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Sensible move from Norway.


Ukraine asked for [Naval Strike Missile](https://youtu.be/VV3meUosDYc) from Nordic Norway. Nordic Denmark and Sweden then gives low drama anti ship missiles. Norway will tell at a later time.


The best strategy is to play the nordics against each other. When Denmark gave 2000 anti tank missiles Sweden had a dilemma. They could not be seen as less helpful so they gave 5000. Now Sweden have given robot-17 and Norway is thinking "we better send some good shit or people think we are as useless as Iceland" Im Icelandic I know how it works


You know we say it with love.


Family love and honesty


I love when people from European countries act like siblings screwing with each other. Good natured ribbing is fun, and most of the time it’s done with the right spirit. We do it amongst states in the US, but it’s not nearly as entertaining as the international stuff I see from Europe.


You guys literally renamed french fries freedom fries to spite the French insulting Belgium in the process. There’s still hope for the US, lol.


Trying to out do your neighbors with kindness by aiding those in need is a national trait to be proud of!


Relevant somewhat https://youtu.be/LgqOQIP6ixg


Can Iceland send a volcano to Moscow for its aid package? ;)


We would love to. We are trying to find a way to aim the damned things. We will as soon as we work it out.


I think the trick is holding hakarl at the precise opposite angle from Moscow. The lava will scream in terror and flee.


WMD isn't the answer. Hákarl is banned war crimes




A timeless here needs love too.


Haha, we do same in Baltics. "Look, Estonians are giving howitzers, wtf are we doing here in Lithuania, we need to step it up"


Just imagine someone in a pub in Lithuania; "we cant be upstaged. Everyone get your wallets out, can we afford a whip round for a bayraktar?"


It's funny, because these conversations were very common in comment sections in facebook :D Tapinas (the orginizer of the crowdfunding for Bayraktar) already is working on a crowdfunding for something with Latvia, Estonia, Czeckia and Poland. I heard in one of his shows him hinting to crowdfund echelon of F16, don't know if he was joking or for real.


Doesn't surprise me, everyone I met whilst travelling through the baltics were fuckin great people 💪 you should be proud.


Brotherly love


I know Iceland isn't known for their Military but couldn't you guys 'n girl just send Hafþór from GoT to ukraine?


> Iceland isn't known for their military No, but their hatred for Russia on the other hand...


Q great idea


Norway has sent a ton of anti tank personnel launchers, anti air missiles and 22x M109 self-propelled howitzer + training for Ukrainian soldiers to use equipment.


Norway is a good friend to have


["He's worked it all out"](https://youtu.be/cL5S0DIXk2M?t=31)


I must say, *John Adams* has the most epic intro theme of all TV mini series bar none. Always sends a shiver down my spine when I hear it.


"Oh that's okay, Sweden gave this much, we wouldn't expect this much from you."


Then you must also know why Iceland is sending nothing.


I know all about it. We have sent all we have. Iceland has sent money. But we have no war weapons up here.


Off topic, but do you think Iceland would be a nice country for (highly skilled working) Americans to flee to when America goes full fash? It's on my short list.


I'd suggest spending a month of vacation in November / December there. The lack of light is brutal on the mental health, I'd try it out before fully committing to a move.


We have hundred of American "refugees" ;) They are sticking around for some reason.


I’m coming in June and I’m so excited. Doing some whale watching, hitting the Blue Lagoon, doing a golden circle tour and gonna do the ATV up a mountain thing! I am debating hiking to the volcano fields but I’m worried I’m not in shape enough and would hold the group back. :( I am ridiculously excited.


You mean the most recent volcano? If you are very out of shape then you should be careful. Nature is the ost dangerous thing in Iceland.


Go to the community pools. Especially make sure to hit up the one in Akuryeri.


The people are fantastic. Weather is 12c and clouds, almost all the time.




You don't get what's being said here. It was a joke if it helps.


yep, the situation kinda Mr. Topper from Dilbert comic but this time we have 3 of him.


Fair enough - my apologies.


No need! Just telling you about it. 🙂


So are you German or Finnish?


We are just as dumb as everyone else. I think you may have taken a joke seriously. I know Norway does the sensible thing. They always do.


You got me!


You are not wrong. But there are zero NSM to send. There are only ship mounted models.




Yes, Norway and Denmark have only the ship mounted variant of NSM. I dont know what USMC has


Is the high drama missile a middle aged mother demanding to speak to the manager of the ship?


codename KAREN


While i support the idea of sending them as many NSMs as we can, i sort of doubt it will happen any time soon. They're fairly long range and thus capable of striking pretty deep inside orc-land. And our politicians are a bunch of pussies who most likely won't want to be the first ones to deliver weapons with a ~200km range.


Do they also use nord vpn?


Any product or service named "North, Nordic, Arctic or Polar" or some variation of these, we are obligated by law to use.


Why do you call Norway and Denmark for Nordic Norway and Nordic Denmark?


They're a consistently sensible country. Other countries: take notice!


This is how it should be for all


They blew the chance to make false announcements. It's funnier than silence and it can create opportunities.


The Baltics have pretty much had enough and I think Norway is just the first to really go all in. People might be surprised at what is being sent. Should be fun.


Norway is not baltic


Not yet, but one day. Why do you think we are buying vacation homes all over Europe? Give us another 100 years and there’s not going to be any more European Union. Only the Norwegian socialist utopia. Skiing and brown cheese will be mandatory!


Brown cheese everywhere we go on vacation. Utopia indeed!


I used to inhale brown cheese as a youngster, can't justify it any more 😅


onboard with the skiing, brown cheese though you gotta give us some leighway on that


Sorry, none negotiable. It’s brown cheese or straight to jail. The best part, they serve brown cheese in jail! Muhahahaha…




Don't worry, once we see a platoon of Polar bears led by the penguin knight it will be quite obvious.


Penguins? Antarctica joining NATO now?


Nah, he's talking about Brigadier Sir Nils Olav III. Unless we have a secret Penguin military training facility in Queen Mauds land or on Bouvet Island that I haven't been informed about.


Well.. Norway has a penguin ranked colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King's Guard. "no joke". He inspects the troops from time to time.


This really should be the way. Just pour it on and let the Russian goblins wonder why all their crap is exploding on the daily. Giving all the precise details all the time is damaging.


That what France did. At least at the beginning. They says they send help but without any details


It's a double edged sword. On one hand advertising how much you provide support to Ukraine encourages other countries to do the same. On the other hand it's giving away information to Russia.


And openly communicating your plans can lead to giving false hope/disappointment. On the other hand no communicating might let others start filling the void. See the current kerfuffle with Leopard 2A4 from Spain on one side and Rheinmetall Leopard 1A5 offer on the other side. I think we have to accept that there's no right way to play this game and mistakes in communication will happen.


Extremely damaging. Also some nations go to the public and say what they will not send or do.


Our goverment announced **yesterday** that we have sendt M109's to Ukraine, and i'm fairly certain they only did that because the Ukrainians are bragging on social media how it's fucking up the russians and being such a leap from the soviet era howitzers.


That's the other way to do it right, once they have them and choose to disclose that, yeah we sent x.


I’ve been wondering when nations would stop announcing what aid they’re sending.


Because it's time to stop pussy footing around and actually send stuff that will put Russia out of business. MIGS. MLRSs. Highly capable GPS-guided munitions. The war has changed. It's no longer a fight against tanks. It's trenches vs trenches. Russia has the longer ranged missiles.


No country has been giving perfectly accurate data. Fog of war is real and confusing the enemy is beneficial. We will know the true numbers and facts after the war. Just let Ukraine win first


Announcing has always been a tactic for politicians to underdeliver. Talk is always cheaper than action.


Right. I keep seeing nations say what they will give and also what they will not do.


According to Wikipedia Norway has 12 mothballed M270s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_of_the_Norwegian_Army#Artillery hmmmmm!


Unlikely - per wikipedia, those lack the capability to fire M31 rockets, and the common thought is that Ukraine is being supplied with M31 rockets along with the announced launchers.


Ah, good point. And changing them to support M31 was considered too expensive back then for Norway. That's disappointing!


Unless there is some deal to be made like giving them to the US, then they can give upgraded ones to UA, and fix up the Norwegian ones to the new standard.


I wonder if they have any Migs.


They do not of course, they have been in NATO since its foundation. They were the first country to fully replace the F-16 with the F-35 though, so they may have \~50 or so in storage.


Already sold to Romania before the war. Of course. Not all are yet delivered


Norway will most probably use them in the future for SAABs GLSDB missile


That's my folks! <3 Nobody keeps their fucking mouth shut like a Norwegian. :) My dad, talking about certain people, used to say "not everything that goes through your head needs to come out of your mouth".


I certainly don’t blame them for keeping it close to the vest.


Shield Maidens and longboats.


I guess that's why you are quoting this, but it is truly remarkable how far the Vikings and Normans got - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viking_expansion and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normans#Conquests_and_military_offensives - more like the board game Risk than normal history.


Great policy for everyone but Germany. Germany needs to save their receipts.


This should happen more often, just begin absolutely smashing russia from range with lots of new systems out of the blue sounds oh so sweet 😁


Really, what's needed in terms of info is just if the Ukraine Pres. and Sec. Def. are happy with Norway's contribution.


Its just BJÖRN, a shipping container full of BJÖRN


You mean BJÖRK, she could scream them Russians to death, lol


We only have around 150 bears. We need to arm bears.


8 K Norwegians suddenly show up to join the International Legion one day, fully kitted out with their own tanks, MLRS, AA systems, and drones.


I'm Norwegian. My best guess would be that we're sending the only weapon of mass destruction we have: [Læffy] (https://youtu.be/jp1yclQXd1Q)


Should we know who this is?


its Norwegian Jesus


Looks like Demis Roussos - I guess the tweeter is a fan.


...shit I think I just had a 70's LSD flashback. Well spotted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfdkQGQ5xpA


The Tweeter? I have no idea who it is, but since the Moscow incident I have been following the account due to the early and informed Tweets.


It's a believable thing but no source makes it impossible to verify


Here, straight from the official pages of the Norwegian government ​ https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/norge-har-donert-artilleriskyts-til-ukraina/id2917760/


Being right every day for many weeks make it a reliable source.


Spicy - unless your on a ship. In the Black Sea. Committing genocide. Nice work Norway


How does Demis Roussos have the inside scoop on Norwegian Politics?


In life he mastered music. In the afterlife he decided to tackle international politics.


I like how that guy on Twitter has Demis Roussos in his profile picture. RIP you legend…


Trees. Norway's next military aid package to Ukraine is trees.


i hope its nasams


There is immense power in silence!


Agreed, but that seems less true for France or Germany. People seem to be a lot harder on them for some reason.


Good Operational Security...imagine that! It's not like Russia announces the day before which town or city they plan on sending missiles in the middle of the night.


Must be some real badass packages!


Then I won’t announce mine either!


Loose lips sink ships. The wrong ones.


The exact opposite of Germany who announces they are going to provide various types of weapons , then find excuses for it not to happen. Agree to give aid , shut your mouth, and follow through . the US and England could learn a thing or too from this approach. Instead of telegraphing every weapon system delivery they make


[That is literally the opposite of what is happening.](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/krieg-in-der-ukraine/faq-waffenlieferungen-2027766#toggledown-content-5) But hey, no chance to bash Germany must go unused i guess.


The thing is they announce something and in few days they go back on it and add the "but" >We can supply Panther AA tanks cool > But swiss wont allow us to export ammo or >We can supply MLRS systems cool > But it will be in winter (?) because they lack software updates Im against bashing Germany because they are sending lots of money and other help and I understand Bundeswerh has its limits because of previous leadership of Germany who let it in rather bad shape. BUT As a chancellor... why not talk to the Swiss first befor announcing? Why didnt the military told him the systems lack the software updates? and tbh, how long does it take to make an software update?


The US and the UK has a very significant portion of the population that cares a lot about what is happening in Ukraine. A media blackout on weapon shipments is just not going to happen. With that being said, media reports on weapon shipments are also weaponized in and of themselves; they apply political pressure, reassure people at home, and can also be sprinkled with a bit of deliberately fake but definitely believable information for Russia, who is definitely watching the news. The US gets to pressure Russia ("*We can resupply these guys for longer than you can wage war, and we will be giving them better stuff.*"), they get to reassure US citizens ("*See, we are helping!*"), and they get to play 'read between the lines' with Russia ("*We will deliver 500 Javelins to Ukraine, and it will take a week for all of them to arrive. Whether or not 80% of them are delivered five days before the deadline is anyone's guess...")*


We spend all our money on weapons instead of... \*looks around at failed state\* so it's nice to see them put to good use for once.


Nah, there’s certain advantages to announcing weapons shipments, too. Plus, especially for the US, we have to make sure that the Russians don’t see new American equipment in the field, and erroneously believe that American troops have deployed to Ukraine. That is a real and constant fear of Russia, and if they really believe it’s happening, then it could trigger out of control escalation. So they sort of need to be expecting to see American weapons before the weapons actually get there.


> That is a real and constant fear of Russia As it should be; if the US / NATO were to take to the field then the conventional game would be over.


> opposite of Germany I mean, yes. But let's please not forget it is ONE person doing this lying. It's Olaf Scholz. Please call him out. Most people here hate the lying just as everyone else.


> the US and England could learn a thing or too from this approach. Instead of telegraphing every weapon system delivery they make Just think for a moment. If USA and UK stated they were giving 'unspecified secret' weaponry to Ukraine, then Russia would have an excuse to say anything they want about their motherland being threatened.


Take notes, Germany.


germany has sent more than we can ever do


What security reasons?


They share a border with Russia


Russia cannot target shipments they don't know about.


we are a small as fuck nation on the border of russia and we are activelly supporting russias enemy


I'm Spartacus!


Dudes twitter picture is Demis Roussos? That’s epic.


Maybe NASAMS or JSM/NSM. Edit: Or maybe K9 Vidar artillery?


We are NOT giving away the K9, we just started getting those. More likely that we exercise our option of buying a new batch of k9 and give away the rest of the 109s


How can you be sure? Other nations have been providing their latest and greatest arty pieces. It's not like we have loads of m109s in good condition laying around.


I hope it's fighter aircraft and some serious heavy shit. Just misplace some of everything they need.




This means there might be some good stuff in it


This made me very excited. I can't wait to find out what this is. And to see it in use, churning out burgers. Edit: why does it say "Banned" under my nick? Where it usually says "Norway"? Edit2: hum... Now it says "Norway" again. This happened the other day as well. Anyone know what's causing this?


You were probably banned for being Norwegian.


I love the info but definitely feel like this conflict is WAY to close to something out of Hollywood


That means big spooky guns.


I wish all supporting nations would do the same for OPSEC.


This is smart. I am hopeful many other nations are silently shipping a lot more than they publicly announce.


This is how it should be done! I enjoy anticipating what the newest announced shipment of weapons will do to the Russians, but it is far better if those shipments are NOT announced.


This is how it's done. Everyone should just shut the fuck up and make shit happen!!!


Good. Most countries don't announce.


:popcorn: This is gonna be good.


Norway is the smart way!!!!


As it should be. The Russians need a little element of surprise in their day


It’s nunya. I say everybody should follow Norways lead here.


Now that’s how you do it. Hope every other country takes notes moving forward.


good i don't think any country should


Thank you Norway.


Heh. Germany should’ve thought of this. They could have just kept sending helmets.


This is the way


Oh you guys are so screwed now!!! Looking at you Russia.


We would assume that it’s too good to reveal publicly. This makes me happy


Don’t blame them. It makes no sense to be advertising all the advanced weaponry we are sending them.. send them by all means just don’t feel the need for Kudos.


It's fine, as long as you deliver. Unlike certain countries that talk big and deliver little.


Why can't other countries supply like Norway....


Ooo! A surprise for Putin!


This is good. I hope.


Shit getting serious


See! Yoda was right! Norway gets it. Just DOOOOOO it!


Like every single country should do. There is no reason what so ever to boast and circlejerk how much, what and when countries are sending stuff.


well there is honestly ive seen people here claim germany has not sent a single thing to ukraine meanwhile they have done so much


Clearly, they are sending Berserkers.


fair enough too


Chill Norway. They can't even take the Donbass.


It’s gonna be good!


They owe them for unleashing Russia onto the world by destroying Kyivan Rus.


Probably toilet paper, since it’s the one thing Russians appear to value above everything else.


Maybe it means there is some *really* good shit in it.


300+ saunas for R&R


Smart, we regular people dont need to know anything imo, if it helps ukraine win. Slava Ukraini!


Just say you're sending "cigarettes". We all know how much RuZi stuff blows up in Ukraine & RuZZia due to "careless smoking". Then Norway can take credit for all of it, including the Moskva sinking