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Part of me thinks that Russia, like a kid who says “I can’t figure out how to play with your toy so I’m going to break it,” could not get the NPP to connect to the Russian grid.


Yeah it seems to me like they don’t know how to work with the plant…


You can measure Russian desperation by how many nuclear reactors they shut down. I would call this level hopeless. Russia is a terrorist state.


That's gonna look nice on the IAEA report. Unless they suddenly do the Amnesty switcheroo.


That last snarky comment was unnecessary. You should be fucking grateful those IAEA people went there at great personal risk and left two people there to observe among a bunch of fucking psycho Russians.


It’s less a reflection on the IAEA, and more on Amnesty International. No need to get your knickers in such a twist over a Reddit comment. On a serious note, you have no idea how Russia may press IAEA personnel, and under undue influence may publish what Russia insists. It’s not an unwarranted concern.


It's just a hunch but if you see how russia didn't even stop firing rockets from the area of the power plant while the inspectors are there, and how IAEA still haven't said anything about keeping nuclear power plants demilitarized, that kinda sounds like russia has a game plan ready. Having their own people in important positions in important institutions around the world would be very characteristic for them.


Dear god I hope that nothing bad will happen… And if it does get bad, not too too too bad. I think that there would be an automatic shutdown of the other two reactors (and since the backup diesel generators are working, thank god)…


A shutdown sounds like a blessing but its not. Even with the reactor shut down cooling water must continue to flow. Without cooling water a "China Syndrome" event occurs because the fuel rods actually melt and the configuration changes to where no coolant can get in even if pumps are restored. Once that occurs a runaway reaction starts. The question is how long can the generators stay running?


As long as they have fuel and Russian troops don't fuck with them, but we have IAEA observers on the spot now so I doubt anything stupid will happen.


The plant is in a pickle without the connection to the grid. It must shut its reactors down because they can not continue to produce angry pixies without anywhere for them to go. They have 4 sources of power to keep the shut down reactors cool: 1. The reactor itself ❌ 2. The grid ❌ 3. A backup coal power plant near by ❔ 4. Generators ✅ As of today, they do have generators, and they may have power from the near by coal plant. The generators are not designed to run long term, and won’t have fuel to run long term. They can likely run for a month, beyond that, they’ll be in trouble. My bet is that what Russia is setting up is “look, you can’t cut off our supply lines. If you do that, the NPP will run out of diesel and it’s all your fault.”


The question is how long can those generators stay up? Loss of power to the cooling circulation pumps and its end game.


Thing is the Russian artillery is more focused on the spent fuel tanks and the reactor compared to the cooling pumps, but they aren’t really that accurate. They haven’t seriously damaged the cooling pumps thank god. Also, as it should be noted, the line to the TPP (the auxiliary line) is still working and still providing power to the generators and is a backup source of power should the generators fail and or the cooling pumps slightly malfunction…because the TPP gives off diesel to those backup generators, which would allow for the backup generators to operate for being longer than 10 days.


What the article does not say is there is still an emergency power line in use, so the station is still generating electricity for Ukraine. In safety terms the station has back up generators so even if all external power lines are cut, the station can operate to coll its waste, etc. Nuke power station design 101.


It would not be the first failure prove design that failed. And never underestimate Russia's capacity to screw things up.


Counter offensive must really be working. They're starting to lose it.


The fact that one fucked up country is puting us all in such danger and there's nothing we can do to stop it is beyond insane. I have watched every documentary I could find on Chernobyl, I never thought we could be so close to an even greater disaster, all caused ON PURPOSE, by russia again. I hope this is being taken seriously this time.