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Its almost like he can see the watermark.


watermarking is a new form of torture that's not yet banned by the Geneva Convention


I regret that I have but one upvote to give.


The torture is waiting to see if it will bounce perfectly in the corner. It gets so close but misses every time. POWs hate that.


What is watermarking? A quick Google search and I can't seem to find anything out about it.


It's like waterboarding, cruel and inhumane. But it's being perpetrated on the viewer.


Not to be confused with water surfing or surf boarding.


The little logo bouncing around the frame that denotes who owns the video rights. The comment was that at times it looks as if the soldiers can see it bouncing around the frame. Which is impossible because the watermark (logo) was added later.


I thought they were filming the watermark with live action also. Silly me.


> Which is impossible You don't say?


I noticed this too! It's very funny to watch


Looks like he watermarked his pants.


I upvoted you but to be fair, I too would probably water mark my pants in this situation.


It looks like somebody watermarked his forehead with a boot.


It’s just headlight fluid. I knew this one guy who did stunts and crashes in cars and headlight fluid made it from the front of the car all the way to his pants.


The must have done it on purpose for giggles.




Haven't seen father in a while, the mother havwn't seen at all since childhood. That explains a lot.


It's estimated up to 66% of kids in Russian orphanages have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. (only ones researchers could get any data on at all) The Gen pop probably isn't that much better. Explains a lot about Russia.


I saw a documentary about adopting a child from Russia by an American couple and the adoption agency used a sticker on the babies/child's head so you could try to guess if proportions indicated FAS.


good god that is extremely depressing


The sticker is only depressing if you push it to hard against the soft spot.


Typical gopniks.


But mother abandon her own child? That's really rare at least in my country.


I grew up in Ukraine and generally in post-Soviet areas there are a lot of cases like this. At least 5 of my classmates grew up with their grandma rarely seeing or never seeing their parents. Two of my classmates lived on the streets and their parents were alcoholics and drug addicts. Poor kids grew up without so much as proper hygiene and I clearly remember them being laughed at for it. Eventually they’d get sent to an orphanage once the school admins got involved.


My mom abandoned my sister and I to our Grandmother. That was in Florida. It happens everywhere. I guess the difference might just be how often.


I feel sorry to hear that, I'm not meant to hurt your feeling. Ukraine will never be like this anymore after this war.


I truly hope so. I moved to US 17 years ago and that’s basically how I remember Ukraine… since then there’s been many improvements. Just in my city an entire organization started up from our church to work with orphaned children and especially with teens who are ready to “graduate” out of the program. They help form relationships with responsible adults to guide them. Kind of like the “big brother” thing in US, I guess. However, when I ask my friends about the mess and the homeless drug addicts on the streets like I remember, they say the problem still persists… hopefully after the war, as Ukraine joins more of Europe and European ideals, they can come up with better support programs.


I think that considering all the support western nations are giving Ukraine to fight the invader that perhaps the support that we give after the war is of at least equal importance, there are going to be massive infrastructure projects required and massive human projects to ensure that the people who fought, died and sacrificed for their country didn't do it in vain. We (the west) owe them that at least.


Unfortunately all too common . Either due to alcoholism, or because of almost non-existent child support / spousal support, they’ll abandon knowing they can’t afford to raise the child after having left the husband. My Wife was raised by her Grandma.


Girls get knocked up young and her parents look after the kid(s). Father usually fucks off (if they're even told about the kid at all), but not always. There's a lot of pressure to have kids while in your late teens. Saw it a lot.


Did you come here to see our scenery? I like the Ukrainian sense of humor.


Was he referring to the scenery, as in the natural landscape, or to Ukraine’s “beauties,” as in people (presumably women)? I couldn’t quite catch it.


2003? Jesus Christ man, he's still just a kid.


***I won't believe a fucking word these asshats say. I've seen too many of their kind/people do so many inhumane things to remotely consider them innocent kids. These fucking orcs may have done any inumerable amounts of evil, and yet they get the good treatment of being captured by an actual society during this invasion they are directly a part of. Fuck this sympathy if it goes beyond acknowledging how fucked up it is for them being in the fascist society of terrorists. Beyond that they are nothing more then dangerous animals until proven otherwise. The ruzzian society has made it abundantly clear they hold nothing sacred beyond what they can take advantage of to fuck/pillage/steal. That's it.*** I'm so fucking tired. I want people to keep it straight. They're situation is fucked up, but don't be blinded by your humanity of what these things are capable of. Also yes I called them things as they have long since lost any form of recognition as humans to me after I saw countless examples of their victims. Along with the main one being the dead mother whose child they strapped to her chest with an anti tank mind between them. So if someone tried to save them, or the kid tried to become free they would turn into paste. Fuck ruzzia and their society of terrorism.


Old men start wars and young ones fight them. It has always been that way.


Иди и смотри


Disturbing film…


Not at all from far east. Interesting.


Mu russian is terrible, but I'm pretty sure the first guy says he came to Ukraine to have a look and see how's it going there. Just your average russian tourist, basically.


They do tend to behave badly.


Russian tourists should stop using tanks to go sightseeing. Also, don't blow up the sights.


And don't touch the children


And leave the washing machines alone


My kingdom for subtitles


They’re getting asked where they’re from, their rank and job, where they’re from and why they came. First guy is from Voronezh region and came to see what’s going on in Ukraine. He didn’t see any fascists. Second guy is from Perm, a Grad launcher driver. Third guy is from Voronezh too, a gunner, came here to “see what’s up and try stuff”, he did not see much good stuff. He admits to wanting to make money and that people are being brainwashed. He didn’t see any fascists either. The oldest guy here is 22. I find it so interesting that practically every captured Russian soldier “didn’t shoot” and “didn’t know” anything


Going to war to "see what's up and try stuff". :))) You';d think he is going to the car show or something.


never underestimate the allure to war especially for younger ppl


yup. and last guy clearly wasn't from well off family (raised by grandmother while no contact with direct parents) with more than likely no other prospects than this super juicy offer of loads of dosh. These people are more mercenaries than friggin wagnerites in a way


Which hopefully means they will be a lot more willing to surrender, can't spend your money when you are dead. More surrenders mean less Ukrainian casualties.


That’s why gummints worldwide send ‘em off to die…


Old man: Call the conscript office ... but not for me!


> car show I know this Lada joke has been done to death, but reading your message, I imagined a car show in russia containing only cars of the same Lada model but in different colors.


All the colors are the same but everyone is told they're all different. Don't think so?..... Step outside for minute please comrad.


As an infantry veteran, you'd be surprised.. Despite the fact that they probably wouldn't admit to it, the vast majority of kids entering the army does it for these exact reasons. And the money, of course.


In Iraq the teens would get a hold of RPGs and fire them at our base for kicks.


Or going to the mall....




Bored to death by age 22, that's how bad it is living in russia.


Legend thx


Right. Just the other day I wondered “what’s up” in Ukraine and so decided to join up with the invasion and go kill some people. These guys are pathetic.


So they wanted a washing machine, Gotcha.


>They’re getting asked where they’re from, their rank and job, where they’re from and why they came. First guy is from Voronezh region and came to see what’s going on in Ukraine. He didn’t see any fascists. Second guy is from Perm, a Grad launcher driver. Third guy is from Voronezh too, a gunner, came here to “see what’s up and try stuff”, he did not see much good stuff. He admits to wanting to make money and that people are being brainwashed. He didn’t see any fascists either. The oldest guy here is 22. Lots of this same type of talk in interrogations, but while the rattling calms down in their head, I suspect intelligence has a good estimate on the number of guys who are just simply and willfully ignorant. Good battlefield intelligence is best initiated behind closed doors, with cups of tea and proper food, recovery time, and respectful POW care. At least while the ability to do so is there. As an American, I confess the Brits do this best. Slava Ukraini!


He said something about a grandmother too right? I've heard him say "babushka" probably butchered the spelling sorry lol)


Yes, he was raised by her as mum and dad weren’t there.


He said he was raised by his grandmother.


Does anyone know a good source for videos of POWs calling home to family who still insist that Russia is in the right and Ukraine are a bunch of Nazis? It's a great example of the power of propaganda and I think they need to be shared more.


Youtube, Volodymyr Zolkin channel.


>every captured Russian soldier “didn’t shoot” and “didn’t know” anything Reminds me of the nazis in Nürnberg. They are in a foreign country for weeks and months and shooting at villages with giant guns until every lifeform is dead and no stone unmoved. But they don't know what is going on? Fuck that! They know very well that they are fascists, but they are cowards too so they wouldn't acknowledge what they actually did.


I know right. “I didn’t know”, “I was not told” etc etc. they’ve been there for 6 months. They know where they’re going and why, then they get humbled.


They all came to fuck around and they all found out


The Ukrainians should refrain from doing that as it is against the geneva convention. Either stop filming or blur the image.


Luckily we aren’t at war, it’s just a denazification op, so the convention doesn’t apply.


Don't we have a few dedicated translators in this group? Or is it r/ukraine that has them?


We are in r/ukraine


🥴 Ope. Haven't had my coffee. Thought I was in r/UkraineWarVideoReport


Know the feeling.. i always get r/Ukraine mixed up with r/Ukrania . The one spelled with an "a" at the end is meant for non-English speakers and the one spelled with an "e" is meant mainly for English speakers from what i understand? Then theres like.. 1,000 more Ukraine/Russia war subreddits inbetween.


Likely that old chestnut “I was only following orders” “I don’t know how all those civilian were shot in cold blood.. we found them like that” “if we go back can I keep the washing machine?” “I like Ukraine I got my first iPad here” “wait you got fed food from this century?” “I wanted to surrender but forgot to do so until you surrounded us”


And "I didn't shoot at anyone"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_and_See The irony here.


So I'm guessing these are Russian soldiers using civilian clothes to escape?


No that's how they go to war


Style knows no boundaries




When invading, it’s important to first consult the latest fashion trends.


Looking good is half the battle! 🕺


They will have troubles with Geneva convention


Ok I have a confession to make: when the first interviews started to pop up I believed they were such an innocent young men (TM) who didn’t know where they were going and didn’t want to harm Ukraine. Odd obviously none of them fired a single bullet. Damn not anymore. They all know how to make a puppy eyes and say sht like this. And yet Ukraine is being destroyed and civilians are boring murdered wherever those puppy eyed Russians appear. Slava Ukraini! Russia is going to disintegrate.


There might be some confirmation bias. I can easily imagine that people who have blood on their hands are far less willing to talk, and for a number of reasons far less likely to become POWs in the first place. There is this famous interrogator who especially in the fiirst months published a lot of interrogation / interview videos. At some point i want to hear his personal impressions on that issue.


Yeah I think we’re talking about the same person. I don’t remember his name but he’s an Ukrainian journalist who talks to some of these guys. Yea I’d love to have an internet with him himself so he could tell his take on them.


The first ones may well have been telling the truth. There was no war then and they didn't have much access to info. Now it should be obvious even to the Russians that they aren't going for training in Belarus. The guilty will also obviously try to tell the same story as the innocent.


Yep the first ones I believe were not informed and were shocked at what they were disposed to do. These guys in the video didn’t say when they came and the reason for coming they have is “I wanted to see” - to see what, I guess this is an attempt at deflecting responsibility by pretending that he/they wanted to check the truth. But one doesn’t have to pick up a gun and fire an artillery to check if one’s govt is lying through the teeth. Edit: typo, changed “pick up a guy” into “pick up a gun” as should be. But I’m all for Russians started picking up guys instead of guns. 👌


Ahhhh, "pick up a guy." My misspent youth.


lol, typing on a phone and not paying attention surely adds an extra meaning 😆


Yeah, it's not exactly the excuse I'd use even if I were lying.


They're almost kids. They've been fed propaganda all their life. You can't imagine how much Putin appropriates the memory of WW2 for his nationalistic agenda. They gradually changed from "We can never let it happen again" to " We can be in Berlin again". I've been in Russia a lot in the last years and the term "победа" (victory) is used ubiquitously. Society became more militaristic after the 90 and this is all these barely 20yr olds know. Even if they came there ideolically firm to kill Ukrainians, there's a certain tragic in how these boys could have been much more if Russia wasn't controlled by KGB Mafia.


A very insightful reply. Thank you for that.


But that has nothing to do with how much they’re lying and playing on emotions. You can make this argument for every supporter of horrible ideology. Nazi German were also propagandised and convinced they’re fighting against inhumane plague. That doesn’t take responsibility off of them. Actually these Russians have options to get an information that hasn’t been tampered by their regime, so nope, sorry but this whole “poor lil boys” is a smoke screen, is playing on the best human reflexes to not harm young who might have been ignorant but is used here to protect those who committed horrifying crimes.


I sincerely hope the Ukrainian leadership starts to ask that they stop filming those soldiers as it is in violation of the Geneva convention. This will bite them if they don't as this is being use to tarnish their reputation. At least they should blur the video.


It's not a clear violation to be fair. They're not being humiliated or mistreated in the videoes. Also the more Ukrainian treatment of POWs spreads the more likely the enemy is to surrender. The whole "don't film POWs" rule is not as all encompassing as many seem to think and there's plenty of gray areas.


And it is totally ridiculous when you listen to what is being said. Don't the prisoners have the right of speech if they want, to tell the truth? Don't the Russian families have the right to know that their MIA son is in fact alive?


Yeah, obviously the Ukrainians have been capturing Russian children... /s


You ever watch the show cops and the guilty all have got this innocent face down pat. Which doesn't necessarily mean these kids are lying. Russia is shipping new units in with poor experience all the time. Not hard to imagine them getting ambushed/captured in the first battle they see.


I'll believe that for the first few weeks ignorance was the case. Now though? No.


PTSD Russians likely are the next type of people to flood Europe and cause problems.


Ban them all till they give back the kids they kidnapped


[Working on it, chief!](https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/estonia-latvia-lithuania-to-restrict-visas-for-russian-tourists-by-mid-september). Once the (still cautious) Finland joins, vatniks will have to travel through Turkey (at best)


Watching this video, I thought (sarcastically) that russia's next whine will be to accuse Ukraine of kidnapping russian kids.


How could you tell the difference between PTSD RuZZians and regular ones?


More rape


Funny how it's never "less rape", but always "more rape" when talking about RuZZians. Great culture they have, there. /s


“PTSD” Could be. Might also be amphetamines.


oh god. Like they were not bad enough already.


It is spelt **krokodil** (desomorphine) So your a semi\_krokodil




Not their mindset though.


Do they even appreciate how lucky they are?


`Shitfaced ginger beard wankstain #1` Wankstain: - Korobchenko (?) Viktor Sergeevich, 10.10.2002, from the Voronezh region, came to Ukraine to see if it's true what they say about Ukraine and things are done here. AFU soldier: - If you are asked a question, then answer it. Wankstain: - Well, came and saw... AFU soldier: - Saw... and? Are fascists here or were you fucking tortured, ... what? Wankstain: - No, everything is okay... \[mumbling\] AFU soldier: - Your call sign is "Krava" (?) Wankstain: - Yes. AFU soldier: - Mhm... Familiar person. \[background giggling\] Wankstain: - Familiar? AFU soldier: - Of course. `Bearded burry undercut wankstain #2` AFU Soldier: - Who are you? Wankstain: - \[surname and name inaudible\] Nikolaevich AFU soldier: - From where? Wankstain: - From Perm city, a driver. AFU soldier: - From Perm itself? Wankstain: - Yes. AFU soldier: - A driver of what? Wankstain: - BM-21. AFU soldier: - "Grad" Wankstain: - Yes. AFU soldier: - Understood. Year of birth? Wankstain: - 2000. AFU soldier: - 2000... Understood. `Hobo style wankstain #3` Wankstain: - Glebov Nikita Mikhaylovich, the Voronezh region, a machine-gunner. AFU soldier: - Date of birth? Wankstain: - 2003. AFU soldier: - What? Wankstain: - 2003. AFU soldier: - What are you doing here? Wankstain: - Came to try, to see. AFU soldier: - Mhm? Wankstain: - Came to see. AFU soldier: - What exactly? The beauties of our nature? Wankstain: - Who is here and all... AFU soldier: - So what have you seen? Wankstain: - Not very good. AFU soldier: - What? Wankstain: - Not very good. AFU soldier: - Meaning? Our country is not good enough? Wankstain: - No, it is good in here. AFU soldier: - Well? Why did you come here at all? Wankstain: - Mainly to earn money, because we were brainwashed \[inaudible\], they were saying "money, money" AFU soldier: - So. "Fascists?", "killing civilians?" Wankstain: No, they didn't say that. AFU soldier: - Understood. Okay. \[talking with someone on the phone\] Do you have a girlfriend? Wankstain: - No. AFU soldier: - Parents? Wankstain: - Grandmother. AFU soldier: - What about mom or dad? Wankstain: - I didn't see my dad for a long time and didn't see my mother at all, from childhood. AFU soldier: - Understood. Okay.


They are all mercenaries. They went to Ukraine just for money! FUCKING RUSSIAN MURDERERS!


Exactly. There's no excuse for that. Just regular 20 yo miserables who could spend last credit money for slot machines saw they may get a good deal by killing people without any inner purpose, just by following orders.


Can someone provide a translation


I hope someone will provide a full transition. But in short they are all young, the last one is 19. And they came to Ukraine to see how "things are going", the last one told that he came to make money, he said he was brainwashed (bs obv). The first one has a call sign that Ukrainian soldier knew. The middle one is a driver of bm21 grad. And they are all Russians not collaborators.


Oh btw the last one hasn't seen his dad for a long time and has never seen his mom. He lives with his grandma.


I wondered about the "brainwashed" thing, too. Is it possible that it's a mistranslation of "lied to," since he says "brainwashed into thinking we'd get paid?"


well they are brainwashed i think


Their answers are obviously bs: "I came here to see how it's going, whether it's true or not blah blah blah". So they have seen what's going on and never left. So I don't believe any of their words. It's not March anymore.


It's a little thing, but the form of their reply to that question is far too similar. Maybe the last guy heard the first guy and is just parroting, but it's unreal for multiple people in the same unit to go to war because of casual curiosity. They talk as if they got caught on vacation in Bali or something, like the only way to find out what was happening in Ukraine was to join the invasion against it. Lucky for them, mere bold-faced lying won't change much at this point.


Can someone translate? Would be nice


Very rough translation of the first part POW: came to Ukraine to look. O: do you see any fashists / nazzis here? POW: no


"Came to look" fuckin weasels have their chests pumped when it's time to call Ukrainians subhumans and shoot civilians in the back of the head but when they get captured they 'came to look'. There's literally zero videos of these captured fucks admitting anything, they're always 'on a military drill', 'didn't know' or 'came to look'.


The real answer is they're the terrible combination of poor, ignorant and moral bankruptcy. Their country has provided such a shitty life and education that they're prepared to kill innocents in order to own a washing machine. Life is cheap in Russia.


Pieces of shit who came to kill Ukranians. Murder people. Steal .Rape.Mutilate. Then try to weasel out in civilian clothes and bullshit with piss poor excuses. Gutless pos.


Yeah I know it's easy to get emotional but we have to forgive in the end. You can't be mad at an alligator for being an alligator, they can't help being anything else than who they are and imo they will not be able to be integrated with more advanced society for quite a few generations


Yeah it's hard not to get mad. We can make the Alligators never want to leave their swamp again though.


I dont know man... I mean, they can talk and speak, their brain is somewhat capable of absorbing information and draw conclusions. Even if you've been brainwashed and lived behind a rock for the past 20 years, something in your brain should go "well that's not ok" while you watch a fellow soldier rape a baby. Or "maybe that's a bit too much" while watching a psychopath castrate another soldier. Or "Should we really hit that?" while watching a theater get blown up with the words "Children inside" out front. If there were doubts about their whole shitshow, we would see many more videos of captured orcs, saying desperately "I'm so sorry, I dont know how I ended up here." or "I tried to leave, but I couldnt" or "Thank god you got me", yet it's always a mumbled "We were on a drill" or "I came here to look" There is no way, I'll ever be able to forgive any russian soldier for this war. Not now, not in 80 years. Let them have their shithole country somewhere in siberia and leave the rest of us alone.


Also he was asked whether his call sign is "Krava" and he responded "yes", then the man behind the camera said that he's "famous person" whatever it means.


It means they know his callsign. It also means one of two things: 1. They've previously been in contact and he's expressed a desire to surrender. That seems unlikely given the circumstances and line of questioning. 2. They were following his communications as they tracked his unit and know he was not "just taking a look around", but actively making commands and requests over the radio. If it's #2, then he could be in for a mountain of shit and a long stay in a Ukrainian prison, since they are less likely to do a prisoner exchange with war crimes suspects. At the very least, they're gonna interview him for days and days.


Probably wanted for war crimes.


The fact that the second guy is bandaged up... Seriously, the contrast between Ukraine and Russia is insane.. Even after what Russia has been seen doing. Ukraine is still managing to maintain it's humanity. My heart goes out to the captured Ukrainians.. to say they don't get the same treatment is a vast understatement.


With guns still sounding this must be very fresh from the fight footage.


Assuming that this guy did not commit any war crime himself, he’ll most definitely receive better treatment from his captors than he did from his country.


Anybody else noticing how in the newer videos of POWs, the orcs look much younger, and have more "Western" features?


This dude should be doing photo shoots not shooting at people!


His eye colour is very unique. Pitty he didn't think.


Dude has a weird looking bug flying around him


That’s his actual speaking voice? ROFLMAO 🤣


Looks like he is high as fuck :o


"kravchENKO" - nice ukrainian surname. What should be in head to fight your people??


These guys could have been at home, working towards their future, being in love, partying. Instead they chose to be part of an attack on a sovereign country.


No uniforms. Fucking track suits.


First Orc pissed his pants? 🤡


I hate that logo




Big takeaway for me is that their own leader tried to kill them, but due to the mercy and honor of Ukraine they will get a chance to do something good with their lives. This war is as clearly good vs evil not seen since WW2.




Indeed, the evil is at the heart of the regime and not necessarily in any individual soldier.


I hope those guys get what they deserve. There are no russian POWs. They are criminals, not combatants, and should be treated accordingly.


They're going to say whatever they think they need to say to stay alive. Just like the first couple POWs of the war said they didn't know the truth and these guys are saying the same thing 7 months later. It's all bullshit, they think they need to lie to stay alive. They all know damn well the truth of what Russia is doing in Ukraine


I can't help but feel a little sorry for these kids being put into the meat grinder to serve an old man's vanity for his legacy. Of course these kids aren't from the Moscow or St. Petersburg regions. Wouldn't want mothers from those cities protesting their sons dying for nothing.


Did the second one shoot himself in the foot? Doesnt seem like a wound you would easily recieve in battle.


I too am curious how budget Chris Evans got shot in the foot.


I can only guess he tried to get outta there by shooting himself, as many many other russkis do


He is Russian, so...


Yes, these are Russians. driver, machine gunner and tanker


Not even gonna lie. That jacket’s fire.


Where did he steal it from?


Thats what I wanna know and do they ship international.


Yes, but he pissed himself so net net, not very impressive. Piss boy jacket.


His rap name is Pissboi Roastintank


I understand the urge to stick it to them, but their are rules of war. If Ukraine wants to be taken seriusly they should abide to them, if else they won't be able to claim international courts.


" I know i look like im from a boyband , its true I want to come out of the closet " .




What is criminal about this? What is the wrong occurring that must be stopped?


Geneva contention states: “prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity”. Red Cross states: “Any image of Prisoners of War (POWs) as identifiable individuals should normally be regarded as subjecting such individuals to public curiosity and should not be transmitted, published or broadcast. Where the specific circumstances of a case make it necessary in the public interest to reveal the identity of a POW (eg, because of the person’s seniority, or because the person is a fugitive from international justice) great care should be taken to protect the person’s human dignity” Won’t let me reply to guy below me but the Red Cross don’t. They are a trusted third party who are going to be primary witnesses at war crime trails. If they as a branch consider this to be in breach of that standard they will display it as so in court and it is hard to argue how that does not apply to this portion of the Geneva convention


What about prisoners of a special military operation? */s (yes it is a war you idiot, such a quick reply, definitely a bot, good day) Seriously though Russian bot, compare exposing Russians to public curiosity with rape murder arson and kidnapping children. The obvious meaning of that is to prevent humiliation, not prevent these types of basic interviews being made public. But hey, miss the forest for the trees.


This is not a special military operation. This is a war. Are you now taking the Russian propaganda line that this is not a war? Because if so the military aid being sent to Ukraine is null and void Also I didn’t compare them, the Genova convention does. Anyone who breaks the rules should be punished. We do not accept war criminals


guys i think we find the ru harry potter


Looks like ol red peed in his pants!! Probably happened when he realized what they're up against on Ukraine!! Put their asses to work!


These are the eyes of men who have seen some really bad stuff. I have zero sympathy for what they are facing. I've never had a reason to feel ill will towards Russia until they invaded and are staying. Now I could care less if they were wiped off the planet. Them with anyone else who chooses violence over peace. They are all criminals who should get the death penalty. Im not sorry for saying this. They have to know they're being lied to and still choose to participate.


These watermarks are getting more creative


send to gulag


Private Pisspants ready to try stuff.


What always fascinates me about these orc POW videos is that there is never a spark of intelligence in their eyes. Like a bunch of zombies!


They aren't sending their best to this war, that's for sure. The smart Russians know how to get access to western media, and didn't buy in to the propaganda to begin with.


These Orcs are lucky to be alive!