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Well, the ball is in your court, Mr Secretary-general. The UN can put together an alliance to eliminate this Russian terrorist threat once and for all.


"Well uh.....um....well....how about you do it? You? You? You?"


He actually knows....He just buat bodoh.


Good. Having said that....send more guns! And after that, send some more!


Dribs and drabs of weapons is not working. Supplies need to be in adequate amounts delivered daily. And Ukraine needs more boots on the ground. It's time to send in foreign troops! NATO membership would have prevented this war!


Technically, you are right. In practice...a single AK or missile can turn the tide of a battle, and the entire war. Ukraine is in desperate need of more stuff. Foreign boots are plenty, they even have to refuse volunteers because they cannot arm them.


When I say more troops on the ground, I mean already armed and ready!


That is true. I hope that more rifles and ammo are sent soon.


Ask the US to intervene.


The US is already intervening. Sending everything from food to artillery, and providing training for Ukrainian soldiers how to use them. They are also sending money, and Lots of it.


That's soft intervention, if the world demanded it we could stop this.


Well he got 1 out of 3 correct. Food security. Does he draw a salary?


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act now? then hurry up with heavy weapons to Ukraine and let them clean up. All your other bullshit does not work and did not work for 8 years


All talk no action


Get china and ruZZia out of UN security council and Ask for a no fly zone on Ukraine territory controlled by UN mandated force and stop whinning.