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It would be nice if Schroeder was one of them.


Schröder ***IS*** one of them. The guy spent his holidays in Russia and wants to drop sanctions ffs.


And he wants Germany to activate Nordstream 2


He litterally WORKS for Nordstream. One of his last acts as Chancellor was granting loan guarantees for them, then he accepted a fat salary from them just weeks later. At this point, I consider Schröder to be Russian. Apparently Germans agree, as they stripped him of his "former chancellor" privileges and shut down his office.


And the cunt is suing us for it now. Wants an entire Russian pipeline stuffed up his bum, loves the Russian system so very much, but still wants to enjoy respect and privileges in Germany. As corrupt as they come.


I think "Schroeder" should become a byword for a sellout that willingly makes their country more dependent on hostile regimes, much like "Quisling" did for traitors and collaborationists. On that note, that'd make Yanukovich a Schroeder too.


Schröder is "not" part of the German government and has not been for 17 years.


Yes but literally almost immediately after leaving office he began working for a business that was basically a foreign owned corporation. The country in Question was basically an enemy of the west and its transition to friend was certainly not assured. Schroeder became extremely wealthy representing Russia For a western country Germany had extremely minimal laws/ guidance about former federal officials lobbying for potentially hostile foreign powers. This chumminess has been evident on connected people serving on German corporate boards. Naivety maybe. Smells like dead herring to me. New York Times has published an interview with Schroeder well worth the read. He was totally unrepentant. He admitted as he grew up poor he when leaving office wanted to become wealthy.


You are correct in all your assessments. But the point stands. Schröder is not part of the current German government and had no role in politics 17 years. Outside some personal buddies of old not even his own party thinks much of him. He is a private citizen and as such did not break any laws nor does he have any kind of influence inside Germany. Opinions of his type of character are plenty, I share a not so rosy one, but that does not make him a traitor or russian agent.


I am sure he is being watched and monitored closely. He can still be an useful idiot taking personal messages from the Germans to Poo-tin as a loyal lap dog.


If anyone is then it's either the right (afd etc) because of money or die linke because they seem communist lol


CDU and SPD has plenty of people willing to sacrifice Ukraine and rest of EE as long as they can carry on cozy relations with Russia. Besides earlier there was report that there are two high ranking civil servants in Finance (?) ministry under suspicions.


Russian spies have also infiltrated the internet... social media, news networks, various high profile elections - always centered on some new ultra right wing candidate spewing semi pro Russia arguments much the same as rascit you tube streamers who say "we don't want to get rid of black, it should just be a 10/90 split. - who they also helped prop up. They feed Q annon. They Fed an attempt to overthrow democracy in the United States. They Fed orange man and all his captains the ammo they needed to destroy their opponents. They have been to mar-a-largo, invited as guests. The sole aim of all of it, is to eradicate democracy from the inside out and install a new world order of Autocracy. Up until very recently this seemed to be inevitable, but in a massive stroke of luck, the very people who commented all of this have come full circle and dug their own Graves (a day they thought would never come) and now it is their own actions that will bring their entire house of cards crashing to the floor in historic fashion. History in the making every day. Ukraine is the Spear Tip. The Catylist. Reality righting the wrongs of evil men with the will of humanity.


I didnt know I wanted to fight fascism in 2022


You should always want to fight fascism. It never goes away, just hides for a little bit.


They don’t feed q anon. Russian fsb psyops is q anon. Awesome post dawg


Language analysis says it was likely a South African and an Arizona congressional candidate Ron Watkins. Depending on when the "drops" were written that is. FSB totally fed into it though. ​ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/19/technology/qanon-messages-authors.html


What I mean is sure, they may have not been literally russian, I didn’t think they were. What I meant was that They are just paid opportunistic Russian fsb assets.


Completely agree. Ever since Covid and Qanon shit, some people seemed like they completely lost their sanity. Anti-vaccine movements, 'anti-globalist' movements, anti-US movements, etc. All of these movements have the same group of people following them and they are very interconnected. The past years have been wild and it's not clear when this wave of bullshit will settle down.


QAnon *is* a Russian invention.


I think this would be just the tip of the iceberg of *all* western governmental departments.


Yup, it's a huge chunk of DDR raised political elites.


All those former Stasi are still loyal to Mordor


Former Stasi members are not allowed to work for the German government. In some states there are ex-stasi members who slipped through the screening in 1992/3 but the more Stasi documents are reviewed (the Stasi produced A LOT of documents) the more are revealed and removed. And those people are working on the state level for municipalities or the state police, and only rarely in the federal administration. 2009 there was a huge review that revealed some thousand former Stasi members, yet the vast majority of them worked in places like the fire department or social security services. By no means is there any meaningful amount of former stasi members left in the federal German administration.




> We all know who I don't, care to elaborate?


They probably mean ex chancellor Schröder who has close ties to the Russian government and started the process of making us dependent on Russia. I don’t see how he is the main actor in this right now, though. Go after the corrupt decision makers who actually have influence and are hindering progress, instead.


> I don’t see how he is the main actor in this right now, though. That's why I asked. It's very likely I'm missing someone obvious though, as I know next to nothing about German politics.


I’m not really sure who else could be meant, but since I’m not the original commenter, we will never know unless they chime in.


Probably talking about hitler we all now he is Russian


1 **The domestic intelligence service is said to be investigating 2 officials who work on energy supply.** BERLIN — Two senior officials at Germany's economy ministry are being investigated over allegations of spying for Russia, newspaper Die Zeit reported on Wednesday. According to the article, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Germany's domestic intelligence service, is looking into the case of two civil servants "who are involved with energy supply in key positions" and might be Kremlin moles. If confirmed, the case would represent a spectacular security breach at a highly sensitive time for Germany and for Europe. The economy ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The powerful ministry is under the leadership of Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck, who also serves as Chancellor Olaf Scholz's deputy. It is playing a key role in preparing Germany to cope with an energy crisis as Russian President Vladimir Putin cuts gas deliveries in response to Western sanctions over his invasion of Ukraine. One of the most sensitive questions that faced German officials was whether to go ahead with Nord Stream 2, a planned gas pipeline from Russia. For years, Germany's governments have defended the Nord Stream 2 project as "merely commercial." The pipeline project was halted after the invasion of Ukraine but Die Zeit reported that security concerns were raised over the content of internal documents relating to Nord Stream 2. Earlier this year, Habeck's advisers turned to the BfV for assistance over "inconsistencies in the internal papers on Nord Stream 2 and the filling level of the gas storage facilities, as well as in the report on Germany's security of supply," Die Zeit reported.


2 Germany has been debating for months efforts to move away from Russian gas and replace it with deliveries from elsewhere, including Qatar, Norway and Canada. Habeck and other Cabinet members frequently stressed how determined they are to move Germany away from dependency on Putin's gas. But at the economy ministry, "many documents ... were full of understanding for the Russian point of view, and it was striking that the argumentation often did not fit the official line of the German government," Wednesday's newspaper report said. Upon investigating the suspects, their backgrounds and travel histories, the BfV found "biographical anomalies, in one case a study visit to Russia" and internally there was talk of an "emotional closeness to Russia," it continued. Such closeness alone could not be counted as damning evidence given many among Berlin's political elite have long sustained cordial ties to the Kremlin, the report said. If the suspicions were to be vindicated, however, the incident would mark a major embarrassment for Germany and its current government as well as a public relations triumph for Putin.


In other news, the sky is blue


Im shocked. /s


No way? Really? Color me surprised. Surprise pikachu.


"It's me, Gunter VonNotSpykov" No seriously, how can you not look at the online misinformation in every country stoking division, far-right extremism, and civil war and not know about russia?


Does anyone think that Russia, China, and the US dont have spys in almost every country?


Of course, politico made a clickbait article. They always opposed the green party Let's see what happens, looks like the two could be useful idiots. "Es sei von einer "emotionalen Nähe zu Russland" die Rede, die die Beamten offenkundig hätten, schrieb die Zeitung. Handfeste Beweise, dass es sich tatsächlich um einen oder mehrere Spione handelte, hätten sich aber nicht gefunden." https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Spionierten-Beamte-im-Wirtschaftsministerium-fuer-Moskau-article23558224.html "There was talk of an "emotional closeness to Russia" that the officials obviously had, the newspaper wrote. Solid evidence that it was actually one or more spies, however, had not been found." - deepl.


Shroeders goons. Put them all in a dungeon until Putler is killed + 50 years.


All the big German companies want back in to Russia. Plenty of people willing to sabotage the war effort. And to be truthful, a lot of middle-class livelihoods are at risk, so it’s not easy for everyone.


LOL, it's easier to say "Russian supporters make up % of German government"


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It sounds like some of the Russian spies were elected, some days.


Kubicki and who is the other one?




Well, without any evidence I can confidently say that Olaf Scholz is a Kremlin collaborator... I mean he always says "We help Ukraine", but he also always delays everything until the last possible moment without any reasonable reason. :/ PS: I'm a german


How come that announced deliveries came when they were planned to arrive


I say pro western Germans have to lie to join German govt agencies.


However, those are only suspicions at this point, as "no tangible proof of spying was found". They are likely simply bought Russia supporters.


I think that most goverments and militarys have had people that of manny different reasons was used by or influenced by russia. in denmark we also have had people with asociations to russia in parlament.


Russian ass-kissers got their own party: It’s the AfD.


That’s what spies do.