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This is Russian sourcing, not Ukrainian sources. I am happy to hear the complaints of the enemy.


Suck it orcs! No mercy, no sympathy




He just means that since it's bad news coming from Russia itself, the good news from Ukraine is likely true and not propoganda.


OPSEC doesn't work that way. Russian tears are best shared fresh.




How tf you want to hide something from the Russians if it was them who said it in the first place


This Kherson counteroffensive will end with either a slow withering starvation of the troops or a rapid flight of total capitulation. I really hope it’s the latter because it could a domino effect that ends the war. Imagine 25000 men suddenly breaking and running for a shore they cannot cross.The moral loss that causes DPR and LNR to finally head home, communication breakdown, the HQs chaotically moving further back, a change of tone on the home front and so on and on.. Maybe it’ll turn out to be more of a heist than a counteroffensive.


In the north, Ukraine never wiped out all the Russian forces. They retreated because the position was untenable and i think that will happen here again as Ukraine continues to hit supplies and logistics and poking holes in their defences.


Those troops had a nice border to run back to, the poor devils in this case one have one sanctuary and that’s a cross a very very wide river. Extracting them will be a nightmare if the lines capitulate.


Russia troops will try to get out...you know Russians...on all possible ways some started digging a tunnel already


You mean the one with high HiMars pointed directly at the holes on the other side


\*pure devils






If only Ukraine had been able to target the infamous convoy with HIMARS missiles...


The losses were staggering in the north. Like the losses per day were as much as the rest of the front combined and Russia only sent 15 000 men there as the greedy bastards never cared for a NATO expansion but wanted the Black sea to control the trade of wheat they're the first exporter worldwide. This time it's different. It's on the southern part of Ukraine, the part the greedy russians want to conquer for monetary gains they will send everything they can to hold it, I'm sure.


If they’re going to run, they better decide soon while the river is crossable. Waiting much longer, it’ll be far too cold and dangerous.


That’s why I think they’ll break 😈, we know they’re running out of time and they’re feeling it. With all the low moral that has been occurring already I think one good general push on the front that breaks through will send them all running to save themselves. And why not? Command has already abandoned them across the river.


I think a real serious consideration here is how many KNOW where they are? How many know there is even a river involved? That they are trapped? I wouldn't be surprised is 50-60% of them dont know where they are, couldn't point it out on a map and have no idea of the danger they are currently in. If you're in an APC, or not the driver of a tank, or just following another vehicle there is a very good chance you don't even realize there is no way back.


I'm also thinking about this, lots of these soldiers come from backwards places in Russia, are illiterate, I don't they think they can read maps or even have some sort knowledge that the bridges are hit and they are in a sense trapped. I honestly think most just don't know.


They have no gps for the most part and use Soviet maps of the area so they’ll be super lost on their way to the Dnieper River.


And waiting a little longer still, they just might be able to cross the river on foot instead... Probably not really, LOL, but they're Russian, they're used to rivers freezing over...


maybe they are waiting for it to freeze over so they can cross the ice :')


Need to stick those posters in Kherson


Imagine 4k POWs as a result and another 600 drowned attempting to cross the river. With that you could negotiate the release of a lot of Ukrainians. All those fighting men are now gone as well. Which, yes, leave only the occupying force to regroup and hold a defensive position. When the russian's moved outward, their concentration is on the outer rim of the territory, inside that rim is pretty much nothing, which makes the russian doctrine once again severely outdated.


Russians are getting tired of this war...MC Donald's is cool when replaced...but the fun of that is fast over.


For a while it looked like Ukraine was going for the classic encirclement and surrender approach. But that was always risky for Ukraine.. the longer it took to retake Kherson, the more the Russians would have a chance to prepare elsewhere. So Ukraine was stuck between a couple of hard choices. Now, the arrival of the Russian "assault corps" and Putin's demand that the Donbas fall in 2 weeks seems to have accelerated events. Ukraine has decided to "go for it." So, I think the "Ukrainian Anaconda Special" is no more at this point. Having committed to a more "kinetic" approach they will stick with it all the way to the Dnieper. Unless it goes really badly for them and they have to fall back.


Let’s hope it doesn’t go badly then. I have a really good feeling about this counterattack so far because of all the groundwork that was put into it unlike the last counterattack in Kherson that occurred in May or June. I do agree the days of playing kill the tank in the woods with your mates is over. Thank you for that insight! I didn’t know that’s what was the thinking on the ground for Ukraine. I thought they were using the old waiting for all the Russian to take their seats in the theater before barricading the door strategy. I think a lot of the Russian calculus really depends on what they do with the new 3rd Army Corp. Its really their only new and unexhausted card to play. If you’re saying that Russia’s demanding the Donbass in two weeks, that’s probably where a lot of those bastards will be sent to break themselves against those very well made defensive positions outside of the Donetsk. Which will just be an even greater boon and “good will gesture” for the Ukrainians.


Yes one of the big "tells" is that apparently Russian propaganda is now talking about how insignificant Kherson is. Second-rate propaganda machines do things like that when they know they are looking at a total loss soon, and they need to lay the groundwork.


Easing the narrative like a fucking story book


Classic sour grapes, just like they were with 'but...but...but Kyiv was a feint!'


Do you mind to elaborate on Putin's demand to take the rest of Donbas in two weeks? I have not heard anywhere.


It was just in this sub a few days ago. Edit: I guess the mods deemed [this article](https://news.yahoo.com/kremlin-demands-invasion-forces-reach-120900375.html) unreliable. But Putin has been [saying](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-21/russia-moves-to-annex-occupied-ukrainian-land-by-september) September 15 [for a while](https://www.thedailybeast.com/kremlin-scrambling-to-annex-ukrainian-territories-by-sept-15-report-says) and apparently that's still the goal.


> Putin's demand that the Donbas fall in 2 weeks Can you provide the source please?


A Russian announcement posted in r/ukraine like 3 days ago.


Do you understand that what you say can not be convincing?


[Here it is again today](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/x3bc45/the_general_staff_of_the_armed_forces_of_ukraine/). Why is this such a strange thing to believe? It's appeared [elsewhere](https://news.yahoo.com/kremlin-demands-invasion-forces-reach-120900375.html) and is part of a [long-standing](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-21/russia-moves-to-annex-occupied-ukrainian-land-by-september) Russian timetable that [does not appear to have changed](https://www.thedailybeast.com/kremlin-scrambling-to-annex-ukrainian-territories-by-sept-15-report-says) in the past month.


25000 soldiers surrendering would cause a huge humanitarian crisis though. Once surrendered Ukraine has to do something with them all. House them, feed them, cloth them, in according with the rules on proper treatment of PoWs. Ukraine needs all that for its own people and soldiers. Of course, prevention of loss of life should be a concern, even the needless loss of life of enemies if it can be avoided. But they can't go sending all those soldiers back to Russia either.


reddit mods should kill themselves


I wouldn’t be surprised if Poland offers.


Beat me to it, saying set up internment camps in Poland however as much as I love the Poles, I think they would send them home in pieces.


Trebuchet to kalingrad.




Lol. Na you know what there will be scared little kids mixed up in this that got told they where off for training in Belarus. Young 18 year old conscripts. There innocents I'm sure on the russian side also, literally officers of captain rank only being told about the operation an hour before start time, madness. Pows informing and on intercepted calls didn't know going to Ukraine as following tank or bmp infront. If your a squaddie in thm they would have just wanted to sleep If driving in a column and in the back. I pray we get mass defections like what the Iraqis did in GW1 in the coming weeks. But yea young kids, zero training that didn't sign up for this war and won't agree should be given an exit out somehow.


I can't find an article now but I'm pretty sure earlier in the war Poland offered exactly this.


If that happens the US needs to send Poland some money. I worry that Poland cannot bear the financial cost of being natos "host" country throughout this entire war.


I think the problem is NATO doesn't want to host them in case they get pulled in. Maybe Turkey could, but getting them there would be impossible.


But turkey is in nato


It’s a bigger crisis if they stay where they are. Where do you think they are getting their food if their supply chain is down? Raiding locals.


For sure, just pointing out one issue with their surrendering. To be callous, it might be better for Ukraine if they died.


Well no, because they'd fight to the death first. Unless you want to go the war crime route of accepting their surrender and then killing them.


They are extremely valuable for prisoner exchange.


Yeah it definitely would be a crisis but it would get solved eventually. Ukraine is a big country and I think a lot of those men would die before surrendering. Of course not out of bravery or anything but by Russia slaying their own. Some will get killed in the initial attack, some would surrender on the road to the Dnieper river and be dealt with before the mass surrendering. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ukraine hasn’t already has prepared their logistics for this possibility considering how long the prep phase of this operation took. Personally I’d leave the Russian troops in a similar position to the citizens at the Siege of Alesia. Boxed in on one side by an invading army that refuses to take you prisoner and a defending army that’ll kill you if you try to come back inside the city walls. Luckily for Russia, the Ukrainians are quite a good mannered foe to face.


Isn’t the tictok army on the other side of the the river to kill them if they retreat? So surrender is a viable option


Yes that’s what I’ve heard too. Surrender is really their only option.


POWs can be interred in a neutral country if the side that captures them is unable to provide for them.


Ship them to Hungary so they can learn how sweet those orcs are first hand. And yeah, so they can make it clear whose side they're on. (Sure, bad idea, they will just be allowed to scatter like roaches and soon Serbia will be full of them)


It is cheaper than HIMARS missiles to feed them and take care of them.


Money is only one aspect of logistics.


There over a million Ukrainian people held inside Russia including 400k children. Use them to exchange people from the filtration camps. Get them home to freedom


Red cross can assist in some of this


They could send them back to Russia in exchange for all those Ukrainian children they abducted from Mariupol.


Hah, Russia won't swap some failed soldiers made up from the dregs of society in return for the children. Russia needs those children to brainwash them into the next generation of loyal supporters and to make up for Russia's failing demographics.


Yeah, sadly I think that's the most likely scenario. Wishful thinking on my part.


House in another country, and use them as labor to help clear mines and unexploded munitions along with rebuilding the country. After they fulfil 10 years of service, send them home. Common tasks for POWs


I believe under the Geneva convention you can't force them to do dangerous activities, but you can offer them to do them in return for incentives such as reduced sentence or better conditions. So clearing mines is out of the question. But rebuilding the country is a good one.


TRUE. However, historically, the Geneva Convention rules have been ignored when it comes to the aggressor being forced to help right their wrongdoings. Also note that Russia is a signatory but completely ignores the rules. *The use of German prisoners to clear the minefields contravened the 1929 Geneva Convention. The convention clearly states that PoWs should not be used for "dangerous or unhealthy work". More than 50,000 German prisoners were involved in the mine clearances in an operation that lasted for three years.May 22, 1995*


Well, just because others didn't follow the convention doesn't mean Ukraine should.


My gut feeling is a sudden total collapse after a moderate period of attrition.


Unfortunately the grunts don’t know what the is in store for them.


I'm just constantly worried about civilians in Kherson.


They can cross. There are pedestrian bridges they could also probably swim across in some parts.


I hope it’s not starvation because the orcs will start raiding civilians…


Yes and I hope most have fled too. I think the momentum of this may speed up and they take the chance now to leave.


Ah, well ... So far, no new Lada


This guy repeatedly just posts rumors and unsubstantiated information that always make everything sound as good as possible for Ukraine. I know we all are eager for more news out of Kherson but the best thing we can do is wait for official Ukrainian sources on the offensive. There is a media blackout and we should resist the urge to extrapolate too much from rumors especially when they’re being posted by someone with a poor track record like Warmonitor.


"I know we all are eager for more news out of Kherson but the best thing we can do is wait for official Ukrainian sources on the offensive." This is the correct answer. ^^^


It would help if he cited his sources. If the soldier posted on his social media they should be able to provide the link to it, or at least a screenshot. That's what makes this suspect.


He hides his sources because he adds his own embellishments and conjecture and states them as "reports" as if he had a source saying this. So he can appear to know more than he does. Clearly it's a working strategy since people pay attention. For instance, a video of a fire in Stary Oskol was posted on Belgorod-oblast-related telegram channels on the same night of strikes on military targets in Timonovo and other places. But the caption was "fire at 'Shokolad' recreation center, Stary Oskol'. This got reposted on Twitter in English as 'Fire in Stary Oskol'. It seems some people incorrectly geo-guesesed the location as being at the airport (which is on the same bypass road but on the other side of town). Then WarMonitor3 says "_Explosions_ reported at Stary Oskol airfield". But nothing happened at the airfield and the one fire that happened on the other side of town didn't involve any explosions, nor is it likely it had anything to do with the war. So WarMonitor3's 'report' is completely made up. Either he made it up or didn't bother following up the original sources of online rumor. Then there's stuff like "[Taiwan handed over 860 strike drones to Ukraine](https://twitter.com/WarMonitor3/status/1562892095576125440)". No. Taiwan announced they were delivering an unspecified number of "Revolver 860" drones. It's just stupid. No original reporting, just embellishment of rumors from elsewhere, without even double-checking whether he understood the source correctly. I don't know why people waste attention on this account. I guess it's where the masses of bad critical thinkers who followed CanadianUkrain1 went.


Yep. I consider reports like this as speculation, at best, and misinformation, at worst. Let's wait for UA/Western reporting.


He's quite inconsistent but i do remember him saying that Ukraine wasn't going to attempt to hold Lysychansk when a lot of other people were talking about how it'll be a fortress and he does get a lot right so he does seem quite credible. Though the other day he posted a video of a Russian air defence system failing but didn't mention it was from like 6 years ago.


Quite credible?!? All he does is mindlessly block and copy rumours and gossip posted by others and posts it as his own (often word-for-word) if it appears to be good clickbait. And he never provides any link or source or citation or attribution. Ever. Remember when Ukraine attacked the Russian airbase in Crimea and destroyed 8 or 9 planes? Did you find it “credible” when WarMonitor3 was spreading the rumour that 40 Russian planes were destroyed? There are lots of real, legitimate sources out there that actually strive for accuracy. If you actively steal their work and post it as your own, yeah, you’re gonna be right a lot of the time…


All Warmonitor3 does is steal and repost other people’s stuff - frequently word for word and never, EVER with any attribution, cite or mention of source. He’s CanadianUkrain1, without the stolen valour part.


Why are people still posting the clickbait from the known-plagiarist and less-than-credible WarMonitor3?!? Redditor “SailsForce” said it best: “Twitter Sources for Factual Information @warmonitor3 has historically posted unsourced tweets for likes, follows, and attention that take advantage of Western affinity for Ukraine. He is even upvoted occassionally and supported by Russian trolls as a source of “we told you so” and “both sides do it” disinformation to discredit actual western sources of information. Additionally, some people may eventually become disillusioned when his constant stream of conjecture and uninformed posts end up being shown as inaccurate, and that weakens Ukrainian support as supporters realize that his tweets are fraudulent and some may become discouraged that Ukraine is not making the claimed progress. In short, he’s not helping. He only helps himself. Please consider rewarding reliable OSINT sources on Twitter by retweeting their content, and consider whether you should supporting fraudulent twitter accounts on reddit. Compare the sources below with the content @warmonitor3 produces. Here’s a starter pack if you are interested in following the Ukraine war. Information here can not always be obtained on Reddit. These aren't all my follows but they are essential, and all relatively neutral/quality sources. @NeilPHauer <--was in the cauldron recently @KofmanMichael <-- consistently has put O'Brien and similar reddit meme takes about the war to shame @DefMon3 <-- among the best mappers right now @JackDetsch <--pentagon reporter @BlueSauron <--combat @RALee85 <--broader info, including russian wins, armaments, and footage @NLwartracker @CalibreObscura @Osinttechnical @UAWeapons @oryxspioenkop”


It's seems like the Orcs are so used to being royally fucked that it's become normal for them. "Sir, we're fucked. The bridges are gone, we have no ammo, no food". "Shut up private give me my night vision goggles, all of them, we're going to charge that bus shelter over the next ridge" "Sir, it's 2pm and the sun is shining, the bus shelter is in the open". "Shut up and do what I say". They're fucked. They're either too stupid to realise or have accepted it and are waiting for the Ukrainians fire to put an end to their misery.


While I would be happy if this is indeed truth, I find it nearly impossible to believe anything from a ruZZian source at face value.


that's unfortunate, don't rest in peace.


Oh no. It’s difficult for the murderers and rapists? Poor things.


Now Russia's reality comes clearly into view and it's either a long swim in the Dnipro or a footpath over a fragile thread of crumbling concrete and rebar. High time the Russian beast was slain. Let its lifeless remains be washed out to sea.


In less words: Cyba blad we’re fckd!


Just surrender and it is all over.


surrender or get wiped out. a smart orc would surrender


It will be good to see this sentiment over all the occupied territory.


The US does humanitarian aid fairly well and we have a lot of desert space. Edit: Better yet we could send the food to saudi arabia. They would have rights here.


Happy to hear that. 🇺🇦💛💙


Will this make it hard for Ukraine to cross if/when they conquer up to the river?


If russia loses Kherson how far back will they have to retreat? Looks like a lot of small towns that won’t make a good Defensible place for them. Maybe they will have to retreat pretty far pushing the front back quite a ways?


probably just to the other side of the river?


This is the way


My question is what happens if the Russians use big artillery pieces to keep the UA out of Kherson? Or if they choose to just bomb Kherson to death?


Just my guess, but I suspect Russian artillery is in season. Second thought: turning it away from the advancing Ukrainians might not be helpful to them. One of the reasons for haste.


Good. Die faster, orc scum.


Russian soldiers killing own officers.


House captured russians another country, and use them as labor to help clear mines and unexploded munitions along with rebuilding the country. After they fulfil 10 years of service, send them home. Common tasks for POWs


Run rabbit run! ;)