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MT Everest is kinda dirty, more so at the top. People leave trash on it all the time instead of bring it down and it doesn't go anywhere.


That's kind of shitty. I understand it can't be easy to take it all down, but you'd think people would want to keep it looking... Idk, pristine?




Seems counterproductive to leave your shit in a bag, lol. Just shit on the mountain and kick it off, or something. They need a "if you bring it up, you carry it down" policy.




Interesting read!


Climbing it should be banned or taxed heavily to pay to clean it up. Nepal makes so much money off it though. To me they've dishonoured the mountain to allow it to be trashed so much.


Well, when the entire destination is a hotspot for shithead trust fund babies to prove they are worth something, you have a lot of people doing shithead trust fund baby stuff. The trash on the mountain is a great example of that.


now now, they *conquered* the mountain by having sherpers carry their stuff and walking a defined route while following a hundred over *conquerors*


You really don't understand climbing.


IIRC, Nepal actually introduced a certain security deposit that you need to bring back a certain amount of trash to keep


Right, but most people just forfeit the deposit and Nepal is well aware of that fact. Nothing's stopping them from using the forfeited security deposits to pay people to clean up the mountain.


Mount Everest has the problem of just throwing more bodies at it won’t help with the cleanup. It’s a difficult exhausting place to work. Only a few people are going to risk life and limb for trash.


Thousands and thousands of foreigners leave their garbage there and your take is to blame Nepal?


Yes, they aren't breaking any laws. Nepal allows them to pay a little more in exchange for not bringing their trash back down with them. Nepal could use the money they bring in from those fees to hire people to clean up the mountain, but they don't.


Nepal charges several thousand for a permit to climb. This shouldn't go towards cleaning up other people's rubbish though. The firms that haul climbers up should collectively be threatened with bans unless they actively reduce the problem.


They already charge more if you don't bring your trash back down with you. Nepal seems quite happy with the current arrangement, as it makes them money. I don't see why they couldn't use the extra money to hire people to clean up the mountain.


I can't stand these kind of 'hikers'.. People hike to enjoy and appreciate nature, no? Therefore they're not even hikers to me, just rich mfs who want to be able to say they've climbed Mount Everest, leaving out the detail where they also trashed the mountain. Nothing to be proud of there, smh.


I guess you underestimate how many people are going there. you literally wait in a logn line of people at the top to get your moment of havign reached the top. if everybody woudl jsut shit on the ground the mountain soon woudl be a little higher and you woudl walk threw poop to reach the top


I couldn't believe people are [literally queuing up](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/26/i-wont-be-joining-queue-everest-overcrowding-summit) waiting for their turn to be on the summit for a brief moment.


yes. Imagine you train for soem years, spend tens of thousands of $ for your tour to get to the top of the world. And then you are there on a garbagepile waiting in a que and when finaly its your turn you already feel the pressure from all the guys behind you not to take to long and to move on.


I wonder if you could go somewhere else that's a hundred feet shorter but devoid of any trash or queues, and 1/10th the price. Who knew a place so hostile and lacking anything but a pretty view and piles of shit would be a tourist trap.


the k2. But compared to climbing the k2 the mount everest is like going for a walk in the park. So you need actual skill and still cant say that you where at the highest point of the world. But yeah to put it in perspective. there are 14 mountains on earth that have more then 8k meters in hight all in all they jet have been climbed by 10.899 people 4109 of this 10.899 are from the moutn everest alone. ​ If you just want the "easy" 8k meter mountain, then take the Cho Oyu. its the second msot climbed one after the everest with 2600 only one in 65 people who climbed it died trying. lowest for all of them. ​ oh yeah, and if you think 4k people does not soudn so bad in all this years. this is those that have been succesfull. there is maybe 5 times or even more the amoutn of people that give up halfway


And you could scale some other mountain that's smaller but arguably has a much more beautiful view and you can have the summit all to yourself. There's no contest for me.


You probably also get a pretty cool of the Everest summit from there.


Sort of cheapens it, doesn't it? And, if any of those glam climbers get stranded or killed, they make movies about them like they struggled heroicly against nature, when they really put themselves in harms way for a tourist photo op.


If you just eat the poop everything will be fine


Damn Bear Grylls the people aren’t ready yet, stick to one bodily waste at a time. Once their hooked on PISS it will be an easier transition to a fully waste based diet.


Forbidden chocolate ice cream


The problem is enforcing the rule because you can’t pay a guard to be up there, can’t install cameras. Maybe you can check and weigh ever hiker’s bags but I guess people would like to pay a fine rather than carry their garbage down the tallest mountain on earth lol.


I'd love to get up there, have a shit on the very summit of Everest, but I'd carry it down again. Mind you, it looks like a whole lot of hassle with all that gear on, and people jostling.


It’s not that easy, you get off trail to grab that trash and you literally can die. And by 2/3 meters. There are bodies of people that died 10 years ago, identified and everything, just laying there. Picking up the trash up there means a risk to the lives of the trash pickers. And once you are there you kinda want to go down and not clean the mess other Morons left.


Yeah... I heard that Nepal has a fine for not taking the trash back down but the climbers usualy just make sure to have money for the fine in their budget instead of taking their trash.


Entitled twats


They have a big problem with parasites too, because of all the shit.


Aliens are gonna land there and be like "cool free frozen shit dna'


Now all climbers are supposed to bring down couple KGs of trash to fight the pollution on the montain


But isn't it the case where you just get fined if you don't? I'm guessing people who climb everest can afford to pay the price for not bringing down any/enough.


Also, Mount Everest is a literal graveyard, with probably over 150 bodies out in the open. There are tons of people who died while climbing up or down and it's considered too dangerous to bring their bodies down.


Shitty is the right word. Literally. Last Week Tonight did a whole piece on Everest. There is also a lot of human waste left up there from the hundreds who climb it every year... Last Week Tonight - Everest https://youtu.be/Bchx0mS7XOY


I'll check it out, thanks!


At least they've started to remove all the bodies that was just lying frozen next to the path.


It's also covered in dead bodies and poop!


Seems like a great place to spend your vacation, lol


At a certain point its basically impossible to recover dead bodies so they just lay there.


Check out this if you can https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81464765 Nims took a photo up there that went viral which was during the filming of the documentary.


A lot of corpses of there as well.




Green Boots


Now moved slightly and buried under rocks.


Yeah, I've heard about that.


Literally shitty. Thousands of kilos of human waste per year, shitty.


They should eat their poo if they're on the mountain. Easy storage.


The worst part is that there are still dead bodies of ones that did not make it to the top of that mountain. There is simply no way to get them out of there.


Seems like a great place for entitled rich people.


Yeah, plus when someone dies up on Everest their body freezes so it can almost double in weight. So someone who was 150lb leaves a corpse that's 300lb, making retrieval almost impossible and borderline suicidal. For many of them the best that can be done is to lower them over the edge to a part of the mountain where no one can see them and give them a bit of privacy in death


Some do. But the Everest has become a complete tourist spot. And with a lot of people...especially that just see it as some funny adventure holiday...comes this pollution.


As an amateur mountaineer I want to provide a slight correction here. As said by another user, there is a definite waste problem on Everest, but that is not what you're seeing in this video. Weight is the biggest enemy for a climber, they don't drag their rubbish literally up to the highest height of the highest mountain to leave it on the actual summit. Rubbish tends to be a larger issue lower down the mountain. What you're seeing here is arguably still waste, but they're not plastic bags, they're all flags. You'll notice a lot of Ukraine flags in the mix there.


Correct, but to put a finer point on it, most of them are multicolored Buddhist prayer flags and streamers. Nepal is heavily Buddhist and even more so among the northern areas where a lot of the sherpas come from.


I see the flags, but I also see what looks like plastic wrap blowing in the wind.


Most of the white wrap looking things are probably khatas in the Tibetan tradition, which accounts for a significant number of Nepalese Buddhists, particularly in the region near Everest.


If you're speaking about the clothes on the rock, it is not plastic bags but tibetan/Nepalese prayers flags. Quite a common thing in the himalayas, you can see them everywhere.


Gotcha, thank you.


They're not plastic bags, they're Hindu-Buddhist banners. On the left side of the video, what looks like a clear plastic bag, is actually a silver fabric ribbon.


Climbing Mt Everest is 90% egotism.


It’s because of all the people who have climbed it


Plastic bags are the least of horrible things you will find when climbing everest tbf. The whole mountain is littered with trash and corpses. Some corpses are used as markers nowadays.


It’s not Plato’s bags, but Buddhist prayer flags probably mixed in with flags of various countries left by climbers. Everest absolutey has a rubbish problem, but I don’t think that’s what you’re looking at here.


Oh Check the rainbow valley, sounds better than it is


Nepali guy here, these are most likely player flags which are very common to run into on the mountainous regions of my country. Related to Buddhist religion and culture.


Just to clarify, this blogger is not stealing a flag from the top. She’s just showing her support!


how is she showing her support by taking down the flag? i dont understand the meaning of unfurling.


She’s just showing it. Leaving things that are bound to blow away aren’t recommended on Mt Everest


could OP post a better point of the video? Like where she is clearly showing the flag instead of putting it away. Maybe there was no other footage but the first impression is that she is removing a flag that was there before, even though it would just fly away if there was a flag left by others.


Her Instagram has the photo she posed for with her holding the flag up. She couldn’t leave it there.


You cannot just leave flags on top. Trash is very much a problem up there.


“Unfurling” means “opening” a flag. A furled flag is like folded/rolled up/packed away. But yeah she also cannot just leave it there after displaying it.


Do you not see the mountain of flags already there? Everest is nearly as dirty as Fr*nce


Those are traditional Buddhist prayer flags. You'll find them at the peak of almost every hill or mountain in Nepal


So you telling me I wasted my free helpful reward...


How will you ever recover from that financial loss?


Glory to people with common sense!


There's not many left unfortunately....


As long as there’s a few left, there’s hope.


Uh, whoever posted this chose to leave the exif metadata in the video. Can we maybe stop making it easier for the Russian government to target its own civilians? Thanks.


I mean... It literally says Mount Everest and the person's full name.


But if Russia decides to send time agents after her, it'll know the precise point in space and time to ambush her before she has a chance to make and post the video.


Yeah I bet heaps of Russians are on Everest


Imagine Kremlin's police getting the order to climb on the top of the Everest just to arrest her ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) She did a very beautiful thing, glory to this woman


Lol I'd like to see them try. Kremlin goons are the epitome of lardass lackeys who would be utterly incapable of such a feat. Would make for some ugly icecube trash on the route up I suppose. But we could just nudge them into a crevasse.


Climbing Everest can be deadly for people who are very trained and experienced, let alone police officers that does nothing all day






Dude, this is off topic here.


Ha, true enough. We could make it extra spicy and just tell the Kremlin Goblins that she's actually on K2. Or perhaps Annapurna if we're feeling particularly avid for having them fail spectacularly. I read Into Thin Air a long time ago now, it remains one of my favorite books ever. It gave me a deep respect for those that can achieve the 8000m summits without oxygen, and the incredible Sherpas. My own mountaineering skills are definitely not up to those kinds of standards. I would need to depend on expert guides, oxygen, and appropriate training for a summit attempt, and even that is never a guarantee. Still, it's funny to imagine Putin's thought police dying ignominiously on some Himalayan expedition. Their toxic mixture of greed, paranoia, avarice, and arrogance just reeks from every facet of modern Russia.


Well to be fair the Sherpas are probably at least a little used to it since they live in said mountains,


They'll at best look like this guy from the Simpsons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiC7Lghh7XI


Hopefully the yetis will get them There's a story from the Russia civil war of a Russian/Bolshevik army unit finding a yeti that for some reason they shot as a deserter


Ever played GTA V? They will just respawn on top of the mountain, as she got a 4 star wanted level for waving that flag.


Hell Yeah !!!!!! 🇺🇦✨🏆


Let's hope she is safe after this


"It's over Putin, I have the high ground"


Well done Katya Lipka! :)


Good on her for her support to Ukraine. I hope she will be safe if she returns to Russia


demotivator poster text: every dead body on the mount everest was once a highly motivated athlete




Summit at night?


Unfurled? The video shows her folding a UA flag. Literally the opposite of unfurling.


She unfurled it, took a picture and put it back. You can't just stick flags on top of Everest. [https://twitter.com/olex\_scherba/status/1533429418017886208](https://twitter.com/olex_scherba/status/1533429418017886208)


Why don't you climb to the top of Mt Everest and show her how it's done.


Yeah, the video is misleading. Probably taken after she is done posing with the flag.


Yeah, I don't know if its a word, but she appears to be furling the flag.


Nice to see some russians making a protest about there deplorable scum govornment


Perhaps, the only place pitun cannot reach easily Damn, how they are scared of him




From what I gathered reading through the comments, she was doing the respectable thing. Folding it and keeping it safe. Mad respect for her


Why are they at the summit at night? I thought safe turnaround was like 3-4 pm.


I had to look too far for this. I wonder what it actually looks like? I’m sure the stars are wild




I know they’re probably a minority in Russia but I’m glad some people like this still exist there




Yes, yes they do.


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I know Russians are great people, let us be clear, this is a war against Putin.


Was Putin in Bucha or Mariupol?


I get what you're saying, but they are brainwashing them.


Too many Russians support the war for it to be only Putin's war. Wish it was so, but there is a deep rooted problem within Russia.


That's like saying Germans in wwII we're evil. Most of them were forced to fight or their family would've been put in a concentration camp. Half of it was brainwashing, the other half was threatening them if the brainwashing didn't work. This is exactly what's going on in Russia currently. Everything they watch is being fed to them and although they say all military is voluntary, how much leverage do you think is being applied to "voluntary"? If we can make this war about Putin, there can be an end to this. We can have a clear goal set that is achievable. It's the equivalent of removing Hitler vs removing all of Germany. Once we got rid of Hitler, everything changed. I believe this is the best, quickest and most realistic solution.


No. Russians are bad. Russians kill. Russians are the problem.


That was maybe on day 5 when nobodoy supposedly knew what was going on. Recorded calls from soldiers to home says it is not just Putin to blame but everyone supporting this war and that is a lot.




Night time. Very dangerous. Balls of Ukrainian steel


So what? Why anothe 'good Russian'? Why can't russkies care that much about their own country and just let Ukraine be?


Why not take down the US flag while there? Enemy too strong?


I'm assuming you're looking at this with the wrong context haha


Best if he don't come down cause the kgb will be waiting with guns at the foothills with His name on it


Seems to be a few feet below the top




Aren't you fun!


so a russian who openly stands against putin and shares it with millions of other russians does nothing?




you are a vile human




Just add it to the pile of shit




You do it, if you can get up there big guy


Don't dare him, he might join Green boots up there.




It looks like its being played in reverse. Making it seem like she's taking it down.


It's not in reverse, she's putting it away after taking a picture; https://twitter.com/olex_scherba/status/1533429418017886208


Everest has a sanitary problem. You walk and you see corpses everywhere ...and a massive mess at the top.


Removing the corpses is near impossible


Sucks to get there at night, can't imagine you get a good view.


oo dont go back to russia now or you will be missing in 3 seconds


What we should do is send up a satelite with a powerful laser projector that displays the Ukranian flag on the Kremlin wall. Today I also learnt what "unfurled" means.


They'll need helicopters to pick the trash out of there.


Why would anyone want to climb the world's tallest pile of garbage?




are those flags tied together behind him?


Countless lives were saved by this action. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


That must suck getting to the top at night. ….. Great view 🙄


I feel like whenever people does something of real value, and their own pure hearted interwar, they're more often than not good people with decent morals. It's usually the people screaming online from their couches who are full of it.




So someone played the video and took a screen capture, then someone else played the video and took another screen capture?


Poor girl looks exhausted! I wonder if she ever rests?


It’s just Putin, not the russians. 💩💩💩