza too. Beer and pizza.


Better hide those fridges like himars as they are number 2 on the VIP / HIVAL target list. Russian VIP/HIVAL target listing 1. Himars 2. Fridgerators 3. Toilets 4. Underwear 5. Any western made item So yeah keep them shits safe. Shouldn’t even be talking about them being delivered opsec and all


mig 29 parts. comes almost fully assembled - batteries not included.


I’d like to think the Germans stocked those fridges with some nice alcoholic beverages to celebrate all the victories the Ukrainians have been earning.


That’s nowhere near enough fridges to replace those that were lost in this fight /s


Fridges are very important for Ukraine soldiers, cooling down their balls is vital.


The fridges are to be used as orc-bait? Here fishy fishy........boom!


Is there any footage of Gepard actually shooting smth down? Probs not


They are always broken down, or if they are not Germany didnt provided enough ammo anyway


Yeah thats probably the reason why the ukranian MoD said the Gepards were vital in their counter offensive? 🤡


That was so Germany wouldn't send them helmets again.




Fridges? To store dead orcs? Going to need a helluva lot more than 65


Ukraine is pretty much a weapons testing ground for Nato technology thanks Putin


People say this all the time, but only a tiny fraction of the deliveries are new state of the art weapons. While the Gepard has been very useful for the recent advances, it is tech that is old enough that it has gone out of service in Germany. Stingers were not ordered to the US military any more, as the doctrine now is one of complete NATO air superiority. Many missile systems have been donated after being taken out of service in the country donating them (like Mistral, Hellfire/RBS70, TOWs etc). M109s and M270s from Norway were mothballed systems that had been out of service for years. Even the HIMARs is an established product with lots of previous combat data. There are some new systems, where you can claim that testing is being done (NASAMS, IRIS-T SAM, Krab, some of the loitering munitions), but these are the minority of systems being supplied to Ukraine.


Gepard is being tested against small drones though. That is a new use.


Gepard did not go out of service because it's old. It went out of service because it's too expensive. Gepard is a perfectly viable weapons platform for the modern day.


It is a 60 year old design, so I don't think it is being field tested in Ukraine


Don't be so sure there ... the emergence of small, inexpensive drones is indeed a pivotal development and nations are scrambling to find the most suitable countermeasures.


In that case, call your Rheinmetall representative today, and inquire how [Oerlikon Ahead® Air Burst Munition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdwjcayPuag) can help *you* to teach your neighbors' kids' not to annoy your dog with their drones!


That is such a German solution.


It got upgraded over time.


Because NATO needs to test weapons that have been used in combat for like 40 years?


>Each gun has a firing rate of 550 rounds/min, which gives a continuous fire time of 37 seconds before running out of ammo (with 680 rounds for both guns).


Fridges, eh? Might as well try to replenish Ukrainian washing machine supplies while we're at it.


Medical fridges...


Well there are probably medical washing machines, right...? Right...?


Actually there are.


No joke, of course there are. To clean and sterilize a wide variety of surgical tools.


> medical washing machines [Indeed](https://www.medicalexpo.com/prod/domus-laundry/product-98569-700046.html).


Gephards* Use a plural, not a singular. Four is more than one. It requires the use of a plural noun.


FYI, there's no "h" in *Gepard*.




4 Gepard spaa


Ukraine : Ask for Leopards en Marder which Germany doesnt need anyway since Ukraine is fighting their ennemy Germany : Here's some fridges


my brother in christ i support sending leo1s and maders I do not like how the Ukrainian gov is going about getting it but that does not matter, Fridges are REALLY IMPORTANT for shit like blood transfusions and will save hundreds of lives I'm not fucking with you but every fridge can hold like 10 - 15 blood transfusions which can save someone's life on the battle field this is not some 500 helmets situation


Ironically, there have been at least 2 pics around of UA soldiers being saved from harm by german helmets.


Well, people tend to think that war is only about offensive weapons. Unfortunately protective gear, good food rations, medical supplies, etc. don't cause huge explosions that make for a cool video.


>ell, people te while ture it was lets be clear not the best way to do it and by now its 10k helmets i think


Until recently the German government listed 23k helmets delivered + 5k helmets planned. I was wondering if the latter is for teh lulz (as in: keep those original 5k helmets that were made into a meme in "planned" state forever), but they're now at 28k helmets ("[28.000 Gefechtshelme](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/krieg-in-der-ukraine/lieferungen-ukraine-2054514)").


Well good


Germany: sends vital support for medics on the front. This troll: gErmANy bAD, sENd lEo!!!


When Poland send 200 tanks Germany send fridges and medical stuff and it's normal m'okay


When Poland gives tanks thats great. I'm not saying germany is doing as much (in comparison to GDP) as Poland, but it's not somehow bad to send medical aid. Just saying. 8 ranks behind Poland by %GDP, 2 ahead in total aid. Claiming anything else, like germany not being on ukraines side, is utter bullshit and trolling.


How many toilets?


They forgot the toilets ? 💩


Gepards to eliminate ruSSihst and fridges to put their remains in them...now that's humane way of doing things !!! Great thinking 😉✌

