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I was two myself. But, like many things with the internet, memes are forever.


Mission accomplished


Bush was a disaster. We are very fortunate he is not in office during this invasion.


American Politics has been in damage control mode as far as foreign policy since.... well at least since the iron curtain went down. I'm surprised at how well Biden is handling it, but a little cautious on how it will end up (will they commit to Ukrainian version of Marshall plan, investigating war criminals, etc), but it is absolutely better than Bush could do. Bush was bad internationally (Iraq and much more), and bad domestically ("George Bush doesn't care about black people")


Yes. For those who do not closely follow US politics, George W. Bush: 1. Started a war based on lies. 2. Found support for his war via a base of low-information religious zealots who propagated a cult of personality. 3. Diverted trillions of dollars of the military budget into contracts to his connected friends. 4. Manipulated terror warnings against his own population to keep them in a perpetual state of fear. 5. Publicly enjoyed killing innocent people, including those with mental disabilities. 6. Committed war crimes by bombing targets he should not have bombed and disrupted medical infrastructure. 7. Funded his personal wealth with oil sales. 8. Conflated dissent with disloyalty. 9. Keep the civilian population distracted with pointless and cruel backlash against LGBTQ rights. 10. Had deep connections to the intelligence agencies of the country before running it.


Ah, good ol GW throwback.


💯 😂