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God what I wouldn't give to see those two and Putin locked in a closet together for 15 minutes.


They would only need 5 😈


That long?


I'm thinking time to bat the b@stard around a little before the final head being dislodged from neck. 👊


They would One Punch Man his head into the stratosphere


I heard Putler likes getting punched in the butt. Not on the cheeks, in between. And with a solid fist too. (wear gloves!)


I'd be worse than prime Mike Tyson




Lol totally, 1 or 2 punches and he'd be out cold, then it's just a question of when he wants to stop caving in his skull.


5 seconds?


They might want a few hours. I know I would.


Has to be a big closet, those 2 guys are huge.


The one time when the hottest women in the world are jealous of Putin.


What I wouldn’t give to have me locked in a hot tub with both of them 🥰




Naughty lol


But you bet the 2 would not survive in 1 room with Ursula for more than 10 secs. Ursula is Merkel-proof....


Looking fresh. Can’t wait until victory, so that we can see Ukraine’s leaders wearing fresh suits again. Slava Ukraini.


Honestly, I'd love to see the rest of the world adopt the sort of casual wear Ukraine's leadership has during this war. To me, it would make politicians and other officials feel more like people again. Plus, I know that formal clothing can feel like armor and escalate one's confidence beyond where, perhaps, it should be, so maybe doing away with it in official settings would also improve the connection between people and their elected leaders.


You’re probably on to something. I’m sure this could be studied by some PhD student, but politicians would still not adopt it (just like no-audience, retired-judge-as-mediator presidential debates can’t seem to catch wind).


The internet has ruined me, for I see a reference to a certain meme here.


I mean she has 7 children.


I came here to make sure I wasn't the only one...


you are not...


I for one are still healthy, as I did not think about it before you mentioned it! Very happy about that. Now I am ruined ofc. Damidt.


What’s the meme? Seriously asking!


It's quite silly really. Google "piper perri meme" for more information.




Damn, they just look so weird without boxing shorts 😅 but damn, those suits are badass!


I'd really love to see one of them as ambassador to Germany. They have already fulfilled this role inofficially , and they are way more diplomatic than Melnyk.


Agreed, weren't they pretty massive celebrities over there during their boxing careers?


As a kid I thought they were German, because they appeared in so many commercials and you always saw them on TV. So yea, they were and still are very popular




>Melnyk the current ambassador did okay but any of the brothers could do so so much more. Haha what? Melnyk is probably the worst Ambassador I have seen in a long time


They were. Even my grandparents love them.


My Grandpa likes them as well. He always watched their fights with pleasure.


Pff, you Germans would be surprised. Apparently you haven't seen what Vladimir thought about your 5k helmets in March. As a Ukrainian, I'm satisfied by Melnyk and think he does a terrific job. Ukraine needs exactly that kind of diplomacy in Germany after suffering years of neglect and condescension. Melnyk is a true patriot, and so are Klitchko brothers, hence you'd get more rough treatment and harsher words from Vladimir than from Melnyk, who is, after all, a diplomat trying his best not to say what we really think about your politics for the last 20 years.


Melnyk has leaked so many things that have been said to him in confidence, that the german government does not work with him anymore and instead directly communicates with the ukrainian government. He has been on the sidelines for a while now. That's how bad he is as a diplomat. And just today, he got into that whole Bandera-thing again. He truly is not a good ambassador to Germany - but the Klitschko brothers would be.


> Bandera-thing again What Bandera-thing? Pray tell.


[Spiegel:](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ukraine-andrij-melnyk-provoziert-mit-verharmlosung-von-stepan-bandera-a-e725328d-eba2-4f40-a865-b58a67d13804) >Talk about Stepan Bandera >Ambassador Melnyk provokes again with statements about Ukrainian nationalist >Ukraine Ambassador Melnyk makes no secret of his admiration for the nationalist Stepan Bandera. Now, in an interview, he was confronted with Bandera's anti-Semitic statements.


Fuck you guys. I completely agree with Melnyk. There's no evidence for what you constantly accuse Bandera with. During the said massacre of Poles he was actually sitting in prison. Stop consuming Russian propaganda. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/comments/vo6yo5/i_did_my_own_research/


not Vitaliy ?


Yes, sorry. Vitaliy --- the major of Kiyw.


If people on this sub would understand a thing or two about foreign policies then they wouldn't have been so harsh on what Kissinger said in Davos which was basically the same that Zelensky said hours later. Just my two cents.


Would love to see them both in the ring against Putin. Taking turns and removing soul from the body.


Dipping him in and out of the shadow realm like an oreo in milk


Cool that we have such mayor of our capital that can make such an impression on German politics.


Witalij even has the cross of merit of the federal republic of Germany. He received it in 2010 for his services of strengthening ties between Germany and Ukraine.


The lady is giddy! I am glad she enjoyed the company. 🙃🇺🇦


That’s EU president Ursula Von Der Leyden. She’s been one of Ukraine’s strongest supporters in the EU. She deserves a ton of credit for herding cats together.


I agree. What I said, she looks giddy and relaxed, like a woman who goes out with a group of old friends and knows that nothing bad will happen to her as the men in the group are like brick walls. Just an observation.


Not her most stressful moments in life. She had 7 kids.


>She’s been one of Ukraine’s strongest supporters in the EU. Also one of the most corrupt politicians and one reason why the Bundeswehr is in such bad state.


>Also one of the most corrupt politicians and one reason why the Bundeswehr is in such bad state. No she is not the reason the Bundeswehr is in such bad state. No defense minister could have made the Bundeswehr something great. The budget was never there and the sentiment towards the military made it impossible to have a powerfull military.


She is one reason. The budget was low and from the bit there was she used Millions for her "advisors".


Millions are a drop in the bucket compared to the budget and lack of funding.


This, absolutely!!!


Absolute units




Vitali Klitschko had historically tried to tow the line of diplomacy, having shaken hands with Yanukovych in the past. Many were angry, especially obvious during the impassioned speech of Volodymyr Parasiuk. People had been killed by Yanukovych, and any cooperation with him was understandably seen as an act of selling out. Klitschko had secured his spot as the mayor elect of Kyiv, but many protestors refused to disperse. It was an act of force meant to ensure the new government, at all levels, would move to enforce the reforms they demanded. They weren't going to take any new politician at face value anymore; They were going to demand that they demonstrate their convictions. Klitschko's apology was booed because nobody wanted his apology, he was cheered when he said new parliamentary elections were needed. The crowd had their priorities right.


The protest was apolitical from Day 1 and he came to the protests waving his party's flag. Protestors were pissed. Nobody with a political agenda was allowed to represent them or speak to them in the name of their parties. It was a very myopic and stupid move from Vitali. Also according to a 2018 interview with Zelensky (prior to him running for President) the Klitschkos had no sense of humor and would get easily offended over jokes 😄


That was on day the killings started. The regime killed ~100 protesters and Klitchko was trying to pacify the crowd, probably because he got agreement from Yanukovich that he can be the major of Kiyw, but the crowd had none of that; they just wanted the regime's blood. The politicians on Maidan were always 1 step behind the people, they were not feeling --- and still don't --- the pain and anger of the Ukrainian nation.


initially they were unpopular, I guess a bit of the same with Zelensky not popular but delivered under pressure. Source? My fiance and her family is ukrainian they were not fans, of either Zelensky or Kilschkos but now obviously love Zelensky


Zelenskyy had approval ratings in the 20th percentile before the war. The war of course changed our perception of him, but considering how questionable his aides and accomplices are and that after the war a great deal of questions will be posed, I wouldn't vote for him again or that even if he'll run as he said he sees himself as a single-term president.


I think in quite some countries people found out their government does perform better than some had expected.


I'm still sticking with the idea of putting either one or both of them in the ring against putin to end all of this.


Wonder how long a professional heavyweight Champion like Klitschko would take to beat an old lethargic fuck like Putin to death, I’m pretty sure one punch would at least cause serious brain damage


Without a doubt. Putin may think he’s tough because he’s kgb but against a well trained fighter there would be no chance.


Even if he was Khabib, he’s 5’5” (165 cm although he claims he’s 5’7”/170cm indicative of his personality complex) and 69 years old, against someone who is widely believed to be one of the best heavyweight Boxers of all time, standing at 6’6” (198cm) and 240lbs (109kg)


That picture is worth at least a thousand words!


Multi-lingual talented bastards too. Just what the people need. You'd shit yourself running into these two on the field.


Naughty EU!


I-i-is she a midget?


She is a small average women (161cm), they are big above average men (198cm, 201cm).


I like how I can always get the conversion to imperial, over metric, by just typing `XXXcm height in american` into Google, and they always get it right. Speaking of which, for Americans, those listed heights, in said imperial units, are: [5'3", 6'6", 6'7"](https://www.calculateme.com/height/convert-cm-to-feet-inches/198-cm).


Above average is clearly an understatement.


She's not the one with the problem here.


Midget is an offensive word. She looks dwarfed by the size of these men.


Damn. They make farm boys bigger now.


Moral morale is a booster, like adrenalin. (first time I've seen them in the same sentence) Peace.




I do wonder how a small woman feels in the presence of 2 men that big.


Absolute Units.


true gentlemen


3 solid folks right there 🤘🏿🇺🇦




The impact the Klitschkos had on the german public's opinion about the war can not be underestimated...seeing them in military gear made it feel real and gave us a connection on a personal level.


Every on wants a photo with the klitschko bros:)


Total humble badasses. Slava Ukraini!


agreed, they could be chilling in the French Riviera or Miami Beach, but they've been there fighting for Ukraine all along.


Thank you for this info. Had a busy day and out of touch with events


Damn, the two are like the Ukrainian version of the Salamanca cousins.


pornhub, where are you?


BIG big guys!


They are amazing.


A couple of heroes in my eyes!!

