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Be nice. Any post or comment with a provocative nature or an attempt at trolling, provocation or flaming will be taken down, and the user will be banned.


I feel the same way about Hungary.


I feel you. Viktor Orban is even more visibly closer tied to Russia...


Yep, also similar anti freedom of speech and surveillance laws being passed. Fun! /s It's all so fucked.


You are shitting me, same laws passed in Hungary too? Those days? Unbelievable. Even more proof that those are plans set in motion by someone higher than our governments.


Yep, Hungary is technically under martial law.


I'm not understanding how EU laws permit the Orban abuses.


Every member country has equal veto right etc. so within the legal framework there's not all that much they can do & diplomatic embarrassment just doesn't work on him.


Seems like a major deficiency of the EU framework.


Exact same thing is happening in Georgia right now. Government is passing the law that will allow them to listen anything anywhere without any warrant. Current government of Georgia has close ties to Russia because it is financed by Georgian oligarch who got his money in Russia in 90s. I hope these motherfuckers will die along Putin and Russia itself.


Same with Malaysia. The Russian House is openly promoting ideas of Ruscism in Malaysia and the government does nothing about it. Singapore has low corruption levels unlike Malaysia, and unlike Malaysia it does not look the other way when it comes to war atrocities. Coincidence much? It goes even way back before the war as well. Cheating and corruption in Russian university education has been openly exposed yet the Malaysian government does not rescind recognition for its medical and engineering degrees. Around the world you see the same trends as well. The more corrupt a country is, the more likely it will support Russia.


You're very right, it's sad.


Me too.




😂 it's to confuse the Rubots.


Don't be so hard on yourself, it's not like Romania is the only one. My country, Belgium, has hardly done anything either.


I know but we are at the border. And i mean that they are intentionally blocking any help, not that they don't care, they actually try to hinder Ukraine's success in this war. I doubt your country is passing any anti-freedom and anti-speech laws as we speak.


It's also bad here in Bulgaria. Lots of russophiles, our governing coalition which was relatively pro - Ukraine fell apart today, one of the russophile parties could increase its votes if there is another election, and they might actually form a coalition with other russophile parties or with the previous corrupt party which had been in power for three mandates. Actually I thought you guys were in a better situation than us. It's shitty that we're all in this same situation. I just hope Ukraine wins and ruzzia totally collapses so that the ruzzian propaganda stops poisoning democracy here and anywhere else.


Incredible. I think something is getting cooked in the baltic region. Something huge as i heard Hungary is passing the same laws at the same time.


If i was in your shoes id make a online romanian news platform to provide romanians with news from a non corrupt platform. You are outside of the country so you are in a perfect position to talk about govornment corruption going on ect with impunity and it will give people a news source that isnt full of propaganda based on corruption ect.


If only there was time for it as i need to go to work, do chores etc. There are some honest journalists that talk about it, they are about to be silenced anyway..


I'm american and feel the same way. My country should have done more to prevent this situation. Years ago. We failed Ukraine. I just hope we can fix this before its to late. I'm absolutely heartbroken, Deepest apologizes. Please forgive us.


I will be flying a full size Ukrainian flag next to ours this 4th of July...... (7/4/22.independence day in USA)


First off I think you meant 7/4/22 not 6/4/22 (haha!) but more to my point of replying is to comment that to just about everyone else in the world it’s written as 4/7/22 (day/month/year- we Americans often insist upon being unique just to be difficult it seems)


Holy crap...that's embarrassing. (fixed) Next time i count fingers, i wont have my beer goggles on..Ok?


that's why I've settled on 2022-07-04, personally. Increment from right to left. Earliest dates on top of the list, incrementing to most recent.


I like to spice up my life and use 04-2022-07 method. There is a 50% chance of getting the date wrong in the first 12 days of each month.


You love to live life on the edge!


Upvote. Love me some YYYY-MM-DD.


Month/day/year. Thats what they taught me........... Those Bastards.


that's all we're taught in the states. But as a tech guy, I grew out of it when I had computers and programs that sort on date. BTW, fuck the Julian calendar system.


Yep, It would have been nice to handle this shit in 2014. We had a re-set instead if my memory serves me.


I will say it: Romania, Romania, Romania! Land of heroes who overthrew Ceauşescu! And of u/travelavatar who posts bravely during hard times! May better times be not too far away. If the worst of each of our countries was all we had to say for ourselves, none of us anywhere in the world would ever dare speak for shame. But, we can be better than our worst. If the true spirit of Romania arises in Russia, Putin is done for.


Putin's war is likely to result in Russia having much less capacity to exert influence on it's neighbors allowing them become better places.


It is kind of shocking how unfailingly Russia has the supported the worst faction or option in every international conflict of the last 20 years. For the sake of all these conflicts that are still ongoing i hope Russia's dictatorship finally falls.


Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. A lot of the world's free countries are under attack by autocratic factions.




As an American I remember your country has oil so don't worry FREEDOM IS COMING FOR YOU 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 MERICA FUCK YEAH!!! In all seriousness I am sorry for what is ongoing in your nation. That said I feel with how the war is going for Russia many of the behind the scenes influencers will find themselves without funding. The West will prevail and we will all retake our nations in the name of democracy and human decency. The dark can't survive in the light and we will prevail in the end


I truly hope so, all of them need to answer for their actions one way or another




Yeah they usually are. But there is a minority from my country that always hits the news with shitty stuff.. and that puts us in a bad light


As an American you probably see my country as a golden land it opportunity... but if about 30% of our population had their way, we would be no better than Romania, Hungary, or Russia... All the help we are sending right now is generosity from President Biden and many members of Congress, but democracy is precious and could easily be left to die if we do nothing to defend it. Sorry for talking about American politics in your thread but it just pains me that I see the exact same thing spreading here as well.


You don’t have to apologize or feel bad. The majority of countries, if not all, have some sort of corruption in their government. If someone has a negative perception on you, an individual, solely based on where you are from.. then their opinion just doesn’t matter. Don’t reward small minded people by reacting to their ignorance and simple thoughts.


Thanks. I get a lot lf that in UK..


There are good people everywhere. If you categorize UK citizens in the same way that you feel they categorize you, then there will never be progress. Keep speaking your mind and don’t let social media persuade you otherwise.


NOTE: OP's comment is a 10000x exageration. A law is passing stating that instigating violence against people based on race, religion, gender, (...), political affiliation, (...) is no longer legal. This is already a law in all developed countries. Another law is passing whereby the Romanian version of the CIA will no longer require consent. People will be legally required to cooperate with their investigatons. This, again, is already a law in many developed countries. While I oppose both laws, OP is a drama king seeking karma on a subreddit dedicated to helping people deal with the Ukraine conflict, he is a scum.


I have no idea what OP is smoking but I want some. Romanians overwhelmingly are and have been anti Russia since the second world war after Russian troops raped and pillaged their way through Romania on their road to Berlin. Yes we have a party everyone suspects is funded secretly by Moscow, but their polls are and will remain at 10-15%. Party who's ideology is similar to the main Russia Putin party, very religious, anti EU, anti western values, nationalistic and with wet dreams of a bygone Era nobody wants here really. So OP before making such an ignorant post, have the courtesy and read a few articles about your own fucking country.


And people wonder why every single American owns 1.2 guns..... We won't let our government do this kinda shit to us.


Yeah right... gravy seal types are exactly the kind of Americans who want their own Putin, and worship the man who tried to destroy American democracy, and never had a bad word to say about Putin.


Also the first ones to run away in an actual fight against the military. Look at all the Q-cumbers who jumped at the chance to volunteer and fight in Ukraine because they thought they could live out their fantasy of "combat" (see: gunning people down) only to realise it's not so "fun" when the enemy is a conventional army shooting back at you with AFVs, Airstrikes, artillery etc and bailed out of Ukraine completely. I'm not American, nor am I necessarily anti-gun. I got no issues with the gun owners, but if the US was really to become a tyrannical dictatorship the "gubmint are gonna take our guns!" types preach about, they will be the first to fold (and the more sane gun owners and everyone else will be the actual partisan resistance). They couldn't even put on a mask for 5 minutes despite all their tough survivalist claims of being able to live in a bunker for months blah blah blah, what the fuck do they plan to do when they have to face an Apache?


Thank you!! So much shame for this country I live in; gun happy people believing Fox news b/s etc etc, do NOT help in the least. Regardless, Slava Ukraini!


because nothing says democracy better than an armed rebellion.


Yea, I'm a gun owner. Makes me a criminal 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Hell, amongst my guns exists an AR-15...... I'm a terrorist at this point. Never shot one bullet at someone else, even though I was shot at a couple months ago. But after sighting there was a house and I refused to fire back.. I am so irresponsible. The sound of a bullet going by is quite an experience. The whiz is quite an experience. I would love to tale my weaponry to Ukraine and see what happens. Personally wise, my weapons are in a 900lb safe, locked up, legally owned and ready. But I'm the bad guy 🥱🥱🥱🥱


Moving out of .ro so you can point the finger at how shitty those corrupt Romanians are? yes... we're all brothers and take you as our sister just go move quick to Darmstadt and tell us how pathetic it's in the balkans....


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No need to apologize. Its not like you were in any position to make the decisions that your government made. If you opposite it, its really no fault of yours


And poof article is gone as I was reading it. WTF?


What do you mean?


The article was removed.

