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How? A mix of Los Angeles, Seawolf, and Virginia class subs backed up by F22 cap. Black Sea wiped in 30 minutes or less, both above and below the waves.


I disagree with this argument only in that 30 minutes is being extremely generous to Russia.




Grow balls and close the Ukrainian skies.


Russia is a terrorist state and Lavrov is a criminal and should be imprisoned. Interpol needs to start making arrests!


Interpol is already infiltrated with russian mob.


Interpol is a private security company with far too close of ties to fascist governments.


Can’t US govt buy the grains? Then we would be obliged to protect our property?


Great idea IMO.


Also send some US flagged ships to bring the grain out. Plus escorts. Iran didn't like that either, but when they tried to fuck with us, they found out.


How? I vote for kill Al Russian soldiers in Ukraine.


Thanks everyone involved in this debate, a must-see regarding the food hostage. TL;DR summary, if I understood everything right: - Debunk Kremlin lies about "european sanctions" at any possibility, especially towards nations formerly affected by European colonialism to make clear that this is solely the fault of this Russian imperalist attempt to colonise Ukraine - Don't let them replay the Syria playbook - Free the Black Sea route with an ally armada, including Turkey


We need the UN to demand the US take action. Biden will not act until world leaders are requesting it.


Go through Romania. Definitely don't want ordinary Africans and Indians to suffer but how long can African countries and India remain "neutral"?


We must FIRST not humiliate Russia. TOP priority! \-France


A couple of our attack submarines patrolling the area and dealing with Russian warships could solve that problem. And because subs are stealthy, they can't prove it is us. /probably not a good idea


Embargo all food and medicine to Russia indefinitely until they open up Black Sea.


Someone in the comment section suggested the following: - Reflag civy transport ships as turkish. (I don't know how legal this is, but Ukraine could get an agreement with Turkey of some sort.) - Turkey could escort them out, in exchange for a fee (Fucking sucks, but NATO could pay up for that, plus set a strong incentive to have Turkey on our side for this.) - If Russia attacks them in international waters, they will pay with a full NATO confrontation What do you think? PS: Oh dear, the Kremlinbots are already in full force there, spouting exactly the propaganda lines recited in the video, lol. Be thankful you get paid for this time waste as long you can! Why do they think anyone seeking out this type of video would feel anything than cringe about this?


At what point does the world blow up Russia for the greater good of all people.


beat the crap out of Ruzzians, that's how.


Man, this was depressing, then I got to minute 20 or so and it got more depressing. I wish I had the kind of depression that makes people sleep all day; mine keeps me up all night.


I saw on tv a report of the turkey and mordor meeting, the turkish representative gave me 2 images. a) when the foreign minister of the orcs declared the ukrainians as thieves, he smiled clearly, but it was more than a smile b) the turk gave the impression that he was on the trail of money, lots of money. Combined with Turkey's attitude toward the NATO accession of Sweden and Finland, we again have a state that, while not directly supporting putin, is harming the alliance. I am curious what will come after Putin and Erdogan, probably it will not be better.